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- {set:code|}
- {set:offset|0}
- {set:banlist|[]}
- {set:banned|{py:import json
- def check_item_in_json(json_data, item):
- try:
- # Convert string to dictionary if necessary
- if isinstance(json_data, str):
- json_data = json.loads(json_data)
- # Check if the item is a direct key/element
- if item in json_data:
- return True
- # Recursively check nested structures
- if isinstance(json_data, dict):
- for value in json_data.values():
- if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
- if check_item_in_json(value, item):
- return True
- elif isinstance(json_data, list):
- for value in json_data:
- if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
- if check_item_in_json(value, item):
- return True
- except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError):
- # Handle invalid JSON or unsupported data types
- return False
- return False
- # Example usage:
- json_string = "{get:banlist}"
- item_to_find = {id}
- if check_item_in_json(json_data=json_string, item=item_to_find):
- print(True)
- else:
- print(False)}}
- {if:{get:banned}|=|True|then:{mention:{id}} you are banned from SuperVideo and all of its tag aliases.|else:
- {if:{argslen}|<|1|then:.t {tagname} {ignore:<ffmpeg|iscript|veb>} <args...>|else:-# This project is in construction.
- {if:{arg:1}|!=|list|then:{choose:how to eat a burrito|{mention:{randuser}} I swear|1 2 3|GET OUT!|i love making videos|i don't eat videos|{avatar:{mention}}|OH NO AAKAHAKH IM DRYING|NO!|meme games!!|IVE PLAYED THESE GAMES BEFORE|/n \n}}
- {if:{arg:0}|=|ffmpeg|then:{if:{arg:1}|=|list|then:
- - `i killed x`
- more soon...
- -# page 1 out of 1}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|i killed x|then:{set:code|load {iv}
- ffmpeg -i $FILE_1 -vf "hue=h=-140, lenscorrection=0.5:0.5:0.3:1" -af "rubberband=pitch=2^(-8/12)" ./output/i_killed.mp4}}
- {if:{arg:1}|!=|list|then:{sh:
- {get:code}}}|else:{if:{arg:0}|=|iscript|then:
- {if:{arg:1}|=|list|then:
- {py:import json
- pagecontent1 = '''- i killed x
- - a major
- - c major
- - embarrassed
- - g major
- - g major 0
- - g major 1
- - g major 2
- - g major 3
- - g major 4
- - g major 5
- - g major 6
- - g major 7
- - g major 8
- - g major 9
- - g major 10
- - g major 11
- - g major 12
- - g major 13
- - g major 14
- - g major 15'''
- pagecontent2 = '''- g major 16
- - g major 17
- - g major 18
- - g major 19
- - g major 20
- - g major 25
- - g major 26
- - g major 30
- - g major 50
- - g major 53
- - g major 70
- - g major 74
- - g major 91
- - g major 100
- - old g major 100
- - g major 500
- - g major 591
- - t major
- - custom major 333
- - beatbo major 3
- - sns g major 0
- - conga busher'''
- pagecontent3 = '''- deaf
- - deaf major
- - goo goo gaa gaa
- - green lowers
- - real g major 4
- - real g major 12
- - real g major 13
- - confusion
- - does not respond
- - does respond
- - g major 140
- - w major
- - p major'''
- pagecontent4 = '''- more effects soon...'''
- pagecontent5 = '''- more effects soon...'''
- pagecontent6 = '''anyways'''
- pagecontent7 = '''last page...'''
