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- Example()
- Func Example()
- Local $sText = ''
- For $i = 1 To 10
- $sText &= 'Line ' & $i & ': With some extra characters at the end.' & @CRLF
- Next
- ; Valid examples:
- PrintLine($sText, 10) ; Second to last line
- PrintLine($sText, 1) ; First line
- PrintLine($sText, 11) ; Last line
- PrintLine($sText, Random(2, 9, 1)) ; Random line
- ; @error examples:
- PrintLine(Null, 9) ; Null string
- PrintLine($sText, 'Nine') ; Invalid number
- PrintLine($sText, -100) ; Invalid line number
- PrintLine($sText, 100) ; Out of bounds
- EndFunc ;==>Example
- ; Not part of the ExtractLine() function
- Func PrintLine($sValue, $iLine)
- Local $bIsIncludeEOL = Random(0, 1, 1) = 1
- Local $sLine = ExtractLine($sValue, $iLine, $bIsIncludeEOL)
- ConsoleWrite('Line: ' & $iLine & ', IncludeEOL: ' & $bIsIncludeEOL & ', ' & '@error: ' & @error & ', Extracted: ' & $sLine & @CRLF)
- EndFunc ;==>PrintLine
- Func ExtractLine($sValue, $iLine, $bIncludeEOL = False) ; NOTE: This assumes line endings are \r\n, especially if you're using windows.
- If $sValue = Null Or $sValue == '' Then
- Return SetError($EXTRACTLINE_EMPTY, 0, '')
- EndIf
- If IsString($iLine) Then ; Check if the line number is a string
- If Not StringIsDigit($sValue) Then ; The user didn't pass a line number
- EndIf
- $iLine = Int($iLine) ; Parse as an integer datatype
- EndIf
- Local Const $eSTART_LINE = 1
- If $iLine < $eSTART_LINE Then ; Only line numbers 1 and above are supported
- Return SetError($EXTRACTLINE_LESSTHANONE, 0, '')
- EndIf
- If $bIncludeEOL = Default Or Not IsBool($bIncludeEOL) Then ; If include the EOL is default or not a boolean datatype then set as false
- $bIncludeEOL = False
- EndIf
- Local Const $eEOLLENGTH = StringLen(@CRLF) ; Constant for the length of \r\n (which should be 2)
- Local $iBefore = $eSTART_LINE
- If $iLine > $eSTART_LINE Then
- $iBefore = StringInStr($sValue, @CRLF, Default, $iLine - 1) ; Find the @CRLF before
- $iBefore += $eEOLLENGTH ; Optionally include the EOL
- EndIf
- Local $iAfter = StringInStr($sValue, @CRLF, Default, $iLine) ; Find the @CRLF after
- If $iAfter >= $eSTART_LINE Then
- $iAfter += ($bIncludeEOL ? $eEOLLENGTH : 0) ; Optionally include the EOL
- EndIf
- If $iAfter = 0 And $iBefore = $eEOLLENGTH Then
- Return SetError($EXTRACTLINE_OUTOFBOUNDS, 0, '')
- EndIf
- Return StringMid($sValue, $iBefore, $iAfter - $iBefore) ; Get the line using the before index and then calculating the length
- EndFunc ;==>ExtractLine
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