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- # First: All imports
- from tkinter import *
- from tkinter import ttk
- import tkinter.scrolledtext as scrolledtext
- import pygame
- import numpy as np
- from threading import Thread
- import logging
- import os
- import time
- # Web and API
- from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, send_from_directory, render_template
- import requests
- import re
- # Data structures
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- from enum import Enum
- # Initialize Flask app
- app = Flask(__name__)
- # Configure directories
- GENERATED_FILES_DIR = "generated_files"
- os.makedirs(GENERATED_FILES_DIR, exist_ok=True)
- # Constants at top of file
- MISTRAL_API_KEY = "JCASwm1qYdbfSCd7ilpEgUU0oRv7LcbG" # Using the key from
- # Available models
- "mistral-small",
- "mistral-medium",
- "mistral-large"
- ]
- # Conversation tracking
- conversation_history = []
- contextual_memory = []
- # Routes
- @app.route('/')
- def serve_index():
- return render_template("index.html")
- @app.route('/ask', methods=['POST'])
- def ask_ai():
- user_message = request.json.get("message", "")
- selected_model = request.json.get("model", "mistral-small")
- response = ai_companion.process_user_input(user_message, selected_model)
- return jsonify({"response": response})
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
- def get_ai_response(self, message):
- headers = {
- "Authorization": f"Bearer {MISTRAL_API_KEY}",
- "Content-Type": "application/json"
- }
- payload = {
- "model": "mistral-small", # Using the correct model name
- "messages": [{
- "role": "user",
- "content": message
- }]
- }
- # Third: Define the CombinedInterface class
- class CombinedInterface:
- def __init__(self, root):
- self.root = root
- self.root.title("✨ Lexi - Magical AI Companion ✨")
- self.root.geometry("1200x800")
- # Initialize core components
- self.running = True
- self.current_animation = "idle"
- self.animation_frame = 0
- self.sprite_size = (64, 64)
- # Create main container
- self.main_container = ttk.Frame(root)
- self.main_container.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
- # Create sprite frame
- self.sprite_frame = Frame(self.main_container, width=400, height=600, bg='black')
- self.sprite_frame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, padx=5, pady=5)
- self.sprite_frame.pack_propagate(False)
- # Create chat frame
- self.setup_chat_interface()
- # Initialize pygame
- self.root.update()
- os.environ['SDL_WINDOWID'] = str(self.sprite_frame.winfo_id())
- pygame.init()
- self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 600))
- self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- # Generate sprites
- self.sprites = self.generate_sprites()
- # Start animation thread
- self.animation_thread = Thread(target=self.run_animation, daemon=True)
- self.animation_thread.start()
- def setup_chat_interface(self):
- # Chat interface setup
- self.chat_frame = ttk.Frame(self.main_container)
- self.chat_frame.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH, expand=True, padx=5, pady=5)
- # Model selection
- self.model_var = StringVar(value="mistral-small-latest")
- model_frame = ttk.Frame(self.chat_frame)
- model_frame.pack(fill=X, pady=(0, 10))
- ttk.Label(model_frame, text="Select AI Model:").pack(side=LEFT)
- model_menu = ttk.Combobox(model_frame, textvariable=self.model_var)
- model_menu['values'] = MISTRAL_MODELS + OLLAMA_MODELS
- model_menu.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
- # Chat display
- self.chat_display = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(
- self.chat_frame,
- wrap=WORD,
- height=25,
- font=('Helvetica', 11),
- bg='#f5f5f5'
- )
- self.chat_display.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True, pady=(0, 10))
- # Input area
- input_frame = ttk.Frame(self.chat_frame)
- input_frame.pack(fill=X)
- self.message_input = ttk.Entry(input_frame, font=('Helvetica', 11))
