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- This is a guide for metatables, metamethods, and what they do in Lua.
- Metatables allow you to change the behavior of tables.
- Metamethods are the functions that control the behaviors.
- You need 2 tables to create a metatable.
- The main table is the parent that is publicly exposed to the user.
- The second table is the metatable that will contain your metamethods.
- You set a metatable by calling the setmetatable function.
- Usage: tab = setmetatable(parent, metatable)
- To get the contents of a metatable you call getmetatable().
- Usage: getmetatable(table)
- Most metamethods are functions, and the first argument to the functions is
- always the parent table.
- Not all metamethods are available in every version of Lua. The ones I know of
- will be noted in the "Known Lua Versions" sections below each metamethod.
- I don't fully understand how to use every metamethod. The ones I don't
- understand will be noted below each metamethod.
- I did my best to explain and demonstrate how everything works. Let me know if I
- need to clarify anything.
- +--------------------------------------+
- | Table of Contents |
- +-----+--------------------------------+
- | 46 | Known Lua Versions |
- +-----+-----------+--------------------+
- | 55 | Operators | Calculation |
- | 153 | Operators | Bitwise |
- | 249 | Operators | Comparison |
- | 321 | Operators | Misc. |
- | 359 | Behavior | Indexing |
- | 428 | Behavior | Calling |
- | 458 | Behavior | Iteration |
- | 532 | Behavior | Garbage Collection |
- +-----+-----------+--------------------+
- +--------------------+
- | Known Lua Versions |
- +--------------------+
- Lua 5.4
- ComputerCraft - Lua 5.0, 5.2, 5.3
- ChilloutVR - Lua 5.2
- +-----------+-------------+
- | Operators | Calculation |
- +-----------+-------------+
- __unm = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when negation is performed on the parent table.
- Usage: -tab
- Function: __unm(self)
- Return: <any value>
- __add = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when addition is performed on the parent table.
- Usage: tab + n
- Function: __add(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- __sub = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when subtraction is performed on the parent table.
- Usage: tab - n
- Function: __sub(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- __mul = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when multiplication is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab * n
- Function: __mul(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- __div = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when division is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab / n
- Function: __div(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- __mod = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when modulus is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab % n
- Function: __mod(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- __idiv = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when floor division is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab // n
- Function: __idiv(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- Floor division is equal to math.floor(num1 / num2).
- (Currently not present in ComputerCraft.)
- (Currently not present in ChilloutVR.)
- __pow = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when power is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab ^ n
- Function: __pow(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- +-----------+---------+
- | Operators | Bitwise |
- +-----------+---------+
- __band = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when bitwise AND is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab & n
- Function: __band(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- (Not present in Lua 5.2 or lower.)
- (Currently not present in ComputerCraft.)
- (Currently not present in ChilloutVR.)
- __bor = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when bitwise OR is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab | n
- Function: __bor(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- (Not present in Lua 5.2 or lower.)
- (Currently not present in ComputerCraft.)
- (Currently not present in ChilloutVR.)
- __bxor = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when bitwise XOR is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab ~ n
- Function: __bxor(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- (Not present in Lua 5.2 or lower.)
- (Currently not present in ComputerCraft.)
- (Currently not present in ChilloutVR.)
- __bnot = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when bitwise NOT is performed on the parent.
- Usage: ~tab
- Function: __bnot(self)
- Return: <any value>
- (Not present in Lua 5.2 or lower.)
- (Currently not present in ComputerCraft.)
- (Currently not present in ChilloutVR.)
- __shl = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when bitwise left shift is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab << n
- Function: __shl(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- (Not present in Lua 5.2 or lower.)
- (Currently not present in ComputerCraft.)
- (Currently not present in ChilloutVR.)
- __shr = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when bitwise right shift is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab >> n
- Function: __shr(self, n)
- Return: <any value>
- (Not present in Lua 5.2 or lower.)
- (Currently not present in ComputerCraft.)
- (Currently not present in ChilloutVR.)
- +-----------+------------+
- | Operators | Comparison |
- +-----------+------------+
- __eq = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when equality is performed on the parent and another table
- with the same metatable.
- Usage: tab == tab2
- Function: __eq(self, tab2)
- Return: <boolean>
- Don't use 'self ==' in the function. It will cause a stack overflow because it
- calls the comparison operator on itself, which calls __eq() again, which calls
- the comparison again, which calls the function again, etc. This also wouldn't
- return anything useful for this metamethod anyway.
- Instead use '==' on a property of self.
- __lt = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when "less than" or "greater than" is performed on the parent
- and another table with the same metatable.
- Usage: tab < tab2 or tab > tab2
- Function: __lt(self, tab2)
- Return: <boolean>
- If greater than is used, the two tables are automatically swapped, so
- tab > tab2
- automatically becomes
- tab2 < tab
- which is why both tables need to be using the same metatable.
- Don't use 'self <' or 'self >' in the function. It will cause a stack overflow
- because it calls the comparison operator on itself, which calls __lt() again,
- which calls the comparison again, which calls the function again, etc.
- This also wouldn't return anything useful for this metamethod anyway.
- Instead use '<' or '>' on a property of self.
- __le = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when "less than or equal" or "greater than or equal" is
- performed on the parent and another table with the same metatable.
- Usage: tab <= tab2 or tab >= tab2
- Function: __le(self, tab2)
- Return: <boolean>
- If greater than or equal is used, the two tables are automatically swapped, so
- tab >= tab2
- automatically becomes
- tab2 <= tab
- which is why both tables need to be using the same metatable.
