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- kp=13238717
- kp is the nearest prime to original Kaelygon magenta #c904bd by taking euclidean distance in RGB space
- Closest magenta primes in other colorspaces:
- CIE76: 0xC904BD = 13173949
- RGB24: CA01BD = 13238717 prime
- RGB15: 0x6037 = 29^3+3^5-1
- RGB12: 0xD0C = 3340
- RGB24 truncated: 0xC0B = 3083 prime
- 3083 has form P^3 = n^3 + m^3 + k^3
- 29303572787 = 3083^3 = a:395 b:1012 c:3044
- 181+3634i is a gaussian prime which norm is 13238717
- Non trivial lattice points that a circle with radius 13238717 cross: (1315508,13173195)
- Pythagorean triple: 1315508^2+13173195^2=13238717^2
- 1315508 factors to 2* 2*23*79*181
- 181 prime -> real part
- 2*23*79=3634 -> imaginary part of
- can be written as sum of two squares
- 181^2+3634^2
- 6619359^2-6619358^2
- Can be written sum of 3 squares
- 3597^2+548^2+2^2
- Cube of kp can be written as sum of 3 positive cubes in 6 distinctive ways:
- a^3 + b^3 + c^3 = kp^3 [ 0 < a,b,c = KP ]
- 403267^3 + 7784369^3 + 12272681^3
- 5179429^3 + 7227074^3 + 12173060^3
- 5391033^3 + 7777445^3 + 11918751^3
- 5633084^3 + 9374269^3 + 10963340^3
- 5745661^3 + 8854868^3 + 11282720^3
- 7178816^3 + 8458180^3 + 11038973^3 = 13238717^3
- Can not be written as sum of two cubes (exhaustive test range -2200 to 2200 )
- Can not be writte as sums of 3 cubes. kp%9=5
- Not a sum of 3 consequtive primes
- Not a sum of first n primes: Closest sum of primes 2 to 15581 = 13243813 (not prime)
- Can be written as sum of 4 cubes
- 11^3+95^3+179^3+188^3
- Polynomial of 4-power terms: 2*20^4 + 27*25^4 + 2*33^4=13238717
- Form 2520*k+1157: 2520*5253+1157=13238717 PRIME
- Form 3n-1: 3*4412906-1=13238717
- Sum of factorials:
- 3*10!+6*9!+4*8!+2*7!+5*6!+3*4!+2*2!+1! = 13238717
- Neighbor primes:
- {..13238689, 13238717, 13238723..}
- 13238717^2+4 is prime
- 13238717^2-6 is prime
- Insert operators in base 10: 1+3238*717 = 2321647 is prime
- kp is palindromic in base 2137: 2*2137^2 + 1921*2137^1 + 2*2137^0 = 2*2137^2 + 1921*2137 + 2
- positional primes:
- 13238717 is 863766th prime
- 13238717th prime is 241486247
- 241486247th prime is 5145965047
- kp is not delicate prime:
- 13238717
- prime digit changed
- none 8.
- 10238717 7.
- 13738717 6.
- 13228717 5.
- 13231717 4.
- 13238917 3.
- 13238747 2.
- none 1.
- sum of first 8825809 digits of Kolakoski sequence
- A054353[8825809]
- Kolakoski sequence partial sum primes 5, 7, 19, 23, 29, 37, 41, 43, 47, 59, 61, 71, 73...
- brussels choice
- halve or double any substring in base 10
- 13238717
- +13138717
- +1369717
- +1369734
- +1369768
- +1184888
- +192888
- +96448
- +48224
- +24112
- +2416
- +248
- +124
- +112
- +16
- =32036129
- first occurance in pi 50298881st digit
- collatz 3n+1
- total stopping time 148
- highest number reached 241548136
- kp likely can't be compressed by symbolic notation when using only 0-9 * + - ^
- Shortest found notations 10 characters when superscript indicator '^' doesn't count as a symbol.
- 34*624^2-67
- 29*77^3-740
- 808*4^7+445
- 404*8^5+445
- 202*4^8+445
- 3639^2-3604
- 3638^2+3673 # both prime
- 3634^2+8^5-7
- 17*92^3+1021
- 808*4^7+89*5
- 2^17*101+5*89
- 113*7^6-927*60
- Primes when kp is the base in a*b^n+c:
- twin prime 5*13238717^4-6 --- 5*13238717^4-4
- 13238717^3083+4688
- 13238717^3083+66716 #Largest known kp base prime
- Checked up to n=1536
- | 3 | 1*13238717^n+-2 | 12, 26, 144 |
- Checked up to n=4788
- | 5 | 9*13238717^n+2 | 2,6,54,67,1947
- | 5 | 9*13238717^n-2 | 1,62,136,1082,1088
- Checked up to n=1000
- | 5 | 4*13238717^n+-57 | 2, 5, 6, 12, 168 |
- | 5 | 7*13238717^n+-36 | 4, 34, 38, 52, 210 |
- | 3 | 2*13238717^n+-1 | 4, 42, 642 |
- Checked up to n=7032
- | 5 | 1*13238717^n+-24 | 91, 189, 383, 449, 941 |
- | 4 | 7*13238717^n+-6 | 2, 10, 290, 516 |
- | 3 | 1*13238717^n+-6 | 2, 14, 42 |
- Checked up to n=7580
- | 5 | 1*13238717^b+-90 | 1, 2, 10, 148, 873 |
- | 6 | 1*13238717^b+90 | 1, 5, 8, 116, 2009, 2234 |
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