- self.message_input.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True)
- send_button = ttk.Button(input_frame, text="Send", command=self.send_message)
- send_button.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(5, 0))
- # Bind Enter key
- self.message_input.bind("<Return>", lambda e: self.send_message())
- def generate_sprites(self):
- # Initialize sprite dictionary
- sprites = {
- "idle": [],
- "talking": [],
- "thinking": []
- }
- # Generate frames for each animation state
- for i in range(4):
- # Create idle animation frames
- sprite = np.zeros((self.sprite_size[1], self.sprite_size[0], 4), dtype=np.uint8)
- self.draw_character(sprite, animation_step=int(np.sin(i * np.pi/2) * 2))
- sprites["idle"].append(sprite.copy())
- # Create talking animation frames
- sprite_talk = np.zeros((self.sprite_size[1], self.sprite_size[0], 4), dtype=np.uint8)
- self.draw_character(sprite_talk, animation_step=i, talking=True)
- sprites["talking"].append(sprite_talk.copy())
- # Create thinking animation frames
- sprite_think = np.zeros((self.sprite_size[1], self.sprite_size[0], 4), dtype=np.uint8)
- self.draw_character(sprite_think, animation_step=i, thinking=True)
- sprites["thinking"].append(sprite_think.copy())
- return sprites
- def draw_character(self, sprite, animation_step=0, talking=False, thinking=False):
- # Draw with magical colors
- ROBE_COLOR = (75, 0, 130, 255) # Royal purple
- SKIN_COLOR = (255, 223, 196, 255) # Warm tone
- HAT_COLOR = (45, 0, 90, 255) # Deep purple
- STAR_COLOR = (255, 215, 0, 255) # Bright gold
- # Magical color palette
- HAIR_COLOR = (200, 60, 20, 255) # Vibrant auburn red
- HAIR_HIGHLIGHT = (240, 80, 35, 255) # Lighter red highlights
- ROBE_COLOR = (75, 0, 130, 255) # Royal purple
- ROBE_ACCENT = (147, 112, 219, 255) # Lighter purple for details
- SKIN_COLOR = (255, 223, 196, 255) # Warm peachy tone
- HAT_COLOR = (45, 0, 90, 255) # Deep purple
- STAR_COLOR = (255, 215, 0, 255) # Bright gold
- EYE_COLOR = (30, 144, 255, 255) # Bright blue eyes
- EYE_HIGHLIGHT = (135, 206, 250, 255) # Light blue sparkle
- EYE_SHADOW = (25, 25, 112, 255) # Dark blue depth
- STAFF_WOOD = (139, 69, 19, 255) # Rich wooden staff
- STAFF_GOLD = (218, 165, 32, 255) # Gold accents
- GEM_COLOR = (0, 191, 255, 255) # Magical blue gems
- LIP_COLOR = (220, 20, 60, 255) # Crimson red lips
- LIP_HIGHLIGHT = (255, 69, 0, 255) # Coral highlight
- # Initialize position variables
- hat_height = 15
- for y in range(hat_height):
- width = max(4, int(12 - y * 0.8)) # Hat narrows toward top
- for x in range(32-width, 32+width):
- if 0 <= y < 64 and 0 <= x < 64:
- sprite[y, x] = HAT_COLOR
- # Face and neck area - moved up
- face_start = hat_height
- face_end = face_start + 10
- for y in range(face_start, face_end):
- for x in range(24, 40):
- if (x-32)**2 + (y-face_start-5)**2 < 64:
- sprite[y, x] = SKIN_COLOR
- # Draw elegant flowing hair with proper layering
- for y in range(5, face_end + 15): # Hair ends at upper robe area
- # Create gentle waves with smaller amplitude
- width = int(12 + np.sin(y * 0.2 + animation_step * 0.1) * 2)
- # Add subtle tapering effect for natural flow
- taper = max(0, (y - 15) * 0.2) # Start tapering earlier
- adjusted_width = max(4, width - int(taper))
- for x in range(32-adjusted_width, 32+adjusted_width):
- if 0 <= y < 64 and 0 <= x < 64:
- # Create natural highlight pattern
- if (x + y) % 5 == 0 and abs(x-32) > adjusted_width/2:
- sprite[y, x] = HAIR_HIGHLIGHT
- else:
- sprite[y, x] = HAIR_COLOR
- # Robe (flowing downward with elegant slim fit)
- robe_start = face_end
- for y in range(robe_start, 60):
- # Create ultra-slim silhouette
- width = int(6 + (y - robe_start) * 0.2) # Reduced from 8 to 6, and 0.3 to 0.2
- # Add subtle curves for feminine shape
- curve_adjust = int(np.sin((y - robe_start) * 0.2) * 2)
- adjusted_width = width + curve_adjust
- for x in range(32-adjusted_width, 32+adjusted_width):
- if 0 <= x < 64:
