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- // NodeJS
- // Intended for Support mods making Slabs, Stairs, Walls, Fences, fence gates, from a singular block from either MC, or another mod.
- // Creates Blockstates, Model files, Item files
- // ver. 2.0 (fixed minor problems, and one overlooked variable that was missing)
- // ver. 2.5 (fixed accidental missing '/' & accidental included '/', fixed & addreseed cases where one or two textures are used.)
- // ver. 3.0 - Fixed all the outputs to be what was expected. (and supply template files to go with this if asked)
- var fs = require('fs');
- const { resolve } = require('path');
- const path = require('path');
- var baseDrive = 'G:/' // Set This block of variables as needed
- var baseFolder = baseDrive+'MC_JSONS';
- var bridgeModID = 'delbridgebop'; // ModID of the mod intended be the namespace of the model jsons
- var baseModID = 'minecraft';
- var leftModID = 'delbase'; //ModID of one of the Mods the Bridge connects
- var rightModID = 'biomesoplenty'; //ModID of the other Mod the bridge connects
- var customModModelTemplateID = 'delbase'; // ModID of the custom Templates
- var blockState = '/assets/blockstates'; // Local file structure,
- var models = '/assets/models';
- var baseModelFiles = '/block';
- var fenceModelFiles = baseModelFiles+'/fence';
- var fenceGateModelFiles = baseModelFiles+'/fence_gate';
- var slabModelFiles = baseModelFiles+'/slab';
- var wallModelFiles = baseModelFiles+'/wall';
- var stairModelFiles = baseModelFiles+'/stair';
- var itemModelFiles = models+'/item';
- var lootTableFiles = '/loot_tables/blocks';
- var useCustomTemplate = false; // Boolean section
- var useCustomModelFolders = false;
- var useWoodCycle = false;
- var useWallTwist = false; // Setup to be used, but not triggerable
- var useColumnStair = false; // Setup to be used, but not triggerable. woodlikes will use columnStairs (and default to the top/bottom texture if not provided)
- var templateFencePost = 'block/fence_post'; // Minecraft Locations for model Templates (defaults)
- var templateFenceSide = 'block/fence_side';
- var templateFenceInventory = 'block/fence_inventory';
- var templateFenceGate = 'block/template_fence_gate';
- var templateFenceGateOpen = 'block/template_fence_gate_open';
- var templateFenceGateWall = 'block/template_fence_gate_wall';
- var templateFenceGateWallOpen = 'block/template_fence_gate_wall_open';
- var templateWallInventory = 'block/wall_inventory'
- var templateWallWallPost = 'block/template_wall_post';
- var templateWallSide = 'block/template_wall_side';
- var templateWallSideTall = 'block/template_wall_side_tall';
- var templateStair = 'block/stairs';
- var templateInnerStair = 'block/inner_stairs';
- var templateOuterStair = 'block/outer_stairs';
- var templateSlab = 'block/slab';
- var templateSlabTop = 'block/slab_top';
- var templateWholeBlock = 'block/cube_bottom_top'; // typical cubes
- var templateSlabDouble = templateWholeBlock;
- var customFencePost = 'block/template/fence_post'; // Custom template section, need to already be made
- var customFenceSide = 'block/template/fence_side';
- var customFenceGate = 'block/template/fence_gate';
- var customFenceGateOpen = 'block/template/fence_gate_open';
- var customFenceGateWall = 'block/template/fence_gate_wall';
- var customFenceGateWallOpen = 'block/template/fence_gate_wall_open';
- var customFenceInventory = 'block/template/fence_inventory';
- var customFenceSideWoodTweak = 'block/template/fence_side_wood_tweak'; // No plans to use yet
- var customStairs = 'block/template/stairs';
- var customStairsColumn = 'block/template/stairs_column'; // Column uses a seperate (from the horizontal) texture from the vertical inside bits
- var customInnerStair = 'block/template/inner_stairs';
- var customInnerStairColumn = 'block/template/inner_stairs_column';// Column uses a seperate (from the horizontal) texture from the vertical inside bits
- var customouterStairs = 'block/template/outer_stairs';
- var customouterStairsColumn = 'block/template/outer_stairs_column';// Column uses a seperate (from the horizontal) texture from the vertical inside bits
- var customWallPost = 'block/template/wall_post';
- var customWallSide = 'block/template/wall_side';
- var customWallSideTwist = 'block/template/wall_side_twist'; // Turns texture 90' on side
- var customWallSideTall = 'block/template/wall_side_tall';
- var customWallSideTallTwist = 'block/template/wall_side_tall_twist';// Turns texture 90' on side
- var customWallInventory = 'block/template/wall_inventory';
- var baseTextureTag = 'texture'; // fences only
- var customTextureUpDownTag = baseTextureTag; // fences only
- var customTextureSideTag = 'postside'; // fences only
- var blockName; // On Call Variables
- var textureOne; // Top/bottom
- var textureTwo; // Sides(outsides)
- var textureThree; // Insides - Sides (Stairs, Column use only) [currently only woodlikes use this]
- var textureModID; // assigned in code & called to write in files.
