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- ; ===========================================================================
- ; Boss for GHZ.
- ; Version 2.3
- ; By TheBlad768 (2016).
- ; ===========================================================================
- ; Universal object variables
- obRender: equ 1 ; .b
- obGfx: equ 2 ; .w
- obMap: equ 4 ; .l
- obX: equ 8 ; .w.l
- obScreenY: equ $A ; .w
- obY: equ $C ; .w.l
- obVelX: equ $10 ; .w
- obVelY: equ $12 ; .w
- obInertia: equ $14 ; .w
- obHeight: equ $16 ; .b
- obWidth: equ $17 ; .b
- obPriority: equ $18 ; .b
- obActWid: equ $19 ; .b
- obFrame: equ $1A ; .b
- obAnim: equ $1C ; .b
- obColType: equ $20 ; .b
- obColProp: equ $21 ; .b
- obStatus: equ $22 ; .b
- obRoutine: equ $24 ; .b
- ob2ndRout: equ $25 ; .b
- obAngle: equ $26 ; .b.w
- obSubtype: equ $28 ; .b.w
- ; Dynamic object variables
- ;obNull equ $2A ; .w
- ;obNull equ $2C ; .w
- ;obNull equ $2E ; .w
- obXNext: equ $30 ; .w
- ;obNull equ $32 ; .w
- obParent: equ $34 ; .w
- ;obNull equ $36 ; .w
- obYNext: equ $38 ; .w
- ;obNull equ $3A ; .w
- obTimer: equ $3C ; .w
- obFlash: equ $3E ; .b
- ;obNull equ $3F ; .b
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossGreenHill:
- lea BossGreenHill_Index(pc),a1
- bra.w ObjectsRoutine
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Index:
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Init
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikShip_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_ShipMain
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace_Index
- offsetEntry.w ObjBossGreenHill_RobotnikFace
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_Index
- offsetEntry.w ObjBossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass_Index
- offsetEntry.w ObjBossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass
- BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing
- BossGreenHill_ChaseBall_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall
- BossGreenHill_EggmanLives_Index
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives
- BossGreenHill_Targetting_Sensor_Index
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikShipCrane_Index
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_ShipCrane
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikRun_Index
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_Run
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Init:
- addq.b #2,obRoutine(a0)
- lea ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_Robotnik(pc),a1
- bsr.w LoadObjects_Data
- move.w obX(a0),obXNext(a0)
- move.w obY(a0),obYNext(a0)
- move.b #$18,obHeight(a0)
- move.b #16,obColProp(a0)
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikGlassFaceAndFlame(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- BossGreenHill_Hud:
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikHud(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- bne.s @2
- move.b #2,obFrame(a1)
- locVRAM $D120,$2A(a1)
- @2 rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossGreenHill_ShipMain:
- jsr (BossMove).l
- cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_EndSecond_ShipIndex-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a0)
- bcc.s @1
- cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_Simples_Fall-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a0)
- beq.s @1
- move.b obAngle(a0),d0
- addq.b #2,obAngle(a0)
- jsr (CalcSine).l
- asr.w #6,d0
- add.w obYNext(a0),d0
- move.w d0,obY(a0)
- move.w obXNext(a0),obX(a0)
- @1 lea BossGreenHill_ShipIndex(pc),a1
- bsr.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- bsr.w BossGreenHill_Hurt
- bra.w BossGreenHill_Display2
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_ShipIndex:
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_LeftRight
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_Move
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_LeftRight
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_Create
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Move_Jump
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Move_Locret
- BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_Simples_Fall
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Move_Simples_Fall
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_Move_Simples_Jump
- BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_RevengeMode
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Start
- BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_RevengeMode_Move
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Move
- BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_RevengeMode_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_LeftRight
- BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_RevengeMode_CheckReturn
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_CheckReturn
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Return
- BossGreenHill_EndFirst_ShipIndex
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_EndFirst
- BossGreenHill_EndSecond_ShipIndex
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_EndSecond
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_EndSecond_Fall
- BossGreenHill_EndThird_ShipIndex
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_EndThird
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_LeftRight:
- move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- move.w #-$200,obVelX(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- addi.w #$1A0,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- bge.s @3
- bra.s @2
- @1 subi.w #$60,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- ble.s @3
- @2 addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0
- addi.w #$26,d0
- move.w d0,obYNext(a0)
- move.w #$300,obTimer(a0)
- bchg #0,obStatus(a0)
- @3 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_Move:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bne.s @1
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- @1 move.w (v_framecount).w,d0
- andi.w #$1F,d0
- bne.s BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_FindSonic
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikRingFall(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- bne.s BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_FindSonic
- move.w #-$400,obVelY(a1)
- jsr (RandomNumber).l
- andi.w #$FF,d0
- move.w d0,obVelX(a1)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_FindSonic
- neg.w obVelX(a1)
- BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_FindSonic:
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- addi.w #$10,d2
- cmpi.w #$40,d2
- bcs.s @3
- move.w #$100,d1
- tst.w d0
- bne.s @2
- neg.w d1
- @2 move.w d1,obVelX(a0)
- @3 bra.w Change_FlipXWithVelocity
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SpikeBall_XPos:
- dc.w 0
- dc.w $10
- dc.w $20
- dc.w $30
- dc.w $40
- dc.w $50
- dc.w $60
- dc.w $70
- dc.w $80
- SpikeBall_XPos_End
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_Create:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$288,obTimer(a0)
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikCircularRing(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject2
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0
- addi.w #$50,d0
- move.w d0,obYNext(a0)
- BossGreenHill_Move_Jump:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- beq.s BossGreenHill_Move_Simples_Jump_Next
- move.w (v_framecount).w,d0
- andi.w #$F,d0
- bne.s @2
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikRingFall(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- bne.s @2
- move.w #-$500,obVelY(a1)
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b $2A(a0),d0
- move.w SpikeBall_XPos(pc,d0.w),obVelX(a1)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @4
- neg.w obVelX(a1)
- @4 addq.b #2,$2A(a0)
- cmpi.b #(SpikeBall_XPos_End-SpikeBall_XPos),$2A(a0)
- bne.s @2
- move.b #0,$2A(a0)
- @2 move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- move.w #-$200,obVelX(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @5
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- addi.w #$1A0,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- bge.s @7
- bra.s @6
- @5 subi.w #$60,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- ble.s @7
- @6 bchg #0,obStatus(a0)
