
My 2 Cents on 2016 Election (The world)

Oct 3rd, 2016
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  1. ################################### /--- --- -- -x- -- --- ---\ ###################################
  2. Please navigate to the YouTube video:
  3. This is the "FULL: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton - First Presidential Debate 2016 - Hofstra University NY".
  5. This is my comment on there, if you find it (newest first more than likely if you're finding this soon),
  6. please like if you feel relative to the same way I feel.
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  10. # (The comment below) #
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  12. BaSs
  13. Before I get started, I want to warn you this is a long comment and with that a point of view; therefore, I want you to step out of your view and into mine and think about what I say. Not only think about it, research it! I don't want you to just take my word, but to open your mind and ultimately educate yourself and better this nation, and quite possibly the world.
  14. I'm just trying to help spread knowledge and an idea of better living.
  16. Enough said, here you go:
  18. Go to: 40:38, but before watching just yet read this portion first:
  19. {
  20. Okay, for starters, I am not for either electee and feel
  21. that our Country is looking VERY bad; if not worse than that.
  23. I could assume this next election could cause global-nuclear war or
  24. another World War at that; but lets look at the FACTS first.
  27. Before I start this, Hillary Clinton WAS PREPARED for Trump...
  28. and she will be prepared at any future debate against him.
  29. How do I know this? Watch as she writes as Trump talks...
  30. she's building a subjective artillary to ultimately beat Trump.
  31. Okay, here we go:
  33. Hillary (which is close to Obama) has had 33,000 of her emails dumped.
  34. Those of which where in regards to her health (which isn't good) and
  35. other activities; which where scandal-ism in regards to lies, corruption and her self-worth.
  36. Don't believe me? Research! I'll link you on the clear-web:
  39. Hillary Clinton is hiding something and lies right in our face.
  40. Don't believe me? Look as she BEGINS to talk about racism in
  41. the U.S. right now and the police. She starts out very slow
  42. and almost doesn't know how to answer the question. With this
  43. said, she touches her nose as she answers and looks down as well
  44. as closes her eyes a lot as she talks and seems to struggle with
  45. answering the question at hand; all of which,
  46. are accurate signs of lying.
  48. Now, she says "guns out of the people who shouldn't have them".
  49. That's not the problem. The problem isn't gun violence, the
  50. problem is us as people and the propaganda we face on a daily basis.
  52. Note how Hillary is writing things down as trump talks;
  53. as if she is trying to find ways to attack when it's brought up
  54. again at another (final) debate.
  56. Go to: 31:00 as Hillary says: "Another example of bait and switch"
  57. Notice how Hillary smiles so joyfully as she hides her faults with
  58. (readied) information (again) in attempt to beat Trump in the debate and
  59. feeding off sympathy from the people by replying to the email leak by saying:
  61. "I made a MISTAKE using a private email, UHM, and if I had to do it over again,
  62. I would, obviously do it differently, UHM, but, I'm not gonna make any excuses,
  63. it was a MISTAKE and I take responsibility for that" in attempt to suppress the situation @33:20.
  65. She wasn't ready for that question, and she was nervous when answering, as well
  66. as saying "I would do it differently". Understand that. She's not sorry; regardless,
  67. let's continue.
  68. }
  70. Lets go to: @36:40 and (primarily @37:15) up to @38:40 where Hillary is done talking.
  72. Trump is a tyrant and what some would call a con.
  73. Granted he has money, but does he act like someone who would
  74. lead our Country or anything for that matter?
  75. He raises his voice, interrupts and continues to interrupt,
  76. and feels his word is more important than another.
  77. Don't think I'm right? Watch the video, YES THIS ONE!
  79. Watch and listen to him as he responds to Hillary about not
  80. paying those back that deserve it and worked hard for their money;
  81. Trump avoids the question a little, but finally agrees with her by
  82. justifying his reason(s) with "Maybe they didn't do a good enough job".
  83. With that, notice as Hillary gives her (previously readied) artillery to essentially
  84. attempt to beat Trump at the debate, Trump gets more calm and concentrated.
  85. Reason? Because both of them are FLAWED and shouldn't be president.
  86. Anyway, let's continue...
  88. He has good points, but doesn't provide the information the more
  89. advanced would like to hear (he keeps it dumbed down- not to say
  90. he is stupid, because I think that's far from the truth).
  92. As we all know Trump is SIMPLE. This is good yet very bad for not
  93. only his campaign as president, but ultimately our knowledge as
  94. people. We are being blinded by the EXTREMES and not by the facts
  95. behind them.
  98. With all that said, our government has lied to us in ways we still
  99. don't even know, THAT'S FACT. Want reason? Look at Hillary's emails
  100. that were leaked. Look at what Snowden has leaked; and with that, he's now a
  101. FUGITIVE?! If what he did is illegal, what do we call our government?
  103. We should call it MASS CORRUPTION and ultimately a prison.
  104. Or one might say the bind holding us down
  105. because we don't have the power (one might say) to fight back and
  106. fix the Country and ultimately THE WORLD.
  107. Although, one may say this is conspiracy, but it's not, we have F.E.M.A. CAMPS!
  109. Why?
  112. We have rumors (and I believe even records) of the US Government FUNDING ISIS and
  113. ultimately being behind it. Having $9-billion in hollow point rounds,
  114. distributed between the US Military, DHS (Department of Homeland Security), and other governmental agencies.
  115. Don't believe it? You don't have too. Look at 9/11. If you don't think that was an inside job (our gov't),
  116. you might as well be blind and deaf as that's why we're hopeless as a nation; but,
  117. that's not necessarily your fault. That's what the government does so well at.
  118. The government tricks the weak and wicked to fall to their tricks and
  119. feed you propaganda, lies, and creates a FOGGY environment.
  121. They don't want us to know what's going on, because if we did, we'd be against it.
  122. Our human rights are becoming lesser and lesser by day, by night, by the second.
  123. We don't have many rights left. Obama, Hillary, Trump all are not going to help.
  126. Want a good president? That's not gonna be easy. We need world peace.
  127. Possible? Yes. Plausible? No. The reason being we as humans have become
  128. so hateful of one another; such as what one wears, looks like, acts, talks,
  129. and RACE! WE ARE ALL HUMAN.
  131. Now, got a little off subject you might say... but did I? Or did I say what
  132. you didn't want to hear. Peace is the only answer we have.
  133. War = problems, and solving problems with more problems will only result in
  134. more problems to be solved. If their is no problems, their wouldn't be need
  135. for solutions... Now, you may say this is unrealistic, but it's not.
  137. Answer this: If their was no ego driven hate, discrimination, lies, corruption,
  138. and again, (mostly) evil... would their be need to have such? No.
  140. God or not, the blind are doomed. Behind the politics, behind the cloak(s) and
  141. dagger(s), behind the top 1%, behind it all... We're forgetting life as we know it.
  143. I'm done. I could keep going, but I feel most of you wouldn't have made it this
  144. far as you just don't care what another person on this planet would have to say;
  145. as me and you both, are just that. A living, breathing, caring human being. At least I hope so.
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