- var textureUseCount;
- const myArgs = process.argv.slice(2);
- keystart(myArgs);
- async function setVariables(Args) {
- let rawName;
- let typeName;
- rawName = Args[0];
- typeName = Args[1];
- if (rawName == 'help') {
- errorout('Input as node fivemodeltypes \'name of block\' \'Use Custom template (0 - false/1 - true)\' \'Use Custom Model File Location(0 - false/1 - true)\' \'texture count(1-3)\' \'ModID of the textures location (0 - Minecraft/1 - Bridge ModID/2 - Left ModID/3 - Right ModID)[set inside file]\' \'texture name 1\' \'texture name 2(optional)\' \'texture name 3(optional)\'\nExample\nnode ./fiveModelTypes base_block_name 1 1 3 2 texture_log_top log_texture_side log_texture_inside_side\n\nUse of Custom Templates requires prior setup. can easily be used without custom templates\n\n Use 0 on texture 2 & 3 to default it to texture 1\nExample\nnode ./fiveModelTypes base_block_name 1 1 3 2 texutre_name 0 0')
- }
- blockName = rawName;
- if (typeName != 0) {
- if (typeName == 'woodtype') {
- useWoodCycle = true;
- } else { blockName = blockName + '_' + typeName; }
- }
- if (Args[2] == 0 || Args[2] == 1) {
- if (Args[2] == 0) { useCustomTemplate = false; } else { useCustomTemplate = true; }
- } else {
- errorout('wrong selection of custom or built in templates for model files.')
- }
- // Use Custom Model File Location (0 = false//1 = true)
- if (Args[3] == 0 || Args[3] == 1) {
- if (Args[3] == 0) { useCustomModelFolders = false; } else { useCustomModelFolders = true; }
- } else {
- errorout('Invalid selection of custom or built in(For Minecraft) folder structure')
- }
- textureUseCount = Args[4];
- if (textureUseCount < 1) { errorout('number of textures claimed less than 1') }
- var num = Args[5];
- if (num == 0) { textureModID = baseModID; }
- if (num == 1) { textureModID = bridgeModID; }
- if (num == 2) { textureModID = leftModID; }
- if (num == 3) { textureModID = rightModID; }
- if (num < 0 || num > 3) {errorout('missing/invalid selection for texture modID');}
- if (Args[6] != null){
- textureOne = Args[6];
- textureTwo = textureOne;
- textureThree = textureOne;
- } else { errorout('no valid texture given') }
- if (Args[7] != 0) { if (textureUseCount > 1) { textureTwo = Args[7] } }
- if (Args[8] != 0) { if (textureUseCount > 2) { textureThree = Args[8] } }
- }
- function errorout(extmsg) {
- console.log(extmsg);
- process.exit();
- }
- function fileOut(fileOut, message, newfile) {
- if (newfile) { fs.openSync(fileOut, 'w'); }
- fs.appendFileSync(fileOut, message+'\n');
- }
- function keystart(argums){
- setVariables(argums).then(blockStates(useCustomModelFolders)).then(fenceModels(useCustomTemplate, useCustomModelFolders)).then(slabModels(useCustomModelFolders)).then(wallModels(useCustomTemplate, useCustomModelFolders)).then(stairModels(useCustomTemplate, useCustomModelFolders)).then(lootTable());
- }
- function blockStates(useCustomtmpath) {
- let blockPath;
- let foldPath = path.join(baseFolder, blockState);
- fs.mkdirSync(foldPath, { recursive: true });
- blockPath = 'block/';
- if (useWoodCycle) {
- bsAid(foldPath, blockName+'_wood', useCustomtmpath, blockPath);
- bsAid(foldPath, blockName+'_log', useCustomtmpath, blockPath);
- bsAid(foldPath, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_wood', useCustomtmpath, blockPath);
- bsAid(foldPath, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_log', useCustomtmpath, blockPath);
- } else { bsAid(foldPath, blockName, useCustomtmpath, blockPath); }
- }
- function bsAid(folderPath, bName, usePathCustom, bPath) {
- let bPathTmp = bPath;
- if (useCustomModelFolders) { bPathTmp = slabModelFiles.slice(1); }
- bsSlab(path.join(folderPath, bName+'_slab.json'), bPathTmp, bName)
- if (usePathCustom) { bPathTmp = fenceModelFiles.slice(1); }
- bsFence(path.join(folderPath, bName+'_fence.json'), bPathTmp, bName)
- if (usePathCustom) { bPathTmp = fenceGateModelFiles.slice(1); }
- bsFenceGate(path.join(folderPath, bName+'_fence_gate.json'), bPathTmp, bName)
- if (usePathCustom) { bPathTmp = wallModelFiles.slice(1); }
- bsWall(path.join(folderPath, bName+'_wall.json'), bPathTmp, bName)
- if (usePathCustom) { bPathTmp = stairModelFiles.slice(1); }
- bsStairStart(path.join(folderPath, bName+'_stair.json'), bPathTmp, bName)
- }
- function bsFence(fileLocation, filePath, bName) {
- let post = filePath+'/'+bName+'_fence_post';
- let side = filePath+'/'+bName+'_fence_side';
- let uvlock = '\"uvlock\": true';
- fileOut(fileLocation, '{', true);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"multipart\": [', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '{', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"apply\": {', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"model\": \"'+bridgeModID+':'+post+'\"', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '}', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '},', false);
- bsFenceAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, side, 'north', uvlock, 0, false);
- bsFenceAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, side, 'east', uvlock, 90, false);
- bsFenceAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, side, 'south', uvlock, 180, false);
- bsFenceAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, side, 'west', uvlock, 270, true);
- fileOut(fileLocation, ']', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '}', false);
- }
- function bsFenceAid(fLocation, modID, model, direct, uv, y, last) {
