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- ; @AZJIO
- ; определяем количество дисков до создания оболочки, ведь от этого зависит её размер
- #NoTrayIcon
- $DrivesArr = DriveGetDrive("all")
- $list = ''
- For $i = 1 To $DrivesArr[0]
- $DrTp = DriveGetType($DrivesArr[$i] & '\')
- If $DrTp = 'Removable' Then $DrTp = 'Rem'
- If $DrivesArr[$i] <> 'A:' And $DrTp <> 'CDROM' Then Assign('list', $list & '|' & StringUpper($DrivesArr[$i]) & ' (' & $DrTp & ')')
- Next
- $aListDrive = StringSplit($list, "|")
- $xD = @DesktopWidth
- GUICreate("Статистика", 267, $aListDrive[0] * 50 + 70, $xD - 277, 30)
- If Not @Compiled Then GUISetIcon('shell32.dll', 13)
- Dim $progress, $main, $sub
- $restart = GUICtrlCreateButton("R", 238, 22, 20, 17)
- GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Перезапуск скрипта")
- $refresh = GUICtrlCreateButton("Re", 10, 80, 20, 17)
- GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Обновить данные харда")
- $checkHDD = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("автообновление датчиков HDD", 40, 80, 180, 17)
- GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Обновить данные харда")
- $mem = MemGetStats()
- $ramsize = 'Свободно ' & Round($mem[2] / 1048576, 2) & ' / ' & Round($mem[1] / 1048576, 2) & ' (Гб)'
- $ram = _ProgressOn($progress, $main, $sub, "ОЗУ", $ramsize, 10, 5, 1, 0x00f20b, 0xff5c2b)
- _ProgressSet($ram, ($mem[1] - $mem[2]) / $mem[1] * 100, "")
- $sValue = RegRead('HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0', 'ProcessorNameString')
- $cpu = GUICtrlCreateLabel('CPU: ' & $sValue, 10, 50, 250, 30, 0x0080)
- GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, 700)
- For $i = 2 To $aListDrive[0]
- Assign('bykva' & $i, StringLeft($aListDrive[$i], 1))
- Assign('hdd' & $i, _ProgressOn($progress, $main, $sub, $aListDrive[$i] & ' ' & DriveGetFileSystem(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\"), 'Свободно ' & Round(DriveSpaceFree(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\") / 1024, 1) & ' / ' & Round(DriveSpaceTotal(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\") / 1024, 1) & ' (Гб)', 10, $i * 50 + 10, 1, 0xe9e549, 0x2b83ff))
- _ProgressSet(Eval('hdd' & $i), (DriveSpaceTotal(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\") - DriveSpaceFree(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\")) / DriveSpaceTotal(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\") * 100, "")
- Assign('Open' & $i, GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 238, $i * 50 + 27, 20, 18))
- GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Открыть диск")
- Next
- GUISetState()
- $r = 0
- $h = 0
- While 1
- $msg = GUIGetMsg()
- Sleep(10)
- For $i = 2 To $aListDrive[0]
- If $msg = Eval('Open' & $i) Then ShellExecute(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\")
- Next
- $r += 1
- If $r = 50 Then ; каждые 0,5 секунд проверка размера памяти
- $r = 0
- $mem = MemGetStats()
- $ramsize = 'Свободно ' & Round($mem[2] / 1048576, 2) & ' / ' & Round($mem[1] / 1048576, 2) & ' (Гб)'
- _ProgressSet($ram, ($mem[1] - $mem[2]) / $mem[1] * 100, $ramsize)
- EndIf
- If GUICtrlRead($checkHDD) = 1 Then
- $h += 1
- If $h = 70 Then ; каждые 0,7 секунд проверка хардов, обновление информации
- $h = 0
- For $i = 2 To $aListDrive[0]
- _ProgressSet(Eval('hdd' & $i), (DriveSpaceTotal(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\") - DriveSpaceFree(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\")) / DriveSpaceTotal(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\") * 100)
- Next
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Switch $msg
- Case $refresh
- For $i = 2 To $aListDrive[0]
