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- --// init
- type userdata = {}
- type _function = (...any) -> (...any)
- local Metatable = {
- --[[
- A list of metamethod emulators used to call individual
- metamethods efficiently.
- ]]
- metamethods = {
- __index = function(self, key)
- return self[key]
- end,
- __newindex = function(self, key, value)
- self[key] = value
- end,
- __call = function(self, ...)
- return self(...)
- end,
- __concat = function(self, b)
- return self..b
- end,
- __add = function(self, b)
- return self + b
- end,
- __sub = function(self, b)
- return self - b
- end,
- __mul = function(self, b)
- return self * b
- end,
- __div = function(self, b)
- return self / b
- end,
- __idiv = function(self, b)
- return self // b
- end,
- __mod = function(self, b)
- return self % b
- end,
- __pow = function(self, b)
- return self ^ b
- end,
- __tostring = function(self)
- return tostring(self)
- end,
- __eq = function(self, b)
- return self == b
- end,
- __lt = function(self, b)
- return self < b
- end,
- __le = function(self, b)
- return self <= b
- end,
- __len = function(self)
- return #self
- end,
- __iter = function(self)
- return next, self
- end,
- __namecall = function(self, ...)
- return self:_(...)
- end,
- __metatable = function(self)
- return getmetatable(self)
- end,
- }
- }
- --// methods
- --[[
- Interceptive hook.
- Hooks `obj`'s metamethod `metamethod`
- ]]
- function Metatable.get_L_closure(metamethod: string, obj: {any} | userdata)
- local hooked
- local metamethod_emulator = Metatable.metamethods[metamethod]
- xpcall(function()
- metamethod_emulator(obj)
- end, function()
- hooked =, "f")
- end)
- return hooked
- end
- --[[
- Interceptive hook.
- Attempts to scan for all available metamethods
- ]]
- function Metatable.get_all_L_closures(obj: {any} | userdata)
- local metamethods = {}
- local innacurate = {}
- for method, _ in Metatable.metamethods do
- local metamethod, accurate = Metatable.get_L_closure(method, obj)
- metamethods[method] = metamethod
- end
- return metamethods
- end
- --[[
- Non-recursive hook.
- Calls `f` when a metamethod of `t` gets fired
- ]]
- function Metatable.metahook(t: any, f: _function)
- local metahook = {
- __metatable = getmetatable(t) or "The metatable is locked"
- }
- for metamethod, value in Metatable.metamethods do
- metahook[metamethod] = function(self, ...)
- f()
- return Metatable.metahook({}, f)
- end
- end
- return setmetatable({}, metahook)
- end
- --// Localization
- local setmetatable = setmetatable
- local pcall = pcall
- local table = table.clone(table)
- local debug = debug
- local string = string
- local setfenv = setfenv
- local getfenv = getfenv
- local SelectedNum = 2147483647 ^ 2
- local SelectedStuff = {}
- table.rawlength = function(t)
- local r = 0
- for _, _ in next, t do
- r = r + 1
- end
- return r
- end
- table.concat = function(t, sep)
- sep = sep or ''
- local result = ''
- local count = 1
- local length = table.rawlength(t)
- for _, v in next, t do
- result = result .. tostring(v)
- if count ~= length then
- result = result .. sep
- end
- count = count + 1
- end
- return result
- end
- local luaGlobals = {
- 'assert',
- 'collectgarbage',
- 'dofile',
- 'error',
- 'getfenv',
- 'getmetatable',
- 'ipairs',
- 'load',
- 'loadfile',
- 'next',
- 'pairs',
- 'pcall',
- 'print',
- 'rawequal',
- 'rawget',
- 'rawset',
- 'require',
- 'select',
- 'setfenv',
- 'setmetatable',
- 'tonumber',
- 'tostring',
- 'type',
- 'unpack',
- }
- local stack = {}
- --// Init
- local function get_param_num(f)
- return, "a")
- end
- local function merge_t(a, b)
- local r = {}
- for i, v in a do r[i] = v end
- for i, v in b do r[i] = v end
- return r
- end
- local lens = {}
- local removed = {}
- --// Sandbox
- local function Sandbox(f: (...any) -> (...any), upvalues: {any}?, constants: {string}?, protos: {(...any) -> (...any)}?, i: number?, params)
- upvalues = upvalues or {}
- constants = constants or {}
- protos = protos or {}
- params = params or {}
- i = i or 1
- local root = {
- root = true,
- children = {},
- stack = {},
- params = {},
- constants = constants,
- upvalues = upvalues,
- protos = protos,
- pc = 0,
- function_info = {, "na")},
- f = f,
- i = i
- }
- local id_i = 0
- local last_func
- local function wrap(parent: {pc: number?, children: {any}, arguments: {any?}?})
- local hooks = {}
- local t = {}
- for metamethod in Metatable.metamethods do
- local SelectedNum2 = math.random(2 ^ 16, 2 ^ 24)
- hooks[metamethod] = function(_, ...)
