

Jan 30th, 2012
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  1. [09:24] DS: It was a hot spring day in Texas. Of course that wasn't new. It was fucking Texas. It was a oridinary booming day in Houstan. Considering the college campus was always packed. Students ran the campus with ease. Dirk's friends were no exception. It came as no shock that the four would be going to the same school eventually. They even lived by each other for fucks sakes. Even Jake did. A sigh escap
  2. [09:24] DS: ed the blonde haired boy's lips. Dirk resting his chin against his palm as he listened to the teacher repeat what he called 'nonsense'. The Strider boy could have easily teached the class himself, for all he was concerned he was in this class for one reason-Jake. He sat not too far from the boy he fell in love with since he was 13. Now 19, he felt like he didn't accomplish anything with his love l
  3. [09:24] DS: ife. He leaned back in his chair his eyes lingered around until he spyed his best friend's face. Roxy seemed to be off in her own little world. It didn't really surprise Dirk, Rox has always been that way. He stared blankly at her and Jake for a bit, more interested in them then his 'lame excuse' of a teacher.
  4. [09:39] IM: Fanning herself with her psyche homework, a miss Roxy Lalonde - aged a perfect ((if she had any say in it)) 19, stared lamely ahead of her. Time had treated her very welll, all things considered. She'd filled out nicely, gotten out of the house... but she still had a die-hard love for her one and only, mister vodka. It was at least more appropriate. But only slightly. School gave her more of a rea
  5. [09:39] IM: son to be sober more often than not, but once her homework was out of the way ((and sometimes beforehand)), she'd give herself a drink or two. But class was now and she was sober and bored, watching the figures be drawn on the bored with a resounding sigh. Afraid the teacher might ask if she had anything to share with the class she straightened her posture a bit, catching a glance of Dirk off to h
  6. [09:39] IM: er side and Jake a bit in front of her. It never ceased to elate her that she managed to get into a school with all the people she held dear, and she reminded them all of it at least three times a day. Cmonnn. Ten more minutes. This class could not drag its boring ass any harder than it was.
  7. [10:00] DS: Dirk shifted in his seat as he tried to look like he was paying attention. Good thing he had his shades, otherwise he'd probably get scolded. He looked down at the paper he had doodled on recently, a lot of the paper had small drawings of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, Smuppets, and even Jake. Propping his chin his his palm again and counted down the seconds before he and his friends could escape that
  8. [10:00] DS: hell hole. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- Finally. Dirk shoved his notebook and book in his bag before walking out of class with his usual stride. He was greeted by a overly excited Jake, rambling about going to his whestling club and what not. In a split second, the adventurous teen took off- leaving Dirk and Roxy by themselves.
  9. [10:06] IM: The blonde was out of her seat, shoving books and papers into her bag in a less-rushed manner. One of the many faceless male students came up to her for a moment, and she gave him a gentle brush-off. More and more dudes seemed to be interested in her these days, but Roxy was pretty steadfast in her admirations. Her footsteps landed her by Dirk the moment Jake had zoomed off, giving Lalonde a cheer
  10. [10:06] IM: ful wave - which she returned happily. "Where's he off to in a hurry?" she chirped to her similarly-blonde counterpart. "I swear to fucking god that kid has ADD." Pause. "I mean not in the over-medicated 7 year old way, just in the 'where the fuck are all my thoughts'-kind of way." Just nod. Yup. Hello Roxy.
  11. [10:35] DS: He snorted at her response. "Sometimes I wonder too. You never know what's going on in his hyperactive head. I don't even think he knows." He turned his head slightly towards his best friend, staring at her. Silently he started walking with her away from the campus area. Thankful their apartments were close by, giving Roxy a advantage against stalkers and him an excuse. Not that he really gave a
  12. [10:35] DS: shit what people thought about him. He walked with her in silence as she talked about stuff involving her and Jane. After a bit he broke his silence "Are you doing anything later?'
  13. [10:45] IM: Roxy's heart would have fluttered in an ironic way. Her hero. "Jane and I were basically passing notes the entire class period. It's totes high school all over again. I don't even mind one bit, but I thought this whole college thing would be at least a BIT more mature." She took a drink from a waterbottle she'd shoved into her bag, which contained actual water. Hand to godcat. She resumed her exci
  14. [10:45] IM: ted chattering. "And THEN we were talking about this teacher she had earlier in the day... oh-em-fucking-gee, Dirk. He was such a melvin I cant even believe it. Total nerdspecs and everything. She said you could see his pocket protector across the classroom." She put her bottle away, turning to Dirk to start some other nonsensical blonde jabber when he cut her off. "I - Oh, no, nothing important I
  15. [10:45] IM: guess. Got a date with my martini glass but..." She smiled, wobbling her head back and forth a little like a lovesick teen. Oop. She kinda was. Shh. "You know. The usual. Why? What's up?"
  16. [12:35] DS: Dirk shoved a hand in one of his pockets, his other grasped the strap of his backpack. His expression completely unphased as he stated his claims. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to come back to my place or whatever shit like that you wanna do." He shrugged, not wanting to make the wrong impression towards the other teen. "I got nothing going on and I'm pretty sure I'll be bored as balls all
  17. [12:35] DS: day doing absolutely shit ton of nothing in my santuary. So hell, why not hang with my best friend? If you are cool with that."
  18. [12:47] IM: Taking a few strides to walk in front of him, but backwards, she narrowed her eyes in a playfully skeptical way. "Wow, Strider. Could you make that sound a little more sleazy?" She laughed, giving him a playful shove. "You might as well have just asked me to meet you by the dumpster in a dark alley somewhere." She was kidding. Obviously. Her giggles subsided and she nodded emphatically. "Obviously
  19. [12:47] IM: I'm cool with that! You know I'd practically jump through flaming hoops to hang out with you. You want me to bring anything over? /Best friend/?" Wiggling her eyebrows in an exaggerated manner, she took a moment to count something in her head, and on her fingers. When she was finished, she waggled five fingers in Dirk's face. "I have at LEAST 5 bottles at home with something left in them. I'd bet
  20. [12:47] IM: you'd like some of the stuff, too." Vodka, gin, X-rated, probably some Midori annnddddd... Buttershots? Sounded about right! She humbed herself, though. "I can totes leave them behind, too. Whatever you wanna do." She could always drink later....!