- @7 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Move_Simples_Jump_Next:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.w obVelX(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Move_Simples_Fall:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bmi.s BossGreenHill_Move_Simples_Jump_Return
- move.w (v_framecount).w,d0
- andi.w #$1F,d0
- bne.s @1
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikRingFall(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- bne.s @1
- move.w #-$500,obVelY(a1)
- @1 jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.w obVelY(a0)
- bmi.s BossGreenHill_Move_Locret
- jsr (ObjHitFloor).l
- tst.w d1
- bpl.s BossGreenHill_Move_Locret
- add.w d1,obY(a0)
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.l obVelX(a0)
- move.w #$10,(Screen_Shaking_Flag).w
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBD,d0
- else
- moveq #4,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Move_Simples_Jump_Return:
- move.b #(BossGreenHill_ShipIndex-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.w obVelY(a0)
- BossGreenHill_Move_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Move_Simples_Jump:
- subq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #-$750,obVelY(a0)
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- addi.w #$10,d2
- cmpi.w #$20,d2
- bcs.s @2
- move.w #$200,d1
- tst.w d0
- bne.s @1
- neg.w d1
- @1 move.w d1,obVelX(a0)
- @2 bra.w Change_FlipXWithVelocity
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Start:
- jsr (BossDefeated).l
- move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- move.w #-$200,obVelX(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- addi.w #$260,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- bge.s @3
- bra.s @2
- @1 subi.w #$120,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- ble.s @3
- @2 addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBall(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikShipCrane(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject5
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0
- addi.w #$26,d0
- move.w d0,$38(a0)
- bchg #0,obStatus(a0)
- @3 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Move:
- move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- move.w #-$200,obVelX(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- addi.w #$A0,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- bge.s @3
- bra.s @2
- @1 addi.w #$A0,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- ble.s @3
- @2 movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a1)
- clr.w obVelX(a0)
- @3 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_LeftRight:
- move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- move.w #-$200,obVelX(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- addi.w #$1A0,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- bge.s BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Wait
- bra.s @2
- @1 subi.w #$60,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- ble.s BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Wait
- @2 addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.w obVelX(a0)
- bchg #0,obStatus(a0)
- BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Wait:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_CheckReturn:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- tst.w obParent(a1)
- bne.s BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Wait
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0
- addi.w #$30,d0
- move.w d0,$38(a0)
- bsr.w BossGreenHill_Hud
- BossGreenHill_RevengeMode_Return:
- move.w (v_framecount).w,d0
- andi.w #$1F,d0
- bne.s @0
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallClone(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- bne.s @0
- move.w #-$400,obVelY(a1)
- @0 move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- move.w #-$200,obVelX(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- addi.w #$1A0,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- bge.s @3
- bra.s @2
- @1 subi.w #$60,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- ble.s @3
- @2 bchg #0,obStatus(a0)
- @3 rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossGreenHill_Hurt:
- cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_EndFirst_ShipIndex-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a0)
- bcc.w BossGreenHill_Locret
- tst.b obColType(a0)
- bne.s BossGreenHill_Locret
- move.b obColProp(a0),d0
- beq.w BossGreenHill_ShipGone
- tst.b obFlash(a0)
- bne.s BossGreenHill_ShipFlash
- move.b #$40,obFlash(a0)
- cmpi.b #8,d0
- bne.s @1
- if Snd_Driver_Version=1
- addq.b #2,(v_dle_routine).w
- endif
- move.b #(BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_RevengeMode-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.b #$E0,obFlash(a0)
- clr.w obVelY(a0)
- bchg #4,obStatus(a0)
- @1 if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFAC,d0
- else
- moveq #10,d0
- endif
- jsr (PlaySound_Special).l
- bsr.w Load_SimpleRing
- BossGreenHill_ShipFlash:
- moveq #0,d0
- btst #0,obFlash(a0)
- bne.s @3
- addi.w #$A,d0
- @3 lea LoadBossGreenHill_PalRAM(pc),a1
- lea LoadBossGreenHill_PalCycle(pc,d0.w),a2
- rept 5
- movea.w (a1)+,a3
- move.w (a2)+,(a3)+
- endr
- subq.b #1,obFlash(a0)
- bne.s BossGreenHill_Locret
- move.b #$F,obColType(a0)
- BossGreenHill_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadBossGreenHill_PalRAM:
- dc.w $FB34
- dc.w $FB36
- dc.w $FB38
- dc.w $FB3A
- dc.w $FB3C
- LoadBossGreenHill_PalCycle:
- dc.w $ECC
- dc.w $CAA
- dc.w $A88
- dc.w $866
- dc.w $644
- dc.w $E
- dc.w $C
- dc.w $A
- dc.w 8
- dc.w 6
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_ShipGone:
- move.b #(BossGreenHill_EndFirst_ShipIndex-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.b #$AE,obTimer(a0)
- bchg #4,obStatus(a0)
- clr.w obVelX(a0)
- clr.b (f_timecount).w
- moveq #100,d0
- jmp (AddPoints).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_EndFirst:
- jsr (BossDefeated).l
- subq.b #1,obTimer(a0)
- bne.s @1
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- bclr #7,obStatus(a0)
- tst.b (v_bossstatus).w
- bne.s @1
- move.b #1,(v_bossstatus).w
- @1 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_EndSecond:
- jsr (BossDefeated).l
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.w obVelY(a0)
- bmi.s BossGreenHill_End_Locret
- jsr (ObjHitFloor).l
- tst.w d1
- bpl.s BossGreenHill_End_Locret
- add.w d1,obY(a0)
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$10,(Screen_Shaking_Flag).w
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBD,d0
- else
- moveq #4,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_EndSecond_Fall:
- subq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w obVelY(a0),d0
- asr.w d0
- neg.w d0
- move.w d0,obVelY(a0)
- cmpi.w #-$480,obVelY(a0)
- blo.s BossGreenHill_End_Locret
- addq.b #4,ob2ndRout(a0)
- st (Screen_Shaking_Flag).w
- BossGreenHill_End_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_EndThird:
- jsr (BossDefeated).l
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.b obRender(a0)
- bmi.s BossGreenHill_End_Locret
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikRun(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- jmp (DeleteObject).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- ObjBossGreenHill_RobotnikFace:
- lea BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace_ShipIndex(pc),a1
- bra.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace_ShipIndex:
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace_Init
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace_Main
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace_Init:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace(pc),a1
- bra.w LoadObjects_ExtraData
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace_Main:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- moveq #1,d0
- tst.w obVelX(a1)
- beq.s @1
- cmpi.b #4,(v_player+obRoutine).w
- bcs.s @2
- @1 moveq #4,d0
- @2 tst.b obColType(a1)
- bne.s @3
- moveq #5,d0
- @3 cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_EndFirst_ShipIndex-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a1)
- bmi.s @4
- moveq #$A,d0
- @4 cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_EndThird_ShipIndex-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a1)
- bne.s @5
- moveq #$A,d0
- tst.b obRender(a0)
- bpl.w BossGreenHill_Del
- @5 move.b d0,obAnim(a0)
- bra.s BossGreenHill_Display
