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- export const msg = {
- MISSING_REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS: ':x: You are not permitted to use this command',
- ':x: Uh Oh... Something seems to have gone wrong on our end...',
- ':x: Something went wrong... Please try the command again...',
- MISSING_REQUIRED_ARGUMENTS: ':x: Please pass in the required arguments',
- INVALID_CHANNEL: ':x: Invalid Channel',
- MUTE_ERROR_1: 'The target is already muted',
- MUTE_MESSAGE_1: 'The target is not muted',
- MENU_RESPONSE_1: 'You canceled the command selection',
- FOOTER_TEXT: `Discord Coding Community |`,
- 'pylon-studio: Access the Pylon Studio\nkick: Kicks a specified user from the guild\nban: Ban a specified user from the guild for a specified reason\nmassban: Ban multiple specified users in one command\nbanlist: Display the list of banned users\nslowmode: Apply slowmode to a specified channel\ntag: Tag subcommand system\n - set: Set a tag\n - delete: Delete a specified tag',
- 'announce: Send an announcement to the guild announcements channel\nmute: Mute a specified user\nunmute: UnMute a specified user\ntempmute: Mute a specified user for a specified amount of time\nwarn: Warn a user for s specified reason',
- "reddit: Display's a random image from a specified subreddit\ntwitter: Twitter subcommand system\n - sub: Add a Twitter feed to a specified channel\n - list: List all currently subscribed Twitter feeds\nunsub: Unsubscribe froma specified Twitter feed",
- "binary: Convert a message into binary.\nmc: Minecraft subcommand system\n - status: Check the current status of a minecraft server\nplot: Wolfram Alhpa Plotter\nsearch: Search for something using the worlfram api\nPing: Responds with the bot's ping\ninfo: Displays a user's info\nMenu: Displays the Pylon help menu",
- "rank: Display's the user's Rank card\nTop: Display's the guild's XP leaderboard"
- };
- export default msg;
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