- pages = [
- {"embed": {'color':0xf0d643, 'title':"ISCRIPT EFFECTS LIST",'description': pagecontent1, 'footer':{'text': "Page 1 of 7"} }},
- {"embed": {'color': 0xf0d643, 'title':"ISCRIPT EFFECTS LIST", 'description': pagecontent2, 'footer':{'text': "Page 2 of 7"}}},
- {"embed": {'color': 0xf0d643, 'title':"ISCRIPT EFFECTS LIST", 'description': pagecontent3, 'footer':{'text': "Page 3 of 7"}}},
- {"embed": {'color': 0xf0d643, 'title':"ISCRIPT EFFECTS LIST", 'description': pagecontent4 }},
- {"embed": {'color': 0xf0d643, 'description': pagecontent5 }},
- {"embed": {'color': 0xf0d643, 'description': pagecontent6 }},
- {"embed": {'color': 0xf0d643, 'description': pagecontent7 }}
- ]
- print(json.dumps({"pages": pages}))}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|custom|then:{set:code|{replace:#|0|{arg:2}}}{set:offset|{math:1+{get:offset}}}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|i killed x|then:{set:code|swaprgba # gbr
- audiopitch # 0.63
- explode #
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major|then:{set:code|invert #
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- copy # #c
- copy # #e
- copy # #f
- audiopitch # 2
- audiopitch #a 1.5
- audiopitch #b 1.26
- audiopitch #c 0.75
- audiopitch #e 0.5
- audioputmix # #a
- volume # 1.8
- audioputmix # #b
- volume # 1.7
- audioputmix # #c
- volume # 1.6
- audioputmix # #e
- volume # 1.5
- audioputmix # #f
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major by ltv mca|then:{set:code|hueshiftrgb # 255 0 255
- invert #
- hueshifthsv # 180
- swirl # -60
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.79
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 0|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 180 1.5
- huecurvergba # all 0 1 0
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- audiopitch #a 1.781
- audiopitch #b 0.561
- audioputmix #a #b
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|a major|then:{set:code|waaw #
- swirl # 110
- invert #
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 153
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 1.392328852631493
- audiopitch #a 1.8340080864093424
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|c major|then:{set:code|get # width #w
- get # height #h
- wave # 0.6666666666666666*(#h/18) #w/(3.2/2)
- cover # #w #h
- rotate # 90
- get # width #w
- get # height #h
- wave # 2*(#w/32) #w/(3.2/2)
- cover # #w #h
- rotate # -90
- invert #
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 80
- audiopitch # 1.155
- audiovibrato # 15 0.1
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|embarrassed|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- invert #
- hueshifthsv # 108
- wave # 35 w/2.5
- cover # w h
- create c1 w/3 h/3 255 0 255
- cropcircle c1
- blur c1 5
- create c2 w/3 h/3 255 0 255
- cropcircle c2
- blur c2 5
- overlay # c1 w/5 h/2.5
- overlay # c2 w/1.7 h/2.5
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 2
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|asleep|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- invert #
- hueshifthsv # 85
- wave # 10 w/9
- cover # w h
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 0.840
- audiopitch #a 0.707
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 1|then:{set:code|contrast # -1
- audiopitch # 1.587
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 2|then:{set:code|invertrgba # 1 1 0
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- audiopitch #a 1.26
- audiopitch #b 0.75
- audioputmix # #a
- audioputmix # #b
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 3|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- hueshiftrgb # 0 -255 -255
- rotate # 90
- waves # 15 w/3
- rotate # -90
- cover # w h
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.707
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|real g major 4|then:{set:code|huecurvergba # all 0 1 0
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 1.335
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 5|then:{set:code|invertrgba # 0 1 1
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 1.26
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 6|=|then:{set:code|huecurvergba # all 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.63
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 7|then:{set:code|invert #
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 1.189
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 8|then:{set:code|huecurvergba # all 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- hueshifthsv # 180
- invert #
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.667
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 9|then:{set:code|grayscale #
- huecurvergba # red 0.5 0 0.9
- huecurvergba # green 1 0.2 0.95
- huecurvergba # blue 0 0.4 0.95
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- copy # #c