- if (x + y) % 4 == 0:
- sprite[y, x] = ROBE_ACCENT
- else:
- sprite[y, x] = ROBE_COLOR
- # Add magical sparkles more sparsely
- if (x + y) % 9 == 0: # Changed from 7 to 9 for more delicate effect
- sprite[y, x] = STAR_COLOR
- # Draw ornate wizard hat with gems
- for y in range(hat_height):
- width = max(4, int(10 - y * 0.8))
- for x in range(32-width, 32+width):
- if 0 <= y < 64 and 0 <= x < 64:
- sprite[y, x] = HAT_COLOR
- if y % 3 == 0 and abs(x-32) == width-2:
- sprite[y, x] = GEM_COLOR
- # Draw detailed face
- for y in range(face_start, face_end):
- for x in range(24, 40):
- if (x-32)**2 + (y-face_start-5)**2 < 64:
- sprite[y, x] = SKIN_COLOR
- if (x-32)**2 + (y-face_start-5)**2 > 58:
- sprite[y, x] = (255, 200, 180, 255)
- # Draw eyes
- eye_y = face_start + 5
- # Left eye
- for x in range(27, 30):
- for y in range(eye_y-1, eye_y+2):
- sprite[y, x] = EYE_COLOR
- if x == 28 and y == eye_y-1:
- sprite[y, x] = EYE_HIGHLIGHT
- if y == eye_y+1:
- sprite[y, x] = EYE_SHADOW
- # Right eye
- for x in range(34, 37):
- for y in range(eye_y-1, eye_y+2):
- sprite[y, x] = EYE_COLOR
- if x == 35 and y == eye_y-1:
- sprite[y, x] = EYE_HIGHLIGHT
- if y == eye_y+1:
- sprite[y, x] = EYE_SHADOW
- # Draw magical staff and robed arms
- staff_x = 40 # Moved staff closer to body center (32)
- # Draw left arm holding staff
- for y in range(25, 40):
- # Create sleeve that extends from robe to staff
- for x in range(35, staff_x):
- if (x-32)**2 + (y-30)**2 < 64: # Curved sleeve shape
- sprite[y, x] = ROBE_COLOR
- if (x + y) % 4 == 0:
- sprite[y, x] = ROBE_ACCENT
- # Draw staff with hands
- for y in range(20, 55):
- # Draw the wooden staff
- sprite[y, staff_x] = STAFF_WOOD
- sprite[y, staff_x+1] = STAFF_WOOD
- # Add gold bands
- if y % 8 == 0:
- sprite[y, staff_x-1:staff_x+3] = STAFF_GOLD
- # Add hands at grip points
- if 30 <= y <= 35:
- for x in range(staff_x-2, staff_x+3):
- sprite[y, x] = SKIN_COLOR
- # Draw ornate staff top
- staff_top_y = 15
- orb_radius = 4
- # Create glowing orb
- for y in range(staff_top_y - orb_radius, staff_top_y + orb_radius):
- for x in range(staff_x - orb_radius, staff_x + orb_radius + 2):
- if (x-staff_x)**2 + (y-staff_top_y)**2 < orb_radius**2:
- # Create glowing effect with color gradients
- distance = ((x-staff_x)**2 + (y-staff_top_y)**2) ** 0.5
- glow_intensity = 1 - (distance / orb_radius)
- sprite[y, x] = (
- int(GEM_COLOR[0] * glow_intensity),
- int(GEM_COLOR[1] * glow_intensity),
- int(GEM_COLOR[2] * glow_intensity),
- 255
- )
- # Add golden filigree around orb
- for angle in range(0, 360, 45):
- rad_angle = np.radians(angle)
- x = int(staff_x + (orb_radius + 1) * np.cos(rad_angle))
- y = int(staff_top_y + (orb_radius + 1) * np.sin(rad_angle))
- if 0 <= x < 64 and 0 <= y < 64:
- sprite[y, x] = STAFF_GOLD
- # Draw the wooden staff
- for y in range(staff_top_y + orb_radius, 55):
- sprite[y, staff_x] = STAFF_WOOD
- sprite[y, staff_x+1] = STAFF_WOOD
- if y % 8 == 0:
- sprite[y, staff_x-1:staff_x+3] = STAFF_GOLD
- # Add gold bands
- if y % 8 == 0:
- sprite[y, staff_x-1:staff_x+3] = STAFF_GOLD
- # Add hands at grip points
- if 30 <= y <= 35:
- for x in range(staff_x-2, staff_x+3):
- sprite[y, x] = SKIN_COLOR
- # Draw lips
- if talking:
- # Animated talking lips
- mouth_y = face_start + 7 + (animation_step % 2)
- for x in range(30, 34):
- sprite[mouth_y, x] = LIP_COLOR
- sprite[mouth_y-1, x] = LIP_HIGHLIGHT
- else:
- # Gentle smile
- mouth_y = face_start + 7
- for x in range(30, 34):
- sprite[mouth_y, x] = LIP_COLOR
- sprite[mouth_y-1, x] = LIP_HIGHLIGHT
- # Add magical effects when thinking
- if thinking:
- for i in range(4):
- angle = animation_step * 0.2 + i * np.pi/2
- radius = 8 + np.sin(animation_step * 0.1) * 3
- spell_x = int(staff_x + np.cos(angle) * radius)
- spell_y = int(17 + np.sin(angle) * radius)
- if 0 <= spell_x < 64 and 0 <= spell_y < 64:
- sprite[spell_y, spell_x] = STAR_COLOR
- def run_animation(self):
- logging.debug("Animation loop starting...")
