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- // InventoryAndStashPlugin.cs "$Revision: 865 $" "$Date: 2019-01-24 18:33:04 +0200 (to, 24 tammi 2019) $"
- //modded by rambo99jose on 20190517@2340
- using System;
- using System.Globalization;
- using System.Linq;
- using Turbo.Plugins;
- using Turbo.Plugins.Default;
- namespace Turbo.Plugins.JarJar.DefaultUI
- {
- public class InventoryAndStashPlugin : BasePlugin, ICustomizer, IInGameTopPainter
- {
- // NOTE that this draws to same places as original InventoryAndStashPlugin!
- public bool ShowImportantEnabled { get; set; } = true;
- public bool ShowGreenStarEnabled { get; set; } = true;
- public bool ShowRedStarEnabled { get; set; } = false;
- public bool HoradricCacheEnabled { get; set; } = true;
- public bool CanCubedEnabled { get; set; } = false;
- public string StarChar { get; set; } = "\u2605"; // black star
- public string FollowerChar { get; set; } = "\uD83D\uDEE1"; // shield
- public string RecycleChar { get; set; } = "\u267A"; // recycling symbol
- public string NoticeChar { get; set; } = "\u25CF"; // black circle
- public string CubeChar { get; set; } = "\u2622"; // radioactive sign
- public IFont LooksGoodFont { get; set; }
- public IFont LooksBadFont { get; set; }
- public IFont FollowerFont { get; set; }
- public IFont RecycleFont { get; set; }
- public IFont CubeFont { get; set; }
- public IFont NoticeFont { get; set; }
- public IFont AncientRankFont { get; set; }
- public IFont PrimalRankFont { get; set; }
- public IFont SocketedLegendaryGemRankFont { get; set; }
- public IFont HoradricCacheFont { get; set; }
- public IFont QuantityFont { get; set; }
- public Func<IItem, ItemKeepDecision> GetItemKeepDecision;
- public IBrush InventoryLockBorderBrush { get; set; }
- //readonly StopWatch _stopper = StopWatch.StartNew();
- private IWatch _stopper;
- public InventoryAndStashPlugin() { Enabled = true; }
- public void Customize()
- {
- // Disable original InventoryAndStashPlugin & Co.!
- Hud.TogglePlugin<Turbo.Plugins.Default.InventoryAndStashPlugin>(false);
- Hud.TogglePlugin<Turbo.Plugins.Default.HoveredItemInfoPlugin>(false);
- }
- public override void Load(IController hud)
- {
- base.Load(hud);
- _stopper = Hud.Time.CreateAndStartWatch();
- LooksGoodFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 9, 255, 0, 255, 0, false, false, true); // Bright green (lime)
- LooksBadFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 9, 255, 204, 0, 0, false, false, true); // Red
- FollowerFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 7, 255, 51, 204, 166, false, false, true); // Green-blue
- RecycleFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 10, 255, 255, 128, 0, true, false, true); // Orange
- CubeFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 10, 128, 255, 255, 0, true, false, true); // Yellow (with alpha)
- NoticeFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 11, 255, 255, 0, 255, true, false, false); // Bright violet
- NoticeFont.SetShadowBrush(128, 0, 0, 0, true);
- GetItemKeepDecision = (item) =>
- {
- return item.KeepDecision; // Default behaviour is like random decisions!