  21. [12:56] DS: "Oh yes, Rox. I definitely want to take you behind a dumpster in a dark alley. While we're at it, I might as well scoop you up into my arms and ride away on my fucking rainbow pony into the sunset. Then our romance will continue on the beach, where I fuck you long and hard on a horse that doesn't have a saddle. Sounds like a grand ol' fucking time." He snorted, playfully joking with her. He stared
  22. [12:56] DS: at her for a few seconds before continuing. 'You can bring whatever you like. I'm sure whatever you make it'll be like fucking Christmas up in here.'
  23. [01:02] IM: In spite of herself, Roxy's jaw had dropped just a little bit at the description. Shaking herself out of it, a smirk and a 'you promise?' followed shortly after. Man, if fuckin' only. She swatted at him again, turning to walk the right way again, next to him, matching his stride once more. "Let me know if you need me to bring mixers and shit. Like juice or soda or something. I'm not sure how good
  24. [01:02] IM: you are at holding your alcohol but drinking it straight probably won't end very well for you." Hell, only when she felt really upset did she ever mix stuff up without mixers. Dangerous life. Roxy liked to live on the edge. "Speaking of Christmas, I wonder if I have any peppermint schnapps left... that's like... fuckin'... angry Christmas in a bottle." It was really, really good though.
  25. [01:22] DS: He stared at her at the expression she's made at his comment. He merely shrugged it off. Roxy was just like that. That's what he wanted to believe at least. "Christmas in a angry bottle? Shit serve that shit on a fucking platter.' He never really drank all too much, unless he was with Roxy. He never truly got drunk. He knew his alcohol tolerence wasn't awful, but that wasn't a big issue "I'm down
  26. [01:22] DS: with whatever you can muster. Bring your worst."
  27. [01:34] IM: The look on Roxy's face was that of a child that had just been 'triple-dog-dared'. "Challenge accepted, wuss. It's fucking on." As much as she drank, Roxy kinda took being tipsy a little too advantageously. Even when she didn't drink a lot, she kinda... pretended that she was drunker than she was. It was a great excuse to act like a dork and sometimes it was a great excuse to get some feelings off
  28. [01:34] IM: her chest that she couldn't be accounted for sober. Oops. "But yeah I'll grab some stuff. Got a time in mind or should I drop by whenever? ....or are you planning on taking one of your famous showers that lasts a frillion damn years?" Smirk.
  29. [01:41] DS: "Shit, I think I walked into the fucking lion's den. Well, I'll be off my rocker by the evening." He paused, tapping at his chin. Trying to look serious. 'Now that you've mentioned it, I think I need to take a shower that lasts that long. Shit, Roxy. I guess I'll see you in a frillion years." A smirk played at his lips. "Yeah, just drop by whenever. Text me beforehand as usual. Since, you know...m
  30. [01:41] DS: y fucking long showers come first and all."
  31. [01:45] IM: She balled her fists, slamming them against her thighs in frustration. "Dammit, Dirk!" she squealed, turning to slug him in the arm in warning. "Don't you fucking dare. I'll sneak into your house again. Don't think I can't jimmy open that window!" She was, of course, referring to the window she had snuck into last year to re-arrange his entire creepy smuppet collection into a pyramid right next to
  32. [01:45] IM: his bed for when he woke up the next morning. She was like some sort-of drunken ninja doing it, too, because she'd only fallen over once. Twice if you count tripping on the flower bed under the window. The scraped knee had totes been worth it, what with the angry keyboard-mashed text AND pester she had gotten the next morning. Heh. Heh. Heh. "Okay, sweet. Gonna walk me to my doorstep or am I old
  33. [01:45] IM: enough to find my way home on my own?"
  34. [02:05] DS: He chuckled a bit at the previous comment. "Oh no. Your mighty ninja skills are no match for my window. What ever shall I do? My poor smuppets will be in danger." Oh the good old times when you wake up one morning and your shit is arranged. Good times indeed. He shrugged and started walking towards her apartment. "I guess my shower can wait for you. I'll walk you home, Rox."
  35. [02:09] IM: Giving an award-winning smile, she swept in with her step to lean against him momentarily, head on his shoulder. "Are you sure? I'll even let you pin my mittens on my jacket for me if you want." Giggle. "But thank you. What're we gonna do later, anyway? Aside drink copious amounts of top-shelf hooch." Okay, so it wasn't really top-shelf. But it was pretty good for what it was! Pretty good for a 19
  36. [02:09] IM: year-old girl's measly salary, anyway. "Got any shitty movies to watch or crappy boardgames? I think I still have a super old copy of Mystery Date laying around somewhere." Cheesy grin. "Unless you have better ideas."
  37. [11:41] DS: He shrugged, placing a hand on her arm slightly as if she was going to fall any second. Probably do to reflex when she was actually wasted. “We can watch a shit ass movie. Or we can have a fucking tea party with puppets. You’ll be Mrs. Dinky Drinky and I’ll be Mr. Flyasfuck, we’ll have the best ironic tea cups in the whole fucking universe. Perhaps unicorn cups.” He smirked, joking. “Honestly, I d
  38. [11:41] DS: on’t give what we do. We can drink and be fucking merry.” He simply shrugged. He personally didn’t care what he did with Roxy. It was good enough for him to do something instead of thinking about Jake.
  39. [11:55] IM: She scoffed. "-A- shit-ass movie? More like three. Or eight." She listened to the rest of the explanation, practically losing all of her shits at what he was saying. Dinky Drinky. That was gold. "Hmm.... I'll see what I can scare up. If nothing else I can bring my Appearifier and we can see what sort-of swank-ass shit we can find from all over the place." Or maybe she'd go through with her vile pl
  40. [11:55] IM: an of putting one of her fenestrated planes in his closet or something.... Or his linen closet. Something. She briefly imagined herself jumping through it and tumbling out onto his floor covered in ironic clothing - the kind you kept in the back of a closet for a reason - and snort-giggled to herself. She leaned back on him again, briefly. "I'm sure we'll figure something out. Oh, fuck, I think m
  41. [11:55] IM: y cat got out again." They were nearing her yard, and a small black figure was seen to be scampering into the backyard. "I'm going to kill that damn cat. - Oh.... not really... not like... Oh, nevermind." Poor Frigglish.
