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- --sulfur tryoxide
- local chemicalInfuser0 = peripheral.wrap("chemicalInfuser_0")
- local chemicalInfuser1 = peripheral.wrap("chemicalInfuser_1")
- --tank
- local tank4 = peripheral.wrap("dynamicValve_4")
- --sulfuric acid
- local chemicalInfuser2 = peripheral.wrap("chemicalInfuser_2")
- --tank
- local tank5 = peripheral.wrap("dynamicValve_5")
- --hydrofluoric acid
- local chemicalDissolutionChamber0 = peripheral.wrap("chemicalDissolutionChamber_0")
- --tank
- local tank6 = peripheral.wrap("dynamicValve_6")
- --uranium hexafluoride
- local chemicalInfuser3 = peripheral.wrap("chemicalInfuser_3")
- --tank
- local tank7 = peripheral.wrap("dynamicValve_7")
- --fossile fuel
- local isotopicCentrifuge0 = peripheral.wrap("isotopicCentrifuge_0")
- --tank
- local tank8 = peripheral.wrap("dynamicValve_8")
- local reciverID = 20
- while true do
- message = {
- tryoxide = {
- machine0 = {
- leftCapacity = 10000,
- leftInput = chemicalInfuser0.getLeftInput(),
- rightCapacity = 10000,
- rightInput = chemicalInfuser0.getRightInput(),
- outputCapacity = 10000,
- output = chemicalInfuser0.getOutput(),
- energyUsage = chemicalInfuser0.getEnergyUsage(),
- },
- machine1 = {
- leftCapacity = 10000,
- leftInput = chemicalInfuser1.getLeftInput(),
- rightCapacity = 10000,
- rightInput = chemicalInfuser1.getRightInput(),
- outputCapacity = 10000,
- output = chemicalInfuser1.getOutput(),
- energyUsage = chemicalInfuser1.getEnergyUsage(),
- },
- tank = {
- maxCapacity = tank4.getChemicalTankCapacity(),
- stored = tank4.getStored(),
- },
- },
- solfuricAcide = {
- machine0 = {
- leftCapacity = 10000,
- leftInput = chemicalInfuser2.getLeftInput(),
- rightCapacity = 10000,
- rightInput = chemicalInfuser2.getRightInput(),
- outputCapacity = 10000,
- output = chemicalInfuser2.getOutput(),
- energyUsage = chemicalInfuser2.getEnergyUsage(),
- },
- tank = {
- maxCapacity = tank5.getChemicalTankCapacity(),
- stored = tank5.getStored(),
- },
- },
- hydrofluoricAcid = {
- machine0 = {
- gazInputCapacity = 10000,
- gazInput = chemicalDissolutionChamber0.getGasInput(),
- itemInput = chemicalDissolutionChamber0.getInputItem(),
- outputCapacity = 10000,
- output = chemicalDissolutionChamber0.getOutput(),
- energyUsage = chemicalDissolutionChamber0.getEnergyUsage(),
- },
- tank = {
- maxCapacity = tank6.getChemicalTankCapacity(),
- stored = tank6.getStored(),
- },
- },
- uraniumHexafluoride = {
- machine0 = {
- leftCapacity = 10000,
- leftInput = chemicalInfuser3.getLeftInput(),
- rightCapacity = 10000,
- rightInput = chemicalInfuser3.getRightInput(),
- outputCapacity = 10000,
- output = chemicalInfuser3.getOutput(),
- energyUsage = chemicalInfuser3.getEnergyUsage(),
- },
- tank = {
- maxCapacity = tank7.getChemicalTankCapacity(),
- stored = tank7.getStored(),
- },
- },
- fossilFuel = {
- machine0 = {
- inputCapacity = 10000,
- input = isotopicCentrifuge0.getInput(),
- outputCapacity = 10000,
- output = isotopicCentrifuge0.getOutput(),
- energyUsage = isotopicCentrifuge0.getEnergyUsage(),
- },
- tank = {
- maxCapacity = tank8.getChemicalTankCapacity(),
- stored = tank8.getStored(),
- },
- },
- }
- print(textutils.serialize(message))
- rednet.send(reciverID,message,"all")
- sleep(0.1)
- end
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