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- /*!-----------------------------------------------------------
- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- * Version: 0.13.2(53a4043676e6259fb734c90fad14bf16f7425640)
- * Released under the MIT license
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- "use strict";
- var _amdLoaderGlobal = this;
- !function(e) {
- = _amdLoaderGlobal;
- var t = function() {
- function t() {
- this._detected = !1,
- this._isWindows = !1,
- this._isNode = !1,
- this._isElectronRenderer = !1,
- this._isWebWorker = !1
- }
- return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isWindows", {
- get: function() {
- return this._detect(),
- this._isWindows
- },
- enumerable: !0,
- configurable: !0
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isNode", {
- get: function() {
- return this._detect(),
- this._isNode
- },
- enumerable: !0,
- configurable: !0
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isElectronRenderer", {
- get: function() {
- return this._detect(),
- this._isElectronRenderer
- },
- enumerable: !0,
- configurable: !0
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isWebWorker", {
- get: function() {
- return this._detect(),
- this._isWebWorker
- },
- enumerable: !0,
- configurable: !0
- }),
- t.prototype._detect = function() {
- this._detected || (this._detected = !0,
- this._isWindows = t._isWindows(),
- this._isNode = "undefined" != typeof module && !!module.exports,
- this._isElectronRenderer = "undefined" != typeof process && void 0 !== process.versions && void 0 !== process.versions.electron && "renderer" === process.type,
- this._isWebWorker = "function" == typeof
- }
- ,
- t._isWindows = function() {
- return !!("undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") >= 0) || "undefined" != typeof process && "win32" === process.platform
- }
- ,
- t
- }();
- e.Environment = t
- }(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
- !function(e) {
- var t = function() {
- return function(e, t, r) {
- this.type = e,
- this.detail = t,
- this.timestamp = r
- }
- }();
- e.LoaderEvent = t;
- var r = function() {
- function r(e) {
- this._events = [new t(1,"",e)]
- }
- return r.prototype.record = function(r, n) {
- this._events.push(new t(r,n,e.Utilities.getHighPerformanceTimestamp()))
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.getEvents = function() {
- return this._events
- }
- ,
- r
- }();
- e.LoaderEventRecorder = r;
- var n = function() {
- function e() {}
- return e.prototype.record = function(e, t) {}
- ,
- e.prototype.getEvents = function() {
- return []
- }
- ,
- e.INSTANCE = new e,
- e
- }();
- e.NullLoaderEventRecorder = n
- }(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
- !function(e) {
- var t = function() {
- function t() {}
- return t.fileUriToFilePath = function(e, t) {
- if (t = decodeURI(t),
- e) {
- if (/^file:\/\/\//.test(t))
- return t.substr(8);
- if (/^file:\/\//.test(t))
- return t.substr(5)
- } else if (/^file:\/\//.test(t))
- return t.substr(7);
- return t
- }
- ,
- t.startsWith = function(e, t) {
- return e.length >= t.length && e.substr(0, t.length) === t
- }
- ,
- t.endsWith = function(e, t) {
- return e.length >= t.length && e.substr(e.length - t.length) === t
- }
- ,
- t.containsQueryString = function(e) {
- return /^[^\#]*\?/gi.test(e)
- }
- ,
- t.isAbsolutePath = function(e) {
- return /^((http:\/\/)|(https:\/\/)|(file:\/\/)|(\/))/.test(e)
- }
- ,
- t.forEachProperty = function(e, t) {
- if (e) {
- var r = void 0;
- for (r in e)
- e.hasOwnProperty(r) && t(r, e[r])
- }
- }
- ,
- t.isEmpty = function(e) {
- var r = !0;
- return t.forEachProperty(e, function() {
- r = !1
- }),
- r
- }
- ,
- t.recursiveClone = function(e) {
- if (!e || "object" != typeof e)
- return e;
- var r = Array.isArray(e) ? [] : {};
- return t.forEachProperty(e, function(e, n) {
- r[e] = n && "object" == typeof n ? t.recursiveClone(n) : n
- }),
- r
- }
- ,
- t.generateAnonymousModule = function() {
- return "===anonymous" + t.NEXT_ANONYMOUS_ID++ + "==="
- }
- ,
- t.isAnonymousModule = function(e) {
- return /^===anonymous/.test(e)
- }
- ,
- t.getHighPerformanceTimestamp = function() {
- this.HAS_PERFORMANCE_NOW = && "function" == typeof,
- }
- ,
- t
- }();
- e.Utilities = t
- }(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
- !function(e) {
- var t = function() {
- function t() {}
- return t.validateConfigurationOptions = function(t) {
- function r(e) {
- return "load" === e.errorCode ? (console.error('Loading "' + e.moduleId + '" failed'),
