
Serious business

Feb 7th, 2015
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  1. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: About one million ponies at least
  2. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: Apparently
  3. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: In 6 months
  4. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: 180 days
  5. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: 4320 hours
  6. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: 1.55M seconds
  7. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: AKAK
  8. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: AKA*
  9. 10:04 PM - Sergiovan: One pony per second
  10. 10:05 PM - Sergiovan: I hope magic can help you
  11. 10:06 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ..
  12. 10:06 PM - Procloptinator Brad: So for 6 months
  13. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I'll be fucking/being fucked by a pony A SECOND?
  14. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: FOR 6 MONTHS?
  15. 10:07 PM - Sergiovan: Yes
  16. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: HELL
  17. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: TO
  18. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: THE
  19. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: FUCK
  20. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: NO
  21. 10:07 PM - Sergiovan: 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: HELL
  22. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: TO
  23. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: THE
  24. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: FUCK
  25. 10:07 PM - Sergiovan: Accurate
  26. 10:07 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ..
  27. 10:07 PM - Sergiovan: You won't even notice after 5 days
  28. 10:07 PM - Sergiovan: BECAUSE YOU'LL BE DEAD
  29. 10:08 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Death by animated pony fucking.
  30. 10:08 PM - Sergiovan: Unless
  31. 10:08 PM - Sergiovan: Magic can help you
  32. 10:08 PM - Sergiovan: Maybe they can slow time
  33. 10:08 PM - Sergiovan: One seconds now takes a whole day
  34. 10:09 PM - Procloptinator Brad: THAT'S EVEN WORSE
  35. 10:09 PM - Sergiovan: How is it worse?
  36. 10:09 PM - Procloptinator Brad: But once again:
  37. 21:00:49 - Procloptinator Brad said: I may chronically clop, but not THAT much
  38. 10:09 PM - Sergiovan: Either that
  39. 10:09 PM - Sergiovan: (Keep in mind, only 6 months pass)
  40. 10:10 PM - Sergiovan: Or you literally die
  41. 10:10 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Hmmm
  42. 10:10 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Constantly get fucked by ponies for 6 months straight
  43. 10:10 PM - Procloptinator Brad: OR
  44. 10:10 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Get fucked by ponies for 5 days straight and die.
  45. 10:10 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Hmmm
  46. 10:10 PM - Sergiovan: Hey
  47. 10:10 PM - Sergiovan: Wait
  48. 10:10 PM - Sergiovan: No
  49. 10:10 PM - Sergiovan: Nonono
  50. 10:10 PM - Sergiovan: You have it all wrong
  51. 10:11 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...
  52. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: See, if they slow down time
  53. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: Each second is 1 day
  54. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: So it would take you 1M days
  55. 10:11 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...
  56. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: Which is
  57. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: 2500~ years
  58. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: BUT
  59. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: BUT
  60. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: You get to rest
  61. 10:11 PM - Sergiovan: Not constant 24h ... stuff
  62. 10:12 PM - Procloptinator Brad: So
  63. 10:12 PM - Procloptinator Brad: in other words
  64. 10:12 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Every day I get fucked by/fuck a pony. For ~2500 years?
  65. 10:12 PM - Sergiovan: Yes
  66. 10:12 PM - Sergiovan: And the rest of the time, free
  67. 10:12 PM - Sergiovan: Also
  68. 10:12 PM - Sergiovan: Only 6 months would pass
  69. 10:12 PM - Sergiovan: So you'd barely loose any time
  70. 10:12 PM - Sergiovan: AND
  71. 10:13 PM - Sergiovan: You'd get to know everyone
  72. 10:13 PM - Sergiovan: Reeeeally well
  73. 10:13 PM - Sergiovan: *wink*
  74. 10:13 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...
  75. 10:13 PM - Procloptinator Brad:
  76. 10:13 PM - Sergiovan: Not really
  77. 10:14 PM - Sergiovan:
  78. 10:14 PM - Sergiovan: Except there are
  79. 10:14 PM - Procloptinator Brad: So pretty much what it could be is a one day date with EVERY FUCKING PONY IN THE PONY UNIVERSE?
