
Tyler McVicker: Frontier thread

Jan 30th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. I’ve made a significant executive decision;
  2. TLDR; I’m not finishing this interview edit, I don’t want to put Tom or the team through anything more. After about 12 hours of work on the edit, I realized I was attempting to calm a beast that wouldn’t care what I did regardless. I stand by the thoughts on the mod I put forth in my original video, which will remain online. Here is the edit as it stands, I won't be making it public, and it is not monetized. I assert that most making fun of the mod are doing so either for the clicks or because it’s in vogue. The mod has massive story flaws, most particularly in the NCR questline, but I thoroughly enjoyed my 70 hours of playing. I intend to play more of the mod on Twitch when the Steam build does release. I will get further criticism due to this decision, but honestly, I don’t care. I am sorry for being duped into reading Nazi bait during the last episode of LoS. I hate those people, and I obviously need to learn more before continuing in my position. I’ve been through so much worse in the past, and have been on the receiving end of this kind of situation enough to understand what the people behind it really think and feel.
  4. The best thing you can do is ignore, and continue to grow. I've found myself reading the conversation on my content, myself, and the people I have worked with, and it's clear that regardless of what I do, I won't change their minds.
  6. My goal is to work on myself attempt to be my best. I hope the Citadel report is a signal of the quality bar as to where I'd like all my content to be. I have made the decision to never again involve myself deeply with a community team. I always find myself making friends with those I talk with and feel the need to defend them when times get rough.
  8. This is likely due to not having irl friends, and trusting too easily. This behavior will need to cease if I am ever going to be taken seriously in the larger scope I am aiming for. I cannot make friends, I need to make content.
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