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- # Esempio di configurazione per sensore LD4020
- esphome:
- name: ld4020
- platform: ESP32
- board: wemos_d1_mini32
- api:
- encryption:
- key: !secret api_secret
- ota:
- platform: esphome
- password: !secret ota_password
- wifi:
- networks:
- - ssid: !secret wifi_essid1
- password: !secret wifi_password1
- - ssid: !secret wifi_essid2
- password: !secret wifi_password2
- manual_ip:
- static_ip:
- gateway:
- subnet:
- dns1:
- ap:
- ssid: "EspHomeLD4020"
- password: !secret fallback_password
- captive_portal:
- web_server:
- port: 80
- auth:
- username: admin
- password: !secret web_password
- # Enable logging
- logger:
- uart:
- id: ld2420_uart
- # was GPIO22
- tx_pin: GPIO5
- rx_pin: GPIO23
- baud_rate: 115200
- parity: NONE
- stop_bits: 1
- ld2420:
- text_sensor:
- - platform: ld2420
- fw_version:
- name: Versione firmware
- sensor:
- - platform: ld2420
- moving_distance:
- name : Distanza di movimento
- switch:
- - platform: restart
- name: Riavvio nodo ESPHome
- select:
- - platform: ld2420
- operating_mode:
- name: Modalità operativa
- number:
- - platform: ld2420
- presence_timeout:
- name: Timeout di rilevazione presenza
- min_gate_distance:
- name: Distanza minima gate
- max_gate_distance:
- name: Distanza massima gate
- gate_select:
- name: Selezione gate
- still_threshold:
- name: Impostazione soglia immobilità
- move_threshold:
- name: Impostazione soglia movimento
- button:
- - platform: ld2420
- apply_config:
- name: Applica configurazione
- factory_reset:
- name: Reset a impostazioni di fabbrica
- restart_module:
- name: Riavvio modulo
- revert_config:
- name: Undo modifiche
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