
Avp 2004 33

Dec 24th, 2024
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  1. Then, snorting contemptuously, the creature pushed Weyland aside and turned his back on him. Weyland understood what that meant. Somehow the Predator could sense his frailty and did not regard him as a threat in fact, Weyland was sure that, to this monster, he was nothing more than a sick, helpless animal! Choking on a rush of helpless rage, Weyland. clenched his teeth and searched for a way to strike back. He had no weapon, but his fingers closed on the oxygen tank slung over his back. Ripping the cylinder off his shoulder, Weyland set the tank down and propped it against his foot. Kneeling, he opened the valve until it was gushing full blast. As pure oxygen filled the chamber, he yanked an emergency flare from his utility belt and held it up. "Don't you turn your back on me!" he cried.
  3. At the sound of the human's voice, the Predator spun-and Weyland ignited the flare. The combustible oxygen instantly exploded in a bright yellow fireball that engulfed the Predator. Clutching the tank and directing the oxygen flow, Weyland doused the thrashing, flailing creature with blistering fire. When Weyland heard the Predator's pain-wracked cries echoing off the walls, he laughed like a madman. "That's right, you son of a bitch! Burn ……" The black silhouette in the center of the conflagraion screeched again. Then, still wreathed in flames, the Predator lurched forward as it unsheathed twin wrist blades. With one quick thrust the Predator plunged the long, wicked knives into Charles Weyland's soft, unprotected belly. Weyland died with scarcely a sigh, blood starting from his nose and mouth. Snarling, the Predator hauled the limp, bloodstained body into the inferno to be consumed. But with Weyland's corpse came the oxygen tank, still clutched in his dead hands. Licked by the flames, the pressurized contents of the cylinder detonated like a bomb. A billowing orange blast and a bright yellow fireball surged along the stairway, scorching everything in its fiery path.-Chpt.24 pgs.203-204
  5. Over the noise and the pounding of their
  6. boots on the stone floor, they heard Weyland's cries, then the explosion. "Weyland!" "You can't help him," Sebastian said, dragging her along. Lex struggled against him. "Lex, we have to go... hurry!" From behind came a blast of hot air—and something else. They both saw a flickering light at the far of the end of the corridor. Then a fiery figure hurled out of the dark- ness toward them—the Predator, its form sheathed in roaring flames that did not seem to harm the creature in the least.-Chpt.24 pg.205
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