- let bracket;
- if(last) { bracket = '}' } else { bracket = '},' }
- fileOut(fLocation, '{', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"when\": {', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"'+direct+'\": \"true\"', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '},', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"apply\": {', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+modID+':'+model+'\",', false);
- if(y != 0) { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": '+y+',', false); }
- fileOut(fLocation, uv, false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '}', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, bracket, false);
- }
- function bsFenceGate(fileLocation, filePath, bName) {
- let gate = filePath+'/'+bName+'_fence_gate';
- let gateOpen = gate+'_open';
- let gateWall = gate+'_wall';
- let gateWallOpen = gateWall+'_open';
- let fEast = 'facing=east';
- let fWest = 'facing=west';
- let fNorth = 'facing=north';
- let fSouth = 'facing=south';
- let iWall = 'in_wall=true';
- let oWall = 'in_wall=false';
- let wOpen = 'open=true';
- let wClose = 'open=false';
- let uvlock = '\"uvlock\": true,';
- fileOut(fileLocation, '{', true);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"variants\": {', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fEast+','+oWall+','+wClose+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gate, uvlock, 270, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fEast+','+oWall+','+wOpen+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateOpen, uvlock, 270, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fEast+','+iWall+','+wClose+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateWall, uvlock, 270, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fEast+','+iWall+','+wOpen+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateWallOpen, uvlock, 270, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fNorth+','+oWall+','+wClose+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gate, uvlock, 180, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fNorth+','+oWall+','+wOpen+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateOpen, uvlock, 180, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fNorth+','+iWall+','+wClose+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateWall, uvlock, 180, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fNorth+','+iWall+','+wOpen+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateWallOpen, uvlock, 180, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fSouth+','+oWall+','+wClose+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gate, uvlock, 0, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fSouth+','+oWall+','+wOpen+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateOpen, uvlock, 0, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fSouth+','+iWall+','+wClose+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateWall, uvlock, 0, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fSouth+','+iWall+','+wOpen+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateWallOpen, uvlock, 0, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fWest+','+oWall+','+wClose+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gate, uvlock, 90, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fWest+','+oWall+','+wOpen+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateOpen, uvlock, 90, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fWest+','+iWall+','+wClose+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateWall, uvlock, 90, false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"'+fWest+','+iWall+','+wOpen+'\": {', false);
- bsFenceGateAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, gateWallOpen, uvlock, 90, true);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '}', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '}', false);
- }
- function bsFenceGateAid(fLocation, modID, model, uv, y, last) {
- let bracket;
- if (last) { bracket = '}' } else { bracket = '},' }
- fileOut(fLocation, uv, false);
- if (y != 0) { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": '+y+',', false); }
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+modID+':'+model+'\"', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, bracket, false);
- }
- function bsWall(fileLocation, filePath, bName) {
- let uvlock = '\"uvlock\": true';
- let fmodel = filePath+'/'+bName;
- fileOut(fileLocation, '{', true);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"multipart\": [', false);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'up', 'true', fmodel+'_wall_post', uvlock, 0, false, false);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'north', 'low', fmodel+'_wall_side', uvlock, 0, false, true);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'east', 'low', fmodel+'_wall_side', uvlock, 90, false, true);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'south', 'low', fmodel+'_wall_side', uvlock, 180, false, true);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'west', 'low', fmodel+'_wall_side', uvlock, 270, false, true);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'north', 'tall', fmodel+'_wall_side_tall', uvlock, 0, false, true);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'east', 'tall', fmodel+'_wall_side_tall', uvlock, 90, false, true);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'south', 'tall', fmodel+'_wall_side_tall', uvlock, 180, false, true);