- audiopitch # 0.5
- audiopitch #b 1.335
- audiopitch #c 1.5
- audioputmix # #a
- audioputmix # #b
- audioputmix # #c
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 10|then:{set:code|haah #
- invert #
- swaprgba # bgr
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 180
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- copy # #c
- copy # #e
- copy # #f
- audiopitch # 2
- audiopitch #a 1.5
- audiopitch #b 1.26
- audiopitch #e 0.75
- audiopitch #f 0.5
- audioputmix # #a
- volume # 2
- audioputmix # #b
- volume # 1.75
- audioputmix # #c
- volume # 1.5
- audioputmix # #e
- volume # 1.25
- audioputmix # #f
- volume #
- copy # #g
- audiopitch #g 0.944
- audioputmix # #g}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 11|then:{set:code|waaw #
- grayscale #
- contrast # -1
- audiopitch # 2
- audiopitch # 1.12
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|real g major 12|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 310
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- copy # #c
- copy # #e
- copy # #f
- audiopitch # 0.5
- audiopitch #a 0.75
- audiopitch #c 1.259
- audiopitch #e 1.498
- audiopitch #f 2
- audioputmix # #a
- volume # 2.25
- audioputmix # #b
- volume # 2
- audioputmix # #c
- volume # 1.75
- audioputmix # #e
- volume # 1.5
- audioputmix # #f
- volume #
- audiopitch # 1.189
- huecurvergba # all 0 1 0}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|real g major 13|then:{set:code|swaprgba # bgr
- huecurvergba # all 0 1 0
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- copy # #c
- copy # #e
- audiopitch #a 1.19
- audiopitch #b 1.414
- audiopitch #c 1.68
- audiopitch #e 2
- audioputmix # #a
- volume # 2
- audioputmix # #b
- volume # 1.75
- audioputmix # #c
- volume # 1.5
- audioputmix # #e
- volume # 1.25}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 14|then:{set:code|haah #
- woow #
- grayscale #
- contrast # -1
- swaprgba # 00r
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- audiopitch # 2
- audiopitch #a 0.3968
- audiopitch #b 0.7937
- audioputmix # #a
- audioputmix # #b
- audiopitch # 1.259
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 15|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- wave # 1*(h/18) w/(9/2)
- cover # w h
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 1.334
- audioputmix # #a
- audiodestroy #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 16|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 223.2
- invert #
- flop #
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.841
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 17|then:{set:code|haah #
- explode #
- swaprgba # gbr
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 1.18
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 18|then:{set:code|hueshifthsv # 0 100
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 0.63
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 19|then:{set:code|swaprgba # bgr
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 180
- haah #
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 1.122
- audiopitch #a 0.944
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 20|then:{set:code|copy # #a
- hueshifthsvffmpeg #a 310
- audiopitch #a 0.944
- crop # 0w/2 0h 0 0
- crop #a 0w/2 0h 0w 0
- join # #a}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 23|then:{set:code|hueshifthsv # -120
- flop #
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- audiopitch #a 0.8409
- audioputmix # #a
- audiopitch #b 1.18921
- audioputmix # #b
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 25|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 308
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.667
- audioputmix # #a
- audiopitch # 0.944
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 26|then:{set:code|huecurvergba # all 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- hueshifthsv # 180
- audiopitch # 2
- audiopitch # 1.26
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 50|then:{set:code|swaprgba # bgr
- contrast # -1
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 1.68
- audiopitch #a 1.41
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 53|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 108
- swirl # -110
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 1.230433481790624
- audiopitch #a 1.3652514288050228
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 70|then:{set:code|get # width #w
- get # height #h
- rotate # 90
- waves # 5 #w/7 4
- waves # 10 #w/4 2
- waves # 4 #w/12 7
- rotate # -90
- cover # #w #h
- hueshiftrgb # 0 -255 -255
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.793
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 74|then:{set:code|contrast # -1
- explode #
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- audiopitch # 0.5
- audiopitch #a 1.4983070768766815
