
Murder Change Log v1.62

Jun 14th, 2014
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  1. _________________________________________________________________________________
  3. - v1.62
  4. _________________________________________________________________________________
  6. (This update removed the beta label of v1.6 from the game.)
  8. * Fixed A LOT of bugs regarding the item server and exceeding data limits due to poor caching in-game.
  9. * Fixed a bug where the revolver and knife would break in odd cases
  10. * Reduced Ragdoll Joint Geddans
  11. * Fixed clipping issue in md_nuke
  12. * Badges are now working correctly across universe places.
  13. * Updated my Anti Noclip script to be more aggressive. If you are caught no-clipping two times, you will be killed in-game and reported to murder's server.
  14. * The game message telling how many minutes and players are left will now properly count the alive players instead of both the alive and dead players
  15. * Partially nerfed the murderer's speed and knife hit range
  16. * Fixed a bug in the menu where returning to the menu while selecting an item would leave a large red box on top of the menu screen
  17. * Fixed an incorrect min/max cap in Murder's Party creation page.
  18. * Fixed a bug in Murder's Matchet an extra player join if it reached its max capacity.
  19. _________________________________________________________________________________
  21. - v1.60 (BETA)
  22. _________________________________________________________________________________
  26. * Murder has changed into a game with multiple places (or a universe) instead of being a single place with one map.
  28. * 3 New Maps
  29. - Nuke (md_nuke)
  30. - Compound (md_comp)
  31. - Intelligence (md_intel)
  33. * You can buy items in Murder's new catalog using "Cash" which is basically an exp based currency you can earn in game/buy in the catalog using the microtransation page
  34. * You can buy cash as well using the micro-transation page
  35. * Currently you can customize your characters hair, gender, face, head-wear, outfit, knife, and revolver. Changing your outfit color will be available in the near future.
  36. * The quickplay menu allows you to quickly select any map in the game, and gets you into a game right away with other players as if you joined the classic version of Murder.
  37. * You can create and join public parties using the matchmaking system. Currently the host's control over the party is partially limited, but more features like hosting private parties, chat-rooms for parties only, kicking players, and changing settings on the spot will be available in the near future
  39. Enjoy the update! ;-)
  40. _________________________________________________________________________________
  42. - v1.50
  43. _________________________________________________________________________________
  45. - Added two new tunnels to the map. In the bedroom upstairs, there is a portrait that can be opened. It leads to the tunnel entrance found in the kitchen. The attic also has a tunnel to the left of the stairway which leads to that back lounge where the mini crossroads used to be
  46. - The QMenu bugs are actually fixed this time.
  47. - Fixed a bug where you couldn't chat to spectators when initially joining
  48. - The spectator mode now shows the player's name as well as the player's in-game name
  49. - Resolved an internal bug with the playerlist causing it to spam the output with errors when a player left the game
  50. - Fixed a problem where pressing Alt + Tab made the playerlist get stuck in the expanded mode
  51. - Fixed the cursor icons of the knife and revolver
  52. - Imported some Google Analytics
  53. _________________________________________________________________________________
  55. - v1.45
  56. _________________________________________________________________________________
  58. - Added Clientside Death Sounds
  59. - Improved some visual effects: The start screen has an exit transition now, and the loading screen looks less primative
  60. - Attempted to repair some issues with the QMenu (Didn't actually work)
  61. _________________________________________________________________________________
  63. - v1.41
  64. _________________________________________________________________________________
  66. * Mini crossroads removed to reduce memory usage
  67. * Fixed a few bugs related to Filtering
  68. _________________________________________________________________________________
  70. - v1.4
  71. _________________________________________________________________________________
  73. - This update may seem minor as I didn't introduce a lot of content. However, its a massive update nonetheless. Murder is now running under FilteringEnabled (which is a property that blocks the client from making any changes to the game). The games code has been reorganized significantly, and Murder should be completely unexploitable. Some bugs might be present due to how much had to be changed in order to work with this property. If you find any major bugs, please let me know on here. Thanks!
  75. - The Revolver Model has been changed to a mesh temporarily because of some issues regarding Filtering.
  76. - The game should have reduced lag (As most code is ran on the server now and the client is no longer under too much pressure).
  77. - A bug where the knife's holograms could sometimes show for players who are dead/spectating (in the distance) should be fixed now. If the hologram goes too far out, it gets hidden.
  78. _________________________________________________________________________________
  80. - v1.3
  81. _________________________________________________________________________________
  83. For versions @v1.3 and below, go here:
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