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- filename = "YI2.state"
- boxRadius = 6
- buttonNames = {
- "A",
- "B",
- "X",
- "Y",
- "Up",
- "Down",
- "Left",
- "Right",
- }
- inputSize = (boxRadius*2+1)*(boxRadius*2+1)
- snapshotSize = inputSize + #buttonNames
- function getTile(dx, dy)
- marioX = memory.read_s16_le(0x94)
- marioY = memory.read_s16_le(0x96)
- x = math.floor((marioX+dx+8)/16)
- y = math.floor((marioY+dy)/16)
- return memory.readbyte(0x1C800 + math.floor(x/0x10)*0x1B0 + y*0x10 + x%0x10)
- end
- function getSprites()
- local sprites = {}
- for slot=0,11 do
- local status = memory.readbyte(0x14C8+slot)
- if status ~= 0 then
- spritex = memory.readbyte(0xE4+slot) + memory.readbyte(0x14E0+slot)*256
- spritey = memory.readbyte(0xD8+slot) + memory.readbyte(0x14D4+slot)*256
- sprites[#sprites+1] = {["x"]=spritex, ["y"]=spritey}
- end
- end
- return sprites
- end
- function getExtendedSprites()
- local extended = {}
- for slot=0,11 do
- local number = memory.readbyte(0x170B+slot)
- if number ~= 0 then
- spritex = memory.readbyte(0x171F+slot) + memory.readbyte(0x1733+slot)*256
- spritey = memory.readbyte(0x1715+slot) + memory.readbyte(0x1729+slot)*256
- extended[#extended+1] = {["x"]=spritex, ["y"]=spritey}
- end
- end
- return extended
- end
- function getInputs()
- marioX = memory.read_s16_le(0x94)
- marioY = memory.read_s16_le(0x96)
- sprites = getSprites()
- extended = getExtendedSprites()
- local inputs = {}
- for dy=-boxRadius*16,boxRadius*16,16 do
- for dx=-boxRadius*16,boxRadius*16,16 do
- inputs[#inputs+1] = 0
- tile = getTile(dx, dy)
- if tile == 1 and marioY+dy < 0x1B0 then
- inputs[#inputs] = 1
- end
- for i = 1,#sprites do
- distx = math.abs(sprites[i]["x"] - (marioX+dx))
- disty = math.abs(sprites[i]["y"] - (marioY+dy))
- if distx < 8 and disty < 8 then
- inputs[#inputs] = -1
- end
- end
- for i = 1,#extended do
- distx = math.abs(extended[i]["x"] - (marioX+dx))
- disty = math.abs(extended[i]["y"] - (marioY+dy))
- if distx < 8 and disty < 8 then
- inputs[#inputs] = -1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- mariovx = memory.read_s8(0x7B)
- mariovy = memory.read_s8(0x7D)
- return inputs
- end
- function evaluate(inputs, chromosome)
- local outputs = {}
- local minDist = 4*inputSize
- for i=0,(math.floor(#chromosome/snapshotSize)-1) do
- local total = 0
- for j=1,inputSize do
- d = inputs[j] - chromosome[i*snapshotSize + j]
- total = total + d*d
- end
- if total < minDist then
- minDist = total
- for j=1,#buttonNames do
- outputs[j] = chromosome[i*snapshotSize+inputSize+j]
- end
- nearest = i*snapshotSize
- end
- end
- return outputs
- end
- function randomChromosome()
- local c = {}
- for i=1,snapshotSize*100 do
- c[i] = math.random(-1, 1)
- end
- return c
- end
- function initializeRun()
- savestate.load(filename);
- rightmost = 0
- frame = 0
- timeout = 20
- clearJoypad()
- end
- function crossover(c1, c2)
- local c = {["chromosome"] = {}, ["fitness"] = 0}
- local pick = true
- for i=1,#c1["chromosome"] do
- if math.random(#c1["chromosome"]/2) == 1 then
- pick = not pick
- end
- if pick then
- c["chromosome"][i] = c1["chromosome"][i]
- else
- c["chromosome"][i] = c2["chromosome"][i]
- end
- end
- return c
- end
- function mutate(c, rate)
- for i=1,#c["chromosome"] do
- if math.random(rate) == 1 then
- c["chromosome"][i] = math.random(-1, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- function difference(c1, c2)
- total = 0
- for i=1,#c1 do
- d = c1[i] - c2[i]
- total = total + d*d
- end
- return total / (#c1*4)
- end
- function clone(c)
