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- var bolank = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value;
- document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = 49.5;
- document.getElementById('pct_payout').value = 2;
- //-------divide balance by 10000 to nearest 1 --------;
- var patrick = 0.000001;
- //-------divide end---------;
- var snow = patrick;
- var jim = (patrick*3);
- var ruth = (patrick*10);
- var shipt = 5000;
- var shallow = false;
- var quad = false;
- var happy = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var grrr = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var wild = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var olderest = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var lol = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var emy = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var emily = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var sulin = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var james = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var daddy;
- parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_bet').value = patrick);
- parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_profit').value = patrick);
- function ZZZZ(mini, maxi) {
- mini = Math.ceil(mini);
- maxi = Math.floor(maxi);
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxi - mini + 1)) + mini;
- }
- function funk(){
- console.clear();
- var kind = (document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- happy = (document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var kit = (document.getElementById('pct_bet').value);
- document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = 49.5;
- document.getElementById('pct_payout').value = 2;
- if (daddy==null) {
- daddy = kit;
- }
- if (kind>=(emily+(snow*7))){
- snow = (kit*2);
- jim = (kit*9);
- shallow = true;
- daddy = (kit*2);
- emily = parseFloat(happy);
- }
- if ((kind<=(emily-(jim)))&&(shallow==false)){
- snow = (kit*2);
- jim = (kit*9);
- ruth = 0;
- emily = parseFloat(happy);
- daddy = (kit*2);
- }
- if ((kind<=(emily-(jim)))&&(shallow==true)){
- snow = (kit*2);
- jim = (kit*9);
- quad = true;
- shallow = false;
- emily = parseFloat(happy);
- daddy = (kit*2);
- ruth = (patrick*10);
- }
- if ((happy>=(james+ruth))&&(kind+(emily+(snow+7)<(james+ruth)))){
- daddy = patrick;
- snow = patrick;
- jim = (patrick*3);
- shallow = false;
- quad = false;
- emily = (james+ruth);
- james = (james+ruth);
- }
- if ((happy>=(james+ruth))&&(kind+(emily+(snow+7)>=(james+ruth)))){
- snow = (kit*2);
- jim = (kit*9);
- shallow = true;
- daddy = (kit*2);
- emily = parseFloat(happy);
- }
- if (happy>=shipt) {
- return;
- }
- if (happy>wild) {
- wild = parseFloat(happy);
- }
- if (happy<grrr) {
- grrr = parseFloat(happy);
- }
- var freak = ((happy-olderest).toFixed(8));
- console.log("balance made");
- console.log(freak);
- console.log("biggest balance");
- console.log(parseFloat(wild));
- console.log("lowest balance");
- console.log(parseFloat(grrr));
- document.getElementById('pct_bet').value = daddy;
- document.getElementById('pct_profit').value = daddy;
- document.getElementById('a_hi').click();
- }
- setInterval(() =>funk(), (ZZZZ(800,1000)));
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