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- ObjBossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame:
- lea BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_ShipIndex(pc),a1
- bra.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_ShipIndex:
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_Init
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_Main
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_Init:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame(pc),a1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- cmpi.b #4,d0
- bne.s @1
- lea ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame2(pc),a1
- @1 bra.w LoadObjects_ExtraData
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_Main:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- moveq #8,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d1
- cmpi.b #4,d1
- bne.s @1
- moveq #9,d0
- @1 move.b d0,obAnim(a0)
- cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_EndSecond_ShipIndex-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a1)
- beq.s BossGreenHill_Del
- BossGreenHill_Display:
- move.w obX(a1),obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a1),obY(a0)
- move.b obStatus(a1),obStatus(a0)
- BossGreenHill_Display2:
- lea (Ani_Eggman).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- move.b obStatus(a0),d0
- andi.b #3,d0
- andi.b #$FC,obRender(a0)
- or.b d0,obRender(a0)
- BossGreenHill_Display3:
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_Del:
- jmp (DeleteObject).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- ObjBossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass:
- lea BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass_ShipIndex(pc),a1
- bra.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass_ShipIndex:
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass_Init
- offsetEntry.w BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass_Main
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass_Init:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass(pc),a1
- bra.w LoadObjects_ExtraData
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass_Main:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.w obX(a1),d0
- move.b obXNext(a0),d1
- ext.w d1
- bclr #0,obRender(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a1)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w d1
- bset #0,obRender(a0)
- @1 add.w d1,d0
- move.w d0,obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a1),d0
- move.b obYNext(a0),d1
- ext.w d1
- bclr #1,obRender(a0)
- btst #1,obStatus(a1)
- beq.s @2
- neg.w d1
- bset #1,obRender(a0)
- @2 add.w d1,d0
- move.w d0,obY(a0)
- bra.s BossGreenHill_Display3
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossCircularRing:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- btst #4,obStatus(a1)
- bne.w BossCircularRing_Explode_Status
- lea BossCircularRing_Index(pc),a1
- bsr.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- moveq #2,d0
- btst #0,(v_vbla_count+3).w
- beq.s @1
- moveq #3,d0
- @1 move.b d0,obFrame(a0)
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Index:
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Main
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Circular
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Shot
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Render
- BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_SetUpAttributes
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Fall
- BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes2
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Main2
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Wait2
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Circular2
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Shot_Time
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Shot_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_RenderSpeed
- BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes3
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Main
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_ShotUp_ResetCollision
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_ShotUp_Timer
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_ShotUp
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_ShotWait
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_ShotFall
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_RenderFall_Time
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_RenderFall
- BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes4
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_Main
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_CircularAddRadius
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_ShotAttack
- offsetEntry.w BossCircularRing_RenderSpeedCheck
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Main:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- lsl.b #3,d0
- move.b d0,obAngle(a0)
- lsl.w #2,d0
- tst.b ob2ndRout(a0)
- beq.s @1
- lsr.w d0
- @1 cmpi.b #(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes4-BossCircularRing_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- bne.s @2
- move.w #$20,obTimer(a0)
- @2 tst.b ob2ndRout(a0)
- bne.s @3
- move.w #$390,obTimer(a0)
- @3 add.w d0,obTimer(a0)
- move.w #$100,$2A(a0)
- BossCircularRing_SetUpAttributes:
- lea ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikSpike(pc),a1
- tst.b ob2ndRout(a0)
- bne.s @1
- lea ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikSphere(pc),a1
- @1 addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- bra.w LoadObjects_Data
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Main2:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- lsl.b #4,d0
- add.b d0,obTimer(a0)
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.w #$200,d0
- btst #0,obStatus(a1)
- bne.s @1
- neg.w d0
- @1 move.w d0,obVelX(a0)
- move.w a0,obParent(a1)
- bra.s BossCircularRing_SetUpAttributes
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_ShotUp_ResetCollision:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.b #0,obColType(a0)
- BossCircularRing_ShotUp_Timer:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.w BossCircularRing_Locret2
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- lsl.w #3,d0
- move.w #$150,obTimer(a0)
- add.w d0,obTimer(a0)
- move.w #-$600,obVelY(a0)
- move.b #$8B,obColType(a0)
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFA5,d0
- else
- moveq #26,d0
- endif
- jsr (PlaySound_Special).l
- BossCircularRing_ShotUp:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0
- subi.w #$20,d0
- cmp.w obY(a0),d0
- bcs.s BossCircularRing_Locret2
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- BossCircularRing_ShotWait:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bne.s BossCircularRing_Locret2
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- add.w $38(a0),d0
- move.w d0,8(a0)
- lea ChildObjDat_Targetting_Sensor2(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject2
- bne.s BossCircularRing_ShotFall
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0
- addi.w #$C0,d0
- move.w d0,obY(a1)
- move.b #1,obAnim(a1)
- BossCircularRing_ShotFall:
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.b obRender(a0)
- bpl.s BossCircularRing_Locret2
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- BossCircularRing_Locret2:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Wait:
- subq.b #1,obTimer(a0)
- bne.s BossCircularRing_Locret2
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.b #$20,obTimer(a0)
- move.b obAngle(a0),d0
- move.b #$40,d0
- tst.w obVelX(a0)
- bpl.s @1
- neg.w d0
- @1 move.b d0,obAngle(a0)
- move.b d0,$3F(a0)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFA5,d0
- else
- moveq #26,d0
- endif
- jsr (PlaySound_Special).l
- BossCircularRing_Wait2:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- subq.b #1,obTimer(a0)
- bne.s BossCircularRing_CircularSimple_Locret
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- BossCircularRing_Circular2:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- cmpi.b #(BossChaseBall_Locret3_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a1)
- bne.s BossCircularRing_CircularSimpleOffset
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.l obVelX(a0)
- BossCircularRing_CircularSimpleOffset:
- subq.b #1,obAngle(a0)
- moveq #2,d2
- bra.w BossCircularRing_CircularSimple