- Don't use 'self <=' or 'self >=' in the function. It will cause a stack overflow
- because it calls the comparison operator on itself, which calls __le() again,
- which calls the comparison again, which calls the function again, etc.
- This also wouldn't return anything useful for this metamethod anyway.
- Instead use '<=' or '>=' on a property of self.
- +-----------+-------+
- | Operators | Misc. |
- +-----------+-------+
- __concat = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when concatenation is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab .. s
- Function: __concat(self, s)
- Return: <any value>
- __len = <function>
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when getting the length/size of the table.
- Usage: #tab
- Function: __len(self)
- Return: <any value>
- Don't use #self in the function. It will cause a stack overflow because it calls
- the length of itself, which runs __len() again, which gets the length of itself
- again, which calls the function again, etc.
- Instead, create the table and metatable as seperate variables, then use __len to
- return the length of the parent, then use setmetatable() to put them
- together.
- Alternatively, you can get the length of a property of the parent table, a
- property of the metatable, or return a completely different value.
- This metamethod can only return a single value.
- +----------+----------+
- | Behavior | Indexing |
- +----------+----------+
- __index = <any value>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can set this to any data type.
- The most useful way to use this is to set it as a table. For example:
- tab = {a = 1}
- meta = {__index = {b = 2}}
- tab = setmetatable(tab, meta)
- tab.a is completely exposed, it can be read and overwritten by the user.
- If you call tab.b it will return the 2 that's in the metatable.
- This value is read only. If you try to overwrite b by doing:
- tab.b = 3
- it will simply create 'b = 3' in the public table.
- The 'b' in the metatable will still be there, but you will not be able to read
- it with 'tab.b' anymore.
- To get full access to the contents of __index you have to use:
- getmetatable(tab).__index
- This exposes the metatable just like its public members.
- __metatable = <any value>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Use this metamethod to hide your metatable behind a facade.
- getmetatable(tab) will return __metatable instead of the real metatable, making
- the real one completely immutable.
- The real metatable becomes protected, and cannot be changed with setmetatable().
- __metatable is completely inaccessible without the use of getmetatable().
- This metamethod can be of any type.
- The metamethod itself is completely immutable, however, if you set this to
- a table, you can manipulate the table by adding and changing elements.
- Setting this to nil would be the same as not setting it at all.
- __newindex = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when elements in the parent are being added with 'table.insert'
- or with the assignment operator. It also runs when elements are being removed
- with 'table.remove'.
- One example of how to use this metamethod is to prevent new elements from being
- added to the parent table, like so:
- __newindex = function(self, key, value)
- error("attempted to update a protected object", 2)
- end
- 'self' is the parent table, 'key' is the key or index in the parent, 'value' is
- the value being assigned to the key or index. If you set this to an empty
- function, it will do absolutely nothing, including changing the table.
- This function does not prevent existing elements from being changed, including
- setting elements to 'nil' which removes them from the table.
- +----------+---------+
- | Behavior | Calling |
- +----------+---------+
- __call = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when a function call is performed on the parent.
- Usage: tab(...)
- Function: __call(self, ...)
- Return: <any value>
- __tostring = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method runs when printing/writing the parent.
- Usage: print(tab)
- Function: __tostring()
- Return: <any value>
- When returning values, it only really works with strings, numbers, booleans and
- nil, and even then, strings are the only real use case.
- +----------+-----------+
- | Behavior | Iteration |
- +----------+-----------+
- __name = <string>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sets the name of the parent in Lua's registry.
- (I need help finding examples of how to use this metamethod.)
- __pairs = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This metamethod is used for iterating over a table of any type of keys.
- Usage: for i, v in pairs(tab) do ... end
- Function: __pairs = function(self) return next, self, nil end
- The return values of this function are only used by the 'pairs' function and are
- never passed to the user except through the iterators and values of the for
- loop.
- The third value, 'nil' represents the key that the 'next' function starts
- with, which returns the key/value pair in the table. While it technically isn't
- necessary to write 'nil' here, it's kept to show the significance of the third
- value as you might want to start with an element other than the very first one.
- If you have elements in both the parent table and the '__index' table, you can
- iterate over both by doing something like this:
- __pairs = function(self)
- local meta = getmetatable(self).__index
- local allkeys = {}
- for _, t in pairs({self, meta})
- for k, v in next, t do
- allkeys[k] = v
- end
- end
- return next, allkeys
- end
- The 'next' function in the second for loop does basically the same thing as the
- 'pairs' function. We use it in this context because the 'pairs' function would
- cause a stack overflow error, due to the fact that 'pairs' runs this metamethod
- every time it's used on the parent, whereas 'next' doesn't.
- __ipairs = <function>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This metamethod is used for iterating over a table of indicies.
- Usage: for i, v in ipairs(tab) do ... end
- Function: __ipairs = function(self)
- local function iter(tbl, i)
- i = i + 1
- local v = tbl[i]
- if v ~= nil then return i, v end
- end
- return iter, self, 0
- end
- This does the same thing as '__pairs', except it's for iterating over indecies
- in numerical order instead of all elements in an arbitrary order.
- (Doesn't work or is removed in Lua 5.3+ or ComputerCraft? Need confirmation.)
- +----------+--------------------+
- | Behavior | Garbage Collection |
- +----------+--------------------+
- __close
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method marks a value to be released from memory as soon as it goes out of
- scope.
- (I need help finding examples of how to use this metamethod.)
- __gc
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method marks a value to be collected by the garbage collector.
- (I need help finding examples of how to use this metamethod.)
- __mode = "k" or "v" or "kv"
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This method makes the table a "weak" table which means marking keys, values or
- both for garbage collection.
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