
Flashback Example (RotI ~ Chapter Eight)

Aug 24th, 2016
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  1. My dream was something I never thought could happen. It must have been a few days ago, for it was sunny out, and it was a Friday from what I could tell. Two teenagers, about thirteen years old, were running around a grass field and messing around with each other, but then the girl froze. She had light brown hair that was almost red, and was wearing a long yellow dress that seemed to be long-sleeved, along with yellow mittens and grey leggings and shoes. I failed to get a clear look at her face, but somehow, I knew who she was. The boy also stopped in his tracks. He had bold red hair––likely dyed––and a blue, tattered leather jacket with ripped dark blue jeans and brown shoes. He was wearing some sort of gold chain, but I could not get a close look…
  3. “Jay. Remember Amber?” she asked. "I don't know why, but she suddenly comes to mind."
  5. “How could I forget her? I was pretty much gonna die and she saved me! Tanya was one heck of a gunman…”
  7. “But that’s not what I’m talking about! There was the Mr. Game and Watch kid too! I wonder what happened to the two of them.”
  9. “Alexa, how do I know? They were here one day and gone the next. I’d like to say that she’s here, at school with us, but…I think she died.” Jay suddenly had a look on his face that showed he was only realizing now what could have happened.
  11. “She’s not dead, Jay. I can feel it. Waitaminute… you wanted to be around her every second of the day, didn’t you? You talk about her way too much, and now all of a sudden you’re, like, hovering over my every move and following me everywhere? Are you using me as a replacement for Amber?!” A weird feeling passed through me.
  13. “No, I didn‘t obsess over her! And no, you’re not a replacement! Now, on a completely different note, there’s something else I’d like to tell you, too: John says none of this crap ever happened! He said it was just some dust that fell out of the port of his iPad, and that we were acting like idiots!” he shouted. Alexa became defensive, but agitated at the same time. If I thought Emily or Amber were using me as a replacement, I would honestly lose all my trust in them. I… I would hate to see the aftermath. In fact, hearing what John had allegedly said reminded me about something Amber told me when she visited me on the roads of Earth.
  15. “Everyone says you’re not real, Mister Silver Eyes Kid. They all tease me because you supposedly don’t exist and think I'm just making things up! Please come to school one day and show them you’re a real, living person…”
  17. That was the last time I had seen Amber before I was taken in by Tanya.
  19. “He just doesn’t…Hold on! He probably didn’t see anything, but we did! What if there’s some sort of thingy that keeps other people from seeing all that stuff, like the Game and Watch kid? There could be some sort of force that makes it so only certain people can see this stuff!”
  21. “Isn’t that random? Now stop trying! I don’t even know what we’re doing, but you are free to bleep off whenever you want!” Jay raised a fist at Alexa, and she flinched before raising her fist as well. She either stood up for what she believed in, or gave up. I could not tell. But if she was sticking up for her beliefs, then I praise her for it. I still have trouble with even speaking up for myself.
  23. “Why do I even try with you? All I’m saying is that–ARRGH! I GIVE UP!” Alexa whipped her fist into Jay’s arm, and the dream faded as the two started to fistfight.
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