- };
- HoradricCacheFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8, 255, 255, 255, 255, false, false, false);
- HoradricCacheFont.SetShadowBrush(128, 0, 0, 0, true);
- AncientRankFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 7, 255, 0, 0, 0, true, false, 220, 227, 153, 25, true);
- PrimalRankFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 7, 255, 0, 0, 0, true, false, 180, 255, 64, 64, true);
- SocketedLegendaryGemRankFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 7, 255, 0, 0, 0, true, false, false);
- SocketedLegendaryGemRankFont.SetShadowBrush(128, 240, 240, 64, true);
- QuantityFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8, 255, 200, 200, 200, false, false, false);
- QuantityFont.SetShadowBrush(128, 0, 0, 0, true);
- InventoryLockBorderBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(100, 0, 150, 200, -1.6f);
- }
- private int stashPage, stashTab, stashTabAbs;
- private float rv;
- public void PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)
- {
- if (clipState != ClipState.Inventory) return;
- stashTab = Hud.Inventory.SelectedStashTabIndex;
- stashPage = Hud.Inventory.SelectedStashPageIndex;
- stashTabAbs = stashTab + stashPage * Hud.Inventory.MaxStashTabCountPerPage;
- rv = 32.0f / 600.0f * Hud.Window.Size.Height;
- if ((Hud.Inventory.InventoryLockArea.Width > 0) && (Hud.Inventory.InventoryLockArea.Height > 0))
- {
- var rect = Hud.Inventory.GetRectInInventory(Hud.Inventory.InventoryLockArea.X, Hud.Inventory.InventoryLockArea.Y, Hud.Inventory.InventoryLockArea.Width, Hud.Inventory.InventoryLockArea.Height);
- InventoryLockBorderBrush.DrawRectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
- }
- var items = Hud.Game.Items.Where(x => x.Location != ItemLocation.Merchant && x.Location != ItemLocation.Floor);
- foreach (var item in items)
- {
- if (item.Location == ItemLocation.Stash)
- {
- var tabIndex = item.InventoryY / 10;
- if (tabIndex != stashTabAbs) continue;
- }
- if ((item.InventoryX < 0) || (item.InventoryY < 0)) continue;
- var rect = Hud.Inventory.GetItemRect(item);
- if (rect == System.Drawing.RectangleF.Empty) continue;
- if (item.ItemsInSocket != null) DrawItemSocketedLegendaryGemRank(item, rect);
- if (item.AncientRank >= 1) DrawItemAncientRank(item, rect);
- DrawItemHoradricCache(item, rect);
- if (CanCubedEnabled) DrawItemCanCubed(item, rect);
- // New paint logic.
- if (item.Location == ItemLocation.Stash || item.Location == ItemLocation.Inventory)
- {
- if (item.Unidentified ||
- !item.IsLegendary ||
- item.SnoItem.Kind == ItemKind.gem ||
- item.SnoItem.Kind == ItemKind.uberstuff ||
- item.SnoItem.Kind == ItemKind.potion ||
- item.SnoItem.MainGroupCode == "gems_unique" ||
- item.SnoItem.MainGroupCode == "riftkeystone" ||
- item.SnoItem.MainGroupCode == "healthpotions" ||
- item.SnoItem.MainGroupCode == "consumable" ||
- item.SnoItem.MainGroupCode == "horadriccache")
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (ShowImportantEnabled || ShowGreenStarEnabled || ShowRedStarEnabled)
- {
- if ((item.SnoItem.NameEnglish == "Puzzle Ring" || item.SnoItem.NameEnglish == "Bovine Bardiche") && RecycleFont != null)
- {
- ShowStar(rect, RecycleChar, RecycleFont, false);
- continue;
- }
- string starChar = StarChar;
- bool? armorySet = null;
- // Check cube items only in inventory.
- if (item.Location == ItemLocation.Inventory)
- {
- if (Cube.Any(x => x == item.SnoItem.NameEnglish))
- {
- if (item.SnoItem.CanKanaiCube)
- {
- if (!armorySet.HasValue) armorySet = checkArmorySets(item);
- // CanCanai animation.
- var cubeTexture = Hud.Texture.KanaiCubeTexture;
- var h = cubeTexture.Height * 0.6f / 1200.0f * Hud.Window.Size.Height;
- var rh = h;
- var mod = armorySet.Value ? 1 : (_stopper.ElapsedMilliseconds % 1000);
- var ratio = 0.8f + 1.2f / 1000.0f * (mod < 500 ? mod : 1000 - mod);
- rh *= ratio;
- var x = rect.Right - h * 0.80f - ((rh - h) / 2);
- var y = rect.Top - h * 0.20f - ((rh - h) / 2);
- cubeTexture.Draw(x, y, rh, rh, 1);
- starChar = null;
- }
- }
- if (item.SnoItem.CanKanaiCube && Hud.Game.Me.IsCubed(item.SnoItem))
- {
- if (items.Where(x => x.Location != ItemLocation.Inventory && x.SnoItem.NameEnglish == item.SnoItem.NameEnglish).Count() == 0)
- {
- // This has been cubed and is only in inventory, typically we do not want to save it - blinking.
