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- os.loadAPI("button")
- m = peripheral.wrap("left")
- m.clear()
- local page = 1
- local pages = 0
- local names = {}
- local turtles = {}
- local remove = false
- function fillTurtles()
- turtles[1] = 6
- -- turtles[2] = 114
- -- turtles[3] = 117
- end
- function fillTable()
- m.clear()
- button.clearTable()
- local totalrows = 0
- local numNames = 0
- local col = 2
- local row = 12
- local countRow = 1
- local currName = 0
- local npp = 12 --names per page
- for turt, data in pairs(names) do
- for i,j in pairs(data) do
- totalrows = totalrows+1
- end
- end
- pages = math.ceil(totalrows/npp)
- print(totalrows)
- for turt, data in pairs(names) do
- currName = 0
- for slot, name in pairs(data) do
- currName = currName + 1
- if currName > npp*(page-1) and currName < npp*page+1 then
- row = 4+(countRow)
- names[turt][slot] = string.sub(name, 0, 17)
- button.setTable(string.sub(name, 0, 17), runStuff, turt..":"..slot, col, col+17 , row, row)
- if col == 21 then
- col = 1
- countRow = countRow + 1
- else
- col = col+19
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --button.setTable("Next Page", nextPage, "", 21, 38, 1, 1)
- --button.setTable("Prev Page", prevPage, "", 2, 19, 1, 1)
- button.setTable("Refresh", checkNames, "", 2, 16, 1, 1)
- --button.setTable("Remove Book", removeIt, "", 2, 16, 19, 19)
- --button.label(15,3, "Page: "..tostring(page).." of "..tostring(pages))
- button.screen()
- end
- function nextPage()
- if page+1 <= pages then
- page = page+1
- end
- fillTable()
- sleep(0.25)
- end
- function prevPage()
- if page-1 >= 1 then page = page-1 end
- fillTable()
- sleep(0.25)
- end
- function getNames()
- names = {}
- for x, y in pairs(turtles) do
- names[y] = {}
- rednet.send(y, "getNames")
- local id, msg, dist = rednet.receive(2)
- -- print(msg)
- names[y] = textutils.unserialize(msg)
- end
- end
- function removeIt()
- remove = not remove
- -- print(remove)
- button.toggleButton("Remove Book")
- end
- function runStuff(info)
- if remove == true then
- removeBook(info)
- else
- openPortal(info)
- end
- end
- function removeBook(info)
- local turt, slot = string.match(info, "(%d+):(%d+)")
- button.toggleButton(names[tonumber(turt)][tonumber(slot)])
- data = "remove"..tostring(slot)
- rednet.send(tonumber(turt), data)
- rednet.receive()
- button.toggleButton(names[tonumber(turt)][tonumber(slot)])
- remove=false
- button.toggleButton("Remove Book")
- -- sleep(1)
- checkNames()
- end
- function openPortal(info)
- local turt,slot = string.match(info, "(%d+):(%d+)")
- -- print(names[tonumber(turt)][tonumber(slot)])
- button.toggleButton(names[tonumber(turt)][tonumber(slot)])
- print(names[tonumber(turt)][tonumber(slot)])
- data = "books"..tostring(slot)
- rednet.send(tonumber(turt), data)
- rednet.receive()
- button.toggleButton(names[tonumber(turt)][tonumber(slot)])
- end
- function checkNames()
- button.flash("Refresh")
- for num, turt in pairs(turtles) do
- rednet.send(turt, "checkSlots")
- msg = ""
- while msg ~= "done" do
- id, msg, dist = rednet.receive()
- if msg == "getName" then
- m.clear()
- m.setCursorPos(5, 12)
- m.write("New book detected.")
- m.setCursorPos(5, 14)
- m.write("Please enter the name")
- m.setCursorPos(5, 16)
- m.write("On the computer")
- m.setCursorPos(5, 18)
- m.write("<<----")
- term.clear()
- term.write("Please enter a name for the new book: ")
- name = read()
- rednet.send(id, name)
- end
- end
- end
- getNames()
- fillTable()
- end
- function getClick()
- event, side, x,y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "monitor_touch" then
- button.checkxy(x,y)
- elseif event == "redstone" then
- print("redstone")
- sleep(5)
- checkNames()
- end
- end
- fillTurtles()
- fillTable()
- checkNames()
- while true do
- getClick()
- -- checkNames()
- end
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