- root.pc += 1
- local pc = root.pc
- local stack = root.stack
- local self = {pc = pc, children = {}, parent = parent, arguments = {...}, metamethod = metamethod}
- SelectedStuff[SelectedNum2] = SelectedNum2 * SelectedNum * pc
- parent.children[pc] = self
- if metamethod == "__len" then
- return SelectedNum2 * SelectedNum * pc
- end
- return wrap(self)
- end
- end
- hooks.__tostring = function(self)
- return tostring(self)
- end
- if root.pc ~= 0 then
- root.stack[t] = root.pc
- else
- root.stack[t] = id_i
- root.params[t] = id_i
- id_i += 1
- end
- return setmetatable(t, hooks)
- end
- local env = wrap(root)
- local param_num, vararg = get_param_num(f)
- for i = 1, param_num do
- local arg = wrap(root)
- table.insert(params, arg)
- root.params[arg] = root.i
- root.i += 1
- end
- if vararg then
- local vararg = wrap(root)
- table.insert(params, vararg)
- root.params[vararg] = "..."
- end
- local original_env = getfenv(f)
- local return_value = {pcall(setfenv(f, env), unpack(params))}
- setfenv(f, original_env)
- root.return_value = table.move(return_value, 2, #return_value, 1, {})
- root.success = return_value[1]
- return root
- end
- local function Clean(a) -- Remove spaces or illegal charcters from the text
- return a:match("%w+")
- end
- function GetFullName(instance)
- if instance == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer then return 'game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer' end
- local p = instance
- local lo = {}
- while (p ~= game and p.Parent ~= nil) do
- table.insert(lo, p)
- p = p.Parent
- end
- local fullName
- if #lo == 0 then
- return "nil --[[ PARENTED TO NIL OR DESTROYED ]]"
- end
- if lo[#lo].ClassName ~= "Workspace" then
- fullName = 'game:GetService("' .. lo[#lo].ClassName .. '")'
- else
- fullName = "workspace"
- end
- for i = #lo - 1, 1, -1 do
- if lo[i] then
- fullName = fullName .. ':FindFirstChild("' .. lo[i].Name .. '")'
- end
- end
- return fullName:gsub(":FindFirstChild%(." .. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name .. '.%)', '.LocalPlayer')
- end
- local function handle(a) -- Formats a if it's a roblox datatype
- local types = {
- Color3 = function()
- return `Color3.fromRGB({math.floor(a.R*255)}, {math.floor(a.G*255)}, {math.floor(a.B*255)})`
- end,
- Vector2 = function()
- return a == and '' or a == and '' or `{a.X}, {a.Y})`
- end,
- Vector3 = function()
- return a == and '' or a == and '' or `{a.X}, {a.Y}, {a.Z})`
- end,
- UDim = function()
- return `{a.Scale}, {a.Offset})`
- end,
- UDim2 = function()
- return string.format('{%d, %d}, {%d, %d})', a.X.Scale, a.X.Offset, a.Y.Scale, a.Y.Offset)
- end,
- EnumItem = function()
- return tostring(a)
- end,
- Enum = function() return tostring(a) end,
- Font = function() return `{a.Family}, {a.Weight}, {a.Style})` end,
- CFrame = function() local components = {a:GetComponents()} return string.format("", table.concat(components, ", ")) end,
- BrickColor = function() return `"{tostring(a)}")` end,
- boolean = function() return tostring(a) end,
- string = function() return `"{a}"` end,
- number = function() return tostring(a) end,
- ['nil'] = function() return 'nil' end,
- ['buffer'] = function()
- local FullString = `buffer.create({buffer.len(a)})`
- return FullString
- end,
- ['Instance'] = function()
- return GetFullName(a)
- end
- }
- if types[typeof(a)] then
- return types[typeof(a)]()
- else
- return `{typeof(a)}.new({tostring(a)})`
- end
- end
- local libs = {string=string, coroutine=coroutine, buffer=buffer, os=os, task=task, utf8=utf8, math=math, table=table, bit32=bit32, debug=debug}
- local quickaccess = {}
- function equals(tbl, tbl2) -- Shallow equals for tree.return_value
- if type(tbl) ~= 'table' or type(tbl2) ~= 'table' then return tbl == tbl2 end
- for i, v in next, tbl do
- if tbl2[i] ~= v then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- --// Disassembler
- local function Disassemble(tree: {any}, tabs: number?)