- if (!armorySet.HasValue) armorySet = checkArmorySets(item);
- var mod = armorySet.Value ? 0 : (_stopper.ElapsedMilliseconds % 1500);
- if (mod < 750) ShowStar(rect, CubeChar, CubeFont, false);
- starChar = null;
- }
- }
- }
- if (starChar != null)
- {
- bool halfSize = item.Location == ItemLocation.Waist;
- if (ShowImportantEnabled)
- {
- string itemMainStat = GetMainStatName(item);
- if (Important.Any(x => x.Name == item.SnoItem.NameEnglish
- && (x.MainStat == itemMainStat || x.MainStat == MAINSTAT_NONE)))
- {
- // Important item with our main stat (or wildcard).
- if (item.Location == ItemLocation.Stash || item.Location == ItemLocation.Inventory)
- {
- // Check Follower gear first.
- if (Follower.Any(x => x == item.SnoItem.NameEnglish))
- {
- ShowStar(rect, FollowerChar, FollowerFont, halfSize);
- continue;
- }
- ShowStar(rect, NoticeChar, NoticeFont, halfSize);
- continue;
- }
- // Show important equipped items with good/bad color.
- starChar = NoticeChar;
- if (GetItemKeepDecision(item) == ItemKeepDecision.LooksGood)
- {
- ShowStar(rect, starChar, ShowGreenStarEnabled ? LooksGoodFont : NoticeFont, halfSize);
- }
- else
- {
- ShowStar(rect, starChar, ShowRedStarEnabled ? LooksBadFont : NoticeFont, halfSize);
- }
- }
- }
- ItemKeepDecision keepDecision = GetItemKeepDecision(item);
- if (ShowGreenStarEnabled)
- {
- if (keepDecision == ItemKeepDecision.LooksGood) ShowStar(rect, starChar, LooksGoodFont, halfSize);
- }
- if (ShowRedStarEnabled)
- {
- if (keepDecision != ItemKeepDecision.LooksGood) ShowStar(rect, starChar, LooksBadFont, halfSize);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void ShowStar(System.Drawing.RectangleF rect, string symbol, IFont font, bool halfSize)
- {
- // Top right corner.
- var textLayout = font.GetTextLayout(symbol);
- font.DrawText(textLayout, rect.Right - rv / 15.0f - textLayout.Metrics.Width, rect.Top - rv / (halfSize ? 8.75f : 17.5f));
- }
- private void DrawItemSocketedLegendaryGemRank(IItem item, System.Drawing.RectangleF rect)
- {
- var legendaryGem = item.ItemsInSocket.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Quality == ItemQuality.Legendary && x.JewelRank > -1);
- if (legendaryGem == null) return;
- var jewelRank = legendaryGem.JewelRank;
- if (jewelRank > -1)
- {
- var text = jewelRank.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- var layout = SocketedLegendaryGemRankFont.GetTextLayout(text);
- SocketedLegendaryGemRankFont.DrawText(layout, rect.X, rect.Y);
- }
- }
- private void DrawItemAncientRank(IItem item, System.Drawing.RectangleF rect)
- {
- var ancientRank = item.AncientRank;
- var caldesannRank = item.CaldesannRank;
- var font = ancientRank == 1 ? AncientRankFont : PrimalRankFont;
- string text;
- if (caldesannRank == 0)
- {
- text = ancientRank == 1 ? "A" : "P";
- }
- else
- {
- text = caldesannRank.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- }
- var textLayout = font.GetTextLayout(text);
- font.DrawText(textLayout, rect.Right - rv / 15.0f - textLayout.Metrics.Width, rect.Bottom - rv / 35.0f - textLayout.Metrics.Height);
- }
- private void DrawItemCanCubed(IItem item, System.Drawing.RectangleF rect)
- {
- if ((item.Location != ItemLocation.Inventory) && (item.Location != ItemLocation.Stash)) return;
- var allowCube = item.SnoItem.CanKanaiCube && !Hud.Game.Me.IsCubed(item.SnoItem);
- if (allowCube && !item.IsInventoryLocked)
- {
- var cubeTexture = Hud.Texture.KanaiCubeTexture;
- var h = cubeTexture.Height * 0.6f / 1200.0f * Hud.Window.Size.Height;
- var rh = h;
- var mod = (_stopper.ElapsedMilliseconds % 1000);
- var ratio = 0.8f + 1.2f / 1000.0f * (mod < 500 ? mod : 1000 - mod);
- rh *= ratio;
- var x = rect.Right - h * 0.80f - ((rh - h) / 2);
- var y = rect.Top - h * 0.20f - ((rh - h) / 2);
- cubeTexture.Draw(x, y, rh, rh, 1);
- }
- }
- private void DrawItemHoradricCache(IItem item, System.Drawing.RectangleF rect)
- {
- if (!HoradricCacheEnabled) return;
- if (item.SnoItem.MainGroupCode != "horadriccache") return;
