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- /* 1 Write a SQL query that outputs all information about all departments.*/
- FROM departments;
- /* 2 Write a SQL query that outputs all department names.*/
- SELECT name
- FROM departments;
- /* 3 Write a SQL query that outputs first and last name of each employee, along with their salary.*/
- SELECT first_name, last_name, salary
- FROM employees;
- /* 4 Write a SQL query that outputs the full name of each employee.*/
- SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, middle_name, last_name)
- FROM employees;
- /* 5 Write a SQL query to generate an email addresses for each employee.
- Consider that the email domain is For example,John Doe's email would be
- "". The produced column should be named "Full Email Addresses".*/
- SELECT CONCAT(first_name, '.', last_name, '') as 'full email addresses'
- FROM employees;
- /* 6 Write a SQL query to find all the different employee salaries.*/
- SELECT DISTINCT ROUND(salary) as salary
- FROM employees
- ORDER BY salary desc;
- /* 7 Write a SQL query that outputs all information about the employees
- whose job title is "Sales Representative".*/
- FROM employees
- WHERE job_title = 'Sales Representative';
- /* 8 Write a SQL query to find all employees who have a salary that is bigger than their manager's.*/
- SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) as name, e.salary, m.salary AS manager_salary
- FROM employees e
- JOIN employees m
- ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id
- WHERE e.salary > m.salary;
- /* 9 Write a SQL query to find the names of all employees whose first name starts with "SA".*/
- SELECT first_name, last_name
- FROM employees
- WHERE first_name LIKE 'SA%'
- ORDER BY first_name;
- /* 10 Write a SQL query to find the names of all employees whose last name contains "ei".*/
- SELECT first_name, last_name
- FROM employees
- WHERE last_name LIKE '%ei%';
- /* 11 Write a SQL query to find all employees whose salary is in the range [20000…30000].*/
- SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) as name, ROUND(salary) as salary
- FROM employees
- WHERE salary BETWEEN 20000 AND 30000
- ORDER BY salary;
- /* 12 Write a SQL query to find the names of all employees
- whose salary is 25000, 14000, 12500 or 23600.*/
- SELECT first_name, last_name, ROUND(salary) as salary
- FROM employees
- WHERE salary in (25000, 14000, 12500, 23600)
- ORDER BY employees.salary;
- /* 13 Write a SQL query to find all employees that do not have manager.*/
- SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) as employees_with_no_manager
- FROM employees
- WHERE manager_id IS NULL;
- /* 14 Write a SQL query to find the names of all employees who were hired before their managers.*/
- SELECT CONCAT(e1.first_name, ' ', e1.last_name) as employee
- FROM employees e1
- WHERE e1.hire_date < (SELECT e2.hire_date
- FROM employees e2
- WHERE e1.manager_id = e2.employee_id);
- /* 15 Write a SQL query to find all employees whose salary is more than 50000.
- Order them in decreasing order, based on their salary.*/
- SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) as name, ROUND(salary) as salary
- FROM employees
- WHERE salary > 50000
- ORDER BY salary desc;
- /* 16 Write a SQL query to find the top 5 best paid employees.*/
- SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) as name, ROUND(salary) as salary
- FROM employees
- ORDER BY salary desc
- LIMIT 5;
- /* 17 Write a SQL query that outputs all employees along their address.*/
- SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) as employee_name, as town, a.text as address
- FROM employees e
- JOIN addresses a
- ON e.address_id = a.address_id
- JOIN towns t ON a.town_id = t.town_id
- ORDER BY, e.first_name;
- /* 18 Write a SQL query to find all employees whose middle name is the same
- as the first letter of their town.*/
- SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', e.first_name, middle_name, last_name) as full_name,
- FROM employees e
- JOIN addresses a ON e.address_id = a.address_id
- JOIN towns t ON a.town_id = t.town_id
- WHERE LEFT(, 1) = e.middle_name;
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* 18 Write a SQL query to find all employees whose !FIRST! middle name !LETTER! is the same
- as the first letter of their town.*/
- /*
- SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', e.first_name, middle_name, last_name) as full_name,
- FROM employees e
- JOIN addresses a ON e.address_id = a.address_id
- JOIN towns t ON a.town_id = t.town_id
- WHERE LEFT(, 1) = left(e.middle_name, 1); */
- /* 19 Write a SQL query that outputs all employees (first and last name) that have a manager,
- along with their manager (first and last name).*/
- SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) as employee, CONCAT(m.first_name, ' ', m.last_name) as manager
- FROM employees e
- JOIN employees m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id
- WHERE e.manager_id IS NOT NULL;
- /* 20 Write a SQL query that outputs all employees that have a manager (first and last name),
- along with their manager (first and last name) and the employee's address.*/
- SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) as employee,
- CONCAT(m.first_name, ' ', m.last_name) as manager,
- a.text as address
- FROM employees e
- JOIN employees m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id
- JOIN addresses a ON e.address_id = a.address_id;
- /* 21 Write a SQL query to find all departments and all town names in a single column.*/
- SELECT as department_or_town_name
- FROM departments d
- SELECT as department_or_town_name
- FROM towns t;
- /* 22 Write a SQL query to find all employees and their manager,
- along with the employees that do not have manager.
- If they do not have a manager, output "n/a".*/
- SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) as employee,
- CONCAT(IFNULL(CONCAT(m.first_name, ' ', m.last_name), 'n/a')) as manager
- FROM employees e
- LEFT JOIN employees m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id;
- /* 23 Write a SQL query to find the names of all employees from the departments
- "Sales" AND "Finance" whose hire year is between 1995 and 2005.*/
- SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) as employee, as department
- FROM employees e
- JOIN departments d ON e.department_id = d.department_id
- WHERE = 'Finance'
- OR = 'Sales'
- AND YEAR(e.hire_date) BETWEEN 1995 AND 2005;
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