- console.error("Detail: ", e.detail),
- e.detail && e.detail.stack && console.error(e.detail.stack),
- console.error("Here are the modules that depend on it:"),
- void console.error(e.neededBy)) : "factory" === e.errorCode ? (console.error('The factory method of "' + e.moduleId + '" has thrown an exception'),
- console.error(e.detail),
- void (e.detail && e.detail.stack && console.error(e.detail.stack))) : void 0
- }
- return "string" != typeof (t = t || {}).baseUrl && (t.baseUrl = ""),
- "boolean" != typeof t.isBuild && (t.isBuild = !1),
- "object" != typeof t.paths && (t.paths = {}),
- "object" != typeof t.config && (t.config = {}),
- void 0 === t.catchError && (t.catchError = !1),
- "string" != typeof t.urlArgs && (t.urlArgs = ""),
- "function" != typeof t.onError && (t.onError = r),
- "object" == typeof t.ignoreDuplicateModules && Array.isArray(t.ignoreDuplicateModules) || (t.ignoreDuplicateModules = []),
- t.baseUrl.length > 0 && (e.Utilities.endsWith(t.baseUrl, "/") || (t.baseUrl += "/")),
- Array.isArray(t.nodeModules) || (t.nodeModules = []),
- ("number" != typeof t.nodeCachedDataWriteDelay || t.nodeCachedDataWriteDelay < 0) && (t.nodeCachedDataWriteDelay = 7e3),
- "function" != typeof t.onNodeCachedData && (t.onNodeCachedData = function(e, t) {
- e && ("cachedDataRejected" === e.errorCode ? console.warn("Rejected cached data from file: " + e.path) : "unlink" === e.errorCode || "writeFile" === e.errorCode ? (console.error("Problems writing cached data file: " + e.path),
- console.error(e.detail)) : console.error(e))
- }
- ),
- t
- }
- ,
- t.mergeConfigurationOptions = function(r, n) {
- void 0 === r && (r = null),
- void 0 === n && (n = null);
- var o = e.Utilities.recursiveClone(n || {});
- return e.Utilities.forEachProperty(r, function(t, r) {
- "ignoreDuplicateModules" === t && void 0 !== o.ignoreDuplicateModules ? o.ignoreDuplicateModules = o.ignoreDuplicateModules.concat(r) : "paths" === t && void 0 !== o.paths ? e.Utilities.forEachProperty(r, function(e, t) {
- return o.paths[e] = t
- }) : "config" === t && void 0 !== o.config ? e.Utilities.forEachProperty(r, function(e, t) {
- return o.config[e] = t
- }) : o[t] = e.Utilities.recursiveClone(r)
- }),
- t.validateConfigurationOptions(o)
- }
- ,
- t
- }();
- e.ConfigurationOptionsUtil = t;
- var r = function() {
- function r(e, r) {
- if (this._env = e,
- this.options = t.mergeConfigurationOptions(r),
- this._createIgnoreDuplicateModulesMap(),
- this._createNodeModulesMap(),
- this._createSortedPathsRules(),
- "" === this.options.baseUrl) {
- if (this.options.nodeRequire && this.options.nodeRequire.main && this.options.nodeRequire.main.filename && this._env.isNode) {
- var n = this.options.nodeRequire.main.filename
- , o = Math.max(n.lastIndexOf("/"), n.lastIndexOf("\\"));
- this.options.baseUrl = n.substring(0, o + 1)
- }
- if (this.options.nodeMain && this._env.isNode) {
- var n = this.options.nodeMain
- , o = Math.max(n.lastIndexOf("/"), n.lastIndexOf("\\"));
- this.options.baseUrl = n.substring(0, o + 1)
- }
- }
- }
- return r.prototype._createIgnoreDuplicateModulesMap = function() {
- this.ignoreDuplicateModulesMap = {};
- for (var e = 0; e < this.options.ignoreDuplicateModules.length; e++)
- this.ignoreDuplicateModulesMap[this.options.ignoreDuplicateModules[e]] = !0
- }
- ,
- r.prototype._createNodeModulesMap = function() {
- this.nodeModulesMap = Object.create(null);
- for (var e = 0, t = this.options.nodeModules; e < t.length; e++) {
- var r = t[e];
- this.nodeModulesMap[r] = !0
- }
- }
- ,
- r.prototype._createSortedPathsRules = function() {
- var t = this;
- this.sortedPathsRules = [],
- e.Utilities.forEachProperty(this.options.paths, function(e, r) {
- Array.isArray(r) ? t.sortedPathsRules.push({
- from: e,
- to: r
- }) : t.sortedPathsRules.push({
- from: e,
- to: [r]
- })
- }),
- this.sortedPathsRules.sort(function(e, t) {
- return t.from.length - e.from.length
- })
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.cloneAndMerge = function(e) {
- return new r(this._env,t.mergeConfigurationOptions(e, this.options))
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.getOptionsLiteral = function() {
- return this.options
- }
- ,
- r.prototype._applyPaths = function(t) {
- for (var r, n = 0, o = this.sortedPathsRules.length; n < o; n++)
- if (r = this.sortedPathsRules[n],
- e.Utilities.startsWith(t, r.from)) {
- for (var i = [], s = 0, d =; s < d; s++)
- i.push([s] + t.substr(r.from.length));
- return i
- }
