DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
GM: Luau
[Mix ‘n’ Mingle Camera Crew]
[Singing (and Dancing) In the Rain]
[Odorous Buffet]
[Hidden Cameras Everywhere]
[Form-Over-Function Lighting]
[High Up and Isolated]
[Gardens of Privacy]
[Coed Spaces]
[Saunas (with Ridiculous Settings)]
Dovelia: smirks at Cocoa and returns her attention to the buffet. "Fascinating," is all she says, but the way she continues piling up her plate suggests a different opinion.
Dovelia: "An amateur mistake. These buffets are designed to deceive you into loading up on the inexpensive, filling dishes. The trick to getting the most is to recognize the gold among the chaff and go for it." She says this authoritatively, even though she has no idea what the dishes actually are - she's merely trusting her culinary instincts to lead her to the good stuff. The interesting stuff, at the very least.
Dovelia: "I have to have an accurate sample, dear. I have to know what the local tastes and preferences are. I have learned the art of cooking from the gold standard across the galaxy...yet I would be remiss if I baldly attempted to conquer this frontier without comprehending it in full first."
Dovelia: She not-so-subtly eats a forkful of something rich and strong-smelling, and her eyes light up.
Dovelia: !f 1
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+1 for 0 [4dF = [ ][-][+][-]]
Dovelia: She chews. The food is...milder than she expected. Is she simply eating it wrong? Her immediate impression is that the locals favor strong smells and bright colors over powerful flavors. She makes a mental note of it.
GM: !roll 4df+1 (Sneaky Norstar)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+1 for 2 [4df = [+][ ][ ][ ]] (Sneaky Norstar)
Reality Glitch: !f2
Reality Glitch: !f 2
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+2 for 4 [4dF = [ ][+][ ][+]]
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Quick ???)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [+][-][-][ ]] (Quick ???)
Ratatoskr: !roll 4df+1
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4df+1 for -2 [4df = [ ][-][-][-]]
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Clever Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [-][-][ ][+]] (Clever Greto)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Quick ???)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 0 [4df = [-][ ][ ][-]] (Quick ???)
Ratatoskr: !roll 4df+1 (Rat's Clever. Two heads aren't better than one in this case.)
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4df+1 for 1 [4df = [+][-][ ][ ]] (Rat's Clever. Two heads aren't better than one in this case.)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Clever Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [ ][ ][ ][-]] (Clever Greto)
Dovelia: !r 1 (quick)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 1 for 1 [] (quick)
Dovelia: oop
Dovelia: !f 1 (quick)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+1 for 2 [4dF = [-][+][+][ ]]
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][ ][+][-]]
Ratatoskr: !f 1
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+1 for 0 [4dF = [ ][-][ ][ ]]
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Quick Cocoa)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 4 [4df = [-][+][+][+]] (Quick Cocoa)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Quick Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [ ][-][ ][ ]] (Quick Greto)
GM: Drenched Jungle
[Dense Foliage & Denser Rain][+1]
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [-][ ][+][+]]
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Careful Cocoa)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 5 [4df = [+][ ][+][ ]] (Careful Cocoa)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Careful Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [ ][-][ ][ ]] (Careful Greto)
Dovelia: !f 2 (Aggressive)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+2 for 5 [4dF = [+][ ][+][+]]
Ratatoskr: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [+][-][-][ ]]
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Flashy Norstar)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [+][ ][-][ ]] (Flashy Norstar)
GM: Abandoned Village
[Maze of Slippery Bridges][+2]
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][+][+][-]]
GM: Verdant Caves
[Thick & Foreboding Fog][+2]
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Careful Cocoa)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 2 [4df = [-][ ][ ][ ]] (Careful Cocoa)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Careful Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 0 [4df = [-][+][-][-]] (Careful Greto)
Dovelia: remembers an old trick from the dozens of activity books she'd play with her siblings: the easiest way to solve a maze is to follow the wall...
Dovelia: !f 3 (Careful)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [ ][+][+][ ]]
Ratatoskr: !f 2
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [+][-][+][ ]]
Reality Glitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P5qbcRAXVk
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Clever Norstar)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 4 [4df = [ ][+][-][+]] (Clever Norstar)
GM: Treacherous Canopy
[Swing, and Don’t Look Down…][+3]
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [ ][-][+][+]]
GM: Maelstrom Lake
[Swallowing Current][+3]
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Aggressive Cocoa)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [ ][ ][+][-]] (Aggressive Cocoa)
Dovelia: !f 3 (Careful)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [ ][+][+][ ]]
GM: Serene Falls
[A Natural Water Slide!][+0]
Ratatoskr: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+3 for 1 [4dF = [-][-][+][-]]
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Clever Norstar)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 4 [4df = [-][+][+][ ]] (Clever Norstar)
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][+][ ][-]]
Dovelia: !f 1 (Quick)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+1 for 1 [4dF = [+][-][+][-]]
GM: !roll 4df+0 (“Quick” Norstar)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 2 [4df = [+][-][+][+]] (“Quick” Norstar)
Ratatoskr: !f+ 1
Ratatoskr: !f 1
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+1 for 0 [4dF = [-][ ][+][-]]
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Aggressive Cocoa)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [ ][-][+][ ]] (Aggressive Cocoa)
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Sneaky Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 3 [4df = [+][-][ ][ ]] (Sneaky Greto)
Dovelia: !f 1 (Quick)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+1 for 2 [4dF = [+][ ][-][+]]
GM: !f 2 (Quick Cocoa)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [+][-][-][ ]]
Ratatoskr: !f 1 (Quickatosker)
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+1 for 3 [4dF = [+][+][-][+]]
GM: !f 0 (Prof. Slowstar)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+0 for 2 [4dF = [+][+][-][+]]
Dovelia: raises an eyebrow, but smirks to herself.
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Clever Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [ ][+][-][+]] (Clever Greto)
Ratatoskr: !f 1 (QUICOK)
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+1 for 1 [4dF = [+][+][-][-]]
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Quick Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [+][-][+][-]] (Quick Greto)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Quick Cocoa)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [ ][-][ ][ ]] (Quick Cocoa)
GM: !roll 4df+0 (Prof. SLOOOOOOOOOOW)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 1 [4df = [ ][ ][ ][+]] (Prof. SLOOOOOOOOOOW)
GM: !f 3 (Quick Mimi)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [-][ ][ ][ ]]
GM: !f 3 (Mimi)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]]
GM: !f 2 (Cocoa)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 0 [4dF = [-][ ][-][ ]]
GM: !f 2 (Greto)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [-][+][-][ ]]
GM: !f 0 (fuck)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+0 for -1 [4dF = [+][-][ ][-]]
GM: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CXSM8tj6V_toiswskSQNeez7hqWEJ-zfnNuTbhYeSEc
Reality Glitch: !roll 1d9
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 1d9 for 4 [1d9 = 4]
Dovelia: rubs her chin as she examines her options, then points at K-Xac'l. "You. You'll do," is all she says.
Dovelia: rolls her eyes a little. The bloodspatter doesn't upset her - she's personally been responsible for worse - but he IS invading her personal space.
GM: !f 2 (Clever)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 4 [4dF = [+][ ][+][ ]]
GM: !f 3 (Clever)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [-][ ][+][-]]
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [ ][ ][ ][-]]
Dovelia: gives Rachelle a side-eye. "Watch who you coddle," she mutters.
GM: :Craig:, leave
GM: !end