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Shot_Data:
- dc.w -$300, 0
- dc.w -$300, $200
- dc.w -$100, $300
- dc.w $100, $300
- dc.w $300, $100
- dc.w $300, -$250
- dc.w 0, -$300
- dc.w -$300, -$300
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Shot_Time:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- add.w d0,d0
- move.l BossCircularRing_Shot_Data(pc,d0.w),obVelX(a0)
- tst.b $3F(a0)
- bpl.s BossCircularRing_CircularSimple_Locret
- neg.l obVelX(a0)
- BossCircularRing_CircularSimple_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Shot_Wait:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.b #(BossChaseBall_Bouncing3_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a1)
- move.b #$16,obHeight(a1)
- move.b #0,obAnim(a1)
- move.w #-$400,$3A(a1)
- move.w #3,obTimer(a1)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFA5,d0
- else
- moveq #26,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Circular:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.s @1
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- @1 subq.b #3,obAngle(a0)
- moveq #2,d2
- BossCircularRing_CircularSimple:
- move.b obAngle(a0),d0
- jsr (CalcSine).l
- swap d0
- clr.w d0
- swap d1
- clr.w d1
- asr.l d2,d0
- asr.l d2,d1
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.l obX(a1),d2
- move.l obY(a1),d3
- add.l d0,d2
- add.l d1,d3
- move.l d2,obX(a0)
- move.l d3,obY(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_CircularAddRadius:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b $2C(a0),d0
- addq.b #1,d0
- moveq #$50,d1
- btst #2,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- subq.b #2,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- @1 cmpi.b #$10,d0
- bge.s BossCircularRing_CircularCheckRadius
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.s BossCircularRing_CircularCheckRadius
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFA5,d0
- else
- moveq #26,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_CircularCheckRadius:
- cmp.b d0,d1
- bne.s @1
- bchg #2,obStatus(a0)
- @1 move.b d0,$2C(a0)
- move.w $2A(a0),d0
- add.w d0,obAngle(a0)
- move.b obAngle(a0),d0
- jsr (CalcSine).l
- moveq #0,d4
- move.b $2C(a0),d4
- move.l d4,d5
- muls.w d0,d4
- asr.l #8,d4
- muls.w d1,d5
- asr.l #8,d5
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.w obX(a1),d2
- move.w obY(a1),d3
- add.w d2,d4
- add.w d3,d5
- move.w d4,obX(a0)
- move.w d5,obY(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Shot:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- cmpi.b #$1E,d0
- bne.s BossCircularRing_ShotAttack
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.b #(BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_Simples_Fall-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a1)
- move.w #$260,obTimer(a1)
- BossCircularRing_ShotAttack:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFA5,d0
- else
- moveq #26,d0
- endif
- jsr (PlaySound_Special).l
- moveq #3,d5
- lea (v_player).w,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w obX(a1),d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w obY(a1),d1
- Shot_Object:
- sub.w obX(a0),d0
- smi d2
- bpl.s @1
- neg.w d0
- @1 sub.w obY(a0),d1
- smi d3
- bpl.s @2
- neg.w d1
- @2 cmp.w d1,d0
- scs d4
- beq.s BossCircularRing_Shot2
- bcc.s @3
- exg d0,d1
- @3 swap d1
- divu.w d0,d1
- BossCircularRing_Return2:
- move.w #$100,d0
- lsl.w d5,d0
- moveq #8,d6
- sub.w d5,d6
- lsr.w d6,d1
- BossCircularRing_Return:
- tst.b d4
- beq.s @4
- exg d0,d1
- @4 tst.b d2
- beq.s @5
- neg.w d0
- @5 tst.b d3
- beq.s @6
- neg.w d1
- @6 move.w d0,obVelX(a0)
- move.w d1,obVelY(a0)
- BossCircularRing_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Shot2:
- tst.w d0
- beq.s BossCircularRing_Return2
- move.w #$100,d0
- lsl.w d5,d0
- move.w #$100,d1
- lsl.w d5,d1
- bra.s BossCircularRing_Return
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Render:
- bsr.w BossCircularRing_Fall_Extra
- bra.s BossCircularRing_RenderSpeed
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_RenderFall_Time:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- cmpi.b #$12,d0
- bne.s BossCircularRing_RenderFall
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.b #(BossChaseBall_LDL_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a1)
- move.w #$30,obTimer(a1)
- move.b #0,obAnim(a1)
- move.w #-$400,$3A(a1)
- move.w #3,obYNext(a1)
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- BossCircularRing_RenderFall:
- bsr.s BossCircularRing_Fall_Extra
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- bra.s BossCircularRing_Render_Delete
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_RenderSpeedCheck:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- cmpi.b #$1E,d0
- bne.s BossCircularRing_RenderSpeed
- tst.b obRender(a0)
- bmi.s BossCircularRing_RenderSpeed
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a1)
- move.w #$30,obTimer(a1)
- move.b #0,obAnim(a1)
- BossCircularRing_RenderSpeed:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- BossCircularRing_Render_Delete:
- tst.b obRender(a0)
- bmi.w BossCircularRing_Locret
- jmp (DeleteObject).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Explode_Status:
- bchg #4,obStatus(a0)
- bra.s BossCircularRing_Explode
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossCircularRing_Fall:
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.w obVelY(a0)
- bmi.w BossCircularRing_Locret
- BossCircularRing_Fall_Extra:
- jsr (ObjHitFloor).l
- tst.w d1
- bpl.w BossCircularRing_Locret
- add.w d1,obY(a0)
- clr.w obVelY(a0)
- BossCircularRing_Explode:
- move.w #$10,(Screen_Shaking_Flag).w
- jmp (Obj7B_Explode).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossChaseBall:
- lea BossChaseBall_Index(pc),a1
- bsr.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- cmpi.b #(BossChaseBall_Clone_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- bcc.s @0
- cmpi.b #(BossChaseBall_JumpShot_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- bcs.s @0
- bsr.w BossChaseBall_Hurt
- bsr.w BossChaseBall_Collision
- @0 cmpi.b #(BossChaseBall_Bouncing4_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- bcc.s @1
- lea (Ani_obj48).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- @1 jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Index:
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_InitHud
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Move
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Fall
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Bouncing
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Load_Dynamic_Location
- BossChaseBall_JumpShot_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Check
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_CheckJump
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Shot
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Fall
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_CreateRing
- BossChaseBall_Circular_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Circular
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Fall
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Bouncing2
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Load_Dynamic_Location
- BossChaseBall_JumpCircular_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Circular_Create
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Circular_CreateJump
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Circular_Fall_Time
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Circular_Fall
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Circular_Jump
- BossChaseBall_Locret3_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Locret3
- BossChaseBall_Bouncing3_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Fall
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Bouncing3
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Load_Dynamic_Location
- BossChaseBall_ShotVertical_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Create_ShotVertical
- BossChaseBall_Wait3_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRightStart
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRight
- BossChaseBall_LDL_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Load_Dynamic_Location
- BossChaseBall_CreateClone_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Check
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_CheckJump
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRightCreateClone_Time
