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- #
- # mcMMO configuration
- # Last updated on ${project.version}-b${BUILD_NUMBER}
- #
- #####
- #
- # Settings for mcMMO in general
- ###
- General:
- Locale: en_US
- MOTD_Enabled: true
- # Amount of time (in minutes) to wait between saves of player information
- Save_Interval: 10
- # Allow mcMMO to report on basic anonymous usage
- Stats_Tracking: true
- # Allow mcMMO to check if a new version is available
- Update_Check: true
- Prefer_Beta: false
- # Allow mcMMO to inform other plugins of damage being dealt
- Event_Callback: true
- # Allow mcMMO to create zip backups for flatfile data on shutdown.
- Generate_Backups: true
- Power_Level_Cap: 0
- # Should mcMMO print out debug messages?
- Verbose_Logging: false
- # Should mcMMO over-write configs to update, or make new ones ending in .new?
- Config_Update_Overwrite: true
- Scoreboards:
- # Should mcMMO use scoreboards for /inspect?
- # Amount of time (in seconds) to display. To display permanently, set to -1
- Inspect:
- Use: true
- Display_Time: 10
- # Should mcMMO use scoreboards for /mcrank?
- # Amount of time (in seconds) to display. To display permanently, set to -1
- Mcrank:
- Use: true
- Display_Time: 10
- # Should mcMMO use scoreboards for /mcstats?
- # Amount of time (in seconds) to display. To display permanently, set to -1
- Mcstats:
- Use: true
- Display_Time: 10
- # Should mcMMO use scoreboards for /mctop?
- # Amount of time (in seconds) to display. To display permanently, set to -1
- Mctop:
- Use: true
- Display_Time: 10
- # Should mcMMO use scoreboards for /skillname (/mining, /fishing, etc.)?
- # Amount of time (in seconds) to display. To display permanently, set to -1
- Skillname:
- Use: true
- Display_Time: 10
- # Should mcMMO display power levels on scoreboards? (below player name-tags)
- Power_Level:
- Use: false
- Mob_Healthbar:
- # Default display for mob health bars - HEARTS, BAR, or DISABLED
- Display_Type: HEARTS
- # Amount of time (in seconds) to display. To display permanently, set to -1
- Display_Time: 3
- Database_Purging:
- # Amount of time (in hours) to wait between database purging
- # To only run at server start, set to 0
- # To never run, set to -1
- Purge_Interval: -1
- # Any user who hasn't connected in this many months will be purged from the database
- # To never purge old users, set to -1
- Old_User_Cutoff: 6
- #
- # Settings for using a mySQL database
- ###
- MySQL:
- Enabled: false
- Database:
- User_Name: UserName
- User_Password: UserPassword
- Name: DataBaseName
- TablePrefix: mcmmo_
- Server:
- Port: 3306
- Address: localhost
- #
- # Settings for Hardcore mode
- ###
- Hardcore:
- Death_Stat_Loss:
- Penalty_Percentage: 75.0
- Enabled:
- Acrobatics: false
- Archery: false
- Axes: false
- Fishing: false
- Herbalism: false
- Mining: false
- Repair: false
- Swords: false
- Taming: false
- Unarmed: false
- Woodcutting: false
- Vampirism:
- Leech_Percentage: 5.0
- Enabled:
- Acrobatics: false
- Archery: false
- Axes: false
- Fishing: false
- Herbalism: false
- Mining: false
- Repair: false
- Swords: false
- Taming: false
- Unarmed: false
- Woodcutting: false
- #
- # Settings for SMP Mods
- ###
- Mods:
- Tool_Mods_Enabled: false
- Armor_Mods_Enabled: false
- Block_Mods_Enabled: false
- Entity_Mods_Enabled: false
- #
- # Settings for mcMMO items
- ###
- Items:
- Chimaera_Wing:
- Enabled: true
- Cooldown: 240
- Warmup: 5
- RecentlyHurt_Cooldown: 60
- Prevent_Use_Underground: true
- Use_Cost: 1
- Recipe_Cost: 5
- Item_Name: FEATHER
- #
- # Settings for Parties
- ###
- Party:
- # Amount of time (in hours) to wait between automatically kicking old party members
- # To only run at server start, set to 0
- # To never kick old users, set to -1
- AutoKick_Interval: 12
- # Any user who hasn't connected in this many days will get kicked from their party
- Old_Party_Member_Cutoff: 7
- # Settings for party share modes
- Sharing:
- ExpShare_enabled: true
- ExpShare_bonus_base: 1.1
- ExpShare_bonus_increase: 1.05
- ExpShare_bonus_cap: 1.5
- ItemShare_enabled: true
- Range: 75.0
- #
- # Settings for Abilities
- ###
- Abilities:
- Enabled: true
- Messages: true
- Activation:
- Only_Activate_When_Sneaking: false
- Cooldowns:
- Berserk: 240
- Blast_Mining: 60
- Giga_Drill_Breaker: 240
- Green_Terra: 240
- Serrated_Strikes: 240
- Skull_Splitter: 240
- Super_Breaker: 240
- Tree_Feller: 240
- Max_Seconds:
- Berserk: 0
- Blast_Mining: 0
- Giga_Drill_Breaker: 0
- Green_Terra: 0
- Serrated_Strikes: 0
- Skull_Splitter: 0
- Super_Breaker: 0
- Tree_Feller: 0
- Limits:
- Tree_Feller_Threshold: 500
- Tools:
- # Use more tool durability while using abilities. Set Durability_Loss to 0 to disable the extra durability damage.