- tabs = tabs or 1
- local tab_formatting = (" "):rep(tabs)
- local stack = tree.stack
- local params = tree.params
- local upvalues = tree.upvalues
- local final_pc = tree.pc
- local success = tree.success
- local function_info = tree.function_info
- local i = tree.i
- local stack_offset do
- stack_offset = (final_pc > 0 and 1) or 0
- end
- local disassembly = {}
- local constants = {}
- local protos = {}
- local pc = 0
- local function format(value, tabs)
- tabs = tabs or 1
- local type = type(value)
- local s_index = stack[value]
- local p_index = params[value]
- local uv_index = upvalues[value]
- if p_index then
- if p_index ~= "..." then
- return ("_p%d"):format(tonumber(p_index) or 0)
- end
- return p_index
- elseif s_index and tonumber(s_index) then
- return ("v%d"):format(tonumber(s_index))
- elseif uv_index then
- if not upvalues[value] then
- disassembly[1] = ("local _uv_%s = v%d[%s]\n"):format(uv_index, uv_index)..(disassembly[1] or "")
- else
- return ("_p%s"):format(uv_index)
- end
- return ("_uv_%d"):format(uv_index)
- elseif not p_index and not s_index and not uv_index and type == 'number' then
- return tostring(value)
- end
- if type == "string" then
- local s = ""
- for _, char in {value:byte(1, -1)} do
- if char > 126 or char < 32 then
- s ..= "\\"..char
- else
- s ..= string.char(char)
- end
- end
- table.insert(constants, value)
- return ('"%s"'):format(s)
- elseif type == "table" then
- local t = ""
- local mt = getmetatable(value)
- local count = 0
- local total = 0
- local a = ' '
- local tabf = a:rep(tabs)
- for _, _ in next, value do
- total = total + 1
- end
- for i, v in next, value do
- count = count + 1
- local betterI = typeof(i) == 'number' and tostring(i) or string.format('"%s"', tostring(i))
- local betterV = typeof(v) == 'number' and tostring(v) or format(v)
- t ..= ("\n%s[%s] = %s%s"):format(a:rep(tabs + 2) .. ' ', betterI, betterV, count < total and ',' or '')
- end
- t = ("{%s%s%s%s}"):format(tabf, t, count > 0 and '\n' or '', a:rep(tabs + 1))
- if typeof(mt) == 'table' then
- local methods = '{'
- for MethodIndex, _ in Metatable.metamethods do
- local rg = rawget(mt, MethodIndex)
- if rg then
- methods ..= ('\n%s%s = %s;'):format(a:rep(tabs + 5), MethodIndex, format(rg, tabs + 5))
- end
- end
- methods = #methods > 1 and methods .. '\n' .. a:rep(tabs + 4) .. '}\n' .. a:rep(tabs + 1) or '{}'
- t = ('setmetatable(%s, %s)'):format(t, methods)
- end
- return t
- elseif type == "function" then
- if not table.find(protos, value) and value ~= tree.f then
- table.insert(protos, value)
- local paramcount, isvrg =, 'a')
- local pars = ''
- if isvrg then
- pars = '...'
