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- # Python3
- # see: < >
- import numpy as np
- from scipy.optimize import fsolve
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- #==============================================================================80
- #-- mean-field equation: m = tanh( Tc/T * (h + m) )
- # m := magnetic order parameter
- # h := rescaled external magnetic field = h_ext / Tc
- # t := T/Tc , rescaled temperature
- # HM := Tc/T * (h + m) = (h + m)/t
- #-- MF solver
- def solveMF(hs, t):
- # solves MF eq for the given h-values at a rescaled temperature t
- MFeq = lambda m, h: m - np.tanh( (m+h)/t )
- ms = map(lambda h: fsolve(lambda m: MFeq(m, h), x0= -2 if h < 0 else +2), hs)
- return tuple(ms)
- #-------------------
- #-- thermodynamic quantities
- MH = lambda m, h, t: (m + h)/t
- # free energy, f(h, T; m) = F/N
- FE = lambda m, h, t: 0.5 * m**2 - t * np.log( 2*np.cosh(MH(m,h,t)) )
- # dm/dt
- dM_dT = lambda m, h, t: MH(m, h, t) / (1 - t/(1 - m**2))
- # entropy, s(h, T; m) = S/N
- def S(m, h, t):
- mh0 = MH(m, h, t)
- return np.log( 2*np.cosh(mh0) ) - m * mh0
- # specific heat at const. volume, c_V(h, T; m) = C_V/N
- CV = lambda m, h, t: -t * MH(m, h, t)**2 / (1 - t/(1 - m**2))
- # magnetic susceptibility
- Xh = lambda m, h, t: -1 / (1 - t/(1 - m**2))
- #==============================================================================80
- #-- free energy and entropy difference for the case where a finite opposite h
- # is applied to a system prepared in an ordered phase (T < Tc)
- t0 = 0.5 # T < Tc
- hs = (1e-3, -1) # initial and final magnetic fields
- ms = solveMF(hs, t0)
- fs = tuple( map(lambda z: FE(z[0], z[1], t0), zip(ms, hs)) )
- ss = tuple( map(lambda z: S(z[0], z[1], t0) , zip(ms, hs)) )
- df = fs[1]-fs[0]
- ds = ss[1]-ss[0]
- print("free-energy change: f(h=%.3f) - f(h=%.3f) = %.3f" % (hs[1], hs[0], df) )
- print("entropy change : s(h=%.3f) - s(h=%.3f) = %.3f" % (hs[1], hs[0], ds) )
- print("heat exchange : dq = T ds = %.3f" % (ds/t0) )
- #-- plots
- #--- graphical solution of MF eq
- h0 = -0.1 # rescaled magnetic field
- pTitle0 = r"$T < T_c$" if t0 < 1 else r"$T > T_c$" if t0 > 1 else r"$T = T_c$"
- Mmax = 2 # max of m
- ms = np.linspace(-Mmax, Mmax, 1<<10) # m values
- RHSs = list( map(lambda m_: np.tanh( (m_+h0)/t0 ), ms) ) # RHS vals.
- fs = list(map(lambda m_: FE(m_, h=h0, t=t0), ms)) # free-energy vals.
- plt.plot(ms, ms, color='green', label='LHS')
- plt.plot(ms, RHSs, color='orange', label='RHS')
- plt.plot(ms, fs, color='crimson', linestyle='-', lw = 1, label='f')
- pTitle = "Graphical solution to MF eq\n" + pTitle0 + "\n" + r"$h_0$"+ "= %.3f" % h0
- plt.title(pTitle, fontsize=10)
- plt.xlabel("m")
- plt.grid()
- plt.legend()
- #--- thermodynamic quantities
- Hmax = 1 # max of h
- hs = np.linspace(-Hmax, Hmax, 1<<10, dtype=float) # h-field vals.
- ms = solveMF(hs, t0) # solve for m
- # m-h plot
- plt.plot(hs, ms,
- color='blue', marker='.', ms=0.2, lw = 0, label=r'$m$')
- plt.title(pTitle0)
- plt.xlabel("h")
- plt.ylabel("m")
- #plt.legend()
- # entropy
- ss = list( map(lambda z: S(z[0], z[1], t0), zip(ms, hs)) )
- plt.plot(hs, ss,
- color='red', lw = 1, label='s')
- plt.title(pTitle0)
- plt.xlabel("h")
- plt.ylabel("s")
- #plt.legend()
- # magnetic susceptibility
- xhs = list( map(lambda z: Xh(z[0], z[1], t0), zip(ms, hs)) )
- plt.plot(hs, xhs,
- color='orange', lw = 1, label=r'$\chi_h$')
- plt.title(pTitle0)
- plt.xlabel("h")
- plt.ylabel(r'$\chi_h$')
- #plt.legend()
- # specific heat
- cvs = list( map(lambda z: CV(z[0], z[1], t0), zip(ms, hs)) )
- plt.plot(hs, cvs,
- color='green', lw = 1, label=r'$c_V$')
- plt.title(pTitle0)
- plt.xlabel("h")
- plt.ylabel(r'$c_V$')
- #plt.legend()
- #==============================================================================80
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