  42. [12:09] DS: “Shit, Rox. Frigglish was a fly cat. He’ll rest in cat heaven where he’ll have tons of fly felines. No sweat, fox.” He laid a hand on her shoulder. He wasn’t one to comfort, but he couldn’t stand Roxy being upset. It bothered him a bit. Not that he’d ever show it. “We’ll watch the best shitty ass movies in the fucking world and drown ourselves in alcoholic goodness. It’s be a grand ol’ time, we’l
  43. [12:09] DS: l sing really fabulous songs about nothing and be wasted off our fucking asses. This shit is about to get real.” He let go of her shoulder, walking her up to her apartment. He then turned to her, his face expressionless. “I’ll catch you later. Text me when you’re on your way to my place.”
  44. [12:16] IM: The blonde nodded, comforted by the minute action. It was true, he never really did that, so every moment of it was a treasure, etc. "Yeah. I bet those tiny angel wings look great with that tux." And that was that. "We sure as shit will. I'm excited." Roxy, too, had a small sense of adventure. But more for the sit-the-fuck-down kind, not the run-all-the-fuck-over-the-place kind. Maybe one day. "Su
  45. [12:16] IM: re thing. Don't get eaten by a tiger on the way home or anything." With the small greeting she was back in her apartment, flipping her shoes at the shoe-rug and tromping up to her bedroom. Dropping her bag and kneeling next to it, she began emptying it of everything school - and filling it with the fun stuff. Books came out and bottles went in, and so did a few of the movies she'd been ranting abo
  46. [12:16] IM: ut before. She grabbed her appearifier and her laptop, shoving them both in as well. Figuring that Dirk would want a bit, she decided to snag a shower for herself. Get all the school stank off.
  47. [12:31] DS: “Tigers can not defeat me.” He smirked. “Can’t be tamed, Rox.” With a wave, he walked back towards his apartment. He clutched to the strap of his bag tightly. His thoughts raced to a certain someone on his mind. Damn it, it ate away at him. Though, it was quite obvious Jake was straight. He never gave any hints of loving a man. Before he knew it he was back at his apartment. He unlocked the door w
  48. [12:31] DS: ith ease, kicking off his shoes and bag in the corner of the room. With a thud, he plopped on the couch and turned on his plasma screen. Mindlessly he flipped through channels, trying to distract himself. With a sigh, he decided to find shitty ass movies for them to watch. Of course, the first option was “The Room.”. What could be worse then that shit. He smirked a bit. He thoughtlessly flipped th
  49. [12:31] DS: rough netflix, trying to find movies.
  50. [12:38] IM: Stepping out of the shower, the steam was really damn nice in the little closed room. She hummed, skipping out of the loo with a towel wrapped about herself, picking through discarded garments on her floor for something casual as shit to wear. Should she dress to impress? Nah, that was a well long gone dry. She'd mostly gotten over her phase of trying to be 'noticed', but the notion of the slim po
  51. [12:38] IM: ssibility never left her flighty mind. It was important to her. /Maybe one day./ Deciding on a plain white tee to go under her hot pink, quarter-sleeve hoodie, she threw on her underthings, slipped into her shirts, and did her hair up in a towel. Slightly torn khakis were a bit old but comfy, and her adorable pink socks were much of the same. After ten minutes of hair-drying, styling, and re-makeu
  52. [12:38] IM: ping, she found her phone. Pesterchum was blinking at her happily, but she had places to go. "ehy dumpass, im on ym way" - Old habits seemed to die hard.
  53. [12:52] DS: Dirk’s AR pinged, the ever so familiar pink cat appeared on his screen. Old habits do die hard. He shook his head. “Don’t get eaten by wild men.” His thoughts appeared on the screen as he replied back. And with that, he closed out of the chat. Of course, Roxy was always pursued by men. Even he had to admit she was pretty. Pricks would usually try to flirt with her if she walked by herself. Needles
  54. [12:52] DS: s to say it didn’t take much at all for him to walk her home most of the time. Going back to the movies he was looking up. Shit- he figured he’d provide food or shit like that. He got up slowly, walking over to his fridge to find the usual contents in their. Nothing super fancy. Shit,bro. You need to stock up again. Maybe they’d order pizza. He figured he’d wait and see what was going on with Roxy
  55. [12:52] DS: . With that, he flopped back down again, waiting for his blonde friend.
  56. [01:00] IM: Roxy was pretty adept with fistkind, but even she got wary walking around by her lonesome. Shouldering her backpack she ambled out of the apartment, taking a few minutes to scramble for her cat - geniously named 'Mister'- and corrall him into the house. Locking up, she set off on her way to Dirk's, humming cheerfully to herself. Tonight was gonna be fun! Rox had kinda been spending some time by he
  57. [01:00] IM: rself lately, aside being at school - so the social call would be good for her. So would getting drunk with her bee-eff-effsie! The last half mile or so she picked up her pace, feeling a little more wary than usual. Eaten by wild men. Heh, heh. Rapping on the door, she did a last-minute once over of herself, and waited patiently to be let inside. Normalllyyyyy she'd let herself inside, but she fig
  58. [01:00] IM: ured she'd... you know. Be proper for once. Oops.
  59. [01:07] DS: ((Wahh! Sorry I'm slow! Helping my friend who is depressed! ;3;))
  60. [01:07] IM: ((noooo it's okay <3333))
  61. [01:22] DS: ((Okay! Back to rping))
  62. [01:28] IM: ((OKAY WOO))
  63. [01:32] DS: Hearing the knock on the door, he quickly stood and opened it to reveal Roxy. “Welcome to the casadaStrider. Where all your shit is lost. Forever.” He stepped aside to let her in. “You know the drill. Do whatever the fuck you want, unless it involves touching things you aren’t suppose to.’ He walked back into the TV room “What kind of goods did you bring this time, Rox?”
  64. [01:32] DS: (Shoooort, *didn't want you to wait*))
  65. [01:32] IM: ((pfff it's fine <3))
  66. [01:37] IM: Clapping excitedly, she strolled into the apartment and made a beeline for the living room, waving her hand. "Yeah yeah. Touch everything, rub family heirlooms all over my tits. Gotcha." What a charming young lady. Sitting on the floor, she proceeded to take off her backpack and dump the contents out. Bottles clinked to the floor, as did a few DVDs and a few card games. Three-Dragon Ante was prett
  67. [01:37] IM: y fun, even moreso when you were trashed. Also her appearifier. For reasons. "Get me some glasses and some juice or soda to mix shit with. Ice if you're feeling generous." re-arranging everything in a neat pile, with the bottles on the coffee table, she grinned excitedly. Flung off her shoes. "Let's get this drunk-ass show on the road."
