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- import math
- import random
- import time
- class Nim():
- def __init__(self, initial=[1, 3, 5, 7]):
- """
- Initialize game board.
- Each game board has
- - `piles`: a list of how many elements remain in each pile
- - `player`: 0 or 1 to indicate which player's turn
- - `winner`: None, 0, or 1 to indicate who the winner is
- """
- self.piles = initial.copy()
- self.player = 0
- self.winner = None
- @classmethod
- def available_actions(cls, piles):
- """
- Nim.available_actions(piles) takes a `piles` list as input
- and returns all of the available actions `(i, j)` in that state.
- Action `(i, j)` represents the action of removing `j` items
- from pile `i` (where piles are 0-indexed).
- """
- actions = set()
- for i, pile in enumerate(piles):
- for j in range(1, pile + 1):
- actions.add((i, j))
- return actions
- @classmethod
- def other_player(cls, player):
- """
- Nim.other_player(player) returns the player that is not
- `player`. Assumes `player` is either 0 or 1.
- """
- return 0 if player == 1 else 1
- def switch_player(self):
- """
- Switch the current player to the other player.
- """
- self.player = Nim.other_player(self.player)
- def move(self, action):
- """
- Make the move `action` for the current player.
- `action` must be a tuple `(i, j)`.
- """
- pile, count = action
- # Check for errors
- if self.winner is not None:
- raise Exception("Game already won")
- elif pile < 0 or pile >= len(self.piles):
- raise Exception("Invalid pile")
- elif count < 1 or count > self.piles[pile]:
- raise Exception("Invalid number of objects")
- # Update pile
- self.piles[pile] -= count
- self.switch_player()
- # Check for a winner
- if all(pile == 0 for pile in self.piles):
- self.winner = self.player
- class NimAI():
- def __init__(self, alpha=0.5, epsilon=0.1):
- """
- Initialize AI with an empty Q-learning dictionary,
- an alpha (learning) rate, and an epsilon rate.
- The Q-learning dictionary maps `(state, action)`
- pairs to a Q-value (a number).
- - `state` is a tuple of remaining piles, e.g. (1, 1, 4, 4)
- - `action` is a tuple `(i, j)` for an action
- """
- self.q = dict()
- self.alpha = alpha
- self.epsilon = epsilon
- def update(self, old_state, action, new_state, reward):
- """
- Update Q-learning model, given an old state, an action taken
- in that state, a new resulting state, and the reward received
- from taking that action.
- """
- old = self.get_q_value(old_state, action)
- best_future = self.best_future_reward(new_state)
- self.update_q_value(old_state, action, old, reward, best_future)
- def get_q_value(self, state, action):
- """
- Return the Q-value for the state `state` and the action `action`.
- If no Q-value exists yet in `self.q`, return 0.
- """
- key = (tuple(state), action)
- if key in self.q:
- return self.q[key]
- else:
- return 0
- def update_q_value(self, state, action, old_q, reward, future_rewards):
- """
- Update the Q-value for the state `state` and the action `action`
- given the previous Q-value `old_q`, a current reward `reward`,
- and an estiamte of future rewards `future_rewards`.
- Use the formula:
- Q(s, a) <- old value estimate
- + alpha * (new value estimate - old value estimate)
- where `old value estimate` is the previous Q-value,
- `alpha` is the learning rate, and `new value estimate`
- is the sum of the current reward and estimated future rewards.
- """
- key = (tuple(state), action)
- new_q = old_q + self.alpha * (reward+future_rewards-old_q)
- self.q[key] = new_q
- def best_future_reward(self, state):
- """
- Given a state `state`, consider all possible `(state, action)`
- pairs available in that state and return the maximum of all
- of their Q-values.
- Use 0 as the Q-value if a `(state, action)` pair has no
- Q-value in `self.q`. If there are no available actions in
- `state`, return 0.
- """
- return self.best_future_reward_action(state,True,False)
- def choose_action(self, state, epsilon=True):
- """
- Given a state `state`, return an action `(i, j)` to take.
- If `epsilon` is `False`, then return the best action
- available in the state (the one with the highest Q-value,
- using 0 for pairs that have no Q-values).
- If `epsilon` is `True`, then with probability
- `self.epsilon` choose a random available action,
- otherwise choose the best action available.
- If multiple actions have the same Q-value, any of those
- options is an acceptable return value.
- """
- actions = Nim.available_actions(state)
- random_action = random.choice(list(actions))
- best_action = self.best_future_reward_action(state,False,True)
- if epsilon is False:
- return best_action
- else:
- if random.random() < self.epsilon: # This happens with probability epsilon
- return random_action
- else: # This happens with probability 1-epsilon
- return best_action
- ##################### UTILITY #########################
- def best_future_reward_action(self, state, best_reward, best_action):
- actions = Nim.available_actions(state)
- if len(actions)==0:
- return 0
- else:
- random_action = random.choice(list(actions))
- maximum = 0
- for action in actions:
- key = (tuple(state), action)
- if (key) in self.q:
- val = self.q[key]
- else:
- val = 0
- if val > maximum:
- maximum = val
- best = action
- if best_reward == True:
- return maximum
- if best_action == True:
- try:
- return best
- except UnboundLocalError:
- return random_action
- def train(n):
- """
- Train an AI by playing `n` games against itself.
- """
- player = NimAI()
- # Play n games
- for i in range(n):
- print(f"Playing training game {i + 1}")
- game = Nim()
- # Keep track of last move made by either player
- last = {
- 0: {"state": None, "action": None},
- 1: {"state": None, "action": None}
- }
- # Game loop
- while True:
- # Keep track of current state and action
- state = game.piles.copy()
- action = player.choose_action(game.piles)
- # Keep track of last state and action
- last[game.player]["state"] = state
- last[game.player]["action"] = action
- # Make move
- game.move(action)
- new_state = game.piles.copy()
- # When game is over, update Q values with rewards
- if game.winner is not None:
- player.update(state, action, new_state, -1)
- player.update(
- last[game.player]["state"],
- last[game.player]["action"],
- new_state,
- 1
- )
- break
- # If game is continuing, no rewards yet
- elif last[game.player]["state"] is not None:
- player.update(
- last[game.player]["state"],
- last[game.player]["action"],
- new_state,
- 0
- )
- print("Done training")
- # Return the trained AI
- return player
- def play(ai, human_player=None):
- """
- Play human game against the AI.
- `human_player` can be set to 0 or 1 to specify whether
- human player moves first or second.
- """
- # If no player order set, choose human's order randomly
- if human_player is None:
- human_player = random.randint(0, 1)
- # Create new game
- game = Nim()
- # Game loop
- while True:
- # Print contents of piles
- print()
- print("Piles:")
- for i, pile in enumerate(game.piles):
- print(f"Pile {i}: {pile}")
- print()
- # Compute available actions
- available_actions = Nim.available_actions(game.piles)
- time.sleep(1)
- # Let human make a move
- if game.player == human_player:
- print("Your Turn")
- while True:
- pile = int(input("Choose Pile: "))
- count = int(input("Choose Count: "))
- if (pile, count) in available_actions:
- break
- print("Invalid move, try again.")
- # Have AI make a move
- else:
- print("AI's Turn")
- pile, count = ai.choose_action(game.piles, epsilon=False)
- print(f"AI chose to take {count} from pile {pile}.")
- # Make move
- game.move((pile, count))
- # Check for winner
- if game.winner is not None:
- print()
- print("GAME OVER")
- winner = "Human" if game.winner == human_player else "AI"
- print(f"Winner is {winner}")
- return
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