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRightCreateClone
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_MoveFallDestroy
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Shot
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Fall
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_JumpWait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Load_Dynamic_Location
- BossChaseBall_RadiusCircular_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Wait
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_CreateRadiusCircular
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_MoveRadiusCircular
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Load_Dynamic_Location
- BossChaseBall_Defeated_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Defeated
- BossChaseBall_Clone_Index_SetUpAttributes
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_InitExtra
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Fall
- BossChaseBall_Bouncing4_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Bouncing4
- BossChaseBall_Bouncing4_Remove_Index
- offsetEntry.w BossChaseBall_Remove
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_InitHud:
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikHud(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- bne.s BossChaseBall_Init
- move.b #3,obFrame(a1)
- locVRAM $D2A0,$2A(a1)
- bra.s BossChaseBall_Init
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_InitExtra:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.b obStatus(a1),obStatus(a0)
- move.b #1,obAnim(a0)
- BossChaseBall_Init:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikBall(pc),a1
- bsr.w LoadObjects_Data
- move.b #$46,obYNext(a0)
- move.w #-$400,$3A(a0)
- move.w #3,obTimer(a0)
- move.b #3,$3F(a0)
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.b obColProp(a1),d0
- subq.b #2,d0
- add.b d0,d0
- move.b d0,obColProp(a0)
- move.w a0,obParent(a1)
- BossChaseBall_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Move:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.w obX(a1),d0
- move.b obXNext(a0),d1
- ext.w d1
- add.w d1,d0
- move.w d0,obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a1),d0
- move.b obYNext(a0),d1
- ext.w d1
- add.w d1,d0
- move.w d0,obY(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Fall:
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.w obVelY(a0)
- bmi.s BossChaseBall_Locret
- jsr (ObjHitFloor).l
- tst.w d1
- bpl.s BossChaseBall_Locret
- add.w d1,obY(a0)
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.l obVelX(a0)
- move.w #$10,(Screen_Shaking_Flag).w
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBD,d0
- else
- moveq #4,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Bouncing:
- move.w $3A(a0),d0
- move.w d0,obVelY(a0)
- asr.w d0
- move.w d0,$3A(a0)
- subq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.s BossChaseBall_Locret
- addq.b #4,ob2ndRout(a0)
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a1)
- move.w #-$400,$3A(a0)
- move.w #$30,obTimer(a0)
- clr.w obVelY(a0)
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- bra.w Change_FlipX
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Wait:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.s @1
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.l obVelX(a0)
- @1 rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossChaseBall_Check:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #-$500,obVelY(a0)
- move.b #1,obAnim(a0)
- move.w #$30,obTimer(a0)
- BossChaseBall_CheckJump:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0
- addi.w #$30,d0
- cmp.w obY(a0),d0
- bcs.w BossChaseBall_Locret
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- bsr.w Change_FlipX
- move.w #0,obVelY(a0)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBE,d0
- else
- moveq #20,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Shot:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- moveq #4,d5
- lea (v_player).w,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w obX(a1),d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d1
- addi.w #$B0,d1
- bra.w Shot_Object
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_CreateRing:
- move.b #(BossChaseBall_JumpShot_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- subq.b #1,$3F(a0)
- bne.s @0
- move.b #(BossChaseBall_Circular_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #-$400,$3A(a0)
- move.w #3,obTimer(a0)
- move.b #3,$3F(a0)
- @0 lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallRing(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject3
- BossChaseBall_Locret2:
- rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossChaseBall_Circular:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #-$600,obVelY(a0)
- jmp (SpeedToPos).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Bouncing2:
- move.w $3A(a0),d0
- move.w d0,obVelY(a0)
- asr.w d0
- move.w d0,$3A(a0)
- subq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.s BossChaseBall_Locret2
- addq.b #4,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$40,obTimer(a0)
- move.b #0,obAnim(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Circular_Create:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #-$600,obVelY(a0)
- move.w #$150,obTimer(a0)
- move.b #1,obAnim(a0)
- BossChaseBall_Circular_CreateJump:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0
- addi.w #$50,d0
- cmp.w obY(a0),d0
- bcs.s BossChaseBall_Locret3
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- bsr.w Change_FlipX
- clr.w obVelY(a0)
- move.b #$48,obHeight(a0)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBE,d0
- else
- moveq #20,d0
- endif
- jsr (PlaySound_Special).l
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallCircularRing(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject2
- BossChaseBall_Locret3:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Circular_Fall_Time:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$140,obTimer(a0)
- BossChaseBall_Circular_Fall:
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.w obVelY(a0)
- bmi.s BossChaseBall_Locret3
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bmi.s @1
- jsr (ObjHitFloor).l
- tst.w d1
- bpl.s BossChaseBall_Locret3
- add.w d1,obY(a0)
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.l obVelX(a0)
- move.w #$10,(Screen_Shaking_Flag).w
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBD,d0
- else
- moveq #4,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @1 move.b #(BossChaseBall_Locret3_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.l obVelX(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Circular_Jump:
- subq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #-$500,obVelY(a0)
- bsr.w BossGreenHill_Move_Circular_FindSonic
- jmp (SpeedToPos).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Bouncing3:
- move.w $3A(a0),d0
- move.w d0,obVelY(a0)
- asr.w d0
- move.w d0,$3A(a0)
- subq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bne.s BossChaseBall_Locret3
- addq.b #4,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$40,obTimer(a0)
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- bra.w Change_FlipX
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Create_ShotVertical:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- bsr.w Change_FlipX
- move.w #$180,obTimer(a0)
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikShotRing(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject4
- BossChaseBall_Locret4:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRightStart:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$40,obTimer(a0)
- tst.b obAnim(a0)
- bne.s @1
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- bsr.w Change_FlipX
- move.b #1,obAnim(a0)
- @1 clr.l obVelX(a0)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBE,d0
- else
- moveq #20,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRight:
- move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- move.w #-$600,obVelX(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- addi.w #$120,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- bge.s @3
- bra.s @2
- @1 addi.w #$20,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- ble.s @3
- @2 move.b #(BossChaseBall_Wait3_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- clr.w obVelX(a0)
- bchg #0,obStatus(a0)