  68. [01:46] DS: “Don’t forget to rub my Bro’s stuff deeply within the cravous of your tits.” He chuckled slightly. Getting up he walked over to the kitchen. “Fucking woman. You’re so demanding. You want to suck my dick too while you’re at it?” He snorted but complied with the demands she requested. Dirk set the juice, soda, cocktail mixer, and ice down beside the bottles on the coffee table. In a second, he plopp
  69. [01:46] DS: ed down, right next to her. His expression never changing. “What do you want to watch first while we get fucked up?”
  70. [01:55] IM: Roxy rolled her eyes. "Over my dead Dersite body." Although... Wink. Mixers and glasses delivered, she set to work, mixing up a duo of concoctions that were very cutely matching to their fonts. Her own mostly contained X-rated. Dirk's was mainly Vodka and orange soda. Sipping hers, she handed the drink to her counterpart. "Something really stupid." She smiled distantly. "I like giggling a lot when
  71. [01:55] IM: I'm drunk. I get started sometimes and it just doesn't stop. Now take a drink and tell me what you think of it." Taste really didn't matter when you were just trying to get drunk! But it shouldn't have tasted too bad.~
  72. [02:26] DS: Dirk took the glass from her and tasted it. It wasn’t half bad. “This shit is pretty much off the rocks. Put that on the market and sell it to the Chinese.” He drank some more of the tangy liquid. “I’ll random select a movie then. Fair game? How about the film you brought.” He stated, indicating the dvd she had. “Or we can just watch ConAir and have so many feelings that we cry ourselves to sleep
  73. [02:26] DS: as we dream about rabbits and small children.” He joked. ConAir was always Bro’s movie he watched. It didn’t give him the same emotions, but it meant a little to him.
  74. [02:33] IM: "They'll buy anything, won't they? Hehe." She nodded, taking another drink. "Ya, sounds fair. Oh, I brought some girly shit I figured you'd be too drunk to care about what it was later." Pausing, she laughed again. "Oh my god, that fucking movie. It's actually pretty good when you can get over how hilariously dated it is." It had Dave Fucking Chapelle in it. She literally could not get over that.
  75. [11:26] DS: Dirk gave her a sly grin before putting the dvd in the player. “With fucking Dave Chapelle, it’s always Christmas, Rox. Always. You always have had good taste in shit faced movies.” Getting up from his spot, Dirk walked over to his plasma screen. Popping the dvd in he then sat back down. Dirk leaned his back against the foot of the couch, relaxing against it as he gave a soft sigh. As the movie s
  76. [11:26] DS: tarted up he softly replied to her earlier statement. “Bring on the girly shit. I’ll probably forget my name by the end of the night anyway.” He snorted a bit. “I don’t give a shit.”
  77. [11:33] IM: Roxy smirked. "Uh, hello. My middle name might as well be 'shit-faced'. I fear for the safety of others when I'm NOT trashed out of my skull." It was true. She got a little ditzy if she didn't have booze to keep her.. normal. A bit odd when you thought about it. So let's not! She smiled up at him though, wiggling her already half-empty glass at him. "You need to catch up, Dirky dearest. And fine.
  78. [11:33] IM: The Hot Chick it is. I've always had this big soft spot in my heart for Rob Schneider. I think it's because he's such a gigantic tool." She tilted her head in admiration; like how someone might regard a house pet. "It's endearing."
  79. [11:46] DS: Dirk chuckled at the comment. “Shit, we wouldn’t want that. It you’re trashed out of your fucking skull, Jake might want to molest it like the weirdo necrophiliac man he is.” Before he could stop himself, he mentioned Jake. Damn it. A ping in his heart rang through him hard. It sucks being in love with someone who absolutely does not notice. Fucking--His smile slowly turned into a frown, focusing
  80. [11:46] DS: back on the plasma screen as he tried to get the thoughts out of his head. “He is such a tool. God. How you find him attractive is beyond me. His face is basically a baboon’s ass. Except less red and more peach.” He leaned his body further back, trying to relax as he watched the images on the screen. “Rox, make me the strongest thing you fucking got.”
  81. [11:53] IM: The blonde hadn't even picked up on the negativity the comment had caused - to be fair, though, she was distracted. Normally she was super good at picking up on emotional shit like that. Something to do with her title why not. Or drunken intuition. "Uh, I'd be drunk, not blue." Pff. There was a stint of time that the girl has briefly debated painting herself to earn the admiration of the kid, but
  82. [11:53] IM: she backed off for Jane's sake. As it was, though, she hadn't seen the frown. "I never said I found him attractive! He's like... just a really ugly comedian. Or like a toddler. They small and smush-faced but they fall down a lot so you go 'aww'." She glanced to her friend before nodding. "Sure. I can probably make you... Ah, yeah I can." She spent about 30 seconds at the coffee table before shuffl
  83. [11:53] IM: ing back. "One of my favourites. Vodka tonic. Easy on the tonic." She winked, smiling a bit as she handed the drink to him, and worked on finishing her own.
  84. [12:09] DS: Dirk took the drink into his hand, downing the alcoholic liquid with ease. The burn in the back of his throat felt nice. He quickly regained his composure, he grabbed his previous drink before, taking a gulp of it as his eyes focused on the HD screen. He thanked his shades, without them it was as if people would have figured out what was wrong. Dirk hid his emotions well. Now was not the time to t
  85. [12:09] DS: hink of Jake. “Thanks, Rox.” He muttered and smirked. “Whatever you say about Rob. I have to agree with your logic, though. He is the kind of ‘your cute when you’ve fallen on your ass’ character.
  86. [12:15] IM: She shrugged cutely. "Anytime, babycakes." She was doing a pretty good job herself of quelling her emotional bullshit. She was very against her own feelings, knowing what she did. Wasn't fair. Be content with being a palemate, etc etc. Whatever. Drinking would help with that! She nodded, finishing her glass and scooting to make another. "I hate that April chick though. She's such an airhead." She
  87. [12:15] IM: frowned, pouting at Dirk. "I'm not air-headed, am I?" It seemed blonde girls portrayed in things were! She was a little... special, admittedly. But hopefully not that bad!