- return [t]
- }
- ,
- r.prototype._addUrlArgsToUrl = function(t) {
- return e.Utilities.containsQueryString(t) ? t + "&" + this.options.urlArgs : t + "?" + this.options.urlArgs
- }
- ,
- r.prototype._addUrlArgsIfNecessaryToUrl = function(e) {
- return this.options.urlArgs ? this._addUrlArgsToUrl(e) : e
- }
- ,
- r.prototype._addUrlArgsIfNecessaryToUrls = function(e) {
- if (this.options.urlArgs)
- for (var t = 0, r = e.length; t < r; t++)
- e[t] = this._addUrlArgsToUrl(e[t]);
- return e
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.moduleIdToPaths = function(t) {
- if (!0 === this.nodeModulesMap[t])
- return this.isBuild() ? ["empty:"] : ["node|" + t];
- var r, n = t;
- if (e.Utilities.endsWith(n, ".js") || e.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(n))
- e.Utilities.endsWith(n, ".js") || e.Utilities.containsQueryString(n) || (n += ".js"),
- r = [n];
- else
- for (var o = 0, i = (r = this._applyPaths(n)).length; o < i; o++)
- this.isBuild() && "empty:" === r[o] || (e.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(r[o]) || (r[o] = this.options.baseUrl + r[o]),
- e.Utilities.endsWith(r[o], ".js") || e.Utilities.containsQueryString(r[o]) || (r[o] = r[o] + ".js"));
- return this._addUrlArgsIfNecessaryToUrls(r)
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.requireToUrl = function(t) {
- var r = t;
- return e.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(r) || (r = this._applyPaths(r)[0],
- e.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(r) || (r = this.options.baseUrl + r)),
- this._addUrlArgsIfNecessaryToUrl(r)
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.isBuild = function() {
- return this.options.isBuild
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.isDuplicateMessageIgnoredFor = function(e) {
- return this.ignoreDuplicateModulesMap.hasOwnProperty(e)
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.getConfigForModule = function(e) {
- if (this.options.config)
- return this.options.config[e]
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.shouldCatchError = function() {
- return this.options.catchError
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.shouldRecordStats = function() {
- return this.options.recordStats
- }
- ,
- r.prototype.onError = function(e) {
- this.options.onError(e)
- }
- ,
- r
- }();
- e.Configuration = r
- }(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
- !function(e) {
- var t = function() {
- function e(e) {
- this._env = e,
- this._scriptLoader = null,
- this._callbackMap = {}
- }
- return e.prototype.load = function(e, t, i, s) {
- var d = this;
- this._scriptLoader || (this._scriptLoader = this._env.isWebWorker ? new n : this._env.isNode ? new o(this._env) : new r);
- var a = {
- callback: i,
- errorback: s
- };
- this._callbackMap.hasOwnProperty(t) ? this._callbackMap[t].push(a) : (this._callbackMap[t] = [a],
- this._scriptLoader.load(e, t, function() {
- return d.triggerCallback(t)
- }, function(e) {
- return d.triggerErrorback(t, e)
- }))
- }
- ,
- e.prototype.triggerCallback = function(e) {
- var t = this._callbackMap[e];
- delete this._callbackMap[e];
- for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
- t[r].callback()
- }
- ,
- e.prototype.triggerErrorback = function(e, t) {
- var r = this._callbackMap[e];
- delete this._callbackMap[e];
- for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++)
- r[n].errorback(t)
- }
- ,
- e
- }()
- , r = function() {
- function e() {}
- return e.prototype.attachListeners = function(e, t, r) {
- var n = function() {
- e.removeEventListener("load", o),
- e.removeEventListener("error", i)
- }
- , o = function(e) {
- n(),
- t()
- }
- , i = function(e) {
- n(),
- r(e)
- };
- e.addEventListener("load", o),
- e.addEventListener("error", i)
- }
- ,
- e.prototype.load = function(e, t, r, n) {
- var o = document.createElement("script");
- o.setAttribute("async", "async"),
- o.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"),
- this.attachListeners(o, r, n),
- o.setAttribute("src", t),
- document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(o)
- }
- ,
- e
- }()
- , n = function() {
- function e() {}
- return e.prototype.load = function(e, t, r, n) {
- try {
- importScripts(t),
- r()
- } catch (e) {
- n(e)
- }
- }
- ,
- e
- }()
- , o = function() {
- function t(e) {
- this._env = e,
- this._didInitialize = !1,
- this._didPatchNodeRequire = !1
- }
- return t.prototype._init = function(e) {
- if (!this._didInitialize) {
- this._didInitialize = !0,
- this._fs = e("fs"),