- Durability_Loss: 2
- #
- # Settings for Skills
- # Level cap of 0 for no limit
- ###
- Skills:
- Acrobatics:
- Enabled_For_PVP: true
- Enabled_For_PVE: true
- Prevent_AFK_Leveling: true
- Prevent_Dodge_Lightning: false
- Prevent_XP_After_Teleport: true
- Level_Cap: 0
- Archery:
- Enabled_For_PVP: true
- Enabled_For_PVE: true
- Level_Cap: 0
- Axes:
- Enabled_For_PVP: true
- Enabled_For_PVE: true
- Level_Cap: 0
- Excavation:
- Level_Cap: 0
- Fishing:
- Drops_Enabled: true
- Level_Cap: 0
- Herbalism:
- Level_Cap: 0
- Prevent_AFK_Leveling: true
- Mining:
- Level_Cap: 0
- Detonator_Name: FLINT_AND_STEEL
- Repair:
- Level_Cap: 0
- Anvil_Messages: true
- Anvil_Material: IRON_BLOCK
- Salvage_Anvil_Material: GOLD_BLOCK
- Salvage_tools: true
- Salvage_armor: true
- # Ask for a confirmation when a player tries to repair an enchanted item
- Confirm_Required: true
- Smelting:
- Level_Cap: 0
- Swords:
- Enabled_For_PVP: true
- Enabled_For_PVE: true
- Level_Cap: 0
- Taming:
- Enabled_For_PVP: true
- Enabled_For_PVE: true
- Level_Cap: 0
- Call_Of_The_Wild:
- Bones_Required: 10
- Fish_Required: 10
- Apples_Required: 10
- # Range to check for nearby pets when using Call Of The Wild, 0 will disable the check
- Range: 40.0
- # Amount of pets to summon when using Call Of The Wild
- Wolf_Amount: 1
- Ocelot_Amount: 1
- Horse_Amount: 1
- Unarmed:
- Enabled_For_PVP: true
- Enabled_For_PVE: true
- Level_Cap: 0
- Block_Cracker:
- SmoothBrick_To_CrackedBrick: true
- Woodcutting:
- Level_Cap: 0
- #
- # Settings for Double Drops
- ###
- Double_Drops:
- Herbalism:
- Brown_Mushroom: true
- Cactus: true
- Carrot: true
- Cocoa: true
- Crops: true
- Melon_Block: true
- Nether_Warts: true
- Potato: true
- Pumpkin: true
- Red_Mushroom: true
- Red_Rose: true
- Sugar_Cane_Block: true
- Vine: true
- Water_Lily: true
- Yellow_Flower: true
- Mining:
- Coal_Ore: true
- Diamond_Ore: true
- Emerald_Ore: true
- Ender_Stone: true
- Glowstone: true
- Gold_Ore: true
- Iron_Ore: true
- Lapis_Ore: true
- Mossy_Cobblestone: true
- Netherrack: true
- Obsidian: true
- Quartz_Ore: true
- Redstone_Ore: true
- Sandstone: true
- Stone: true
- Woodcutting:
- Oak: true
- Birch: true
- Spruce: true
- Jungle: true
- #
- # Settings for commands
- ###
- Commands:
- General:
- # If true, when using partial names in commands mcMMO will try to look for a match from
- # the offline players. Enabling this might slow the server down if there are a lot of offline players.
- Match_OfflinePlayers: false
- mcmmo:
- Donate_Message: true
- inspect:
- Max_Distance: 30.0
- ptp:
- Cooldown: 120
- Warmup: 5
- RecentlyHurt_Cooldown: 60
- Confirm_Required: true
- Request_Timeout: 300
- # If true, require players to have a[WorldName] permission
- # to teleport to, from, or within any given world.
- World_Based_Permissions: false
- p:
- Chat_Prefix_Format: '[[GREEN]]([[WHITE]]{0}[[GREEN]])'
- # Allow mcMMO to use player display names in chat instead of their usernames
- Use_Display_Names: true
- a:
- Chat_Prefix_Format: '[[AQUA]][[[WHITE]]{0}[[AQUA]]]'
- # Allow mcMMO to use player display names in chat instead of their usernames
- Use_Display_Names: true
- #
- # Settings for particles
- ###
- Particles:
- # These settings determine if fireworks should get launched when a player activates/deactivates an ability
- Ability_Activation: true
- Ability_Deactivation: true
- # Determines if the fireworks should be a large ball or a small one
- LargeFireworks: true
- # Use particle effect when these abilities trigger
- Dodge: true
- Bleed: true
- Greater_Impact: true
- # These settings determine if fireworks should get launched when a player levels-up,
- # this will happen by default for every 100 levels.
- LevelUp_Enabled: true
- LevelUp_Tier: 100
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