  88. [12:25] DS: “Shit fucks, no. You don’t make me want to shove pens in my ears so badly. Or make me want to flip all of my shit everywhere. I’d tell you straight up if you were being a airheaded princess.” He slightly smiled at her, reassuring her in his own way. “You’re more like bubble gum if it was personified. That sugary, gooey, sweet, bubbly shit you can’t fucking stop chewing. Not that people would chew
  89. [12:25] DS: you. They’d need help.” He chuckled before taking another swig of his drink.
  90. [12:33] IM: Smiling, seemingly satisfied, she settled back again, inadvertently shifting closer to Dirk and sipping her booze. "Good. I appreciate that." She'd hate for one of her friends to think of her that way. ....'drunken princess' wasn't good either, but she wasn't wreckless, at least. Always drank in the privacy of her own home, never drove anywhere 'under the influence'. Ooh, bubblegum! "I like that a
  91. [12:33] IM: nalogy!! And it's pink and awesome." But... but gum started to lose it's flavor sooner or later!! "I hope I never lose my flavor," she commented idly, nearly polishing off her second glass. Dayum girl.
  92. [12:49] DS: “Chick, you’re like gum that never loses that fucking spark.” He reassured her. She never really showed it, but she usually cared what people thought. Especially him, it seemed. “You’re a pretty fly chick, Rox. I don’t usually hang out with the female kind; you and Jane are kickass in the chapter of my novel. Chill those huge tits, babe.” He smirked a bit as he finished his drink in one gulp. “So,
  93. [12:49] DS: how about being a bro and hook a Strider up with more shit?”
  94. [12:56] IM: Comforted, she smiled again. It was... pretty true! At least in her small circle. If any of the three people that she held dear in her heart thought less of her she'd - really upset about it. And, yeah, especially Dirk. It seemed so hard to impress him, and she'd spent absolutely -ages- working her way into his good graces. If she fell out of them, she'd be devastated. "Hehe! Totes glad you
  95. [12:56] IM: think so! And -hey-. They are q u i t e chill, thank you very much sir." As if to prove her point, she grabbed them again, sticking her tongue out before she stood to get him another drink. "Yeah yeah. Imma make you something even better this time." And she'd use a shit ton of Midori doing it, too. One for herself, as well; bringing them back. "This part's hilaaaarioussss. I swear I've seen this m
  96. [12:56] IM: ovie a frillion times and it never fuckin' gets old."
  97. [01:25] DS: Dirk chuckled a bit at her breast taunt. “Oh no, my greatest enemy. Breasts. Breasts, we meet again.” He sat up a bit, watching her make them more drinks. Dirk listened to her clatter and cling the bottles together as she made the glasses they were about to indulge in. Hearing her talk about the movie, he turned his head towards it. He watched as the hilarious scene sprung out on the plasma. He ch
  98. [01:25] DS: uckled a bit at it, savoring the hilarity. “Nice. Pretty fucking hilarious.”
  99. [01:35] IM: The girl rollllllllled her eyes. Her tits were great, thanks. She took a deep drink from her green concoction, coughing a little as she laughed at the next scene. "Hooooly shit, note to self. Can't breathe midori." As she recovered, she sighed, turning towards Dirk in a resolute sort-of way. "So." She swirled the drink in her glass. Golly, it was starting to ge to her just a wee bit. She could fee
  100. [01:35] IM: l the alcohol tickling the back of her mind. "Ssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo." She dragged the word out, looking into her drink. "Here we've like... had three drinks almost. And we haven't even toasted to anything yet. Y'gotta toast something to drink this much, it's like... some unholy sacrosanct not to."
  101. [02:03] DS: “Breathing in Midori is my least favorite thing to do, man.” He chuckled at Roxy and at the ridiculous movie they were watching. He drank his glass rather quickly throughout the hilarity. He could feel the slight effects his body was taking as he drank the strong liquid. He looked at her, his express was blank. “Shit son. We haven’t.” he sighed, smirked as he lifted his glass. “To being the most
  102. [02:03] DS: fucking awesome bros in the universe. Let us forever be fucking fly as hell.”
  103. [02:08] IM: Smiling, she lifted her glass too, clinking it against Dirk's. "Fly as fuck. Forever." With that, she slammed the rest of it, pulling a face at how intensely alcoholic and sweet it was at the same time. Holy fuckballs, dude. Kneeling again, she scooted back towards the table after collecting Dirk's glass. "Ohhhhhhkay. Now we're gettin' somewhere." Her words were gently slurred, like someone's nigh
  104. [02:08] IM: t be if they had just woken up. Not too far gone yet. "I gotta buncha shit over here. Whatchu want me t'make you now?" She still had quite a bit of stuff... they'd been using the booze rather sparsely. It was time to serious the fuck up! Game. Fucking. On.
  105. [02:18] DS: Dirk easily downed the rest of his drink. The sweet and burning sensation filled his throat as he gulped it all down. The teen slowly started to feel himself warming up. Fantastic. His smirk was wide as it painted over his features. “Make me something to fuck me up, babe.” This shit was about to get fucking real. “I want to be shit faced drunk that I can’t even fucking imagine the shit I will do.”
  106. [02:18] DS: Not that he had ever gotten drunk. Tonight, was different. He had too much on his mind.
  107. [02:29] IM: Mixing the pair of them two more drinks, she smiled to herself in almost a sad little way. Well, more guilty than sad. And only guilty because... she knew exactly what she was doing. It was good for the both of them, in a bad way. It reminded her of a dream she had once, although the situation was entirely more one-sided. Her arm still had phantom pains, sometimes. And the glass in her foot had fe
  108. [02:29] IM: lt way too real. Admittedly she'd never told anyone about that dream because it was way too fucking depressing. And tonight was not about being depressed! Fuck that. Fingers of inebriation were clawing at the back of her head more aggressively now, the blonde mixing things that probably wouldn't taste the best - but would do the trick. "Heeere you go, lovey. One fuck-you-up for you, and one fuck-y
  109. [02:41] DS: “I’m down with that.” As soon as he received his drink, he took a giant gulp. Fuck—it did taste terrible. Yet, he didn’t gag- didn’t cough. He kept his cool, wiping the corner of his mouth. “Shit, that is vial.” He stated simply, taking another swig out of the shit. He himself wasn’t watching the movie either. His thoughts wandered to other things. He paused for a few—fuck no. The two were going t
  110. [02:42] DS: o get wasted and have a fucking drunk party. Even if it was 7pm. He will not be a depressing drunk. Fuck that shit. “So, what do you suppose we do? If we’re not watching the movie.” He downed his drunk, feeling warm. “We could always gossip or talk about our feelings.<3” he joked a bit. His voice starting to slur a bit.
