
Learn To Speak German Deluxe

Jun 13th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Learn To Speak German Deluxe 9.5
  3. von The Learning Company
  4. 5 CD Set - 4 Installation CD's and 1 Audio CD
  5. Product: Elanguage
  6. Enhanced compatibility for Windows XP
  7. Updated travel & country information
  8. iPod™ and MP3 lessons for learning on-the-go
  9. Improved speech recognition
  10. Free support
  11. Learn German Software
  14. Learn to Speak German Deluxe v. 9.5 - Learn to Speak German interactive software is an expansive language program that uses a wealth of instructional techniques to help you learn German. It includes lessons in vocabulary, grammar, and conversation (both verbal and written), and provides plenty of practice, drill Unlike most language software programs, Learn to Speak German attempts to teach the language from the ground up.
  15. It not only immerses the user in the language, but it provides extensive grammar lessons as well. The program is divided into 10 units and 30 chapters. Each chapter contains a vocabulary list, story, dialogue, grammar topic, conversation lab, and exercises.
  16. Also included are fun games to break the monotony while strengthening and reinforcing learning. Speech recognition technology allows users to test their knowledge and perfect their accents with immediate feedback from the computer.
  18. Included with the Learn to Speak German CD-ROM are an audio CD and a 219 page reference book for practicing away from the computer.
  20. Product Benefits:
  21. Over 50 lessons and hundreds of exercises representing 2-3 years' worth of curriculum
  22. Sophisticated speech recognition
  23. Audio CD featuring coordinated lessons
  24. iPod and MP3 lessons for learning on-the-go
  25. Printed reference book for learning away from the PC
  26. PDA Dictionary with over 15,000 translations
  27. Printable grammar exercises
  28. Simulated conversations, cultural movies and games
  29. 5 CD Set - 4 Installation CD's and 1 Audio CD
  31. Learn to speak, read and write with natural confidence!
  32. Featuring two years worth of robust curriculum, Learn to Speak? German Deluxe offers a convenient, comprehensive language study solution.
  33. Featuring 35 lessons of core curriculum and 25 Extended Practice lessons, the software program offers all the benefits of a structured language course, while accommodating each student's individual needs and preferences. Also includes a complementary reference book, printable exercises and a PDA dictionary.
  34. Includes 5 CD-ROMs!
  36. Dateiverknüpfung:
  37. https://1fichier.com/?x6vw8h9w39
  39. Sicherungskopie:
  40. https://1fichier.com/?djq93tbkr9
  43. Titelblatt:
  44. http://abload.de/img/gdl2zkx7.jpg
  45. https://i.imgur.com/N5hIFDI.jpg
  50. __________________________
  51. https://t.me/GermanDeutsch
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