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- /* During initiation, be sure to send every part to every max7219 and then
- upload it.
- For example, if you have five max7219's, you have to send the scanLimit 5 times
- before you load it-- other wise not every max7219 will get the data. The
- function maxInUse keeps track of this, just tell it how many max7219 you are
- using.
- */
- // Added By LKPridgeon
- int matrix_buffer[] {255,255,255,255,255};
- int charList[256];
- int matrix_populate_delay = 0;
- int matrix_update_delay = 1000;
- int updates_per_second = 2;
- // Sloppy stuff that just 'works'
- int dataIn = 7;
- int load = 6;
- int clock = 5;
- int mx = 1; //current display
- int maxInUse = 5; //change this variable to set how many MAX7219's you'll use so 3 boards = 3
- int e = 0; // just a varialble
- int D;
- int TeamA_Score=75;
- int MOD;
- int MOD1;
- int FirstRead = 1;
- int Seg_map[] { 119, 68, 107, 109, 92, 61, 63, 100, 255, 125 }; // Maps 0-9 to required pattern
- // define max7219 registers
- byte max7219_reg_noop = 0x00;
- byte max7219_reg_digit0 = 0x01;
- byte max7219_reg_digit1 = 0x02;
- byte max7219_reg_digit2 = 0x03;
- byte max7219_reg_digit3 = 0x04;
- byte max7219_reg_digit4 = 0x05;
- byte max7219_reg_digit5 = 0x06;
- byte max7219_reg_digit6 = 0x07;
- byte max7219_reg_digit7 = 0x08;
- byte max7219_reg_decodeMode = 0x09;
- byte max7219_reg_intensity = 0x0a;
- byte max7219_reg_scanLimit = 0x0b;
- byte max7219_reg_shutdown = 0x0c;
- byte max7219_reg_displayTest = 0x0f;
- void putByte(byte data) {
- byte i = 8;
- byte mask;
- while (i > 0) {
- mask = 0x01 << (i - 1); // get bitmask
- digitalWrite( clock, LOW); // tick
- if (data & mask) { // choose bit
- digitalWrite(dataIn, HIGH);// send 1
- } else {
- digitalWrite(dataIn, LOW); // send 0
- }
- digitalWrite(clock, HIGH); // tock
- --i; // move to lesser bit
- }
- }
- void maxSingle( byte reg, byte col) {
- //maxSingle is the "easy" function to use for a //single max7219
- digitalWrite(load, LOW); // begin
- putByte(reg); // specify register
- putByte(col);//((data & 0x01) * 256) + data >> 1); // put data
- // and load da shit
- digitalWrite(load, HIGH);
- }
- void maxAll (byte reg, byte col) { // initialize all MAX7219's in the system
- int c = 0;
- digitalWrite(load, LOW); // begin
- for ( c = 1; c <= maxInUse; c++) {
- putByte(reg); // specify register
- putByte(col);//((data & 0x01) * 256) + data >> 1); // put data
- }
- digitalWrite(load, HIGH);
- }
- void maxOne(byte maxNr, byte reg, byte col) {
- //maxOne is for adressing different MAX7219's,
- //whilele having a couple of them cascaded
- int c = 0;
- digitalWrite(load, LOW); // begin
- for ( c = maxInUse; c > maxNr; c--) {
- putByte(0); // means no operation
- putByte(0); // means no operation
- }
- putByte(reg); // specify register
- putByte(col);//((data & 0x01) * 256) + data >> 1); // put data
- for ( c = maxNr - 1; c >= 1; c--) {
- putByte(0); // means no operation
- putByte(0); // means no operation
- }
- digitalWrite(load, HIGH);
- }
- void setup () {
- pinMode(dataIn, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(clock, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(load, OUTPUT);
- Serial.begin(115200);
- Serial.flush();
- digitalWrite(clock, HIGH);
- //initiation of the max 7219
- maxAll(max7219_reg_scanLimit, 0x07);
- maxAll(max7219_reg_decodeMode, 0x00); // using an led matrix (not digits)