- cl = {["chromosome"] = {}, ["fitness"] = 0}
- for i=1,#c["chromosome"] do
- cl["chromosome"][i] = c["chromosome"][i]
- end
- return cl
- end
- function createNewGeneration()
- shock = (generation % 60 == 59)
- local top = pool[1]["fitness"]
- if not shock then
- pool[1]["fitness"] = 1000000
- end
- table.sort(pool, function (a,b)
- return (a["fitness"] > b["fitness"])
- end)
- pool[1]["fitness"] = top
- if shock then
- for i=2,(#pool) do
- pool[i] = clone(pool[1])
- mutate(pool[i], 20)
- end
- else
- for i=((#pool)/2+1),(#pool) do
- c1 = pool[math.random(2, #pool/2)]
- c2 = pool[math.random(2, #pool/2)]
- pool[i] = crossover(c1, c2)
- mutate(pool[i], 400)
- end
- forms.settext(localFitness, "Local Fitness: " .. math.floor(pool[2]["fitness"]))
- end
- generation = generation + 1
- end
- function clearJoypad()
- local controller = {}
- for b = 1,#buttonNames do
- controller["P1 " .. buttonNames[b]] = false
- end
- joypad.set(controller)
- end
- function showTop()
- clearJoypad()
- currentChromosome = 0
- initializeRun()
- end
- function onExit()
- forms.destroy(form)
- end
- event.onexit(onExit)
- function connectionCost(chromosome)
- local total = 0
- for i=1,#chromosome["chromosome"] do
- c = chromosome["chromosome"][i]
- total = total + c*c
- end
- return total
- end
- function outputChromosomes()
- local filename = forms.gettext(saveLoadFile)
- local file =, "w")
- file:write(generation .. "\n")
- file:write(maxfitness .. "\n")
- file:write(#pool .. "\n")
- for c=1,#pool do
- local size = #pool[c]["chromosome"]
- file:write(size .. "\n")
- for n=1,size do
- file:write(pool[c]["chromosome"][n] .. "\n")
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- function inputChromosomes()
- initializeSimulation()
- currentChromosome=0
- local filename = forms.gettext(saveLoadFile)
- local file =, "r")
- generation = tonumber(file:read())
- maxfitness = tonumber(file:read())
- forms.settext(maxFitnessLabel, "Top Fitness: " .. math.floor(maxfitness))
- local poolsize = tonumber(file:read())
- for c=1,poolsize do
- local size = tonumber(file:read())
- for n=1,size do
- pool[c]["chromosome"][n] = tonumber(file:read())
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- function initializeSimulation()
- pool = {}
- for i=1,20 do
- pool[i] = {["chromosome"] = randomChromosome(), ["fitness"] = 0}
- end
- currentChromosome = 1
- generation = 0
- maxfitness = -1000000
- initializeRun()
- end
- form = forms.newform(200, 275, "Fitness")
- maxFitnessLabel = forms.label(form, "Top Fitness: ", 5, 8)
- goButton = forms.button(form, "Show Top", showTop, 5, 30)
- goButton = forms.button(form, "Restart", initializeSimulation, 80, 30)
- localFitness = forms.label(form, "Local Fitness: ", 5, 55)
- showUI = forms.checkbox(form, "Show Inputs", 5, 74)
- inputsLabel = forms.label(form, "Inputs", 5, 96)
- showChromosomes = forms.checkbox(form, "Show Map", 5, 118)
- saveButton = forms.button(form, "Save", outputChromosomes, 5, 142)
- loadButton = forms.button(form, "Load", inputChromosomes, 80, 142)
- saveLoadFile = forms.textbox(form, "nearest_chromosomes.txt", 170, 25, nil, 5, 188)
- saveLoadLabel = forms.label(form, "Save/Load:", 5, 169)
- showNearest = forms.checkbox(form, "Show Nearest", 5, 215)
- if pool == nil then
- initializeSimulation()
- else
- forms.settext(maxFitnessLabel, "Top Fitness: " .. math.floor(maxfitness))
- end
- while true do
- marioX = memory.read_s16_le(0x94)
- marioY = memory.read_s16_le(0x96)
- timeoutBonus = frame / 4
- if timeout + timeoutBonus <= 0 then
- local fitness = 0
- if currentChromosome == 1 and generation ~= 0 then