- bsWallAid(fileLocation, bridgeModID, 'west', 'tall', fmodel+'_wall_side_tall', uvlock, 270, true, true);
- }
- function bsWallAid(fLocation, ModID, fkey, fvalue, model, uv, y, last, useUV){
- let close;
- if (last) { close = '\n}\n}\n]\n}' } else { close = '\n}\n},' }
- fileOut(fLocation, '{', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"when\": {', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"'+fkey+'\": \"'+fvalue+'\"\n},', false);
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"apply\": {', false);
- if (useUV) {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+ModID+':'+model+'\",', false);
- if (y > 0) { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": '+y+','); }
- fileOut(fLocation, uv+close, false);
- } else { fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+ModID+':'+model+'\"'+close, false); }
- }
- function bsSlab(fileLocation, filePath, bName) {
- let psName = filePath+'/'+bName+'_slab';
- let pdName = filePath+'/'+bName+'_slab_double';
- let ptName = filePath+'/'+bName+'_slab_top';
- fileOut(fileLocation, '{', true);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"variants\": {', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"type=bottom\": {', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"model\": \"'+bridgeModID+':'+psName+'\"\n},', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"type=double\": {', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"model\": \"'+bridgeModID+':'+pdName+'\"\n},', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"type=top\": {', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"model\": \"'+bridgeModID+':'+ptName+'\"\n}\n}\n}', false);
- }
- function bsStairStart(fileLocation, filePath, bName) {
- fileOut(fileLocation, '{', true);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"variants\": {');
- bsStairAidSplitOne(fileLocation, bridgeModID, filePath+'/', bName);
- }
- function bsStairAidSplitOne(fLocation, ModID, filePath, bName) {
- bsStairAidSplitTwo(fLocation, ModID, 'east', filePath, bName);
- bsStairAidSplitTwo(fLocation, ModID, 'north', filePath, bName);
- bsStairAidSplitTwo(fLocation, ModID, 'south', filePath, bName);
- bsStairAidSplitTwo(fLocation, ModID, 'west', filePath, bName);
- }
- function bsStairAidSplitTwo(fLocation, ModID, face, filePath, bName) {
- bsStairAidSPlitThree(fLocation, ModID, face, 'bottom', filePath, bName);
- bsStairAidSPlitThree(fLocation, ModID, face, 'top', filePath, bName);
- }
- function bsStairAidSPlitThree(fLocation, ModID, face, half, filePath, bName) {
- bsStairAid(fLocation, ModID, face, half, 'inner_left', filePath, bName);
- bsStairAid(fLocation, ModID, face, half, 'inner_right', filePath, bName);
- bsStairAid(fLocation, ModID, face, half, 'outer_left', filePath, bName);
- bsStairAid(fLocation, ModID, face, half, 'outer_right', filePath, bName);
- bsStairAid(fLocation, ModID, face, half, 'straight', filePath, bName);
- }
- function bsStairAid(fLocation, ModID, face, half, shape, filePath, bName) {
- let modBName;
- if (shape == 'straight') { modBName = bName+'_stair' } else { modBName = bName+'_stair_'+shape.slice(0,5); }
- let more = true;
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"facing='+face+',half='+half+',shape='+shape+'\": {', false);
- if (face == 'east') {
- if (shape == 'inner_right' || shape == 'outer_right' || shape == 'straight') {
- if (half == 'bottom') {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+ModID+':'+filePath+modBName+'\"\n},', false);
- more = false;
- }
- }
- if (more) {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+ModID+':'+filePath+modBName+'\",', false);
- if (half == 'top') {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"x\": 180,', false);
- if (shape == 'inner_right' || shape == 'outer_right') { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 90,', false); }
- } else {
- if (shape == 'inner_left' || shape == 'outer_left') { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 270,', false); }
- }
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"uvlock\": true\n},')
- }
- }
- if (face == 'north') {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+ModID+':'+filePath+modBName+'\",', false);
- if (half == 'top') {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"x\": 180,', false);
- if (shape == 'inner_left' || shape == 'outer_left' || shape == 'straight') { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 270,', false); }
- } else {
- if (shape == 'outer_left' || shape == 'inner_left') { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 180,', false); } else { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 270,', false); }
- }
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"uvlock\": true\n},')
- }
- if (face == 'south') {
- if (half == 'bottom') {
- if (shape == 'outer_left' || shape == 'inner_left') {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+ModID+':'+filePath+modBName+'\"\n},', false);
- more = false;
- }
- }
- if (more){
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+ModID+':'+filePath+modBName+'\",', false);
- if (half == 'top') {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"x\": 180,', false);
- if (shape == 'outer_left' || shape == 'inner_left') { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 90,', false); } else { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 180,', false); }