- audiopitch #b 2
- audioputmix # #a
- audioputmix # #b
- audiopitch # 1.122462048309373
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 91|then:{set:code|swaprgba # bgr
- hueshifthsv # 180
- haah #
- skew # 10
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 1.059
- audioputmix # #a
- cover # 0w 0h
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 100|then:{set:code|haah #
- flop #
- wave # 0w/-30 0w/1.1
- flop #
- cover # 0w 0h
- rotate # 90
- wave # 0w/-30 0w/2.2
- rotate # -90
- cover # 0w 0h
- swaprgba # bgr
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 85 1
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 0.944
- audiopitch #a 0.75
- overlay # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|old g major 100|then:{set:code|copy # #a
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 310
- audiopitch # 0.944
- hueshifthsvffmpeg #a 180
- haah #a
- audiopitch #a 0.75
- crop # 0w/2 0h
- crop #a 0w/2 0h 0w
- join # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 400|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- swaprgba # rbg
- waves # 5 w/10 10
- waves # 10 w/3 4
- cover # w h
- zoom # 1.5
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 1.059
- audiopitch #a 0.75
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 500|then:{set:code|swaprgba # bgr
- hueshifthsv # 54 200 200
- shake # 50 50 true
- audiopitch # 1.78
- copy # #a
- audiodelay #a 0.01
- copy #a #b
- audiodelay #b 0.01
- copy #b #c
- audiodelay #c 0.02
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #
- audioputmix # #b
- volume #
- audioputmix # #c
- volume #
- audiopitch # 0.667}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 591|then:{set:code|invert #
- swaprgba # bgr
- hueshifthsv # -145
- swirl # 100
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 1.122
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|hyper hue|then:{set:code|foreachframe # 0 #fc hueshifthsv #x (idx*5)
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 1.189
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|t major|then:{set:code|invert #
- audiopitch # 1.78
- hueshifthsv # 201.6
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|custom major 333|then:{set:code|invert #
- rotate # -1 none true
- sharpen # 3
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.98851
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|beatbo major 3|then:{set:code|swirl # -16
- waves # 10 100
- invert #
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.75
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|sns g major 0|then:{set:code|invertrgba # 1 0 1
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- audiopitch # 0.5
- audiopitch #a 2
- audiopitch #b 1.5
- audiopitch #a 1.25
- audioputmix # #a
- audioputmix # #b
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|conga busher|then:{set:code|swaprgba # gbr
- waaw #
- audiotremolo # 2900 1
- audiotremolo # 2900 1
- audiotremolo # 2900 1
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|deaf|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 139
- swaprgba # bgr
- invert #
- get # width w
- get # height h
- copy # #a
- crop # w/2 h
- crop #a w/2 h w/2
- explode #a 2.13
- join # #a
- waaw #
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 2
- audiopitch #a 1.7817
- audioputmix # #a
- audiopitch # 2
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|deaf major|then:{set:code|invert #
- get # width w
- get # height h
- copy # #a
- crop # w/2 h
- crop #a w/2 h w/2
- fisheye #a
- join # #a
- waaw #
- copy # #b
- convert #b audio/mp3
- audiopitch # 2
- audiopitch #b 1.7817
- audioputmix # #b
- copy # #a
- convert #a audio/mp3
- audiopitch #a 1.3348
- audioputmix # #a
- audiopitch # 2
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|goo goo gaa gaa|then:{set:code|swaprgba # bgr
- audiopitch # 2
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|green lowers|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 100
- swaprgba # bgr
- audiopitch # 0.5
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 4|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- create bg w h 0 0 0 100
- overlay bg # 0 0 white 0.1 0.4
- overlay # bg
- copy # #a
- convert #a audio/mp3
- copy #a #b
- audiopitch #b 1.3348
- audioputmix #a #b
- volume #a
- audioputreplace # #a}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 12|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- create bg w h 0 0 0 100
- overlay bg # 0 0 white 0.1 0.4
- overlay # bg
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 310
- copy # #a
- convert #a audio/mp3
- copy #a #b
- copy #a #c
- copy #a #e
- copy #a #f
- copy #a #g
- audiopitch #b 0.5
- audiopitch #c 0.75
- audiopitch #e 1.259
- audiopitch #f 1.498
- audiopitch #g 2
- audioputmix #a #b
- volume #a 2
- audioputmix #a #c
- volume #a 1.75
- audioputmix #a #e
- volume #a 1.5
