
Only Needs Wine

Feb 20th, 2023
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  1. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘You say that all those men that have
  2. fallen in battle since the beginning of the world have now come to
  3. Odin in Val-hall. What has he got to offer them for food? I should
  4. have thought that there must be a pretty large number there.’
  6. Then High replied: ‘It is true what you say, there is a pretty
  7. large number there, and many more have yet to arrive, and yet
  8. there will seem too few when the wolf comes. But there will never
  9. be such a large number in Val-hall that the meat of the boar called
  10. Saehrimnir will not be sufficient for them. It is cooked each day
  11. and whole again by evening. But this question that you are now
  12. asking, it seems to me very likely that there can be few so wise as to
  13. be able to give the correct answer to it. The cook is called
  14. Andhrimnir and the pot Eldhrimnir. Thus it says here:
  16. Andhrimnir has Sæhrimnir cooked in Eldhrimnir, best of
  17. meats. But there are few that know on what the Einheriar
  18. feed.
  20. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘Does Odin have the same fare as the
  21. Einheriar?’
  23. High said: ‘The food that stands on his table he gives to two
  24. wolves of his called Geri and Freki. He himself needs no food:
  25. wine is for him both drink and meat. Thus it says here:
  27. Geri and Freki the battle-accustomed father of hosts feeds,
  28. but on wine alone splendidly weaponed Odin ever lives.
  30. Two ravens sit on his shoulders and speak into his ear all the news
  31. they see or hear. Their names are Hugin and Munin. He sends
  32. them out at dawn to fly over all the world, and they return at
  33. dinner-time. As a result he gets to find out about many events.
  36. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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