  80. 10:14 PM - Sergiovan: Yes
  81. 10:14 PM - Procloptinator Brad: *sigh*
  82. 10:14 PM - Sergiovan: Pros: You don't die
  83. 10:14 PM - Sergiovan: Cons: It will take a lot of time
  84. 10:15 PM - Procloptinator Brad: -.-
  85. 10:15 PM - Sergiovan: Pros: You'll become the wisest man alive
  86. 10:15 PM - Sergiovan: Cons: You'll probably get bored
  87. 10:15 PM - Sergiovan: Pros: You'll get to know everytone
  88. 10:15 PM - Sergiovan: Cons: You'll get to know EVERYONE
  89. 10:15 PM - Procloptinator Brad: *deep sigh*
  90. 10:15 PM - Procloptinator Brad: When do I start?
  91. 10:18 PM - Sergiovan:
  92. 10:18 PM - Sergiovan: It's daytime right now
  93. 10:18 PM - Sergiovan: Let me see
  94. 10:18 PM - Sergiovan: Okay
  95. 10:18 PM - Sergiovan: Night starts in March
  96. 10:18 PM - Sergiovan: Ends in September
  97. 10:19 PM - Sergiovan: Exactly 6 months
  98. 10:19 PM - Sergiovan: Prepare whatever you need
  99. 10:20 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Like?
  100. 10:20 PM - Sergiovan: I don't know
  101. 10:21 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Well then/
  102. 10:21 PM - Procloptinator Brad: So when exactly does it start?
  103. 10:21 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Tomorrow?
  104. 10:21 PM - Sergiovan: 10:18 PM - Sergiovan: Night starts in March
  105. 10:18 PM - Sergiovan: Ends in September
  106. 10:21 PM - Sergiovan: Not tomorrow, obv
  107. 10:22 PM - Procloptinator Brad: So in March
  108. 10:22 PM - Procloptinator Brad: The beginning of March is when the Pony Fuckening starts.
  109. 10:22 PM - Sergiovan: No
  110. 10:22 PM - Procloptinator Brad: -.-
  111. 10:22 PM - Sergiovan: Around the 21st-23rd
  112. 10:22 PM - Sergiovan: It's not me dictating this
  113. 10:22 PM - Sergiovan: The night starts then
  114. 10:23 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Wait, so March 21st-23rd?
  115. 10:23 PM - Sergiovan: Yes
  116. 10:23 PM - Sergiovan: Around that dat
  117. 10:23 PM - Sergiovan: Don't know the specificst
  118. 10:23 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Oh god.
  119. 10:23 PM - Procloptinator Brad: That's getting close to when S5 premiers...
  120. 10:23 PM - Sergiovan: Well
  121. 10:23 PM - Sergiovan: You can watch them in your breaks
  122. 10:23 PM - Sergiovan: With ponies
  123. 10:24 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Oh god
  124. 10:24 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Watching ponies with the pony I'm going to/have fucked?
  125. 10:24 PM - Sergiovan: Oi
  126. 10:24 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Sounds like a wonderful date
  127. 10:24 PM - Sergiovan: They're all there
  128. 10:24 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Oh
  129. 10:24 PM - Sergiovan: They take turns
  130. 10:24 PM - Procloptinator Brad: So it's like a waiting room?
  131. 10:24 PM - Sergiovan: And IN YOUR BREAKS, you fucknugget
  132. 10:25 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Well sorry
  133. 10:25 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I'm still trying to comprehend the fact that I'll be fucking ponies for ~2500 years, though it'll actually only be 6 months.
  134. 10:26 PM - Procloptinator Brad: So, let's see what I'll probably need...
  135. 10:26 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I can probably throw away any sanity I still have, since I'll probably lose it anyways.
  136. 10:27 PM - Procloptinator Brad: A list of all the names, so I can know them. That would be kinda weird to be fucking them without knowing their name.
  137. 10:26 PM - Sergiovan: Don't worry
  138. 10:27 PM - Sergiovan: There is time for you to lose your sanity, find it again
  139. 10:27 PM - Sergiovan: About 100 times
  140. 10:27 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...
  141. 10:27 PM - Procloptinator Brad: OH
  142. 10:27 PM - Procloptinator Brad: And a SHIT TON of lube.
  143. 10:27 PM - Sergiovan: Mostly towards the middle of the period
  144. 10:28 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Maybe some Viagra? Just in case?
  145. 10:28 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Er...
  146. 10:28 PM - Sergiovan: The last 100 years are mostly sane
  147. 10:28 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Oh...oh shit....
