
scales building

Dec 23rd, 2024
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  1. Ann fainted dead away as Kong’s hand closed on the bed, jerking it toward the window before finally lifting Ann gently through. Kong cradled her in one arm with that curious care he had shown her on the island and climbed higher into the night.
  2. He had learned on the island that height meant security. Now he strove for height, climbing what seemed to him like a vertical cliff reaching to the very sky. Pillars of light waved through the night, passed him by, came back to pin him in their glare. Kong ignored them, as he ignored the unfamiliar sounds from below. Higher he climbed and higher still, until he came to a ledge where he rested for a moment. Above him towered a narrowing cliff, and, still tenderly holding Ann, Kong assaulted the final ascent, a strong night breeze buffeting him, bearing the unfamiliar scents of civilization.
  3. The sirens blared below as Kong stood in the shadows atop the building. For the first time since his capture, he could move freely, feel the wind on his face.
  6. Merian C. Cooper's King Kong, Chapter 21
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