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- ----- Original Coq source -----
- Require Extraction.
- Extraction Language Haskell.
- Set Extraction Optimize.
- Module Bits.
- Inductive bit: Type :=
- | B0
- | B1.
- Inductive nibble: Type :=
- | bits (b0 b1 b2 b3: bit).
- Definition nibble_zero (n : nibble): bool :=
- match n with
- | (bits B0 B0 B0 B0) => true
- | (bits _ _ _ _) => false
- end.
- Definition nibble_odd (n: nibble): bool :=
- match n with
- | (bits _ _ _ B1) => true
- | (bits _ _ _ _) => false
- end.
- Definition nibble_even (n: nibble): bool :=
- negb (nibble_odd n).
- Definition nibble_chess (n: nibble): bool :=
- match n with
- | (bits B0 B1 B0 B1) => true
- | (bits B1 B0 B1 B0) => true
- | _ => false
- end.
- Theorem test_nibble_zeroity: (nibble_zero (bits B0 B0 B0 B0)) = true.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Theorem test_nibble_oddity: (nibble_odd (bits B1 B1 B0 B1)) = true.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Theorem test_nibble_evenity: (nibble_even (bits B1 B0 B1 B0)) = true.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Theorem test_nibble_chessity: (nibble_chess (bits B1 B0 B1 B0)) = true.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- End Bits.
- Recursive Extraction Bits.
- ----- Converted to Haskell -----
- module Main where
- import qualified Prelude
- data Bool =
- True
- | False
- negb :: Bool -> Bool
- negb b =
- case b of {
- True -> False;
- False -> True}
- data Bit =
- B0
- | B1
- bit_rect :: a1 -> a1 -> Bit -> a1
- bit_rect f f0 b =
- case b of {
- B0 -> f;
- B1 -> f0}
- bit_rec :: a1 -> a1 -> Bit -> a1
- bit_rec =
- bit_rect
- data Nibble =
- Bits Bit Bit Bit Bit
- nibble_rect :: (Bit -> Bit -> Bit -> Bit -> a1) -> Nibble -> a1
- nibble_rect f n =
- case n of {
- Bits x x0 x1 x2 -> f x x0 x1 x2}
- nibble_rec :: (Bit -> Bit -> Bit -> Bit -> a1) -> Nibble -> a1
- nibble_rec =
- nibble_rect
- nibble_zero :: Nibble -> Bool
- nibble_zero n =
- case n of {
- Bits b0 b1 b2 b3 ->
- case b0 of {
- B0 ->
- case b1 of {
- B0 ->
- case b2 of {
- B0 -> case b3 of {
- B0 -> True;
- B1 -> False};
- B1 -> False};
- B1 -> False};
- B1 -> False}}
- nibble_odd :: Nibble -> Bool
- nibble_odd n =
- case n of {
- Bits _ _ _ b3 -> case b3 of {
- B0 -> False;
- B1 -> True}}
- nibble_even :: Nibble -> Bool
- nibble_even n =
- negb (nibble_odd n)
- nibble_chess :: Nibble -> Bool
- nibble_chess n =
- case n of {
- Bits b0 b1 b2 b3 ->
- case b0 of {
- B0 ->
- case b1 of {
- B0 -> False;
- B1 ->
- case b2 of {
- B0 -> case b3 of {
- B0 -> False;
- B1 -> True};
- B1 -> False}};
- B1 ->
- case b1 of {
- B0 ->
- case b2 of {
- B0 -> False;
- B1 -> case b3 of {
- B0 -> True;
- B1 -> False}};
- B1 -> False}}}
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