- this._vm = e("vm"),
- this._path = e("path"),
- this._crypto = e("crypto"),
- this._jsflags = "";
- for (var t = 0, r = process.argv; t < r.length; t++) {
- var n = r[t];
- if (0 === n.indexOf("--js-flags=")) {
- this._jsflags = n;
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ,
- t.prototype._initNodeRequire = function(t, r) {
- var n = r.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().nodeCachedDataDir;
- if (n && !this._didPatchNodeRequire) {
- this._didPatchNodeRequire = !0;
- var o = this
- , i = t("module");
- i.prototype._compile = function(t, s) {
- t = t.replace(/^#!.*/, "");
- var d = i.wrap(t)
- , a = o._getCachedDataPath(n, s)
- , u = {
- filename: s
- };
- try {
- u.cachedData = o._fs.readFileSync(a)
- } catch (e) {
- u.produceCachedData = !0
- }
- var l = new o._vm.Script(d,u)
- , c = l.runInThisContext(u)
- , h = o._path.dirname(s)
- , f = function(e) {
- var t = e.constructor
- , r = function(t) {
- try {
- return e.require(t)
- } finally {}
- };
- return r.resolve = function(r) {
- return t._resolveFilename(r, e)
- }
- ,
- r.main = process.mainModule,
- r.extensions = t._extensions,
- r.cache = t._cache,
- r
- }(this)
- , p = [this.exports, f, this, s, h, process,, Buffer]
- , _ = c.apply(this.exports, p);
- return o._processCachedData(r, l, a),
- _
- }
- }
- }
- ,
- t.prototype.load = function(r, n, o, i) {
- var s = this
- , d = r.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral()
- , a = d.nodeRequire ||
- , u = d.nodeInstrumenter || function(e) {
- return e
- }
- ;
- this._init(a),
- this._initNodeRequire(a, r);
- var l = r.getRecorder();
- if (/^node\|/.test(n)) {
- var c = n.split("|")
- , h = null;
- try {
- h = a(c[1])
- } catch (e) {
- return void i(e)
- }
- r.enqueueDefineAnonymousModule([], function() {
- return h
- }),
- o()
- } else
- n = e.Utilities.fileUriToFilePath(this._env.isWindows, n),
- this._fs.readFile(n, {
- encoding: "utf8"
- }, function(e, a) {
- if (e)
- i(e);
- else {
- var c = s._path.normalize(n)
- , h = c;
- if (s._env.isElectronRenderer) {
- var f = h.match(/^([a-z])\:(.*)/i);
- h = f ? "file:///" + (f[1].toUpperCase() + ":" + f[2]).replace(/\\/g, "/") : "file://" + h
- }
- var p, _ = "(function (require, define, __filename, __dirname) { ";
- if (p = a.charCodeAt(0) === t._BOM ? _ + a.substring(1) + "\n});" : _ + a + "\n});",
- p = u(p, c),
- d.nodeCachedDataDir) {
- var g = s._getCachedDataPath(d.nodeCachedDataDir, n);
- s._fs.readFile(g, function(e, t) {
- var i = {
- filename: h,
- produceCachedData: void 0 === t,
- cachedData: t
- }
- , d = s._loadAndEvalScript(r, n, h, p, i, l);
- o(),
- s._processCachedData(r, d, g)
- })
- } else
- s._loadAndEvalScript(r, n, h, p, {
- filename: h
- }, l),
- o()
- }
- })
- }
- ,
- t.prototype._loadAndEvalScript = function(t, r, n, o, i, s) {
- s.record(31, r);
- var d = new this._vm.Script(o,i);
- return d.runInThisContext(i).call(, t.getGlobalAMDRequireFunc(), t.getGlobalAMDDefineFunc(), n, this._path.dirname(r)),
- s.record(32, r),
- d
- }
- ,
- t.prototype._getCachedDataPath = function(e, t) {
- var r = this._crypto.createHash("md5").update(t, "utf8").update(this._jsflags, "utf8").digest("hex")
- , n = this._path.basename(t).replace(/\.js$/, "");
- return this._path.join(e, n + "-" + r + ".code")
- }
- ,
- t.prototype._processCachedData = function(e, r, n) {
- var o = this;
- r.cachedDataRejected ? (e.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().onNodeCachedData({
- errorCode: "cachedDataRejected",
- path: n
- }),
- t._runSoon(function() {
- return o._fs.unlink(n, function(t) {
- t && e.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().onNodeCachedData({
- errorCode: "unlink",
- path: n,
- detail: t
- })
- })
- }, e.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().nodeCachedDataWriteDelay)) : r.cachedDataProduced && (e.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().onNodeCachedData(void 0, {
- path: n,
- length: r.cachedData.length
- }),
- t._runSoon(function() {
- return o._fs.writeFile(n, r.cachedData, function(t) {
- t && e.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().onNodeCachedData({
- errorCode: "writeFile",
- path: n,
- detail: t
- })
- })
- }, e.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral().nodeCachedDataWriteDelay))
- }
- ,
- t._runSoon = function(e, t) {
- var r = t + Math.ceil(Math.random() * t);
- setTimeout(e, r)
- }
- ,
- t._BOM = 65279,
- t
- }();
- e.createScriptLoader = function(e) {
- return new t(e)
- }