- else
- for i = 1, paramcount do
- pars = pars .. '_p' .. tostring(i)
- if i ~= paramcount then
- pars = pars .. ', '
- end
- end
- end
- local sandbox = Sandbox(value, merge_t(table.clone(params), upvalues), constants, protos, i)
- local _disassembly = Disassemble(sandbox, tabs + 1)
- if sandbox.function_info[1] == "" then
- return ("function(%s) %s\n%send"):format(pars, _disassembly, (' '):rep(tabs))
- else
- disassembly[pc + 1] = ("%slocal function %s(%s) %s\n%send\n"):format(
- (' '):rep(tabs),
- sandbox.function_info[1],
- pars,
- _disassembly,
- (' '):rep(tabs)
- )..(disassembly[pc] or "")
- pc += 1 + stack_offset
- return sandbox.function_info[1]
- end
- elseif value == tree.f then
- local func_name =, "n")
- if func_name == "" then
- return "__func__"
- else
- return func_name
- end
- else
- return ("function() --[[ Unknown proto ]] end")
- end
- end
- local val = handle(value)
- return val
- end
- local function format_tuple(...)
- local t = {}
- local last = 0
- for i, index in {...} do
- if i - last > 1 then
- local void_size = i - last - 1
- table.move(table.create(void_size, "nil"), i, void_size, 1, t)
- end
- table.insert(t, format(index))
- last = i
- end
- return table.concat(t, ", ")
- end
- local function parse(branch, parent)
- tab_formatting = (" "):rep(math.round(tabs / 2))
- if math.random(0, 2) == 0 then task.wait() end -- prevent script timeout while maintaining performance
- pc = branch.pc
- local metamethod = branch.metamethod
- local args = branch.arguments
- local parent_pc = (parent and parent.pc) or 0
- local a, b = args[1], args[2]
- a = a or '(???)'
- local global = parent == nil
- local argCount, isv =, 'a')
- argCount = isv and math.huge or argCount
- local push = ("-- unsupported method '%s'"):format(metamethod)
- local adjusted_pc = (pc - 1) % argCount + 1
- if metamethod == "__index" then
- if global then
- push = ("%slocal v%d = %s"):format(tab_formatting, pc, a)
- table.insert(constants, a)
- stack[pc] = a
- else
- local fixed
- if quickaccess[a] then a = quickaccess[a] fixed = true end
- local bq
- for libname, lib in next, libs do
- for funcname, v in lib do
- if funcname == a then
- bq = `{libname}.{funcname}`
- fixed = true
- end
- end
- end
- if not fixed then
- push = ("%slocal v%d = %s%s"):format(tab_formatting, pc, 'v' .. tostring(parent_pc), Clean(a) == a and '.' .. a or string.format("[%s]", tostring(format(a))))
- else
- push = ("%slocal v%d = %s"):format(tab_formatting, pc, bq)
- end
- table.insert(constants, a)
- stack[pc] = not fixed and (Clean(a) == a and '.' .. a or string.format("[%s]", tostring(format(a)))) or bq
- if fixed and not quickaccess[a] then
- quickaccess[a] = 'v' .. tostring(pc)
- end
- end
- elseif metamethod == "__newindex" then
- if global then
- push = ("%slocal v%d = %s"):format(tab_formatting, pc, format(b))
- table.insert(constants, a)
- stack[pc] = format(b)
- else
- push = ("%slocal v%d[%s] = %s"):format(tab_formatting, parent_pc, format(a), format(b))
- table.insert(constants, a)
- stack[pc] = format(b)
- end
- elseif metamethod == "__call" then
- local namecall_info = ""
- local namecall_stack = stack[args[1] or -1]
- local is_namecall = namecall_stack == parent_pc - 1
- if is_namecall and (parent and parent.parent and parent.parent.arguments) then
- local a = parent.parent.arguments[1] or "(???)"
- local b = parent.arguments[1] or "(???)"