  111. [02:48] IM: Roxy's eyes narrowed mischeviously, snickering to herself. "I am toooooootes down with a feelings jam, dude. Or we could paint our nails. I have this shade of pink that just screams your name like a lonely teenage girl." She giggled at the symbolism. "Oopsie." Drinking her own, she pulled a face, nearly gagging herself. "Fuckin' a dude. This IS vile. Admittedly I jus mixed errything together but I
  112. [02:48] IM: figgered ey, it'll get us totes drizzunk - which is rap for drunk - and pretty soon we won't even be tastin' it anyway so... who fuckin' cares!!" Right? Right?? Roxy was sometimes a depressed drunk. But that was a story for another time. She was with someone she had bucketfuls of respect for and she would not fuck that up. Nosir.
  113. [03:09] DS: Dirk shook his head, smiling a bit. “Shit bro. Look at the fucks I give. I think I let mine go a while ago.” His vision became fuzzier, blinking a few times he rubbed his temples. He felt rather…weird. Feelings of excitement and dread filled him at the same time. The hell emotions. “Shit, Rox. I’m starting to feel something.” He slurred his words a bit. “Good thing Jake and Jane aren’t here. They’
  114. [03:09] DS: d be like ‘blah blah liver blah blah.’ Fuck livers, I can make a robotic one.” He chuckled a bit.
  115. [03:15] IM: The blonde laughed. "Starting?? We've been at it for... shit. I don't even know. Time. The movie's almost over." She winked. "But I'm doin' my job, right?" Good girl. She offered him an exasperated sigh, very over-the-top. "Oh my god, they SO would. They'd be like... 'Lalonde' - because everyone calls me that when they're upset with me, el oh el - 'Lalonde, dammit, you're being a bad influence. Yo
  116. [03:15] IM: u're going to end up streaking through the neighbor's yard again if you don't stop.'" She immitated a falsetto in Jane's voice. "Think of the children, Roxy! What would your mother say???" Tch. A whole lot of nothing. Bitch was usually silent on any issue regarding her. And pfft. She's the one that got the girl started on drinking, anyway! "An' Jake'd be all 'u cant go on an adventure like that, y
  117. [03:15] IM: oung lady!' Th'fuck I can't. A drunk adventure. ....a drunkventure. Thas' what I'm talkin' about."
  118. [03:05] DS: "Shit, it's fucking sad that I see that going on in my head." Dirk chuckled a bit at the thought. A ping in his heart was set off at the mention of Jake's name. Damnit. "Heh...parents." the mention of that. The thoughts of his Bro. Shit. It never really phased him. His Bro was the shit, but he spent more time with Lil Cal then his own damn brother. Oh well. "Rox. Lets get so flippin' wasted that w
  119. [03:05] DS: e just flip our fucking shit all over the place. I can see it now "This just in! Two gorgeous blondes decided that the Cowboy's stadium was a place to go streaking in!" Fuck, I'd cheer those fuckers on.' He smirked. "Let's get this party going, Rox."
  120. [03:33] AP: She gigglesnorted. Roxy actually gigglesnorted. Charming. "Now you're speakin' my language," she slurred in delight, chugging her drink and scooting to make yet another one. Golly, this was turning into quite the drunkfest. She was well on her way as it was, no doubt about that. "How y'doooooooin' over there, Dirky boy?" she asked, smirking over her shoulder. A bit more careful with her concoctio
  121. [03:33] AP: n now, she made it at least to her taste specifications. Took a sip. "Shucks buster, this is sweet as fuck." Giggle. "Almost as sweet as me." She turned, on her knees, leaning back against the table and wagging it in front of her. "Think you can handle it?" Eyebrow quirk, and a smirk. Roxy. You devilish little creature you.
  122. [03:45] DS: "Chill as my tits, babe." He stated as a reply. He watched her as she mixed the fruitie concoction together. He smirked right back at her as she displayed herself on the coffee table. It was a nice sight. He himself couldn't ignore that she was beautiful. He loved who he loved though. Roxy wasn't in that catagory. He gave her a sly smirk "That's not even a question. It's 'Oh yes, Dirk. You can so
  123. [03:45] DS: handle that, but can I handle you?'" He took the drink from her. "Course I can handle the Roxy Lalonde." Raising the glass a bit.
  124. [03:51] AP: Rolling her eyes, she scoffed. She brought those curiously pink eyes back up to him though at his second comment. "Care to put money on that wager?" Could he, in fact, handle her? Growing up, she always seemed to have an aura around her. She exuded self-confidence, even if she didn't believe in it 100%. It drew people to her in a way that, in fact, some people could NOT handle. Even if she secretl
  125. [03:51] AP: y knew, deep down, that she was not the type of person that he would want to handle (whoa, wording there, chica), she'd happily immerse herself in the much more pleasant thoughts that, perhaps someday, he would. She left a lingering, knowing look with him while she turned around to make herself another one of the delicious things. her haste, though, she managed to somehow turn a bit too fast
  126. [03:51] AP: , and found herself toppling over.
  127. [02:50] DS: As she turned around to make herself another drink, he saw her toppling over herself. It was like a video in slow motion to him. With the speed that should not have come close to a human's, he caught her with ease staring down at her with the usual expression. He shrugged off her advances without a slight word of suspection. Roxy was like that to everyone, even Jake. He heeded no mind. As he stare
  128. [02:50] DS: d at her, a slight smirk played at his lips. "I'm pretty sure I can handle you, Roxy."
  129. [02:59] AP: Giggling again, she lifted a hand to pat against his chest. "Looks like I jus' picked a whole bouquet of oopsie-daisies, hehe." She sighed. "My hero." With a little difficulty she helped herself up, using the edge of the coffee table as a crutch. "I'm pretty sure you can hλndle..." she trailed off, narrowing her eyes at him as if her blunder were his fault. "There was a joke in there somewhere...