- }(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
- !function(e) {
- var t = function() {
- function t(e) {
- var t = e.lastIndexOf("/");
- this.fromModulePath = -1 !== t ? e.substr(0, t + 1) : ""
- }
- return t._normalizeModuleId = function(e) {
- var t, r = e;
- for (t = /\/\.\//; t.test(r); )
- r = r.replace(t, "/");
- for (r = r.replace(/^\.\//g, ""),
- t = /\/(([^\/])|([^\/][^\/\.])|([^\/\.][^\/])|([^\/][^\/][^\/]+))\/\.\.\//; t.test(r); )
- r = r.replace(t, "/");
- return r = r.replace(/^(([^\/])|([^\/][^\/\.])|([^\/\.][^\/])|([^\/][^\/][^\/]+))\/\.\.\//, "")
- }
- ,
- t.prototype.resolveModule = function(r) {
- var n = r;
- return e.Utilities.isAbsolutePath(n) || (e.Utilities.startsWith(n, "./") || e.Utilities.startsWith(n, "../")) && (n = t._normalizeModuleId(this.fromModulePath + n)),
- n
- }
- ,
- t.ROOT = new t(""),
- t
- }();
- e.ModuleIdResolver = t;
- var r = function() {
- function t(e, t, r, n, o, i) {
- = e,
- this.strId = t,
- this.dependencies = r,
- this._callback = n,
- this._errorback = o,
- this.moduleIdResolver = i,
- this.exports = {},
- this.exportsPassedIn = !1,
- this.unresolvedDependenciesCount = this.dependencies.length,
- this._isComplete = !1
- }
- return t._safeInvokeFunction = function(t, r) {
- try {
- return {
- returnedValue: t.apply(, r),
- producedError: null
- }
- } catch (e) {
- return {
- returnedValue: null,
- producedError: e
- }
- }
- }
- ,
- t._invokeFactory = function(t, r, n, o) {
- return t.isBuild() && !e.Utilities.isAnonymousModule(r) ? {
- returnedValue: null,
- producedError: null
- } : t.shouldCatchError() ? this._safeInvokeFunction(n, o) : {
- returnedValue: n.apply(, o),
- producedError: null
- }
- }
- ,
- t.prototype.complete = function(r, n, o) {
- this._isComplete = !0;
- var i = null;
- if (this._callback)
- if ("function" == typeof this._callback) {
- r.record(21, this.strId);
- var s = t._invokeFactory(n, this.strId, this._callback, o);
- i = s.producedError,
- r.record(22, this.strId),
- i || void 0 === s.returnedValue || this.exportsPassedIn && !e.Utilities.isEmpty(this.exports) || (this.exports = s.returnedValue)
- } else
- this.exports = this._callback;
- i && n.onError({
- errorCode: "factory",
- moduleId: this.strId,
- detail: i
- }),
- this.dependencies = null,
- this._callback = null,
- this._errorback = null,
- this.moduleIdResolver = null
- }
- ,
- t.prototype.onDependencyError = function(e) {
- return !!this._errorback && (this._errorback(e),
- !0)
- }
- ,
- t.prototype.isComplete = function() {
- return this._isComplete
- }
- ,
- t
- }();
- e.Module = r;
- var n = function() {
- function e() {
- this._nextId = 0,
- this._strModuleIdToIntModuleId = new Map,
- this._intModuleIdToStrModuleId = [],
- this.getModuleId("exports"),
- this.getModuleId("module"),
- this.getModuleId("require")
- }
- return e.prototype.getMaxModuleId = function() {
- return this._nextId
- }
- ,
- e.prototype.getModuleId = function(e) {
- var t = this._strModuleIdToIntModuleId.get(e);
- return void 0 === t && (t = this._nextId++,
- this._strModuleIdToIntModuleId.set(e, t),
- this._intModuleIdToStrModuleId[t] = e),
- t
- }
- ,
- e.prototype.getStrModuleId = function(e) {
- return this._intModuleIdToStrModuleId[e]
- }
- ,
- e
- }()
- , o = function() {
- function e(e) {
- = e
- }
- return e.EXPORTS = new e(0),
- e.MODULE = new e(1),
- e.REQUIRE = new e(2),
- e
- }();
- e.RegularDependency = o;
- var i = function() {
- return function(e, t, r) {
- = e,
- this.pluginId = t,
- this.pluginParam = r
- }
- }();
- e.PluginDependency = i;
- var s = function() {
- function s(t, r, o, i, s) {
- void 0 === s && (s = 0),
- this._env = t,
- this._scriptLoader = r,
- this._loaderAvailableTimestamp = s,
- this._defineFunc = o,
- this._requireFunc = i,
- this._moduleIdProvider = new n,
- this._config = new e.Configuration(this._env),
- this._modules2 = [],
- this._knownModules2 = [],
- this._inverseDependencies2 = [],
- this._inversePluginDependencies2 = new Map,
- this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall = null,
- this._recorder = null,
- this._buildInfoPath = [],
- this._buildInfoDefineStack = [],
- this._buildInfoDependencies = []
- }
- return s.prototype.reset = function() {
- return new s(this._env,this._scriptLoader,this._defineFunc,this._requireFunc,this._loaderAvailableTimestamp)
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.getGlobalAMDDefineFunc = function() {
- return this._defineFunc
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.getGlobalAMDRequireFunc = function() {