- pcall(function()
- namecall_info = ("-- %s.%s(%s)"):format(a, b, format_tuple(unpack(args)))
- end)
- end
- local tpl = format_tuple(unpack(args))
- local rgs = tpl:split(',')
- local result = ''
- for ff, arg in rgs do
- local arg2 = arg:gsub(' ', '')
- if arg2:sub(1, 2) == '_p' and arg2:sub(3, #arg):match("%d+") == arg2:sub(3, #arg) then
- local index = tonumber(arg2:sub(3, #arg))
- local nIndex = index
- if argCount < index then
- nIndex = (index - 1) % argCount + 1
- end
- arg2 = arg2:gsub(index, nIndex)
- end
- result = result .. arg2
- if ff < #rgs then
- result = result .. ', '
- end
- end
- local fixedString = ''
- local func = stack[parent_pc]
- if result:split(', ')[1]:sub(1, 2) == '_p' then
- if not table.find(luaGlobals, func) then
- fixedString = (parent_pc > 0 and 'v' or '_p') .. tostring(parent_pc - 1) .. ':' .. func .. '(' .. result:gsub(result:split(', ')[1] .. ', ', '') .. ')'
- end
- end
- for idx = 1, #result:split(', ') do
- if not table.find(constants, result:split(', ')[idx]) then
- table.insert(constants, result:split(', ')[idx])
- end
- end
- if fixedString ~= '' then
- push = ("%slocal v%d = %s %s"):format(tab_formatting, pc, fixedString, namecall_info)
- else
- push = ("%slocal v%d = %s(%s) %s"):format(tab_formatting, pc, quickaccess[a] or parent_pc > 0 and 'v' .. tostring(parent_pc) or '_p' .. tostring(adjusted_pc), result, namecall_info)
- end
- else
- local only_self = {
- __len = "#",
- __unm = "-",
- __tostring = "tostring"
- }
- local math = {
- __add = "+",
- __sub = "-",
- __mul = "*",
- __div = "/",
- __idiv = "//",
- __pow = "^",
- __eq = "==",
- __lt = "<",
- __le = "<=",
- __mod = "%",
- __concat = '..'
- }
- local self_index, math_index = only_self[metamethod], math[metamethod]
- if self_index then
- if self_index ~= 'tostring' then
- local thing = self_index
- if parent_pc > 0 then
- thing = thing .. 'v'.. tostring(parent_pc)
- else
- thing = thing .. '_p'.. tostring(adjusted_pc)
- end
- push = ("%slocal v%d = %s"):format(
- tab_formatting,
- pc,
- lens['v' .. tostring(parent_pc)] or thing
- )
- table.insert(constants, 'v' .. tostring(pc))
- else
- push = ("%slocal v%d = %s"):format(
- tab_formatting,
- pc,
- parent_pc > 0 and 'v' .. tostring(parent_pc)
- )
- end
- elseif math_index then
- push = ("%slocal v%d = v%d %s %s"):format(tab_formatting, pc, parent_pc, math_index, format(a))
- end
- end
- disassembly[pc + stack_offset] = push
- for _, child in next, branch.children do
- parse(child, branch)
- end
- end
- for _, child in next, tree.children do
- parse(child)
- end
- if success then
- local return_value = tree.return_value
- if final_pc > 0 then
- table.insert(disassembly, "")
- end
- if #return_value > 0 then
- table.insert(disassembly, ("%sreturn %s;"):format((' '):rep(math.round(tabs / 2)), format_tuple(unpack(return_value))))
- else
- table.insert(disassembly, (' '):rep(math.round(tabs / 2)) .. "return nil; --[[ No return value found ]]")
- end
- end
- local header = (' '):rep(tabs + 1) .. "-- %s, %d%s params, %d constants, %d protos\n\n"
- header = header:format(
- (function_info[1] == "" and "anonymous") or ('%s'):format(function_info[1]),
- function_info[2],
- (function_info[3] and "+") or "",
- #constants,
- #protos
- )
- disassembly = header..table.concat(disassembly, "\n"..tab_formatting)
- return ((not success and ("%s-- An error occured while decompiling (@pc %d)\n"):format(tab_formatting, final_pc)) or "")..disassembly, constants, protos, success
- end
- return Sandbox, Disassemble
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