  130. [02:59] AP: but uh... I lost it." Snort. "Anyway... what makes you think you can, huh?" She picked up her beverage, taking a deep swig and swirling the glass in his face. "Kinna like y'can handle yer hooch, right?"
  131. [03:12] DS: He stood stare up, watching her more closely this time to make sure she didn't kill herself. "A Strider can handle any hot mess that walks in front of them. One just has to take a look at this and straight men turn gay...lesbians turn just happens." He frowned at her comment, trying to ignore it. It didn't help. "You can't help when someone isn't looking at you. Jake has got to be t
  132. [03:12] DS: he only guy in the fucking world. But, he'll come around. He just has to notice this hot bod in front of him first."
  133. [03:22] AP: Roxy smiled in spite of herself, settling down on the floor, folding her legs and tapping her glass with her fingertips. Well, that had sobered the situation up a bit. She bit her lip, doing her best to nod encouragingly. She took another drink. "Jake's pretty dense..." She sighed. "You'll get him one day." Her voice was quiet, but she cleared her throat. Whoanow, no time to be down like that, Rox
  134. [03:22] AP: ! Her feelings had always been doomed from the start, so why did she let them get to her still....? She stood uneasily. "I'm raiding your cupboard," she announced, making a drunken beeline to his kitchen.
  135. [03:28] DS: "Sure. Go right ahead, Rox." He called after her, wondering what was up. He would ask, but in his state...he suddenly was a bit more depressed. Damn alcohol. "Somehow in my buzzed state. I doubt it." He downed the drink in his hand, placing the empty glass on the coffee table. "He never notices. How could he when he's with his best friend? What do I have to do? Fuck a chick or a dude to get him to
  136. [03:28] DS: notice?" he muttered against his breath.
  137. [03:42] AP: Rummaging through the cabinets, she found various bags of chips and things. Ooh, Cheeetos. Carrying one bag in her mouth and another in her arms, she walked back to the living room, opening said mouth to drop the Cheetos in his lap. Hands were on her hips now, looking down at her friend. "Cheer the fuck up, bro. Okay? You're the greatest person I know." She kneeled in front of him, asserting herse
  138. [03:42] AP: lf so she could put her hands on his shoulders. "You'll get him." Fuck, he'd gotten HER without even trying. "Maybe you should try being more direct. Like I said, he's got a thick skull. ...don't say that though, he won't shut up about 'em if you do." She glanced to the table. "Y'want somethin' else, sugar?"
  139. [10:44] DS: He took the cheetos, opening the bag. "Yeah. I usually am. That's the thing. He thinks I'm joking." That was the truth after all. Every single time he made a move on Jake, the other never got it or would think he was joking. Even if he was Dirk, it still hurt him. How much more did he have to be direct. "It's like I have to make out with someone to make him even notice. You know?" He shoved cheeto
  140. [10:44] DS: s in his mouth, looking up at her. He smiled a bit. "Don't worry about me, Rox. I'm chill." He placed a hand on hers. "Yeah. Get me something strong. So, I stop being such a giant sap."
  141. [10:49] AP: She smiled again in that sorry little way, bringing that hand to gently rub at his cheek a bit in one of her infrequent physical motions of comfort. Aside hugs, of course. Hugs were bitchin. "You're fine, promise. But I'll make you somethin' else." Leaning forward, practically on him and being as obnoxious as Roxily possible, she leaned over his shoulder and made him something sweet but tangy, and
  142. [10:49] AP: full of booze. She sat back again, nearly in his lap, testing the drink before she handed it to him. "Jus' be firm with him. Or I could try talkin' to him, too. .... But I mean, if you're lookin' for a candidate for that sloppy makeouts thing I'm totes available." Big grin, giggle. Like he'd even go for it. But it was his dumb idea anyway, so she rolled with the joke.
  143. [11:02] DS: He raised an eyebrow at her comment. Dirk stared up Roxy, thinking about the idea. Wait- fuck that. Roxy was his best friend. Why would he use her like that? That's low, even for him. He took the drink and downed it. Getting rid of the thought. "Rox, I can't use you like that. You're like my sis, chick. If I used you to get to Jake, where does that leave you? That shit isn't cool." He said serious
  144. [11:02] DS: ly. He lifted his hand, flicking her cheek slightly at her response. "It's okay, Rox. I'm fine."
  145. [11:15] AP: "Ow! Hey!" It hadn't really hurt, but she was doing that drunk thing where she over-exaggerated. She still smiled though, shrugging. "Well I mean... it's not like I'd be any worse off than I am now, right?" Regardless of what happened, whether she did or didn't do it, wouldn't she be just as lonely and boyfriendless as she was now? "And really, helping you is totes the most important thing. Buuuuu
  146. [11:15] AP: uuuuuuuut if you're fine - heh, I'll say amirite - then I'll drop it for now." She narrowed her eyes, leaning over him to make them another set of drinks. Quickly done, she brought them back. "Forrrrr nowwwwwwwwwww." Took a drink. What a weirdo.
  147. [11:24] DS: He paused, thinking about it. It felt wrong. He really did try everything he could. So...why not give it a shot? A part of him made him sick to his stomach, the might work. "Rox." he stated firm. 'Are you sure about this? I'm not much 'boyfriend' material." His head started to spin, the booze was really affecting him now.
  148. [11:32] AP: She turned around, leaning against his chest, sipping her drink and smiling to herself. "What essactly am I signing myself up for? Give me the low-down, hombre." She didn't care either way, she just wanted to know what she was doing - what she had to do to help. "I wanna help you out. That's what's important. Nothin' is more important to me than you bein' happy, y'got that?" She squirmed a bit, mo
  149. [11:32] AP: ving one of his arms to drape over her so she could hug onto it. Her cheeks were very warm from the alcohol. But this was... nice. Even if it was dooming herself to a life of Strider-less-ness, she didn't care. Carpe diem and all that jazz.
  150. [01:49] DS: He looked at her, trying to find a trace of her joking. He found nothing. "Rox...." He paused, trying to understand their situation. Fuck...why not. "Okay..., but I gotta be honest. I don't like this shit at all." He leaned back slowly, not sure what to do himself. His semi drunken state distracted him from the logic.
  151. [01:58] AP: The girl sighed a bit, sipping her drink. When she closed her eyes, the room spun behind her eyelids. "It's for th'greater good, yeah?" She concentrated on the two of them, the movie over, listening to his heartbeat. "Jus tell me what you want me t'do, Dirk. I'm totes all here for you an' shit." Gosh, it was just a kiss. Well, to be exact, a make-out. He was making it sound like a life-long committment.