- } else { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 90,', false); }
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"uvlock\": true\n},')
- }
- }
- if (face == 'west') {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"model\": \"'+ModID+':'+filePath+modBName+'\",', false);
- if (half == 'bottom') {
- if (shape == 'outer_left' || shape == 'inner_left') { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 90,', false); } else { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 180,', false); }
- } else {
- fileOut(fLocation, '\"x\": 180,', false);
- if (shape == 'inner_right' || shape == 'outer_right') { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 270,', false); } else { fileOut(fLocation, '\"y\": 180,', false); }
- if (shape == 'straight') { more = false; }
- }
- if (more) { fileOut(fLocation, '\"uvlock\": true\n},') } else { fileOut(fLocation, '\"uvlock\": true\n}\n}\n}') }
- }
- }
- function fenceModels(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation){
- let fold;
- let foldg;
- if (customModelLocation) {
- fold = path.join(baseFolder, models, fenceModelFiles);
- foldg = path.join(baseFolder, models, fenceGateModelFiles);
- fs.mkdirSync(foldg, { recursive: true });
- } else {
- fold = path.join(baseFolder, models, baseModelFiles);
- foldg = fold;
- }
- fs.mkdirSync(fold, { recursive: true });
- if (useWoodCycle) {
- fmAid(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation, fold, foldg, blockName+'_wood')
- fmAid(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation, fold, foldg, blockName+'_log')
- fmAid(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation, fold, foldg, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_wood')
- fmAid(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation, fold, foldg, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_log')
- } else { fmAid(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation, fold, foldg, blockName) }
- }
- function fmAid(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation, fmodel, fgmodel, bName) {
- let iFold = path.join(baseFolder, itemModelFiles);
- fs.mkdirSync(iFold, { recursive: true });
- fmFencePost(fmodel, customTemplateLocation, bName);
- fmFenceSide(fmodel, customTemplateLocation, bName);
- fmFenceInventory(fmodel, customTemplateLocation, bName);
- fmFenceGate(fgmodel, customTemplateLocation, bName);
- fmFenceGateOpen(fgmodel, customTemplateLocation, bName);
- fmFenceGateWall(fgmodel, customTemplateLocation, bName);
- fmFenceGateWallOpen(fgmodel, customTemplateLocation, bName);
- fmFenceItems(iFold, customModelLocation, bName);
- }
- function fmFencePost(folder, iscustomtemplate, bName){
- let template;
- let templatemod;
- let json = path.join(folder, bName+'_fence_post.json')
- if (iscustomtemplate) {
- template = customFencePost;
- templatemod = customModModelTemplateID;
- } else {
- template = templateFencePost;
- templatemod = baseModID;
- }
- fileOut(json, '{', true);
- fileOut(json, '\"parent\": \"'+templatemod+':'+template+'\",');
- fmFenceAid(textureUseCount, iscustomtemplate, json, textureModID);
- }
- function fmFenceSide(folder, iscustomtemplate, bName) {
- let template;
- let templatemod;
- let json = path.join(folder, bName+'_fence_side.json')
- if (iscustomtemplate) {
- template = customFenceSide;
- templatemod = customModModelTemplateID;
- } else {
- template = templateFenceSide;
- templatemod = baseModID;
- }
- fileOut(json, '{', true);
- fileOut(json, '\"parent\": \"'+templatemod+':'+template+'\",');
- fmFenceAid(textureUseCount, iscustomtemplate, json, textureModID);
- }
- function fmFenceInventory(folder, iscustomtemplate, bName) {
- let template;
- let templatemod;
- let json = path.join(folder, bName+'_fence_inventory.json')
- if (iscustomtemplate) {
- template = customFenceInventory;
- templatemod = customModModelTemplateID;
- } else {
- template = templateFenceInventory;
- templatemod = baseModID;
- }
- fileOut(json, '{', true);
- fileOut(json, '\"parent\": \"'+templatemod+':'+template+'\",');
- fmFenceAid(textureUseCount, iscustomtemplate, json, textureModID);
- }
- function fmFenceGate(folder, iscustomtemplate, bName) {
- let template;
- let templatemod;
- let json = path.join(folder, bName+'_fence_gate.json')
- if (iscustomtemplate) {
- template = customFenceGate;
- templatemod = customModModelTemplateID;
- } else {
- template = templateFenceGate;
- templatemod = baseModID;
- }
- fileOut(json, '{', true);
- fileOut(json, '\"parent\": \"'+templatemod+':'+template+'\",');
- fmFenceAid(textureUseCount, iscustomtemplate, json, textureModID);
- }
- function fmFenceGateOpen(folder, iscustomtemplate, bName) {
- let template;
- let templatemod;
- let json = path.join(folder, bName+'_fence_gate_open.json')
- if (iscustomtemplate) {
- template = customFenceGateOpen;
- templatemod = customModModelTemplateID;
- } else {
- template = templateFenceGateOpen;
- templatemod = baseModID;
- }
- fileOut(json, '{', true);
- fileOut(json, '\"parent\": \"'+templatemod+':'+template+'\",');
- fmFenceAid(textureUseCount, iscustomtemplate, json, textureModID);
- }
- function fmFenceGateWall(folder, iscustomtemplate, bName) {
- let template;
- let templatemod;
- let json = path.join(folder, bName+'_fence_gate_wall.json')
- if (iscustomtemplate) {
- template = customFenceGateWall;
- templatemod = customModModelTemplateID;
- } else {
