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- #include <TVout.h>
- #include <fontALL.h>
- TVout TV;
- int x, y, a, c1, c2, yb1, yb2, tm, tsh, s;
- float ts;
- boolean paused = false;
- void setup ( )
- {
- TV.begin(NTSC, 120, 96);
- TV.clear_screen();
- TV.select_font(font6x8);
- TV.println( 0, 50, "Welcome to Shimo" );
- TV.delay (5000);
- TV.clear_screen();
- x = 60;
- y = 48;
- yb1 = 48;
- yb2 = 48;
- a = 8;
- ts = 900.0;
- s = 2;
- }
- void loop ( )
- {
- if(!paused)
- {
- TV.draw_line(60,0,60,96,1);
- TV.select_font(font8x8);
- racketsmove();
- ballscount();
- TV.print(1,1,c1); TV.print(18,1,":"); TV.print(26,1,c2);
- tm = ts / 60;
- ts -= 0.04;
- if(ts < 0)
- {
- ts = 0;
- }
- TV.draw_rect(81,1,38,10,0,0);
- TV.print(81,1,tm); TV.print(97,1,"."); TV.print(100,1,int(ts-(tm*60)));
- ballcol();
- /*if(ts < 600)
- {
- s = 4;
- }
- if(ts < 300)
- {
- s = 6;
- }*/
- ballmove(s, a);
- TV.delay(50);
- if(digitalRead(6) == HIGH)
- {
- paused = true;
- delay(1000);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TV.println(40,4,"pause");
- if(digitalRead(6) == HIGH)
- {
- paused = false;
- delay(1000);
- TV.clear_screen();
- }
- }
- }
- void ballscount()
- {
- if(x == 1)
- {
- c2++;
- }
- if(x == 119)
- {
- c1++;
- }
- if(c1 > c2 && ts == 0)
- {
- TV.println(10, 45, "Player 1 won!");
- delay(10000);
- restart();
- }
- else if(c1 < c2 && ts == 0)
- {
- TV.println(10, 45, "Player 2 won!");
- delay(10000);
- restart();
- }
- else if(c1 == c2 && ts == 0)
- {
- TV.println(10, 45, "You are equal");
- delay(10000);
- restart();
- }
- }
- void ballcol()
- {
- if(x == 1 || x == 119 || (x == 10 && y < (yb1 + 3) && y > (yb1 - 3)) || (x == 110 && y < (yb2 + 3) && y > (yb2 - 3)))
- {
- if(a==1){a=5;}else if(a==2){a=8;}else if(a==3){a=7;}else if(a==4){a=6;}else if(a==5){a=1;}else if(a==6){a=4;}else if(a==7){a=3;}else if(a==8){a=2;}
- }
- if(x == 10 && y < (yb1 - 3) && y > (yb1 - 8))
- {
- a = 2;
- }
- if(x == 10 && y > (yb1 + 3) && y < (yb1 + 8))
- {
- a = 4;
- }
- if(x == 110 && y < (yb2 - 3) && y > (yb2 - 8))
- {
- a = 8;
- }
- if(x == 110 && y > (yb2 + 3) && y < (yb2 + 8))
- {
- a = 6;
- }
- if(y == 95 || y == 1)
- {
- if(a==1){a=5;}else if(a==2){a=4;}else if(a==3){a=7;}else if(a==4){a=2;}else if(a==5){a=1;}else if(a==6){a=8;}else if(a==7){a=3;}else if(a==8){a=6;}
- }
- }
- void racketsmove()
- {
- TV.draw_line(10, yb1+8, 10, yb1-8, 0);
- TV.draw_line(110, yb2+8, 110, yb2-8, 0);
- if((yb1 - 8) > 1)
- {
- if(digitalRead(2) == HIGH)
- {
- yb1 -= 2;
- }
- }
- if((yb1 + 8) < 95)
- {
- if(digitalRead(3) == HIGH)
- {
- yb1 += 2;
- }
- }
- if((yb2 - 8) > 1)
- {
- if(digitalRead(4) == HIGH)
- {
- yb2 -= 2;
- }
- }
- if((yb2 + 8) < 95)
- {
- if(digitalRead(5) == HIGH)
- {
- yb2 += 2;
- }
- }
- TV.draw_line(10, yb1+8, 10, yb1-8, 1);
- TV.draw_line(110, yb2+8, 110, yb2-8, 1);
- }
- void ballmove(int vel, int angle)
- {
- TV.set_pixel(x,y,0);
- if(angle == 1)
- {
- y -= vel;
- }
- if(angle == 3)
- {
- x += vel;
- }
- if(angle == 5)
- {
- y += vel;
- }
- if(angle == 7)
- {
- x -= vel;
- }
- if(angle == 2)
- {
- x += round(vel/2);
- y -= round(vel/2);
- }
- if(angle == 4)
- {
- x += round(vel/2);
- y += round(vel/2);
- }
- if(angle == 6)
- {
- x -= round(vel/2);
- y += round(vel/2);
- }
- if(angle == 8)
- {
- x -= round(vel/2);
- y -= round(vel/2);
- }
- TV.set_pixel(x,y,1);
- }
- void restart()
- {
- TV.clear_screen();
- x = 60;
- y = 48;
- yb1 = 48;
- yb2 = 48;
- a = 8;
- ts = 900.0;
- c1 = 0;
- c2 = 0;
- }
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