- while self.running:
- try:
- # Clear screen
- self.screen.fill((30, 30, 60))
- # Get current frame
- current_frame = self.animation_frame % len(self.sprites[self.current_animation])
- sprite_array = self.sprites[self.current_animation][current_frame]
- # Create surface
- sprite_surface = pygame.Surface(self.sprite_size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
- pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(sprite_surface)[:] = sprite_array[:, :, :3]
- pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(sprite_surface)[:] = sprite_array[:, :, 3]
- # Scale sprite
- scaled_sprite = pygame.transform.scale(sprite_surface, (300, 300))
- # Rotate sprite 90 degrees clockwise
- rotated_sprite = pygame.transform.rotate(scaled_sprite, -90)
- # Center rotated sprite
- sprite_rect = rotated_sprite.get_rect(center=(200, 300))
- # Draw rotated sprite
- self.screen.blit(rotated_sprite, sprite_rect)
- # Update display
- pygame.display.flip()
- # Increment frame
- self.animation_frame += 1
- # Control frame rate
- self.clock.tick(30)
- except Exception as e:
- logging.error(f"Animation error: {e}")
- def send_message(self):
- message = self.message_input.get()
- if message:
- # Display user message
- self.chat_display.insert(END, f"\n😊 You: {message}\n", 'user')
- self.chat_display.tag_configure('user', foreground='#2196F3')
- # Clear input field
- self.message_input.delete(0, END)
- # Set thinking animation
- self.current_animation = "thinking"
- # Get and display AI response with female wizard emoji
- response = self.get_ai_response(message)
- self.chat_display.insert(END, f"\n🧙♀️ Lexi: {response}\n", 'ai')
- self.chat_display.tag_configure('ai', foreground='#9C27B0')
- # Return to idle animation
- self.current_animation = "idle"
- # Ensure latest messages are visible
- self.chat_display.see(END)
- def get_ai_response(self, message):
- selected_model = self.model_var.get()
- try:
- # Get response from API
- response, _ = self.query_mistral(selected_model, message)
- # Process response for code blocks
- code_blocks = re.findall(r"(\w+)?\n(.*?)", response, re.DOTALL)
- # Create files if code blocks exist
- if code_blocks:
- for language, code in code_blocks:
- filename = f"magical_code_{time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.{language or 'txt'}"
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write(code.strip())
- return response
- except Exception as e:
- return f"✨ The magical realms whisper: {str(e)}"
- def query_mistral(self, model, message):
- headers = {
- "Authorization": f"Bearer {MISTRAL_API_KEY}",
- "Content-Type": "application/json"
- }
- payload = {
- "model": model,
- "messages": [{
- "role": "user",
- "content": message
- }],
- "temperature": 0.7,
- "max_tokens": 2000
- }
- logging.debug(f"Sending request to Mistral API with model: {model}")
- response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
- if response.status_code == 200:
- json_response = response.json()
- ai_response = json_response.get("choices", [{}])[0].get("message", {}).get("content", "")
- logging.debug("Successfully received response from Mistral API")
- return ai_response, None
- logging.error(f"Mistral API returned status code: {response.status_code}")
- return f"✨ The magical connection requires attention (Status: {response.status_code})", None
- def query_ollama(self, model, message):
- full_context = self.contextual_memory + self.conversation_history
- payload = {
- "model": model,
- "messages": full_context + [{"role": "user", "content": message}],
- "system_prompt": "You are Lexi, a magical AI companion specialized in programming."
- }
- response =, json=payload, stream=True)
- if response.status_code == 200:
- full_response = ""
- memory_update = None
- for line in response.iter_lines():
- if line:
- json_part = json.loads(line.decode('utf-8'))
- if "memory_update" in json_part:
- memory_update = json_part["memory_update"]
- full_response += json_part.get("message", {}).get("content", "")
- return full_response, memory_update
- return f"✨ Magical connection needs attention: {response.status_code}", None
- # Fourth: Define main function
- def main():
- root = Tk()
- app = CombinedInterface(root)
- root.mainloop()
- # Fifth: Run the program
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
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