- return this._requireFunc
- }
- ,
- s._findRelevantLocationInStack = function(e, t) {
- for (var r = function(e) {
- return e.replace(/\\/g, "/")
- }, n = r(e), o = t.split(/\n/), i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
- var s = o[i].match(/(.*):(\d+):(\d+)\)?$/);
- if (s) {
- var d = s[1]
- , a = s[2]
- , u = s[3]
- , l = Math.max(d.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1, d.lastIndexOf("(") + 1);
- if (d = d.substr(l),
- (d = r(d)) === n) {
- var c = {
- line: parseInt(a, 10),
- col: parseInt(u, 10)
- };
- return 1 === c.line && (c.col -= "(function (require, define, __filename, __dirname) { ".length),
- c
- }
- }
- }
- throw new Error("Could not correlate define call site for needle " + e)
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.getBuildInfo = function() {
- if (!this._config.isBuild())
- return null;
- for (var e = [], t = 0, r = 0, n = this._modules2.length; r < n; r++) {
- var o = this._modules2[r];
- if (o) {
- var i = this._buildInfoPath[] || null
- , d = this._buildInfoDefineStack[] || null
- , a = this._buildInfoDependencies[];
- e[t++] = {
- id: o.strId,
- path: i,
- defineLocation: i && d ? s._findRelevantLocationInStack(i, d) : null,
- dependencies: a,
- shim: null,
- exports: o.exports
- }
- }
- }
- return e
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.getRecorder = function() {
- return this._recorder || (this._config.shouldRecordStats() ? this._recorder = new e.LoaderEventRecorder(this._loaderAvailableTimestamp) : this._recorder = e.NullLoaderEventRecorder.INSTANCE),
- this._recorder
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.getLoaderEvents = function() {
- return this.getRecorder().getEvents()
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.enqueueDefineAnonymousModule = function(e, t) {
- if (null !== this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall)
- throw new Error("Can only have one anonymous define call per script file");
- var r = null;
- this._config.isBuild() && (r = new Error("StackLocation").stack),
- this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall = {
- stack: r,
- dependencies: e,
- callback: t
- }
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.defineModule = function(e, n, o, i, s, d) {
- var a = this;
- void 0 === d && (d = new t(e));
- var u = this._moduleIdProvider.getModuleId(e);
- if (this._modules2[u])
- this._config.isDuplicateMessageIgnoredFor(e) || console.warn("Duplicate definition of module '" + e + "'");
- else {
- var l = new r(u,e,this._normalizeDependencies(n, d),o,i,d);
- this._modules2[u] = l,
- this._config.isBuild() && (this._buildInfoDefineStack[u] = s,
- this._buildInfoDependencies[u] = {
- return a._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(
- })),
- this._resolve(l)
- }
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._normalizeDependency = function(e, t) {
- if ("exports" === e)
- return o.EXPORTS;
- if ("module" === e)
- return o.MODULE;
- if ("require" === e)
- return o.REQUIRE;
- var r = e.indexOf("!");
- if (r >= 0) {
- var n = t.resolveModule(e.substr(0, r))
- , s = t.resolveModule(e.substr(r + 1))
- , d = this._moduleIdProvider.getModuleId(n + "!" + s)
- , a = this._moduleIdProvider.getModuleId(n);
- return new i(d,a,s)
- }
- return new o(this._moduleIdProvider.getModuleId(t.resolveModule(e)))
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._normalizeDependencies = function(e, t) {
- for (var r = [], n = 0, o = 0, i = e.length; o < i; o++)
- r[n++] = this._normalizeDependency(e[o], t);
- return r
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._relativeRequire = function(t, r, n, o) {
- if ("string" == typeof r)
- return this.synchronousRequire(r, t);
- this.defineModule(e.Utilities.generateAnonymousModule(), r, n, o, null, t)
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.synchronousRequire = function(e, r) {
- void 0 === r && (r = new t(e));
- var n = this._normalizeDependency(e, r)
- , o = this._modules2[];
- if (!o)
- throw new Error("Check dependency list! Synchronous require cannot resolve module '" + e + "'. This is the first mention of this module!");
- if (!o.isComplete())
- throw new Error("Check dependency list! Synchronous require cannot resolve module '" + e + "'. This module has not been resolved completely yet.");
- return o.exports
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.configure = function(t, r) {
- var n = this._config.shouldRecordStats();
- this._config = r ? new e.Configuration(this._env,t) : this._config.cloneAndMerge(t),
