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- -- Kz2mdMyW
- local module = {}
- module.__index = module
- module.mcColorSymbol = '§'
- module.replaceSymbol = '&'
- module.removeSymbol = 'Â'
- module.ColorMap = {
- ["0"] = colors.white,
- ["1"] =,
- ["2"] = colors.magenta,
- ["3"] = colors.lightBlue,
- ["4"] = colors.yellow,
- ["5"] = colors.lime,
- ["6"] =,
- ["7"] = colors.gray,
- ["8"] = colors.lightGray,
- ["9"] = colors.cyan,
- ["a"] = colors.purple,
- ["b"] =,
- ["c"] = colors.brown,
- ["d"] =,
- ["e"] =,
- ["f"] =,
- }
- --====================================================================================================
- --// Terminal
- --====================================================================================================
- function module:new()
- local self = setmetatable({}, module)
- local tsx,tsy = term.getSize()
- self.output = term
- self.outputLine = 1
- self.canColor = term.isColor()
- self.size = {
- x = tsx,
- y = tsy
- }
- return self
- end
- function module:setOutput(t)
- self.output = t or term
- self.canColor = self.output.isColor()
- local tsx,tsy = self.output.getSize()
- self.size = {
- x = tsx,
- y = tsy
- }
- end
- function module:getComputerLabel()
- return string.gsub(os.getComputerLabel() or "Untitled",self.mcColorSymbol.."%w","")
- end
- --====================================================================================================
- --// Complex writing
- --====================================================================================================
- function module:displayHeader(table,startLine)
- startLine = startLine or 1
- local line = 0
- for i,text in pairs(table) do
- line = startLine+(i-1)
- term.clearLine(line)
- term.setCursorPos(1,line)
- print(text)
- end
- term.setCursorPos(1,startLine+(#table))
- end
- function module:display(startLine,...)
- local cx,cy = term.getCursorPos()
- startLine = startLine or cy
- local lines = {...}
- for i = 1, #lines do
- local y = (startLine+i)
- self:writeLine(y,lines[i])
- end
- term.setCursorPos(1,startLine+#lines+1)
- end
- function module:displayFromList(startLine,list)
- local cx,cy = term.getCursorPos()
- startLine = startLine or cy
- for i = 1, #list do
- local y = (startLine+i)
- self:writeLine(y,list[i])
- end
- term.setCursorPos(1,startLine+#list+1)
- end
- function module:displayColumn(startLine,columnWidth,col1,col2)
- local w,h = term.getSize()
- local x,y = term.getCursorPos()
- columnWidth = columnWidth or w/2
- startLine = startLine or y
- for i, text in pairs(col1) do
- self:writeAt(1,startLine+(i-1),text)
- end
- for i, text in pairs(col2) do
- self:writeAt((w/2)-1,startLine+(i-1),text)
- end
- end
- function module:splitIntoColumns(startLine,columnWidth,list)
- local c1 = {}
- local c2 = {}
- for i = 1, #list do
- if i < #list/2 then
- table.insert(c1,list[i])
- else
- table.insert(c2,list[i])
- end
- end
- self:displayColumn(startLine,columnWidth,c1,c2)
- end
- --====================================================================================================
- --// Basic text witing
- --====================================================================================================
- function module:setColor(color)
- if self.canColor == false then return; end
- self.output.setTextColor(color)
- end
- function module:setColorCode(code)
- if self.canColor == false then return; end
- for c,color in pairs(self.ColorMap) do
- if code == c then
- self.output.setTextColor(color)
- end
- end
- end
- function module:colorWrite(str)
- if str == nil then printError("String is nil"); return end
- local txt = {}
- local builtStr = ""
- local lastSymbolPos = 0
- self:setColor(colors.white)
- for i = 1, #str do
- local charBefore = str:sub(i-1, i-1)
- local char = str:sub(i, i)
- local charAfter = str:sub(i+1, i+1)
- if char == module.replaceSymbol and charBefore ~= "\\" and charAfter ~= " " then
- self.output.write(builtStr)
- builtStr = ""
- lastSymbolPos = i+1
- self:setColorCode(charAfter)
- elseif i ~= lastSymbolPos then
- builtStr = builtStr..char
- end
- end
- self.output.write(builtStr)
- self:setColor(colors.white)
- end
- function module:removeColorCodes(str)
- if str == nil then printError("String is nil"); return end
- local builtStr = ""
- for i = 1, #str do
- local charBefore = str:sub(i-1, i-1)
- local char = str:sub(i, i)