  152. [11:27] DS: He sighed, staring up at her trying to gather his thinking process. "If we just kiss, he'll think it's meaningless. You know?" He leaned his head back a bit at the thought. "I don't know what good it would do.' He figured Jake wouldn't take the bait. Dirk and Roxy were always a bit odd with each other. He wouldn't be convinced by their act at all. "Forget it, Roxy. It's a stupid idea."
  153. [11:37] AP: Roxy shifted λ bit λgλin, sipping her drink once more slowly. She wλs feeling reλlly delightfully dizzy. Even if this whole thing wλs kindλ... putting λ little weirdness into this whole drink night thing. She turned λround, λbout to λrgue - her mouth wλs even open for it - but she stopped, smiling, λnd gently pλt his chest λgλin. "Whλtever you wλnnλ do, sweetheλrt." She leλned forwλrd, kissing his
  154. [11:37] AP: cheek chλstely. "I jus wλnt you hλppy, ser." Now, how bout summore booze....
  155. [11:47] DS: Dirk thought about it in silence, thinking of the possibilities and the hardship behind it. When she kissed his cheek, he didn't really feel anything. "The only way I can see him thinking it's legit is if he thinks we are dating." He shrugged, drinking all of his drink. His head began to spin faster and faster against his will. Shit. This was beginning to be a drunk party.
  156. [12:01] AP: She bit her lip in thought, looking into her glass as if it held aaaalllll the answers she needed. It didn't, of course. She took a deep breath. "I mean... I'm willin t'do whatever it takes, yenno?" She put on a brave smile for her bestie. "But I'm toooooootes not makin' y'do anythin' y'don't wanna." She reached to grab the bottle of gin, pouring him half a glass. No mixer. "Jus tell me whatchu wa
  157. [12:01] AP: n' me t'do. Like I said, I'll even talk t'him if you wan' me to."
  158. [12:14] DS: He ran a hand through his own hair and sighed. Would Jake understand if Roxy talked to him? Probably not...he was pretty dense when it came to sexual advances. Leaving out in the middle of nowhere will do that to you. He took a swig of him drink, swirling it in his hand thinking hard about his situation. "Rox..." His head was pounding as the alcohol ran through his system. "How would you feel if w
  159. [12:14] DS: e dated?" he slurred a bit.
  160. [12:17] AP: The girl sat back a bit, taking another deep breath. It may have been the alcohol in her system, but her heart fluttered at the question. Sh...she knew he meant in a fake way. But still.... She laughed a bit, waving her hand. "I... W-well, what d'you mean? For fakesies, right?" She sipped her booze. "T-to make Jake... y'know. Notice you?" Her fingers trembled as she reached for the bag of chips. H
  161. [12:17] AP: alfway through the action, though, she realized she didn't want any. She wasn't nervous! The question just caught her off-guard in the state she was in.
  162. [12:26] DS: "Yeah...just that." He grabbed for his bag of Cheetos as well, putting a few in his mouth. He chewed them slowly, trying to think clearly but failed. He then took more booze into his mouth, the strong taste of alcohol was there. Almost taunting him at how it tasted. He turned his head towards her, looking at her features. It couldn't be too bad, right? "You don't have to if you don't feel comforta
  163. [12:26] DS: ble with it."
  164. [12:40] AP: Shaking her head, she waved a hand with it for emphasis. "Nonononononono, that's...." Was it? "That's fine. I mean-" And here came the alcohol-infused word vomit that she couldn't stop. She laughed again. "I totes have this big thing for you an' all but I'm also tooootes willin' to do this t'help you out. I mean, in a way it'll work out for th'both of us, huh?" Dirk would get Jake's attention, and
  165. [12:40] AP: Roxy would -.... Roxy would have the satisfaction - albeit fake - of dating Dirk for a while. It was pretend, Roxy. She had to tell herself that. But in all honesty... she was enamoured with him enough that it didn't matter. "I do. I mean, feel comf't'r'ble with it. I wanna help." Even if it meant breaking her own heart. That's what friends did, right? That's kinda what Roxy had always done. Been
  166. [12:40] AP: the ashen one.
  167. [01:13] DS: He raised an eyebrow at her sudden confession. Really? Huh. That shocked even him. "You have a big thing for me?" He muttered softly. "Rox, I don't think we should go through with this." He talked slower, trying to pronouce the words correctly. Even if it was fake, the thought of hurting her more wasn't really acceptable. "I can't do that to you Roxy.'
  168. [01:22] AP: She shook her head. Curse her loose tongue! She laughed in spite of herself. "Wasn't it obvious?" she whispered in incredulity, holding her glass close to herself. Eyes widened. "N-no!" she objected, grabbing his arm. "Dirk, I don't /care/. I want to help you. And any ss'cuse I have to be closer t'you I'm gonna take it. Really. I'll be fuckin' right as rain. I promise." She searched his face earne
  169. [01:22] AP: stly for any small sign that he might actually drop the whole thing. "Please. This is as much for me as it is for you. We both need this." She... she was almost desperate. "Please. You won't hurt me. I know this is important to you. D-drink some more, too." Maybe she could make him forget doubting himself.
  170. [01:48] DS: 'Rox..." He stared back at her, doubting. If it was good for her...that's what mattered, right? 'Okay. But, after a month I'm breaking it off." He slurred more and more in his drunken state. "I mean it."He finished off what was left of his drink. He needed a lot more to get the guilty feeling out of his chest.
  171. [01:55] AP: Nodding. That's what Roxy did. Emphatically. "'f course, whatever you say. Thass' fine. Totes. Totes 100% fine." Groping around for the bottle of Midori, she took a swig, and handed it to him. She put her hand on his shoulder, swaying a little. "I'll totes be fine. Lookit how fuckin' fine I am with this." She was totally okay with it. It was for a good cause. And man, think about it! It was probab
  172. [01:55] AP: ly just a stupid crush. ....a six-year old crush, but a crush all the same. She'd get her fill of the obnoxious blonde and be over him. It'd be remedial. And Dirk would get Jake. ...and everyone would be happy. "Drink. And eat summore. I don't want you goin' down. We haven't even fucked with the board games yet."
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