
Sergei-Udris SPAM

Feb 16th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Perita Soft, you have something i want
  3. By Sergei-Udris, spammed on
  5. _________________
  7. Perita Soft, you have something i want - mission to deliver Grogu to Jedi - program peer-to-peer games, including new competitive games
  9. you may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of but you do not - redoing what was done before is like Amonbofis offering Cleopatra to build palace when she wants Numerobis to bring fresh vision, siding with First Order by accepting galaxy without peer-to-peer github, games, email, twitch when Republic's credo is p2p, having no competitive scene no liquipedia page no GDQ/ESA speedruns yet proud website and focus on graphics like Tamatoa on his shiny shell - is waving the white flag to Borg game industry copy-sickening production - when did Saruman the Wise abandon reason or madness?!
  11. soon he will be back with me - plain as Cowspiracy: if TheViper instead of competing and winning every tournament instead settled for commentating and entertainment, if torrent clients accepted the Empire-server-networks-only galaxy instead of being the republic of data and generating most traffic, if Jesus instead of restoring a man's arm on Saturday approved elders' no-heal-on-Sabbath insane policy - even Palpatine would hunt them down for being to dark side
  13. he means more to me than you will ever know - even dust of Perita Soft's valley we shake off of Blurrg feet, but be sure - free peer-to-peer programs, including fresh competitive games - are coming, no projects no experiments no docs no money/sponsor/coin/donate/ads/jobs lethal corrosion - programs, living and singing with their own voice like John Mayer Gravity at LA Live, better than what Goblin Town of money can pile-gram - are on their way, along with Pat Brown and Impossible Foods mission - both will be served in vegan jars of beskar parens ( )
  15. this is the way
  18. John Mulaney: all right everyone, the time has come - we've got an order here for one lobster
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