
Elemental Battlegrounds Element Ideas: Cero Element

Sep 7th, 2018
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  1. Element: Cero
  2. Type of Element: A *VERY* High Damaged Element, but Slow Attacks
  3. Elements Needed: Chaos + Explosion
  4. Cost: 1.5K Diamonds
  5. Moveset Colors: Crimson Red to Bright Orange
  6. Movesets:
  8. 1: [Bullets] Red Stars: User summons 20 floating red orbs from the ground and surrounds the user, then uses the mouse to point where the "Red Stars" land, then cause a medium explosion each. the firerate of the bullets are very fast, and each one of them deals 15 damage each. [Cooldown: 12 seconds] [Mana: 270] [Lifetime: 10 seconds] [Cost: 800 Shards]
  10. 2: [Blast] Estrella de Oscuras (Star of Oscuras): User charges a red orb with spiraling charging effects for 2 seconds then fires an orb with spiraling effects at a very high speed. It Explodes with a red beam with the direction going up, with a sphere explosion added by spiraling effects that grows for Three seconds and retracts back and fades, which deals 350 damage, and a Two-second stun. [Cooldown: 16 seconds] [Mana: 400] [Lifespan: 7 seconds] [Cost: 1000 Shards]
  12. 3: [Ranged AoE] Flameante Giudizio (Blazing Judgement): User Jumps Up (At about the height of grass ult) and Fires a Red Beam for 2 Seconds, then after the beam dissipates, the marks left behind the beam explodes a second later with the sizes of explosions ranging from Great fire blast size to 1/2 the size of Fire Ultimate, that each last for 4 seconds before fading, with each randomly ranging damage from 50 - 100 damage and Blinds affected targets with a Red-Colored Blind Effect that lasts for 2 Seconds. [Cooldown: 20 Seconds] [Mana: 500] [Range: Size of the Sand part in Standard Map] [Cost: 1350 Shards] [Amount of marks: 10]
  14. 4: [Teleport/Close Range Attack] Sonido (Sound Ceremony): User Disappears Instantly with A Shadow effect (Like Chronostasis, but fades) and teleports to such distances, appears after a second in where the mouse points, if a Player is near the player's teleportation spot then the player summons a Dark Katana and Slashes the Near opponent which deals 100 Damage and stuns the opponent for 3 Seconds. [Cooldown: 16 Seconds] [Mana: 300] [Range: Same as Aurora TP Range] [Cost: 1500 Shards]
  16. (oh boy this may be one the reasons why it wont probably be accepted as an element)
  18. 5: [Ultimate] Ultimas Palabras (Final Words): User Charges up for 5 seconds and emits waves with the radius of The Aurora Ult Spell Sign [THE SPELL SIGN, NOT THE ULTIMATE ITSELF] (like in the explosion ult) and stuns people around it, then Jumps VERY HIGH up the ground (about 1/2 the size of the tree in grass map) and points up and charges an orb for 10 seconds that grow very large (about two times the size of the Light Ult Orb) with spiraling effects, with red particle effects that go towards the orb, Then after 10 seconds, the user Compresses the orb into an orb about the size of A Time Bomb, And Fires A Very Huge Beam that grows for 3 seconds, and in where the beam lands, emits explosion waves (like Sound Ult) about the size of the beam itself, and does 10 Damage per 0.1 Seconds, after three seconds, the beam quickly gets smaller and disappears, instantly after, a VERY HUGE explosion which flings people FAR AWAY, and stunning them for 10 seconds, and blinding them for 5 seconds, which deals 500 Damage, happens where the mouse is pointed at, shaped like Blaze Column, except it's VERY TALL (about the size of the tree or less in Grass map), and the radius-size of the explosion is about 100 studs less the size of Fire Ultimate, then emits waves the size of the standard map, anyone affected by it has a 50/50 chance of getting stunned, After 6 seconds, the huge explosion fades away. [Mana: 1000] [Range: ∞] [Cost: 1800 Shards] [Cooldown: 170]
  20. NOTE: I ***TRIED*** to make it as balanced as possible, and i made the idea as detailed as much as i could think of.
  22. >Idea of SingularitySolstice
  23. >Roblox: UndeniableInfinity
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