- var text = "";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("A1")) text = "A1";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("A2")) text = "A2";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("A3")) text = "A3";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("A4")) text = "A4";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("A5")) text = "A5";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act1")) text = "A1";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act2")) text = "A2";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act3")) text = "A3";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act4")) text = "A4";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act5")) text = "A5";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Hard")) text += ": H";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Expert")) text += ": E";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Master")) text += ": M";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T13")) text += ": T13";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T12")) text += ": T12";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T11")) text += ": T11";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T10")) text += ": T10";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T9")) text += ": T9";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T8")) text += ": T8";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T7")) text += ": T7";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T6")) text += ": T6";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T5")) text += ": T5";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T4")) text += ": T4";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T3")) text += ": T3";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T2")) text += ": T2";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("T1")) text += ": T1";
- if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment13")) text += ": T13";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment12")) text += ": T12";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment11")) text += ": T11";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment10")) text += ": T10";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment9")) text += ": T9";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment8")) text += ": T8";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment7")) text += ": T7";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment6")) text += ": T6";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment5")) text += ": T5";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment4")) text += ": T4";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment3")) text += ": T3";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment2")) text += ": T2";
- else if (item.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Torment1")) text += ": T1";
- if (text != null)
- {
- var textLayout = HoradricCacheFont.GetTextLayout(text);
- HoradricCacheFont.DrawText(textLayout, rect.Right - rv / 20.0f - textLayout.Metrics.Width, rect.Bottom - rv / 70.0f - textLayout.Metrics.Height);
- }
- }
- bool checkArmorySets(IItem item)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < Hud.Game.Me.ArmorySets.Length; ++i)
- {
- var set = Hud.Game.Me.ArmorySets[i];
- if (set.ContainsItem(item))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public const string MAINSTAT_DEX = "DEX";
- public const string MAINSTAT_INT = "INT";
- public const string MAINSTAT_STR = "STR";
- public const string MAINSTAT_NONE = "---";
- public const string NAME_DEX = "Dexterity_Item";
- public const string NAME_INT = "Intelligence_Item";
- public const string NAME_STR = "Strength_Item";
- static string GetMainStatName(IItem item)
- {
- if (item != null && item.Perfections != null)
- {
- foreach (IItemPerfection perfection in item.Perfections)
- {
- string code = perfection.Attribute.Code;
- if (code == NAME_DEX) return MAINSTAT_DEX;
- if (code == NAME_INT) return MAINSTAT_INT;
- if (code == NAME_STR) return MAINSTAT_STR;
- }
- }
- }
- public class ImportantItem
- {
- public readonly string Name;
- public readonly string MainStat;
- public ImportantItem(string name, string mainStat)
- {
- Name = name;
- MainStat = mainStat;
- }
- }
- static ImportantItem important(string name)
- {
- return new ImportantItem(name, MAINSTAT_NONE);
- }
- static ImportantItem DEX_ITEM(string name)
- {
- return new ImportantItem(name, MAINSTAT_DEX);
- }
- static ImportantItem INT_ITEM(string name)
- {
- return new ImportantItem(name, MAINSTAT_INT);
- }
- static ImportantItem STR_ITEM(string name)
- {
- return new ImportantItem(name, MAINSTAT_STR);
- }
- public static string[] Follower = new string[]
- {
- // These important items have "shield" marker in place on star!