- local charAfter = str:sub(i+1, i+1)
- if charBefore ~= self.replaceSymbol and char ~= self.replaceSymbol then
- builtStr = builtStr..char
- end
- end
- return builtStr
- end
- function module:writeLine(lineNumber,txt)
- if type(lineNumber) ~= "number" then printError("lineNumber is a string, did you forget to input line number?")return end
- txt = txt or ""
- self.output.setCursorPos(1,lineNumber)
- self.output.clearLine(lineNumber)
- self:colorWrite(txt)
- self.output.setCursorPos(1,lineNumber+1)
- end
- function module:writeAt(x,y,txt)
- if type(x) ~= "number" then printError("p1 must be a number.")return end
- if type(y) ~= "number" then printError("p1 must be a number.")return end
- txt = tostring(txt) or ""
- self.output.setCursorPos(x,y)
- self:colorWrite(txt)
- self.output.setCursorPos(1,y+1)
- end
- function module:write(txt)
- txt = txt or ""
- self:colorWrite(txt)
- end
- function module:print(txt)
- txt = txt or ""
- local _,y = self.output.getCursorPos()
- self.output.clearLine(y)
- self:writeLine(y,txt)
- self.output.setCursorPos(1,y+1)
- end
- function module:setOutputLine(lineNum)
- self.outputLine = lineNum
- term.setCursorPos(1,lineNum)
- end
- function module:reset()
- self.output.clear()
- self.output.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- --====================================================================================================
- --// Prompts
- --====================================================================================================
- function module:prompt(promtText)
- self:print(tostring(promtText))
- self:write("> ")
- return
- end
- function module:promptNum(promptText)
- local res = self:prompt(promptText)
- return tonumber(res)
- end
- function module:promptBool(promptText)
- local res = self:promptNum(promptText)
- return (res == 1)
- end
- function module:promptConf(promptText,useOptions)
- useOptions = useOptions or false
- self:print(promptText)
- if useOptions then
- local _, res = self:promptOptions(nil,false,{"&dYes","&eNo"})
- return (res == 1)
- else
- while true do
- local k = self:waitForKey()
- if k == keys.enter then
- return true
- elseif k == keys.backspace then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function module:promptFilePath(startDir,modifyMode,prompt)
- if startDir == nil then return; end
- if fs.isDir(startDir) == false then return; end
- modifyMode = modifyMode or false
- local lastHead = nil
- local head = startDir
- while true do
- self:reset()
- local file, result = self:promptFile(head,modifyMode,prompt,1)
- if result == self.PromptFileResult.GoUp then
- if head == lastHead or lastHead == nil then
- self:print("&a\nExiting...")
- os.sleep(0.1)
- return nil
- end
- self:print("&a\nMoving up a directory...")
- head = lastHead
- os.sleep(0.1)
- elseif result == self.PromptFileResult.SelectedDirectory then
- if #fs.list(file) > 0 then
- lastHead = head
- head = file
- else
- if modifyMode then
- self:modifyFile(file)
- else
- self:print("&aChosen directory has no files.")
- self:print("&aPlease select another one.")
- os.sleep(1)
- end
- end
- elseif result == self.PromptFileResult.SelectedFile then
- if modifyMode then
- self:reset()
- self:modifyFile(file)
- else
- return file
- end
- end
- end
- self:reset()
- end
- module.PromptFileResult = {
- SelectedDirectory = 1,
- SelectedFile = 2,
- GoUp = 3,
- NoChildren = 4
- }
- function module:promptFile(startDir,allowFileModify,prompt,startLine)
- local _,y = self.output.getCursorPos()
- allowFileModify = allowFileModify or false
- local files = fs.list(startDir)
- -- color the directories
- for i,fName in pairs(files) do
- local fPath = startDir.."/"..fName
- if fs.isDir(fPath) then
- files[i] = "&4"..files[i]
- else
- files[i] = files[i]
- end
- end
- local resName,resInd = self:promptOptions(prompt or "Choose a file ~",true,files,startLine)
- if resInd == -1 then
- return nil, self.PromptFileResult.GoUp
- end
- local fn = self:removeColorCodes(files[resInd])
- local path = startDir.."/"..fn
- if fs.isDir(path) then
- return path, self.PromptFileResult.SelectedDirectory
- else
- return path, self.PromptFileResult.SelectedFile
- end
- end
- function module:promptOptions(promptMsg,allowCancel,optionsArray,startLine)
- local x,y = self.output.getCursorPos()
- startLine = startLine or y
- if optionsArray == nil then
- printError("Options array is nil.")