- fitness = maxfitness
- elseif currentChromosome >= 1 then
- fitness = rightmost - frame / 2
- end
- if currentChromosome >= 1 then
- pool[currentChromosome]["fitness"] = fitness
- end
- if fitness > maxfitness then
- forms.settext(maxFitnessLabel, "Top Fitness: " .. math.floor(fitness))
- maxfitness = fitness
- end
- console.writeline("Generation " .. generation .. " chromosome " .. currentChromosome .. " fitness: " .. math.floor(fitness))
- if currentChromosome == #pool then
- createNewGeneration()
- currentChromosome = #pool/2+1
- else
- if currentChromosome == 2 and pool[currentChromosome+1]["fitness"] ~= 0 then
- currentChromosome = (#pool)/2+1
- else
- currentChromosome = currentChromosome + 1
- end
- end
- initializeRun()
- end
- if timeout + timeoutBonus > 2 and frame % 5 == 0 and currentChromosome >= 1 then
- inputs = getInputs()
- outputs = evaluate(inputs, pool[currentChromosome]["chromosome"])
- controller = {}
- inputsString = ""
- for n = 1,#buttonNames do
- if outputs[n] > 0 then
- controller["P1 " .. buttonNames[n]] = true
- inputsString = inputsString .. buttonNames[n]
- else
- controller["P1 " .. buttonNames[n]] = false
- end
- end
- forms.settext(inputsLabel, inputsString)
- end
- joypad.set(controller)
- if timeout + timeoutBonus <= 2 then
- clearJoypad()
- end
- if marioX > rightmost then
- timeout = 20
- rightmost = marioX
- end
- timeout = timeout - 1
- frame = frame + 1
- if forms.ischecked(showUI) and inputs ~= nil then
- layer1x = memory.read_s16_le(0x1A);
- layer1y = memory.read_s16_le(0x1C);
- for dy = 0,boxRadius*2 do
- for dx = 0,boxRadius*2 do
- input = inputs[dy*(boxRadius*2+1)+dx+1]
- local x = marioX+(dx-boxRadius)*16-layer1x
- local y = marioY+(dy-boxRadius)*16-layer1y
- if input == -1 then
- gui.drawBox(x, y, x+16, y+16, 0xFFFF0000, 0xA0FF0000)
- elseif input == 1 then
- gui.drawBox(x, y, x+16, y+16, 0xFF00FF00, 0xA000FF00)
- else
- gui.drawBox(x, y, x+16, y+16, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA0FFFF00)
- end
- --gui.drawText(,,string.format("%i", input),0x80FFFFFF, 11)
- end
- end
- local x = marioX-layer1x
- local y = marioY-layer1y
- gui.drawBox(x, y, x+16, y+32, 0xFF000000)
- end
- if forms.ischecked(showNearest) and nearest ~= nil and currentChromosome >= 1 then
- layer1x = memory.read_s16_le(0x1A);
- layer1y = memory.read_s16_le(0x1C);
- for dy = 0,boxRadius*2 do
- for dx = 0,boxRadius*2 do
- input = pool[currentChromosome]["chromosome"][nearest+dy*(boxRadius*2+1)+dx+1]
- local x = marioX+(dx-boxRadius)*16-layer1x
- local y = marioY+(dy-boxRadius)*16-layer1y
- if input == -1 then
- gui.drawBox(x, y, x+16, y+16, 0xFFFF0000, 0xA0FF0000)
- elseif input == 1 then
- gui.drawBox(x, y, x+16, y+16, 0xFF00FF00, 0xA000FF00)
- else
- gui.drawBox(x, y, x+16, y+16, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA0FFFF00)
- end
- end
- end
- local x = marioX-layer1x
- local y = marioY-layer1y
- gui.drawBox(x, y, x+16, y+32, 0xFF000000)
- end
- if forms.ischecked(showChromosomes) then
- gui.drawBox(0, 3, 201, 3+#pool*3, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF)
- for c=1,#pool do
- local y = 1+c*3
- local size = #pool[c]["chromosome"]
- for n=1,size do
- if n%math.floor(size/200) == 0 then
- local x = 1+n*200/#pool[c]["chromosome"]
- v = pool[c]["chromosome"][n]
- r = (1-v)/2
- g = (1+v)/2
- gui.drawLine(x, y, x, y+1, 0xFF000000 + math.floor(r*0xFF)*0x10000 + math.floor(g*0xFF)*0x100)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- emu.frameadvance();
- end
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