  148. 10:28 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Um, this will be kind of an odd question, but...
  149. 10:28 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Do mares have periods?
  150. 10:28 PM - Sergiovan: Do I look like a person who'd know this?
  151. 10:29 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...Kinda
  152. 10:29 PM - Sergiovan: I know horses have what most animals have
  153. 10:29 PM - Sergiovan: Uhhhh
  154. 10:30 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Well, if they do, I'll need a list of who will get their period at what time. Because fucking them when they're on their period...
  155. "Disgusting" -Sergiovan, at everything, all the time
  156. 10:30 PM - Sergiovan: Mating season?
  157. 10:30 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Oh god.
  158. 10:30 PM - Sergiovan: Yer a human, silly
  159. 10:30 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Still.
  160. 10:30 PM - Sergiovan: Yer cromosomes are incompatible
  161. 10:31 PM - Procloptinator Brad: That might mean some other fucking will be happening.
  162. 10:30 PM - Sergiovan: Like
  163. 10:30 PM - Sergiovan: Really incompatible
  164. 10:31 PM - Procloptinator Brad: REALLY?
  165. 10:31 PM - Sergiovan: Really
  166. 10:31 PM - Procloptinator Brad:
  167. 10:31 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Anyways.
  168. 10:31 PM - Sergiovan: That image is terrible
  169. 10:31 PM - Procloptinator Brad: It is. Ignore it.
  170. 10:31 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Also, there is a problem.
  171. 10:31 PM - Sergiovan: 'One'
  172. 10:32 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Well, out of many, there is one main problem
  173. 10:32 PM - Sergiovan: Do tell
  174. 10:32 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Stallions.
  175. 10:32 PM - Sergiovan: That's not a problem
  176. 10:32 PM - Sergiovan: Well
  177. 10:32 PM - Sergiovan: The first 20 may be
  178. 10:33 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...
  179. 10:33 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Well then.
  180. 10:33 PM - Procloptinator Brad: So in other words, at one point Brad x TIME will occur.
  181. 10:34 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Well then.
  182. 10:34 PM - Procloptinator Brad: That also means Big Mac...and Shining Armor....and...
  183. 10:34 PM - Sergiovan: All of them will occur
  184. 10:35 PM - Procloptinator Brad: OH GOD WAIT NO HELL GOD DAMNIT
  185. 10:34 PM - Sergiovan: ALL OF THEM WILLL OCCUR
  186. 10:35 PM - Procloptinator Brad: THAT MEANS THE PINK ONE
  187. 10:35 PM - Procloptinator Brad: FUCK NO
  188. 10:35 PM - Procloptinator Brad: NOPE
  189. 10:35 PM - Procloptinator Brad: HELL NO
  190. 10:35 PM - Sergiovan: He'd rather die
  191. 10:35 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...Hmmm
  192. 10:35 PM - Sergiovan: It's literally just one from a million
  193. 10:36 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I know -.-
  194. 10:36 PM - Procloptinator Brad: *SIGH*
  195. 10:37 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I guess being a chronic clopper is the absolute least of my worries.
  196. 10:37 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...Any advice?
  197. 10:39 PM - Sergiovan:
  198. 10:39 PM - Sergiovan: you have 2500 years
  199. 10:39 PM - Sergiovan: Thinking about it
  200. 10:39 PM - Sergiovan: You could do 2 or 3 a day and lessen the time
  201. 10:40 PM - Procloptinator Brad: .-.
  202. 10:40 PM - Sergiovan: That is not as brutal
  203. 10:40 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Still can't believe...
  204. 10:40 PM - Sergiovan: As 1 per second
  205. 10:40 PM - Procloptinator Brad: True.
  206. 10:40 PM - Procloptinator Brad: But still...
  207. 10:40 PM - Sergiovan: :( You'll meet best pony
  208. 10:41 PM - Procloptinator Brad: True...
  209. 10:41 PM - Sergiovan: Hm
  210. 10:41 PM - Procloptinator Brad: That'll be a day I'm looking forward to.
  211. 10:41 PM - Sergiovan: I was about to say you'd meet every best pony
  212. 10:41 PM - Sergiovan: But OC's don't count
  213. 10:41 PM - Procloptinator Brad: THANK FUCKING GOD
  214. 10:41 PM - Sergiovan: Unless they appear in da show
  215. 10:42 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Oh.