- this._config.shouldRecordStats() && !n && (this._recorder = null)
- }
- ,
- s.prototype.getConfig = function() {
- return this._config
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._onLoad = function(e) {
- if (null !== this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall) {
- var t = this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall;
- this._currentAnnonymousDefineCall = null,
- this.defineModule(this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(e), t.dependencies, t.callback, null, t.stack)
- }
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._createLoadError = function(e, t) {
- var r = this;
- return {
- errorCode: "load",
- moduleId: this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(e),
- neededBy: (this._inverseDependencies2[e] || []).map(function(e) {
- return r._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(e)
- }),
- detail: t
- }
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._onLoadError = function(e, t) {
- for (var r = this._createLoadError(e, t), n = [], o = 0, i = this._moduleIdProvider.getMaxModuleId(); o < i; o++)
- n[o] = !1;
- var s = !1
- , d = [];
- for (d.push(e),
- n[e] = !0; d.length > 0; ) {
- var a = d.shift()
- , u = this._modules2[a];
- u && (s = u.onDependencyError(r) || s);
- var l = this._inverseDependencies2[a];
- if (l)
- for (var o = 0, i = l.length; o < i; o++) {
- var c = l[o];
- n[c] || (d.push(c),
- n[c] = !0)
- }
- }
- s || this._config.onError(r)
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._hasDependencyPath = function(e, t) {
- var r = this._modules2[e];
- if (!r)
- return !1;
- for (var n = [], o = 0, i = this._moduleIdProvider.getMaxModuleId(); o < i; o++)
- n[o] = !1;
- var s = [];
- for (s.push(r),
- n[e] = !0; s.length > 0; ) {
- var d = s.shift().dependencies;
- if (d)
- for (var o = 0, i = d.length; o < i; o++) {
- var a = d[o];
- if ( === t)
- return !0;
- var u = this._modules2[];
- u && !n[] && (n[] = !0,
- s.push(u))
- }
- }
- return !1
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._findCyclePath = function(e, t, r) {
- if (e === t || 50 === r)
- return [e];
- var n = this._modules2[e];
- if (!n)
- return null;
- for (var o = n.dependencies, i = 0, s = o.length; i < s; i++) {
- var d = this._findCyclePath(o[i].id, t, r + 1);
- if (null !== d)
- return d.push(e),
- d
- }
- return null
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._createRequire = function(t) {
- var r = this
- , n = function(e, n, o) {
- return r._relativeRequire(t, e, n, o)
- };
- return n.toUrl = function(e) {
- return r._config.requireToUrl(t.resolveModule(e))
- }
- ,
- n.getStats = function() {
- return r.getLoaderEvents()
- }
- ,
- n.__$__nodeRequire =,
- n
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._loadModule = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- if (!this._modules2[e] && !this._knownModules2[e]) {
- this._knownModules2[e] = !0;
- var r = this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(e)
- , n = this._config.moduleIdToPaths(r);
- this._env.isNode && -1 === r.indexOf("/") && n.push("node|" + r);
- var o = -1
- , i = function(r) {
- if (++o >= n.length)
- t._onLoadError(e, r);
- else {
- var s = n[o]
- , d = t.getRecorder();
- if (t._config.isBuild() && "empty:" === s)
- return t._buildInfoPath[e] = s,
- t.defineModule(t._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(e), [], null, null, null),
- void t._onLoad(e);
- d.record(10, s),
- t._scriptLoader.load(t, s, function() {
- t._config.isBuild() && (t._buildInfoPath[e] = s),
- d.record(11, s),
- t._onLoad(e)
- }, function(e) {
- d.record(12, s),
- i(e)
- })
- }
- };
- i(null)
- }
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._loadPluginDependency = function(e, r) {
- var n = this;
- if (!this._modules2[] && !this._knownModules2[]) {
- this._knownModules2[] = !0;
- var o = function(e) {
- n.defineModule(n._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(, [], e, null, null)
- };
- o.error = function(e) {
- n._config.onError(n._createLoadError(, e))
- }
- ,
- e.load(r.pluginParam, this._createRequire(t.ROOT), o, this._config.getOptionsLiteral())
- }
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._resolve = function(e) {
- for (var t = this, r = e.dependencies, n = 0, s = r.length; n < s; n++) {
- var d = r[n];
- if (d !== o.EXPORTS)
- if (d !== o.MODULE)
- if (d !== o.REQUIRE) {
- var a = this._modules2[];
- if (a && a.isComplete())
- e.unresolvedDependenciesCount--;
