
Common Games That Can Be Made With Tkinter

Dec 11th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Tic-tac-toe
  2. Snake
  3. Chess
  4. Minesweeper
  5. Simon Says
  6. Hangman
  7. Blackjack
  8. Sudoku
  9. Connect Four
  10. Space Invaders
  11. 2048
  12. Battleship
  13. Reversi
  14. Checkers
  15. Memory Match
  16. Rock, Paper, Scissors
  17. Card matching game
  18. Dice game
  19. Matching game
  20. Memory grid game
  21. Brick breaker
  22. Tetris
  23. Quiz game
  24. Word search
  25. Guess the word game
  26. Number guessing game
  27. Crossword puzzle
  28. Sudoku solver
  29. 20 questions
  30. Memory tile game
  31. Point and click adventure game
  32. Text adventure game
  33. 2D platformer game
  34. Maze game
  35. Puzzle game
  36. Gomoku (Five in a Row)
  37. Nim
  38. Chinese checkers
  39. Go
  40. Solitare
  41. Othello
  42. Dominos
  43. Mahjong
  44. Backgammon
  45. Yahtzee
  46. Snakes and Ladders
  47. Scrabble
  48. Boggle
  49. Jigsaw puzzle
  50. Mastermind
  51. Hex
  52. Gobang (Five in a Row)
  53. Battleships
  54. Klondike solitaire
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