- "Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker",
- "Eun-jang-do",
- "Freeze of Deflection",
- "Defender of Westmarch",
- "Lidless Wall",
- "The Ess of Johan",
- "Overwhelming Desire",
- "Wyrdward",
- "Oculus Ring",
- "Justice Lantern",
- "Enchanting Favor",
- };
- public static ImportantItem[] Important = new ImportantItem[]
- {
- important("Ring of Royal Grandeur"), // Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2)
- important("Unity"), // All damage taken is split between wearers of this item
- // Barbarian HotA
- STR_ITEM("Immortal King's Triumph"),
- STR_ITEM("Immortal King's Eternal Reign"),
- STR_ITEM("Immortal King's Irons"),
- STR_ITEM("Immortal King's Tribal Binding"),
- STR_ITEM("Immortal King's Stature"),
- STR_ITEM("Immortal King's Stride"),
- STR_ITEM("Fury of the Ancients"),
- STR_ITEM("Bracers of the First Men"),
- STR_ITEM("Magefist"),
- STR_ITEM("The Traveler's Pledge"),
- STR_ITEM("The Compass Rose"),
- STR_ITEM("Convention of Elements"),
- STR_ITEM("Little Rogue"),
- STR_ITEM("The Slanderer"),
- // Follower - Templar
- // See:
- STR_ITEM("Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker"),
- STR_ITEM("Eun-jang-do"),
- STR_ITEM("Freeze of Deflection"),
- STR_ITEM("Defender of Westmarch"),
- STR_ITEM("Lidless Wall"),
- STR_ITEM("The Ess of Johan"),
- STR_ITEM("Overwhelming Desire"),
- STR_ITEM("Wyrdward"),
- STR_ITEM("Oculus Ring"),
- STR_ITEM("Justice Lantern"),
- STR_ITEM("Enchanting Favor"),
- /*
- // Speedrun items
- important("Goldwrap"), // On gold pickup: Gain armor for 5 seconds equal to the amount picked up
- important("Goldskin"), // +100% Extra Gold, Chance for enemies to drop gold when you hit them
- important("Custerian Wristguards"), // Picking up gold grants experience
- important("Gladiator Gauntlets"), // After earning a massacre bonus, gold rains from sky
- important("Kymbo's Gold"), // +75–100% Extra Gold, Picking up gold heals you for an amount equal to the gold that was picked up
- // Monk - Inna Exploding Palm
- DEX_ITEM("Lefebvre's Soliloquy"),
- DEX_ITEM("Bindings of the Lesser Gods"),
- DEX_ITEM("Gungdo Gear"),
- DEX_ITEM("The Crudest Boots"),
- DEX_ITEM("The Fist of Az'Turrasq"),
- // Wizard
- INT_ITEM("Hergbrash's Binding"),
- INT_ITEM("Ancient Parthan Defenders"),
- INT_ITEM("Deathwish"),
- INT_ITEM("Etched Sigil"),
- */
- };
- public static string[] Cube = new string[]
- {
- "Ring of Royal Grandeur",
- "Unity",
- // Barbarian HotA
- "The Gavel of Judgment",
- "Magefist", "Aquila Cuirass",
- "Band of Might", "Unity",
- /*
- // Demon Hunter
- "Aquila Cuirass",
- // Witch Doctor
- "The Grin Reaper",
- "Quetzalcoatl",
- "Staff of Chiroptera",
- // Wizard
- "The Grand Vizier",
- "Nilfur's Boast",
- "Halo of Arlyse",
- */
- };
- }
- }
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