- else if (this._hasDependencyPath(, {
- console.warn("There is a dependency cycle between '" + this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId( + "' and '" + this._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId( + "'. The cyclic path follows:");
- var u = this._findCyclePath(,, 0);
- u.reverse(),
- u.push(,
- console.warn( {
- return t._moduleIdProvider.getStrModuleId(e)
- }).join(" => \n")),
- e.unresolvedDependenciesCount--
- } else if (this._inverseDependencies2[] = this._inverseDependencies2[] || [],
- this._inverseDependencies2[].push(,
- d instanceof i) {
- var l = this._modules2[d.pluginId];
- if (l && l.isComplete()) {
- this._loadPluginDependency(l.exports, d);
- continue
- }
- var c = this._inversePluginDependencies2.get(d.pluginId);
- c || (c = [],
- this._inversePluginDependencies2.set(d.pluginId, c)),
- c.push(d),
- this._loadModule(d.pluginId)
- } else
- this._loadModule(
- } else
- e.unresolvedDependenciesCount--;
- else
- e.unresolvedDependenciesCount--;
- else
- e.exportsPassedIn = !0,
- e.unresolvedDependenciesCount--
- }
- 0 === e.unresolvedDependenciesCount && this._onModuleComplete(e)
- }
- ,
- s.prototype._onModuleComplete = function(e) {
- var t = this
- , r = this.getRecorder();
- if (!e.isComplete()) {
- for (var n = e.dependencies, i = [], s = 0, d = n.length; s < d; s++) {
- var a = n[s];
- if (a !== o.EXPORTS)
- if (a !== o.MODULE)
- if (a !== o.REQUIRE) {
- var u = this._modules2[];
- i[s] = u ? u.exports : null
- } else
- i[s] = this._createRequire(e.moduleIdResolver);
- else
- i[s] = {
- id: e.strId,
- config: function() {
- return t._config.getConfigForModule(e.strId)
- }
- };
- else
- i[s] = e.exports
- }
- e.complete(r, this._config, i);
- var l = this._inverseDependencies2[];
- if (this._inverseDependencies2[] = null,
- l)
- for (var s = 0, d = l.length; s < d; s++) {
- var c = l[s]
- , h = this._modules2[c];
- h.unresolvedDependenciesCount--,
- 0 === h.unresolvedDependenciesCount && this._onModuleComplete(h)
- }
- var f = this._inversePluginDependencies2.get(;
- if (f) {
- this._inversePluginDependencies2.delete(;
- for (var s = 0, d = f.length; s < d; s++)
- this._loadPluginDependency(e.exports, f[s])
- }
- }
- }
- ,
- s
- }();
- e.ModuleManager = s
- }(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
- var define, AMDLoader;
- !function(e) {
- function t() {
- if (void 0 !== || "undefined" != typeof require) {
- var t = || require;
- if ("function" == typeof t && "function" == typeof t.resolve) {
- var i = function(e) {
- n.getRecorder().record(33, e);
- try {
- return t(e)
- } finally {
- n.getRecorder().record(34, e)
- }
- };
- = i,
- s.nodeRequire = i,
- s.__$__nodeRequire = i
- }
- }
- r.isNode && !r.isElectronRenderer ? (module.exports = s,
- require = s) : (r.isElectronRenderer || ( = o),
- = s)
- }
- var r = new e.Environment
- , n = null
- , o = function(e, t, r) {
- "string" != typeof e && (r = t,
- t = e,
- e = null),
- "object" == typeof t && Array.isArray(t) || (r = t,
- t = null),
- t || (t = ["require", "exports", "module"]),
- e ? n.defineModule(e, t, r, null, null) : n.enqueueDefineAnonymousModule(t, r)
- };
- o.amd = {
- jQuery: !0
- };
- var i = function(e, t) {
- void 0 === t && (t = !1),
- n.configure(e, t)
- }
- , s = function() {
- if (1 === arguments.length) {
- if (arguments[0]instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(arguments[0]))
- return void i(arguments[0]);
- if ("string" == typeof arguments[0])
- return n.synchronousRequire(arguments[0])
- }
- if (2 !== arguments.length && 3 !== arguments.length || !Array.isArray(arguments[0]))
- throw new Error("Unrecognized require call");
- n.defineModule(e.Utilities.generateAnonymousModule(), arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], null)
- };
- s.config = i,
- s.getConfig = function() {
- return n.getConfig().getOptionsLiteral()
- }
- ,
- s.reset = function() {
- n = n.reset()
- }
- ,
- s.getBuildInfo = function() {
- return n.getBuildInfo()
- }
- ,
- s.getStats = function() {
- return n.getLoaderEvents()
- }
- ,
- e.init = t,
- "function" == typeof && || (n = new e.ModuleManager(r,e.createScriptLoader(r),o,s,e.Utilities.getHighPerformanceTimestamp()),
- void 0 !== && "function" != typeof && s.config(,
- (define = function() {
- return o.apply(null, arguments)
- }
- ).amd = o.amd,
- "undefined" == typeof doNotInitLoader && t())
- }(AMDLoader || (AMDLoader = {}));
- //# sourceMappingURL=../../min-maps/vs/
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