  216. 10:42 PM - Sergiovan: Like that one pony in a wheelchair
  217. 10:42 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Oh god.
  218. 10:42 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Fucking a pony in a wheelchair?
  219. 10:42 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Is that even legal?
  220. 10:42 PM - Sergiovan: ...
  221. 10:42 PM - Sergiovan: Brad
  222. 10:42 PM - Sergiovan: Brad
  223. 10:42 PM - Sergiovan: Shut up before someone gets offended
  224. 10:43 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...
  225. 10:43 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Still, I would see that as somewhat politically incorrect. Especially if they don't give consent.
  226. 10:44 PM - Sergiovan: What is your fucking problem
  227. 10:44 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Hmmm
  228. 10:44 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Let's see
  229. 10:44 PM - Sergiovan: Disabled people have kids like anyone else
  230. 10:45 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I was just told I'M GOING TO BE FUCKING PONIES FOR ~2500 YEARS, EVEN THOUGH IT'S ONLY 6 MONTHS
  231. 10:45 PM - Procloptinator Brad: MY MIND ISN'T IN ORDER RIGHT NOW
  232. 10:46 PM - Procloptinator Brad: At least I can understand them speaking.
  233. 10:46 PM - Sergiovan: Magic is a thing to
  234. 10:46 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ?
  235. 10:47 PM - Sergiovan: MAGIC
  236. 10:47 PM - Sergiovan: YA DON'T NEED TO STFF
  237. 10:47 PM - Sergiovan: BEcause magic
  238. 10:47 PM - Sergiovan: MEGIC
  239. 10:47 PM - Procloptinator Brad: STFF?
  240. 10:47 PM - Sergiovan: Stuff
  241. 10:48 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Ah
  242. 10:48 PM - Procloptinator Brad: And not that it matters, but who's going to cast the spell?
  243. 10:50 PM - Sergiovan: What spell
  244. 10:51 PM - Procloptinator Brad: To make 6 months last for ~2500 years
  245. 10:51 PM - Sergiovan: Dunno
  246. 10:51 PM - Sergiovan: Someone?
  247. 10:51 PM - Sergiovan: Does it matter?
  248. 10:51 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Not really
  249. 10:51 PM - Sergiovan: Let's say best princess does it
  250. 10:51 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...
  251. 10:52 PM - Procloptinator Brad: And then I'll be banging her.
  252. 10:52 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Wonderful -.-
  253. 10:51 PM - Sergiovan: Wat
  254. 10:52 PM - Sergiovan: Why would any of this matter
  255. 10:52 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I don't know.
  256. 10:53 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Well, I need to get ready for THE PONYFUCKENING
  257. 10:53 PM - Procloptinator Brad: For I have about 6 weeks
  258. 10:53 PM - Sergiovan: You're agitated right now
  259. 10:53 PM - Sergiovan: But once you get used to it
  260. 10:53 PM - Sergiovan: It's NOT SO BAD
  261. 10:53 PM - Procloptinator Brad: ...
  262. 10:53 PM - Sergiovan: Like really
  263. 10:53 PM - Sergiovan: It's not like you're getting skinned alive every day for 1000 years
  264. 10:54 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Still .-.
  265. 10:54 PM - Sergiovan: I saw that happening on a fanfic
  266. 10:54 PM - Sergiovan: It was a weird fanfic
  267. 10:54 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I bet
  268. 10:54 PM - Procloptinator Brad: And this could be a good fanfic. If it wasn't probably already made.
  269. 10:54 PM - Sergiovan: Well
  270. 10:55 PM - Sergiovan: The idea to stop time was not
  271. 10:55 PM - Sergiovan: Probably
  272. 10:55 PM - Sergiovan: #WatchItForThePlot
  273. 10:55 PM - Sergiovan: ...
  274. 10:55 PM - Sergiovan: Wait, no'
  275. 10:55 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Oh god.
  276. 10:55 PM - Sergiovan: #WatchItForTheStory
  277. 10:55 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Well then
  278. 10:57 PM - Procloptinator Brad: LET THE PREPARATIONS BEGAN!
  279. 10:59 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Sergio
  280. 10:59 PM - Sergiovan: Me
  281. 10:59 PM - Procloptinator Brad: Could you send me all of the chat?
  282. 10:59 PM - Procloptinator Brad: I want to pastebin it
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