- audioputmix #a #f
- volume #a 1.25
- audioputmix #a #g
- volume #a
- audiopitch #a 1.189
- audioputreplace # #a}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 13|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- create bg w h 0 0 0 100
- overlay bg # 0 0 white 0.1 0.4
- overlay # bg
- swaprgba # bgr
- copy # #a
- convert #a audio/mp3
- copy #a #b
- copy #a #c
- copy #a #e
- copy #a #f
- audiopitch #b 1.19
- audiopitch #c 1.414
- audiopitch #e 1.68
- audiopitch #f 2
- audioputmix #a #b
- volume #a 2
- audioputmix #a #c
- volume #a 1.75
- audioputmix #a #e
- volume #a 1.5
- audioputmix #a #f
- volume #a
- audioputreplace # #a}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|confusion|then:{set:code|contrast # -1
- haah #
- copy # #a
- reverse #a
- audioputreplace # #a}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|does not respond|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 52
- swirl # 110
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 2
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|does respond|then:{set:code|hueshifthsvffmpeg # 308
- swirl # -110
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.5
- audioputmix # #a
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 140|then:{set:code|distort # polar
- distort # scale_rotate_translate 60
- hooh #
- distort # scale_rotate_translate -60
- distort # depolar
- haah #
- contrast # -1
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- copy # #c
- audiopitch # 0.6299
- audiopitch #a 1.2599
- audiopitch #b 1.6817
- audiopitch #c 1.8877
- audioputmix # #a
- audioputmix #b #c
- audioputmix # #b
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|w major|then:{set:code|distort # polar
- distort # scale_rotate_translate 60
- hooh #
- distort # scale_rotate_translate -60
- distort # depolar
- haah #
- invert #
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 102.8
- copy # #a
- copy # #b
- copy # #c
- audiopitch # 0.5
- audiopitch #a 0.667
- audiopitch #b 0.840
- audiopitch #c 0.890
- audioputmix # #a
- audioputmix #b #c
- audioputmix # #b
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|g major 30|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- hueshifthsvffmpeg # 85
- waaw #
- invert #
- swirl # -110
- rotate # -90
- waves # w/40 w/8 2.5
- rotate # 90
- copy # #a
- audiopitch #a 0.878
- audioputmix # #a
- cover # w h
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|p major|then:{set:code|get # width w
- get # height h
- rotate # 90
- waves # w/40 w/8 2.75
- rotate # -90
- contrast # -1
- copy # #a
- audiopitch # 0.7
- audiopitch #a 1.25
- audioputmix # #a
- cover # w h
- volume #}}
- {if:{arg:1}|!=|list|then:{if:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+2}}|!=|ihtxreverse|then:{if:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+2}}|!=|multiplier|then:{if:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+2}}|!=|ihtx|then:{if:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+2}}|!=|raw|then:{iscript:
- load {iv} 0
- {replace:#|0|{get:code}}
- }|else:{if:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+2}}|=|raw|then:{if:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+3}}|=||then:```{get:code}```{attachtext:{get:code}}|else:```{replace:#|{arg:{math:{get:offset}+3}}|{get:code}}```{attachtext:{replace:#|{arg:{math:{get:offset}+3}}|{get:code}}}}}}|else:{set:powers|{or:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+3}}|10}}{set:#|0}
- {iscript:load {iv} 0
- {if:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+4}}|!=|true|then:snip 0 0 0.5}
- copy 0 1
- {foreach:{get:powers}|{set:#|{math:{get:#}+1}}
- {replace:#|{get:#}|{get:code}}
- copy {get:#} {math:{get:#}+1}
- }
- {set:#|0}
- concatmultiple{foreach:{get:powers}|{set:#|{math:{get:#}+1}} {get:#}}
- render 1}}|else:{set:powers|{or:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+3}}|2}}{iscript:load {iv} 0
- {foreach:{get:powers}|
- {replace:#|0|{get:code}}}}}|else:{set:powers|{or:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+3}}|10}}{set:#|0}
- {iscript:load {iv} 0
- {if:{arg:{math:{get:offset}+4}}|!=|true|then:snip 0 0 0.5}
- copy 0 1
- {foreach:{get:powers}|{set:#|{math:{get:#}+1}}
- {replace:#|{get:#}|{get:code}}
- copy {get:#} {math:{get:#}+1}
- }
- {set:#|{get:powers}}
- concatmultiple{foreach:{get:powers}|{get:#}{set:#|{math:{get:#}-1}}}
- render {get:powers}}}
- }|else:{if:{arg:0}|=|veb|then:{if:{arg:1}|=|list|then:
- - `i killed x`
- more soon...
- -# page 1 out of 1}
- {if:{arg:1}|=|i killed x|then:{set:code|load {iv}
- ffmpeg -loglevel error -i $FILE_1 -v 16 -vf "v360=input=e:output=ball,setsar=1:1,hue=h=-140" -af "rubberband=pitch=2^(-8/12)" ./output/i_killed.mp4}}
- {if:{arg:1}|!=|list|then:{sh:
- {get:code}}}|else:{if:{arg:0}|=|support|then:{mention}public link soon.
- }}}}}
- }
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