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- Trope list in the tvtropes article about Homestuck, with descriptions.
- Ascended Extra: The trolls started out as minor characters in a chatroom, but they quickly became the main focus of the comic.
- Badass Boast: Terezi has a few.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Karkat is a very nice guy once you get to know him, but he has a very short fuse and is not afraid to go into a rage.
- The Big Guy: Gamzee is the biggest and strongest troll, and is not afraid to use his size and strength to his advantage.
- Brains and Brawn: Kanaya and Terezi are this for the trolls. Kanaya is the brains of the group, being the most knowledgeable about their quest, and Terezi is the brawn, being the most physically powerful troll.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Most of the trolls, but especially Caliborn and Aranea.
- The Comically Serious: Vriska often plays the straight man to the other trolls' antics.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Gamzee is often portrayed as a dopey, spaced-out slacker, but he's actually a very powerful and dangerous troll.
- Designated Hero: John is this for the humans.
- Doomed Hometown: Earth is destroyed early on in the comic.
- The Ditz: Nepeta is an example of this.
- The Dragon: Lord English is this for the trolls.
- The Fashion Victim: Tavros has a terrible sense of fashion and often dresses in ridiculous outfits.
- The Femme Fatale: Aranea is a master of manipulation and often uses her charms to get what she wants.
- The Generic Guy: Karkat is the most average looking troll and is often overshadowed by the more colorful characters.
- The Hero: John is the protagonist of the comic and the one who drives the plot forward.
- The Lancer: Dave is this to John. He's not as heroic or idealistic as John, but he's a loyal friend and a formidable fighter.
- The Mentor: Rose is this to John and Dave. She's the one who teaches them about the game and helps them navigate the complex troll culture.
- The NaΓ―ve Newcomer: John is this to the game of Sburb. He has no idea what he's doing and has to learn everything from scratch.
- The Nice Guy: Karkat is a kind and caring troll who always looks out for the well-being of his friends.
- The Ojou: Nepeta is a high-class troll who comes from a wealthy family and is used to getting her way.
- The One Guy: Gamzee is the only male troll in the main cast.
- The Quiet One: Vriska is a very introverted troll and doesn't say much.
- The Smart Guy: Kanaya is the most intelligent troll and is responsible for figuring out many of the game's complex puzzles.
- The Snarky One: Tavros and Vriska are both very sarcastic trolls who enjoy making jokes at the expense of others.
- The Spock: Terezi is the most rational and level-headed troll, and is often the one who provides logical solutions to the group's problems.
- The Start of Darkness: Aranea's fall from grace is this for the trolls.
- The Strongman: Gamzee is the strongest troll and can easily crush someone with his bare hands.
- Team Mom: Kanaya is this for the trolls. She's often the one who provides emotional support for her friends and tries to keep the group together.
- Troubled, but Cute: Karkat is a bit of a mess, but he's also sweet and lovable.
- The Unfazed Everyman: John is often surprised and shocked by the bizarre things that happen in the comic, but he always manages to keep his cool and deal with whatever comes his way.
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