- _ProgressSet(Eval('hdd' & $i), (DriveSpaceTotal(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\") - DriveSpaceFree(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\")) / DriveSpaceTotal(Eval('bykva' & $i) & ":\") * 100)
- Next
- Case $restart
- _restart()
- Case -3
- Exit
- EndSwitch
- WEnd
- ;===============================================================================
- ; Создать прогресс, автор функций RazerM
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _ProgressOn(ByRef $s_mainlabel, ByRef $s_sublabel, ByRef $s_control, $s_main, $s_sub, $x, $y, $fSmooth = 0, $BkCol = 0xE0DFE3, $Color = 0xB2B4BF)
- $s_mainlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_main, $x, $y, StringLen($s_main) * 9, 17)
- GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, 700)
- If $s_mainlabel = 0 Then
- SetError(1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- If StringInStr(@OSType, "WIN32_NT") And $fSmooth = 1 Then
- $prev = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties");, "int", 0)
- DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0)
- EndIf
- $s_control = GUICtrlCreateProgress($x, $y + 17, 220, 17, 1)
- GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $Color)
- GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $BkCol)
- If StringInStr(@OSType, "WIN32_NT") And $fSmooth = 1 Then
- DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $prev[0])
- EndIf
- If $s_control = 0 Then
- SetError(1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- $s_sublabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_sub, $x + 105, $y, 17)
- GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, 700)
- If $s_sublabel = 0 Then
- SetError(1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- Dim $a_info[5]
- $a_info[0] = $s_control
- $a_info[1] = $s_mainlabel
- $a_info[2] = $s_sublabel
- $a_info[3] = $x
- $a_info[4] = $y
- Return $a_info
- EndFunc
- ;===============================================================================
- ; установка параметров, автор функций RazerM (слегка модифицировано)
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _ProgressSet($a_info, $i_per, $s_sub = "", $s_main = "")
- If $s_main = "" Then $s_main = GUICtrlRead($a_info[1])
- If $s_sub = "" Then $s_sub = GUICtrlRead($a_info[2])
- $set1 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[0], $i_per)
- $set2 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[1], $s_main)
- $set3 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[2], $s_sub)
- GUICtrlSetPos($a_info[2], $a_info[3] + 105, $a_info[4], StringLen($s_sub) * 6, 17)
- GUICtrlSetPos($a_info[1], $a_info[3], $a_info[4], StringLen($s_main) * 7)
- If ($set1 = 0) Or ($set2 = 0) Or ($set3 = 0) Or ($set1 = -1) Or ($set2 = -1) Or ($set3 = -1) Then
- SetError(1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- Return 1
- EndFunc
- Func _restart()
- Local $sAutoIt_File = @TempDir & "\~Au3_ScriptRestart_TempFile.au3"
- Local $sRunLine, $sScript_Content, $hFile
- $sRunLine = @ScriptFullPath
- If Not @Compiled Then $sRunLine = @AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript ""' & $sRunLine & '""'
- If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $sRunLine &= ' ' & $CmdLineRaw
- $sScript_Content &= '#NoTrayIcon' & @CRLF
- $sScript_Content &= 'While ProcessExists(' & @AutoItPID & ')' & @CRLF
- $sScript_Content &= ' Sleep(10)' & @CRLF
- $sScript_Content &= 'WEnd' & @CRLF
- $sScript_Content &= 'Run("' & $sRunLine & '")' & @CRLF
- $sScript_Content &= 'FileDelete(@ScriptFullPath)' & @CRLF
- $hFile = FileOpen($sAutoIt_File, 2)
- FileWrite($hFile, $sScript_Content)
- FileClose($hFile)
- Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $sAutoIt_File & '"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)
- Sleep(1000)
- Exit
- EndFunc
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