
spamfilter details

May 30th, 2018
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  1. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) -
  2. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) ***** Spamfilter *****
  3. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) -
  4. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) This command adds/removes global spam filters.
  5. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) Spamfilters can be used to get rid of spam, advertising, bots, etc.
  6. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) -
  7. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) Use: /spamfilter [add|del|remove|+|-] [method] [type] [action] [tkltime] [reason] [string]
  8. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) [method] Matching method, must be one of:
  9. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) -regex (PCRE fast regex),
  10. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) -posix (old 3.2.x POSIX regex), or
  11. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) -simple (fastest but only supports ? and * wildcards)
  12. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) [type] specifies the target type, you can specify multiple targets:
  13. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) 'c' channel msg, 'p' private msg, 'n' private notice,
  14. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) 'N' channel notice, 'P' part msg, 'q' quit msg, 'd' dcc,
  15. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) 'a' away, 't' topic, 'u' user (nick!user@host:realname ban)
  16. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) [action] specifies the action to be taken (only 1 action can be specified):
  17. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) 'kill', 'tempshun' (only shun current session), 'shun',
  18. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) 'kline', 'gline', 'zline', 'gzline', 'block' (blocks the msg),
  19. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) 'dccblock' (unable to send any dccs), 'viruschan' (part all channels
  20. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) and join the virus help chan), 'warn' (warn for IRC Operators).
  21. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) [string] this is the actual string that should be blocked (regex or simple pattern)
  22. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) [tkltime] the duration of the *LINEs placed by action (use '-' to use the default
  23. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) set::spamfilter::ban-time, this value is ignored for block/tempshun');
  24. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) [reason] the reason for the *LINE or blockmsg, CANNOT CONTAIN SPACES,
  25. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) '_' will be translated to spaces. Again, if you use '-' for this
  26. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) the default (set::spamfilter::ban-reason) is used.
  27. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) -
  28. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) A few examples (note they will probably line-wrap!):
  29. (30/May/2018 13:31:54) /spamfilter add -simple p block - - Come watch me on my webcam
  30. (30/May/2018 13:31:55) /spamfilter add -simple p block - Possible_virus_detected,_join_#help Come watch me on my webcam
  31. (30/May/2018 13:31:55) /spamfilter add -simple p tempshun - - You_are_infected me.mpg
  32. (30/May/2018 13:31:55) /spamfilter add -simple p gline - - Come watch me on my webcam
  33. (30/May/2018 13:31:55) /spamfilter add -simple p gline 3h Please_go_to_www.viruscan.xx/nicepage/virus=blah Come watch me on my webcam
  34. (30/May/2018 13:31:55) /spamfilter add -simple p kill - Please_go_to_www.viruscan.xx/nicepage/virus=blah Come watch me on my webcam
  35. (30/May/2018 13:31:55) /spamfilter del -simple p block - - Come watch me on my webcam*
  36. (30/May/2018 13:31:55) /spamfilter add -regex cN gzline 1d No_advertising_please /come to irc\..+\..+/
  37. (30/May/2018 13:31:55) -
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