- @3 jmp (SpeedToPos).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRightCreateClone_Time:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$248,obTimer(a0)
- BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRightCreateClone:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.s @0
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$20,obTimer(a0)
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- bsr.w Change_FlipX
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBE,d0
- else
- moveq #20,d0
- endif
- jsr (PlaySound_Special).l
- @0 move.w (v_framecount).w,d0
- andi.w #$1F,d0
- bne.s BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRightClone
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallClone(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject
- BossChaseBall_MoveLeftRightClone:
- move.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
- move.w #-$200,obVelX(a0)
- move.w #0,obVelY(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- addi.w #$120,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- bge.s @3
- bra.s @2
- @1 addi.w #$20,d0
- cmp.w obX(a0),d0
- ble.s @3
- @2 bchg #0,obStatus(a0)
- @3 jmp (SpeedToPos).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_MoveFallDestroy:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bne.s BossChaseBall_Locret5
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #-$400,$3A(a0)
- move.w #3,obTimer(a0)
- move.b #0,obAnim(a0)
- BossChaseBall_Locret5:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_JumpWait:
- move.w $3A(a0),d0
- move.w d0,obVelY(a0)
- asr.w d0
- move.w d0,$3A(a0)
- subq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bne.s BossChaseBall_Locret5
- addq.b #4,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$30,obTimer(a0)
- clr.l obVelX(a0)
- rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossChaseBall_CreateRadiusCircular:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- bsr.w Change_FlipX
- move.b #1,obAnim(a0)
- lea ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallCircularRadius(pc),a2
- bsr.w Create_ChildObject2
- move.w #-$200,obVelX(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a0)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w obVelX(a0)
- @1 if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFBE,d0
- else
- moveq #20,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_MoveRadiusCircular:
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- addi.w #$10,d2
- cmpi.w #$80,d2
- bcs.s @2
- move.w #$200,d1
- tst.w d0
- bne.s @1
- neg.w d1
- @1 move.w d1,obVelX(a0)
- @2 bsr.w Change_FlipXWithVelocity
- jmp (SpeedToPos).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossChaseBall_Bouncing4:
- lea Obj8DCheseBall_Speed(pc),a4
- lea Obj8DCheseBall_Pos(pc),a5
- moveq #5,d4
- moveq #3,d1
- moveq #$38,d2
- move.b #(BossChaseBall_Bouncing4_Remove_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.b #$10,obActWid(a0)
- move.b #$16,obHeight(a0)
- move.b #0,obColType(a0)
- bclr #0,obRender(a0)
- lea (a0),a1
- bra.s @1
- @2 jsr (SingleObjLoad2).l
- bne.s @4
- @1 lea (a0),a2
- lea (a1),a3
- moveq #3,d3
- @3 rept 4
- move.l (a2)+,(a3)+
- endr
- dbf d3,@3
- move.w (a4)+,obVelX(a1)
- move.w (a4)+,obVelY(a1)
- move.w (a5)+,d3
- add.w d3,obX(a1)
- move.w (a5)+,d3
- add.w d3,obY(a1)
- move.b d4,obFrame(a1)
- addq.w #1,d4
- dbf d1,@2
- @4 if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFCB,d0
- else
- moveq #1,d0
- endif
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Remove:
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.b obRender(a0)
- bmi.w BossChaseBallHurt_Locret
- jmp (DeleteObject).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossChaseBall_Hurt:
- cmpi.b #(BossChaseBall_Defeated_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- bcc.s BossChaseBallHurt_Locret
- tst.b obColType(a0)
- bne.s BossChaseBallHurt_Locret
- tst.b obColProp(a0)
- beq.w BossChaseBall_ShipGone
- tst.b obFlash(a0)
- bne.s @2
- move.b #$90,obFlash(a0)
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFAC,d0
- else
- moveq #10,d0
- endif
- jsr (PlaySound_Special).l
- bset #6,obStatus(a0)
- lea (v_player).w,a1
- move.w #$600,d0
- btst #0,obRender(a1)
- bne.s @1
- neg.w d0
- @1 move.w d0,obVelX(a1)
- bsr.w Load_SimpleRing
- @2 moveq #0,d0
- btst #0,obFlash(a0)
- bne.s @3
- addi.w #$C,d0
- @3 lea LoadBossChaseBall_PalRAM(pc),a1
- lea LoadBossChaseBall_PalCycle(pc,d0.w),a2
- rept 6
- movea.w (a1)+,a3
- move.w (a2)+,(a3)+
- endr
- subq.b #1,obFlash(a0)
- bne.s BossChaseBallHurt_Locret
- bclr #6,obStatus(a0)
- BossChaseBallHurt_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadBossChaseBall_PalRAM:
- dc.w $FB74
- dc.w $FB76
- dc.w $FB78
- dc.w $FB7A
- dc.w $FB7C
- dc.w $FB7E
- LoadBossChaseBall_PalCycle:
- dc.w $ECC
- dc.w $CAA
- dc.w $A88
- dc.w $866
- dc.w $644
- dc.w $222
- dc.w $E
- dc.w $C
- dc.w $A
- dc.w 8
- dc.w 6
- dc.w 8
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_ShipGone:
- move.b #(BossChaseBall_Defeated_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.b #$AE,$2E(a0)
- bchg #4,obStatus(a0)
- bset #6,obStatus(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BossChaseBall_Defeated:
- subq.b #1,$2E(a0)
- bne.s @1
- move.b #(BossChaseBall_Bouncing4_Index-BossChaseBall_Index),ob2ndRout(a0)
- @1 move.b (v_vbla_count+3).w,d0
- andi.b #7,d0
- bne.s @2
- jsr (SingleObjLoad).l
- bne.s @2
- move.b #$3F,(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1)
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1)
- jsr (RandomNumber).l
- move.w d0,d1
- andi.w #$1F,d1
- subi.w #$10,d1
- add.w d1,obX(a1)
- neg.w d0
- andi.w #$1F,d0
- subi.w #$10,d0
- add.w d0,obY(a1)
- @2 rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossChaseBall_Collision:
- btst #6,obStatus(a0)
- bne.s @1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obAnim(a0),d0
- move.b @Data_Collision(pc,d0.w),d1
- move.b d1,obColType(a0)
- @1 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @Data_Collision:
- dc.b $F
- dc.b $81
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- BossChaseBall_Load_Dynamic_Location:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b $2B(a0),d0
- addq.b #1,$2B(a0)
- cmpi.b #(@Load_DCL-@Load_DNL)-1,d0
- bne.s @1
- move.b #0,$2B(a0)
- @1 moveq #0,d1
- move.b @Load_DNL(pc,d0.w),d1
- move.b @Load_DCL(pc,d1.w),ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ChildObjDat_Targetting_Sensor(pc),a2
- bra.w Create_ChildObject2
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @Load_DNL:
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 1
- dc.b 3
- dc.b 2
- dc.b 3
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 1
- dc.b 4
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 3
- dc.b 2
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 3
- @Load_DCL:
- dc.b (BossChaseBall_JumpShot_Index-BossChaseBall_Index)
- dc.b (BossChaseBall_JumpCircular_Index-BossChaseBall_Index)
- dc.b (BossChaseBall_ShotVertical_Index-BossChaseBall_Index)
- dc.b (BossChaseBall_CreateClone_Index-BossChaseBall_Index)
- dc.b (BossChaseBall_RadiusCircular_Index-BossChaseBall_Index)
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Targetting_Sensor:
- lea Targetting_Sensor_ShipIndex(pc),a1
- bra.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Targetting_Sensor_ShipIndex:
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor_Init
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor_Show
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives_MoveRemove
- Targetting_Sensor2_Init
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor_Init
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor2_Create
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor2_Show
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives_MoveRemove
- Targetting_Sensor3_Init
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor_Init
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor3_Create
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor3_Check
- offsetEntry.w Targetting_Sensor3_Return
- Targetting_Sensor3_Remove
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives_MoveRemove
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Targetting_Sensor_Init:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ObjDat3_Targetting_Sensor(pc),a1
- bra.w LoadObjects_Data
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Targetting_Sensor3_Create:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.b #2,obAnim(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obXNext(a0)