- maxAll(max7219_reg_shutdown, 0x01); // not in shutdown mode
- maxAll(max7219_reg_displayTest, 0x00); // no display test
- for (e = 1; e <= 8; e++) { // empty registers, turn all LEDs off
- maxAll(e, 0);
- }
- maxAll(max7219_reg_intensity, 0x0f & 0x0f); // the first 0x0f value you can set to alter brightness
- // range: 0x00 to 0x0f
- createCharList();
- }
- void createCharList(){
- charList[48] = 119; //0
- charList[49] = 68; //1
- charList[50] = 107; //2
- charList[51] = 109; //3
- charList[52] = 92; //4
- charList[53] = 61; //5
- charList[54] = 63; //6
- charList[55] = 100; //7
- charList[56] = 255; //8
- charList[57] = 125; //9
- charList[45] = 8; //-
- charList[71] = 125; //g
- charList[103] = 125;
- charList[80] = 122; //p
- charList[112] = 122;
- charList[73] = 256; //Special Case for lower case i
- charList[105] = 256;
- charList[79] = 119; //o
- charList[111] = 119;
- charList[76] = 19; //l
- charList[108] = 19;
- charList[85] = 7; //u
- charList[117] = 7;
- charList[84] = 27; //t
- charList[116] = 27;
- charList[67] = 51; //c
- charList[99] = 51;
- charList[83] = 61; //s
- charList[115] = 61;
- charList[82] = 10; //r
- charList[114] = 10;
- charList[72] = 30; //h
- charList[104] = 30;
- charList[69] = 59; //e
- charList[101] = 59;
- charList[65] = 126; //a
- charList[97] = 126;
- charList[88] = 256; //Special Case for Do Not Update
- charList[32] = 0; //Blank
- charList[33] = 256; //Special Case for !
- charList[63] = 256; //Special Case for ?
- }
- // Matrix(mx) details 1=TeamA units,2=TeamA Tens,3=TeamB units,4=TeamB Tens
- void loop () {
- LED(D); // Write Out
- /*for (int i; i<maxInUse; i++){
- for(int j; j<8; j++){
- maxOne((maxInUse-i), j, matrix_buffer[i]);
- }
- } */
- delay (1000/updates_per_second);
- }
- void LED(int D){
- getChar();
- Serial.flush();
- }
- void getChar() {
- if (Serial.available()){
- while (Serial.available()){
- char data[0];
- Serial.readBytes(data, maxInUse);
- data[maxInUse] = 0; // Bad way to remove overflow
- Serial.println(data);
- //Serial.println(maxInUse);
- for (int i=0; i<maxInUse; i++){
- //Serial.println("It:" + i);
- if(charList[data[i]] != 256){
- for(int t1=0; t1<8; t1++){
- maxOne((maxInUse-i), t1, charList[data[i]]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- specialCase(data[i], (maxInUse-i));
- }
- //Serial.println(charList[data[i]]);
- delay (matrix_populate_delay);
- }
- delay (matrix_update_delay);
- }
- }
- }
- void specialCase(int data, int DID){
- switch (data) {
- case 67:
- generateI(DID);
- break;
- case 105:
- generateI(DID);
- break;
- case 33:
- generateEMark(DID);
- break;
- case 63:
- generateQMark(DID);
- break;
- case 88:
- break;
- case 120:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- void generateI(int DID){
- maxOne(DID, 1, 4); // mx=current matrix, D=Pattern Match for Digit to be LIT
- maxOne(DID, 2, 4);
- maxOne(DID, 3, 68);
- maxOne(DID, 4, 4);
- maxOne(DID, 5, 4);
- maxOne(DID, 6, 4);
- maxOne(DID, 7, 4);
- //Serial.println("Generating lower case i");
- }
- void generateEMark(int DID){
- maxOne(DID, 1, 68);
- maxOne(DID, 2, 64);
- maxOne(DID, 3, 68);
- maxOne(DID, 4, 68);
- maxOne(DID, 5, 68);
- maxOne(DID, 6, 68);
- maxOne(DID, 7, 68);
- }
- void generateQMark(int DID){
- maxOne(DID, 1, 106);
- maxOne(DID, 2, 106);
- maxOne(DID, 3, 106);
- maxOne(DID, 4, 106);
- maxOne(DID, 5, 104);
- maxOne(DID, 6, 106);
- maxOne(DID, 7, 106);
- }
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