- template = templateFenceGateWall;
- templatemod = baseModID;
- }
- fileOut(json, '{', true);
- fileOut(json, '\"parent\": \"'+templatemod+':'+template+'\",');
- fmFenceAid(textureUseCount, iscustomtemplate, json, textureModID);
- }
- function fmFenceGateWallOpen(folder, iscustomtemplate, bName) {
- let template;
- let templatemod;
- let json = path.join(folder, bName+'_fence_gate_wall_open.json')
- if (iscustomtemplate) {
- template = customFenceGateWallOpen;
- templatemod = customModModelTemplateID;
- } else {
- template = templateFenceGateWallOpen;
- templatemod = baseModID;
- }
- fileOut(json, '{', true);
- fileOut(json, '\"parent\": \"'+templatemod+':'+template+'\",');
- fmFenceAid(textureUseCount, iscustomtemplate, json, textureModID);
- }
- function fmFenceItems(folder, iscustomLocation, bName) {
- let modelLocation;
- let modelgLocation;
- if (iscustomLocation) {
- modelLocation = fenceModelFiles;
- modelgLocation = fenceGateModelFiles;
- } else {
- modelLocation = baseModelFiles;
- modelgLocation = modelLocation;
- }
- itemAid(path.join(folder, bName+'_fence.json'), modelLocation, 'fence_inventory', bName);
- itemAid(path.join(folder, bName+'_fence_gate.json'), modelgLocation, 'fence_gate', bName);
- }
- function itemAid(file, modelLocation, type, bName) {
- //used by all item models
- let model = modelLocation.slice(1);
- fileOut(file, '{', true);
- fileOut(file, '\"parent\": \"'+bridgeModID+':'+model+'/'+bName+'_'+type+'\"', false);
- fileOut(file, '}', false);
- }
- function fmFenceAid(texturecount, isCustom, file, mod) {
- fileOut(file, '\"textures\": {', false)
- if (isCustom) {
- if (texturecount > 1) {
- fileOut(file, '\"'+customTextureUpDownTag+'\": \"'+mod+':'+'block/'+textureOne+'\",', false)
- fileOut(file, '\"'+customTextureSideTag+'\": \"'+mod+':'+'block/'+textureTwo+'\"', false)
- } else {
- fileOut(file, '\"'+customTextureUpDownTag+'\": \"'+mod+':'+'block/'+textureOne+'\"', false)
- }
- } else {
- fileOut(file, '\"'+baseTextureTag+'\": \"'+mod+':'+'block/'+textureOne+'\"', false)
- }
- fileOut(file, '}\n}', false)
- }
- function slabModels(customModelLocation) {
- let fold;
- let texture = 'block/';
- if (customModelLocation) { fold = slabModelFiles } else { fold = baseModelFiles }
- fs.mkdirSync(fold, { recursive: true });
- if (useWoodCycle) {
- smModelAid(fold, blockName+'_wood', texture, customModelLocation);
- smModelAid(fold, blockName+'_log', texture, customModelLocation);
- smModelAid(fold, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_wood', texture, customModelLocation);
- smModelAid(fold, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_log', texture, customModelLocation);
- } else { smModelAid(fold, blockName, texture, customModelLocation); }
- }
- function smModelAid(foldLocation, fBaseName, tLocation, iscustomLocation) {
- let iFold = path.join(baseFolder, itemModelFiles);
- let fLocation = path.join(baseFolder, models, foldLocation)
- fs.mkdirSync(fLocation, { recursive: true });
- slbmTextureAid(path.join(fLocation+'/'+fBaseName+'_slab.json'), tLocation, baseModID, templateSlab);
- slbmTextureAid(path.join(fLocation+'/'+fBaseName+'_slab_double.json'), tLocation, baseModID, templateSlabDouble);
- slbmTextureAid(path.join(fLocation+'/'+fBaseName+'_slab_top.json'), tLocation, baseModID, templateSlabTop);
- slbmSlabItems(iFold, iscustomLocation, fBaseName);
- }
- function slbmTextureAid(fileLocation, bPath, baseMod, template) {
- fileOut(fileLocation, '{', true);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"parent\": \"'+baseMod+':'+template+'\",', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"textures\": {', false)
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"bottom\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+textureOne+'\",', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"top\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+textureOne+'\",', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '\"side\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+textureTwo+'\"\n}', false);
- fileOut(fileLocation, '}', false);
- }
- function slbmSlabItems(folder, iscustomLocation, bName) {
- let modelLocation;
- if (iscustomLocation) { modelLocation = slabModelFiles; } else { modelLocation = baseModelFiles; }
- itemAid(path.join(folder, bName+'_slab.json'), modelLocation, 'slab', bName)
- }
- function wallModels(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation){
- let tname1 = 'wall';
- let tname2;
- let flocate;
- if (customModelLocation) { flocate = path.join(baseFolder, models, wallModelFiles) } else { flocate = path.join(baseFolder, models, baseModelFiles); }
- if (customTemplateLocation) { tname2 = 'top'; } else { tname2 = null; }
- fs.mkdirSync(flocate, { recursive: true });
- if (useWoodCycle) {
- wmAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, blockName+'_wood', tname1, tname2, textureOne, textureTwo, customModelLocation);
- wmAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, blockName+'_log', tname1, tname2, textureOne, textureTwo, customModelLocation);
- wmAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation,'stripped_'+blockName+'_wood', tname1, tname2, textureOne, textureTwo, customModelLocation);
- wmAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_log', tname1, tname2, textureOne, textureTwo, customModelLocation);
- } else { wmAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, blockName, tname1, tname2, textureOne, textureTwo, customModelLocation); }