- move.w obY(a0),obYNext(a0)
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obSubtype(a0),d0
- move.w d0,d1
- lsr.w #1,d0
- move.b RawAni_7917E(pc,d0.w),obFrame(a0)
- add.w d1,d1
- move.l dword_79182(pc,d1.w),obVelX(a0)
- move.w #$B,obTimer(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RawAni_7917E:
- dc.b 8, 9, $A, $B
- dword_79182:
- dc.w $100
- dc.w 0
- dc.w -$100
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w $100
- dc.w 0
- dc.w -$100
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Targetting_Sensor3_Check:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- tst.b obRender(a1)
- bmi.s Targetting_Sensor3_Move
- move.b #(Targetting_Sensor3_Remove-Targetting_Sensor_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a0)
- Targetting_Sensor3_Move:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.w Targetting_Sensor_Draw
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w #$F,obTimer(a0)
- Targetting_Sensor3_Return:
- subq.w #1,obTimer(a0)
- bpl.s Targetting_Sensor_Draw
- subq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.w obXNext(a0),obX(a0)
- move.w obYNext(a0),obY(a0)
- move.w #$B,obTimer(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Targetting_Sensor2_Create:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- ; lea ChildObjDat_Targetting_Sensor3(pc),a2
- ; bsr.w Create_ChildObject5
- Targetting_Sensor2_Show:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- tst.b obRender(a1)
- bpl.s Targetting_Sensor_Animate
- bra.s Targetting_Sensor_Remove
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Targetting_Sensor_Show:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.w obX(a1),obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a1),obY(a0)
- btst #4,obStatus(a1)
- bne.s Targetting_Sensor_Remove
- tst.b obFlash(a1)
- bne.s Targetting_Sensor_Locret
- tst.b obAnim(a1)
- beq.s Targetting_Sensor_Count
- Targetting_Sensor_Remove:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- Targetting_Sensor_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Targetting_Sensor_Count:
- move.w (v_framecount).w,d0
- andi.w #7,d0
- bne.s Targetting_Sensor_Animate
- if Snd_Driver_Version=0
- moveq #$FFFFFFCD,d0
- else
- moveq #41,d0
- endif
- jsr (PlaySound_Special).l
- Targetting_Sensor_Animate:
- lea (Ani_obj8D).l,a1
- jsr (AnimateSprite).l
- Targetting_Sensor_Draw:
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Robotnik_ShipCrane:
- lea Robotnik_ShipCrane_ShipIndex(pc),a1
- bsr.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_ShipCrane_ShipIndex:
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_ShipCrane_Init
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_ShipCrane_Check
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_ShipCrane_CheckRemove
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives_MoveRemove
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_ShipCrane_Init:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ObjDat3_RobotnikShipCrane(pc),a1
- bsr.w LoadObjects_Data
- tst.w obSubtype(a0)
- beq.s Robotnik_ShipCrane_Check
- move.b #3,obFrame(a0)
- move.b #5,obPriority(a0)
- Robotnik_ShipCrane_Check:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_RevengeMode_Wait-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a1)
- bne.s Robotnik_ShipCrane_CheckRemove
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.b #0,obFrame(a0)
- tst.w obSubtype(a0)
- beq.s Robotnik_ShipCrane_CheckRemove
- move.b #1,obFrame(a0)
- Robotnik_ShipCrane_CheckRemove:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_RevengeMode_CheckReturn-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a1)
- bne.s Robotnik_ShipCrane_Move
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- Robotnik_ShipCrane_Move:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.w obX(a1),d0
- move.b obXNext(a0),d1
- ext.w d1
- bclr #0,obRender(a0)
- btst #0,obStatus(a1)
- beq.s @1
- neg.w d1
- bset #0,obRender(a0)
- @1 add.w d1,d0
- move.w d0,obX(a0)
- move.w obY(a1),d0
- move.b obYNext(a0),d1
- ext.w d1
- bclr #1,obRender(a0)
- btst #1,obStatus(a1)
- beq.s @2
- neg.w d1
- bset #1,obRender(a0)
- @2 add.w d1,d0
- move.w d0,obY(a0)
- rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Robotnik_Run:
- lea Robotnik_Run_ShipIndex(pc),a1
- bsr.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- bsr.w Level_Defeated
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_Run_ShipIndex:
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_Run_Init
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_Run_Jump
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_Run_Move
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_Run_Init:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- lea ObjDat3_RobotnikRun(pc),a1
- bsr.w LoadObjects_Data
- move.b #$1E,obHeight(a0)
- bset #0,obRender(a0)
- bset #0,obStatus(a0)
- move.w #$100,obVelX(a0)
- move.w #-$800,obVelY(a0)
- Robotnik_Run_Jump:
- jsr (ObjectFall).l
- tst.w obVelY(a0)
- bmi.s Robotnik_Run_Locret
- jsr (ObjHitFloor).l
- tst.w d1
- bpl.s Robotnik_Run_Locret
- add.w d1,obY(a0)
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.b #$A,(v_dle_routine).w
- move.w #$300,obVelX(a0)
- move.w #0,obVelY(a0)
- Robotnik_Run_Locret:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_Run_Move:
- bsr.w Find_SonicObject
- addi.w #$50,d2
- cmpi.w #$A0,d2
- bhs.s Robotnik_Run_Animate
- move.w obX(a1),d0
- addi.w #$50,d0
- move.w d0,obX(a0)
- Robotnik_Run_Animate:
- jsr (SpeedToPos).l
- lea (Ani_RobotnikRun).l,a1
- jmp (AnimateSprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level_Defeated:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b (v_vbla_count+3).w,d0
- andi.b #6,d0
- bne.s @1
- jsr (SingleObjLoad2).l
- bne.s @1
- move.b #$3F,(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1)
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1)
- jsr (RandomNumber).l
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b #$80,d1
- move.w d1,d2
- add.w d2,d2
- subq.w #1,d2
- and.w d2,d0
- sub.w d1,d0
- add.w d0,obX(a1)
- swap d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b #$80,d1
- move.w d1,d2
- add.w d2,d2
- subq.w #1,d2
- and.w d2,d0
- sub.w d1,d0
- add.w d0,obY(a1)
- @1 rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Robotnik_HudLives:
- lea Robotnik_HudLives_ShipIndex(pc),a1
- bra.w ChildObjectsRoutine
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_HudLives_ShipIndex:
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives_Init
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives_MoveUp
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives_MoveDown
- offsetEntry.w Robotnik_HudLives_MoveRemove
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_HudLives_Init:
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- move.l #Map_obj21,obMap(a0)
- move.w #$A680,obGfx(a0)
- move.w #$170,obX(a0)
- move.w #$28,obScreenY(a0)
- move.l #Hud_10,$36(a0)
- move.l #Art_LivesNums,$30(a0)
- Robotnik_HudLives_MoveUp:
- addq.w #1,obScreenY(a0)
- cmpi.w #$48,obScreenY(a0)
- bne.s Robotnik_HudLives_MoveDisplay
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- Robotnik_HudLives_MoveDown:
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_RobotnikShip_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),obRoutine(a1)
- bne.s Robotnik_HudLives_Check
- cmpi.b #(BossGreenHill_ShipIndex_RevengeMode-BossGreenHill_ShipIndex),ob2ndRout(a1)
- bne.s Robotnik_HudLives_Check
- bra.s Robotnik_HudLives_Move2Down
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_HudLives_Check:
- tst.b obColProp(a1)
- bne.s Robotnik_HudLives_MoveDisplay
- Robotnik_HudLives_Move2Down:
- subq.w #1,obScreenY(a0)
- cmpi.w #$28,obScreenY(a0)
- bne.s Robotnik_HudLives_MoveDisplay
- addq.b #2,ob2ndRout(a0)
- Robotnik_HudLives_MoveDisplay:
- move #$2700,sr
- bsr.s Robotnik_HudLives_DPLC
- move #$2300,sr
- jmp (DisplaySprite).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_HudLives_MoveRemove:
- jmp (DeleteObject).l
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Robotnik_HudLives_DPLC:
- lea (VDP_data_port).l,a6
- move.l $2A(a0),d0
- moveq #0,d1
- movea.w obParent(a0),a1
- move.b obColProp(a1),d1
- movea.l $36(a0),a2
- moveq #1,d6
- moveq #0,d4
- movea.l $30(a0),a1
- @0 move.l d0,VDP_control_port-VDP_data_port(a6)
- moveq #0,d2
- move.l (a2)+,d3
- @1 sub.l d3,d1
- bcs.s @2
- addq.w #1,d2
- bra.s @1
- @2 add.l d3,d1