- end
- if #optionsArray < 1 then
- printError("Options array has no items.")
- return
- end
- allowCancel = allowCancel or false
- local selectedIndex = 1
- local selectedText
- repeat
- self.output.setCursorPos(1,startLine)
- if promptMsg then
- self:print(promptMsg)
- self:print()
- end
- for i,v in pairs(optionsArray) do
- local ind = i
- if selectedIndex == ind then
- self:print("&3> "..v)
- else
- self:print(" "..v)
- end
- end
- local key = self:waitForKey()
- if key == 265 then -- up
- selectedIndex = selectedIndex - 1
- if selectedIndex < 1 then
- selectedIndex = #optionsArray
- end
- elseif key == 264 then -- down
- selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 1
- if selectedIndex > #optionsArray then
- selectedIndex = 1
- end
- elseif allowCancel and key == 259 then -- backspace (exit)
- return "", -1
- end
- until key == 257 -- enter
- return selectedText, selectedIndex
- end
- --====================================================================================================
- --// Wait for keys
- --====================================================================================================
- function module:waitForKey()
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- while true do
- local event, key, is_held = os.pullEvent("key")
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- return key, is_held;
- end
- end
- function module:waitForNumberKey(max)
- max = max or 9
- while true do
- local keyCode = self:waitForKey()
- local num = self.getKeyCodeInt(keyCode)
- if num and num <= max then return num; end
- end
- end
- function module:pressAnyKeyToContinue()
- local x,y = term.getCursorPos()
- print("Press any key to continue...")
- term.setCursorPos(0,0)
- self:waitForKey()
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- end
- --====================================================================================================
- --// Prompts
- --====================================================================================================
- function module:modifyFile(filePath)
- if filePath == nil then
- self:reset()
- printError("Terminal:modifyFile requires a filepath.")
- end
- repeat
- self:reset()
- local resName, resInd = self:promptOptions(
- "File: '"..filePath.."'\n",
- true,
- {
- "Cancel",
- "Execute",
- "Edit",
- "Delete",
- }
- )
- if resInd == 2 then -- execute
- return
- elseif resInd == 3 then -- edit
-"edit "..filePath)
- elseif resInd == 4 then -- delete
- self:reset()
- self:print("File: '"..filePath.."'")
- local _, resInd = self:promptOptions("Delete this file?",false,{"&dYes","&eNo"})
- if resInd == 1 then
-"delete "..filePath)
- return
- end
- end
- until resInd == 1 -- cancel
- end
- --====================================================================================================
- --// Utils
- --====================================================================================================
- function module.formatInt(number)
- local i, j, minus, int, fraction = tostring(number):find('([-]?)(%d+)([.]?%d*)')
- int = int:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,")
- return minus .. int:reverse():gsub("^,", "") .. fraction
- end
- function module:getItemDisplayName(itemId)
- local str = string.gsub(itemId,".*:", "")
- str = string.gsub(str,"_"," ")
- str = string.gsub(str,"^%l", string.upper)
- return str
- end
- function module:mcColorize(text)
- local txt = string.gsub(text,module.replaceSymbol,module.mcColorSymbol)
- txt = string.gsub(txt,module.removeSymbol,"")
- return txt
- end
- function module.getKeyCodeInt(keycode)
- local c = keycode-48
- if c > 9 or c < 0 then return nil end
- return c
- end
- function module:makeSeperator(char,charsToRemove)
- local s = ""
- for i = 1, self.size.x do
- s = s..tostring(char)
- end
- return s
- end
- return module
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