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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use v5.26;
- use warnings;
- use List::Util qw(sum);
- no warnings 'recursion';
- # Get input as array of characters
- my @input;
- while (<>) {
- my @sec = split / /;
- my $str = $sec[0];
- my @nums = map {int} split( /,/, $sec[1] );
- push($input[1]->@*, {str => $str, groups => [@nums]});
- push($input[2]->@*, {str => $str . (('?'. $str) x 4), groups => [(@nums) x 5]});
- }
- my %memo;
- sub recurse {
- # str to process, current potential group length, groups left to see
- my ($str, $len, @groups) = @_;
- # Grab state of params called with to access memo with later.
- my $state = join( $;, $str, $len, @groups );
- # Check memo
- return ($memo{$state}) if (exists $memo{$state});
- my $ret = 0;
- if (!$str) {
- # Out of input, must decide if we found a match:
- # All groups accounted for, no hanging group.
- $ret = 1 if (@groups == 0 and $len == 0);
- # Check if hanging group is the size of the only remaining group:
- $ret = 1 if (@groups == 1 and $groups[0] == $len);
- return( $memo{$state} = $ret );
- }
- # If out of groups, use regex to check if no manditory groups remain
- return( $memo{$state} = ($str =~ m/^[^#]*$/) ) if (!@groups);
- # ASSERT: length($str) > 0, $len >= 0, @groups > 0
- # Advance one character:
- my $chr = substr( $str, 0, 1, '' );
- if ($chr ne '.') { # ? or #
- # adv making grouping larger
- $ret += &recurse( $str, $len + 1, @groups );
- }
- if ($chr ne '#') { # ? or .
- if ($len == 0) {
- # no current grouping, just advance
- $ret += &recurse( $str, 0, @groups );
- } elsif ($len == $groups[0]) {
- # current grouping matches current target
- shift @groups;
- $ret += &recurse( $str, 0, @groups );
- }
- # else: Bad block length! Fail match, recurse no further
- }
- return( $memo{$state} = $ret );
- }
- foreach (1 .. 2) {
- say "Part $_: ", sum map { &recurse( $_->{str}, 0, $_->{groups}->@* ) } $input[$_]->@*;
- }
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