- }
- function wmAid(fLocation, iscustomtemplate, bName, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, iscustomLocation) {
- let iFold = path.join(baseFolder, itemModelFiles);
- let btpath = 'block/';
- let template;
- if (iscustomtemplate) { template = customModModelTemplateID+':'; } else { baseModID+':'; }
- wmInventory(path.join(fLocation, bName+'_wall_inventory.json'), template, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, btpath);
- wmPost(path.join(fLocation, bName+'_wall_post.json'), template, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, btpath);
- wmWallSide(path.join(fLocation, bName+'_wall_side.json'), template, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, btpath);
- wmWallSideTall(path.join(fLocation, bName+'_wall_side_tall.json'), template, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, btpath);
- wmItems(iFold, iscustomLocation, bName);
- }
- function wmInventory(file, templateMod, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, bPath) {
- let parent;
- if (tag2 != null) { parent = templateMod+customWallInventory; } else { parent = templateMod+templateWallInventory; }
- wmTextureAid(file, tName1, tName2, tag1, tag2, bPath, parent);
- }
- function wmPost(file, templateMod, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, bPath) {
- let parent;
- if (tag2 != null) { parent = templateMod+customWallPost; } else { parent = templateMod+templateWallWallPost; }
- wmTextureAid(file, tName1, tName2, tag1, tag2, bPath, parent);
- }
- function wmWallSide(file, templateMod, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, bPath) {
- let parent;
- if (tag2 != null) {
- if (useWallTwist) {
- parent = templateMod+customWallSideTwist;
- } else {
- parent = templateMod+customWallSide;
- }
- } else { parent = templateMod+templateWallSide; }
- wmTextureAid(file, tName1, tName2, tag1, tag2, bPath, parent);
- }
- function wmWallSideTall(file, templateMod, tag1, tag2, tName1, tName2, bPath) {
- let parent;
- if (tag2 != null) {
- if (useWallTwist) {
- parent = templateMod+customWallSideTallTwist;
- } else {
- parent = templateMod+customWallSideTall;
- }
- } else { parent = templateMod+templateWallSideTall; }
- wmTextureAid(file, tName1, tName2, tag1, tag2, bPath, parent);
- }
- function wmTextureAid(file, texture1, texture2, tag1, tag2, bPath, parent) {
- fileOut(file, '{', true);
- fileOut(file, '\"parent\": \"'+parent+'\",', false)
- fileOut(file, '\"textures\": {', false);
- if(tag2 != null) {
- fileOut(file, '\"'+tag1+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture1+'\",', false)
- fileOut(file, '\"'+tag2+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture2+'\"\n}\n}', false)
- } else { fileOut(file, '\"'+tag1+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture1+'\"\n}\n}', false) }
- }
- function wmItems(folder, iscustomLocation, bName) {
- let modelLocation;
- if (iscustomLocation) { modelLocation = wallModelFiles; } else { modelLocation = baseModelFiles; }
- itemAid(path.join(folder, bName+'_wall.json'), modelLocation, 'wall_inventory', bName)
- }
- function stairModels(customTemplateLocation, customModelLocation) {
- let t1 = 'bottom';
- let t2 = 'top';
- let t3 = 'side';
- let t4;
- let t5 = 'inside_base';
- let flocate;
- let column;
- if (useColumnStair) { column = true; } else { column = false; }
- if (customModelLocation) { flocate = path.join(baseFolder, models, stairModelFiles) } else { flocate = path.join(baseFolder, models, baseModelFiles); }
- if (customTemplateLocation) { t4 = 'inside'; } else { t4 = 'bob'; }
- fs.mkdirSync(flocate, { recursive: true });
- if (useWoodCycle) {
- column = true;
- smAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, blockName+'_wood', t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, textureOne, textureTwo, textureThree, column, customModelLocation);
- smAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, blockName+'_log', t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, textureOne, textureTwo, textureThree, column, customModelLocation);
- smAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_wood', t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, textureOne, textureTwo, textureThree, column, customModelLocation);
- smAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, 'stripped_'+blockName+'_log', t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, textureOne, textureTwo, textureThree, column, customModelLocation);
- } else { smAid(flocate, customTemplateLocation, blockName, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, textureOne, textureTwo, textureThree, column, customModelLocation); }
- }
- function smAid(fLocation, iscustomtemplate, bName, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, texture1, texture2, texture3, column, iscustomLocation) {
- let iFold = path.join(baseFolder, itemModelFiles);
- let btpath = 'block/';
- let template;
- if (iscustomtemplate) { template = customModModelTemplateID+':'; } else { baseModID+':'; }
- smStair(path.join(fLocation, bName+'_stair.json'), template, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, texture1, texture2, texture3, btpath, column);
- smStairInner(path.join(fLocation, bName+'_stair_inner.json'), template, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, texture1, texture2, texture3, btpath, column);
- smStairOuter(path.join(fLocation, bName+'_stair_outer.json'), template, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, texture1, texture2, texture3, btpath, column);
- strItems(iFold, iscustomLocation, bName);
- }
- function smStair(file, templateMod, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, texture1, texture2, texture3, bPath, column) {
- if (tag4 != 'bob') {
- if (column) {
- parent = templateMod+customStairsColumn;
- } else {
- parent = templateMod+customStairs;
- }
- } else { parent = templateMod+templateStair; }
- strmTextureAid(file, texture1, texture2, texture3, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, bPath, parent, column);
- }
- function smStairInner(file, templateMod, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, texture1, texture2, texture3, bPath, column) {
- let parent;
- if (tag4 != 'bob') {
- if (column) {
- parent = templateMod+customInnerStairColumn;
- } else {
- parent = templateMod+customInnerStair;
- }
- } else { parent = templateMod+templateInnerStair; }
- strmTextureAid(file, texture1, texture2, texture3, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, bPath, parent, column);
- }
- function smStairOuter(file, templateMod, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, texture1, texture2, texture3, bPath, column) {
- let parent;
- if (tag4 != 'bob') {
- if (column) {
- parent = templateMod+customouterStairsColumn;
- } else {
- parent = templateMod+customouterStairs;
- }
- } else { parent = templateMod+templateOuterStair; }
- strmTextureAid(file, texture1, texture2, texture3, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, bPath, parent, column);
- }
- function strmTextureAid(file, texture1, texture2, texture3, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, bPath, parent, column) {
- fileOut(file, '{', true);
- fileOut(file, '\"parent\": \"'+parent+'\",', false)
- fileOut(file, '\"textures\": {', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"'+tag1+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture1+'\",', false)
- fileOut(file, '\"'+tag2+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture1+'\",', false)
- if (tag4 != 'bob') {
- fileOut(file, '\"'+tag3+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture2+'\",', false)
- if (column) {
- fileOut(file, '\"'+tag4+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture3+'\",', false)
- fileOut(file, '\"'+tag5+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture1+'\"\n}\n}', false)
- } else {
- fileOut(file, '\"'+tag4+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture1+'\"\n}\n}', false)
- }
- } else { fileOut(file, '\"'+tag3+'\": \"'+textureModID+':'+bPath+texture3+'\"\n}\n}', false) }
- }
- function strItems(folder, iscustomLocation, bName) {
- let modelLocation;
- if (iscustomLocation) { modelLocation = stairModelFiles; } else { modelLocation = baseModelFiles; }
- itemAid(path.join(folder, bName+'_stair.json'), modelLocation, 'stair', bName)
- }
- function lootTable(){
- let fold = path.join(baseFolder, lootTableFiles);
- fs.mkdirSync(fold, { recursive: true })
- if (useWoodCycle) {
- ltAid(blockName+'_wood', fold)
- ltAid(blockName+'_log', fold)
- ltAid('stripped_'+blockName+'_wood', fold)
- ltAid('stripped_'+blockName+'_log', fold)
- } else { ltAid(blockName, fold); }
- }
- function ltAid(bName, fold){
- ltgenAid(path.join(fold, bName+'_fence.json'), bName+'_fence', false);
- ltgenAid(path.join(fold, bName+'_fence_gate.json'), bName+'_fence_gate', false);
- ltgenAid(path.join(fold, bName+'_wall.json'), bName+'_wall', false);
- ltgenAid(path.join(fold, bName+'_stair.json'), bName+'_stair', false);
- ltgenAid(path.join(fold, bName+'_slab.json'), bName+'_slab', true);
- }
- function ltgenAid(file, block, isSlab) {
- fileOut(file, '{', true);
- fileOut(file, '\"type\": \"minecraft:block\",', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"pools\": [\n{', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"rolls\": 1.0,', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"bonus_rolls\": 0.0,', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"entries\": [\n{', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"type\": \"minecraft:item\",', false);
- // slab split
- if (isSlab) {
- fileOut(file, '\"functions\": [\n{', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"function\": \"minecraft:set_count\",', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"conditions\": [\n{', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"condition\": \"minecraft:block_state_property\",', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"block\": \"'+bridgeModID+':'+block+'\",', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"properties\": {', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"type\": \"double\"\n}\n}\n],', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"count\": 2.0,', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"add\": false\n},\n{', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"function\": \"minecraft:explosion_decay\"\n}\n],', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"name\": \"'+bridgeModID+':'+block+'\"\n}\n]\n}\n]\n}', false);
- } else {
- fileOut(file, '\"name\": \"'+bridgeModID+':'+block+'\"\n}\n],', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"conditions\": [\n{', false);
- fileOut(file, '\"condition\": \"minecraft:survives_explosion\"\n}\n]\n\}\n]\n}', false);
- }
- }
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