- tst.w d2
- beq.s @3
- move.w #1,d4
- @3 tst.w d4
- beq.s @6
- @4 lsl.w #5,d2
- lea (a1,d2.w),a3
- move.l (a3)+,(a6)
- move.l (a3)+,(a6)
- move.l (a3)+,(a6)
- move.l (a3)+,(a6)
- move.l (a3)+,(a6)
- move.l (a3)+,(a6)
- move.l (a3)+,(a6)
- move.l (a3)+,(a6)
- @5 addi.l #$400000,d0
- dbf d6,@0
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @6 tst.w d6
- beq.s @4
- moveq #7,d5
- @7 move.l #0,(a6)
- dbf d5,@7
- bra.s @5
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- ObjectsRoutine:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b obRoutine(a0),d0
- adda.w (a1,d0.w),a1
- jmp (a1,d0.w)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ChildObjectsRoutine:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b ob2ndRout(a0),d0
- adda.w (a1,d0.w),a1
- jmp (a1,d0.w)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadObjects_Data:
- move.l (a1)+,obMap(a0)
- move.w (a1)+,obGfx(a0)
- LoadObjects_ExtraData:
- move.b (a1)+,obPriority(a0)
- move.b (a1)+,obWidth(a0)
- move.b (a1)+,obHeight(a0)
- move.b (a1)+,obActWid(a0)
- move.b (a1)+,obFrame(a0)
- move.b (a1)+,obColType(a0)
- bset #2,obRender(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Create_ChildObject:
- moveq #0,d2
- move.w (a2)+,d6
- @1 jsr (SingleObjLoad2).l
- bne.s @2
- move.w a0,obParent(a1)
- move.l obMap(a0),obMap(a1)
- move.w obGfx(a0),obGfx(a1)
- move.b (a2)+,(a1)
- move.b d2,obSubtype(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1)
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1)
- move.b (a2)+,obRoutine(a1)
- move.b (a2)+,ob2ndRout(a1)
- addq.w #2,d2
- dbf d6,@1
- moveq #0,d0
- @2 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Create_ChildObject2:
- moveq #0,d2
- move.w (a2)+,d6
- move.w (a2)+,d3
- @1 jsr (SingleObjLoad2).l
- bne.s @2
- move.w a0,obParent(a1)
- move.b (a2),(a1)
- move.b d2,obSubtype(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1)
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1)
- move.w d3,obRoutine(a1)
- addq.w #2,d2
- dbf d6,@1
- moveq #0,d0
- @2 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Create_ChildObject3:
- moveq #0,d2
- move.w (a2)+,d6
- move.w (a2)+,d3
- @1 jsr (SingleObjLoad2).l
- bne.s @2
- move.w a0,obParent(a1)
- move.b d3,(a1)
- move.b d2,obSubtype(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1)
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1)
- move.w (a2)+,obVelX(a1)
- move.w (a2)+,obVelY(a1)
- move.b (a2)+,obRoutine(a1)
- move.b (a2)+,ob2ndRout(a1)
- addq.w #2,d2
- dbf d6,@1
- moveq #0,d0
- @2 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Create_ChildObject4:
- moveq #0,d2
- move.w (a2)+,d6
- move.w (a2)+,d3
- @1 jsr (SingleObjLoad2).l
- bne.s @2
- move.w a0,obParent(a1)
- move.b (a2),(a1)
- move.b d2,obSubtype(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1)
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1)
- move.w d3,obRoutine(a1)
- jsr (RandomNumber).l
- andi.w #$FF,d0
- addi.w #$20,d0
- move.w d0,$38(a1)
- addq.w #2,d2
- dbf d6,@1
- moveq #0,d0
- @2 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Create_ChildObject5:
- moveq #0,d2
- move.w (a2)+,d6
- move.w (a2)+,d3
- @1 jsr (SingleObjLoad2).l
- bne.s @2
- move.w a0,obParent(a1)
- move.b (a2)+,(a1)
- move.b d2,obSubtype(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),d0
- move.b (a2)+,d1
- move.b d1,obXNext(a1)
- ext.w d1
- add.w d1,d0
- move.w d0,obX(a1)
- move.w obY(a0),d0
- move.b (a2)+,d1
- move.b d1,obYNext(a1)
- ext.w d1
- add.w d1,d0
- move.w d0,obY(a1)
- move.w d3,obRoutine(a1)
- addq.w #2,d2
- dbf d6,@1
- moveq #0,d0
- @2 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Find_SonicObject:
- lea (v_player).w,a1
- Find_OtherObject:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w obX(a0),d2
- sub.w obX(a1),d2
- bpl.s @1
- neg.w d2
- addq.w #2,d0
- @1 moveq #0,d1
- move.w obY(a0),d3
- sub.w obY(a1),d3
- bpl.s @2
- neg.w d3
- addq.w #2,d1
- @2 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change_FlipX:
- bclr #0,obStatus(a0)
- tst.w d0
- beq.s @1
- bset #0,obStatus(a0)
- @1 rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change_FlipXWithVelocity:
- bclr #0,obStatus(a0)
- tst.w obVelX(a0)
- bmi.s @1
- bset #0,obStatus(a0)
- @1 rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- Load_SimpleRing:
- cmpi.b #2,(Rings_mode_count).w
- bne.s @1
- jsr (SingleObjLoad2).l
- bne.s @1
- move.b #$37,(a1)
- move.w obX(a0),obX(a1)
- move.w obY(a0),obY(a1)
- move.b #2,obRoutine(a1)
- move.b #8,obHeight(a1)
- move.b #8,obWidth(a1)
- move.l #Map_obj25,obMap(a1)
- move.w #$26CA,obGfx(a1)
- move.b #4,obRender(a1)
- move.b #3,obPriority(a1)
- move.b #$47,obColType(a1)
- move.b #8,obActWid(a1)
- move.b #-1,($FFFFFEC6).w
- move.w #0,obVelX(a1)
- move.w #-$300,obVelY(a1)
- @1 rts
- ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
- ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_Robotnik:
- dc.l Map_Eggman
- dc.w $400
- dc.b 3
- dc.b $40
- dc.b $40
- dc.b $40
- dc.b 0
- dc.b $F
- ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace:
- dc.b 3
- dc.b $10
- dc.b $10
- dc.b $10
- dc.b 1
- dc.b 0
- ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame:
- dc.b 2
- dc.b $20
- dc.b $20
- dc.b $20
- dc.b 3
- dc.b 0
- ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame2:
- dc.b 4
- dc.b $20
- dc.b $20
- dc.b $20
- dc.b 3
- dc.b 0
- ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass:
- dc.b 2
- dc.b $20
- dc.b $20
- dc.b $20
- dc.b $F
- dc.b 0
- ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikSpike:
- dc.l Map_obj5Ea
- dc.w $2518
- dc.b 5
- dc.b $C
- dc.b 4
- dc.b $C
- dc.b 1
- dc.b $9A
- ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikSphere:
- dc.l Map_obj45
- dc.w $480
- dc.b 5
- dc.b 8
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 8
- dc.b 3
- dc.b $87
- ObjDat3_BossGreenHill_RobotnikBall:
- dc.l Map_obj48
- dc.w $63AA
- dc.b 4
- dc.b $10
- dc.b $16
- dc.b $20
- dc.b 0
- dc.b $81
- ObjDat3_Targetting_Sensor:
- dc.l Map_obj8D
- dc.w $86A0
- dc.b 1
- dc.b $10
- dc.b $10
- dc.b $10
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 0
- ObjDat3_RobotnikShipCrane:
- dc.l Map_RobotnikShipCrane
- dc.w $380
- dc.b 3
- dc.b $30
- dc.b $30
- dc.b $30
- dc.b 2
- dc.b 0
- ObjDat3_RobotnikRun:
- dc.l Map_RobotnikRun
- dc.w $4C0
- dc.b 3
- dc.b $30
- dc.b $30
- dc.b $30
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 0
- Obj8DCheseBall_Speed:
- dc.w -$180, -$200
- dc.w $180, -$200
- dc.w -$100, -$100
- dc.w $100, -$100
- Obj8DCheseBall_Pos:
- dc.w -1, -1
- dc.w $19, 2
- dc.w 1, $1A
- dc.w $19, $1A
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikGlassFaceAndFlame:
- dc.w 3
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_RobotnikFace_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_RobotnikFlame_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_RobotnikGlass_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikHud:
- dc.w 0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_EggmanLives_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0,0
- ChildObjDat_Targetting_Sensor:
- dc.w 0
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_Targetting_Sensor_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0
- dc.b $8D,0
- ChildObjDat_Targetting_Sensor2:
- dc.w 0
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_Targetting_Sensor_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(Targetting_Sensor2_Init-Targetting_Sensor_ShipIndex)
- dc.b $8D,0
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikRingFall:
- dc.w 0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index),0
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikCircularRing:
- dc.w $F
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0
- dc.b $8D,0
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBall:
- dc.w 0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_ChaseBall_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0,0
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallClone:
- dc.w 0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_ChaseBall_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossChaseBall_Clone_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossChaseBall_Index),0
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallRing:
- dc.w 2
- dc.w $8D
- dc.w -$200
- dc.w -$600
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.w 0
- dc.w -$600
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.w $200
- dc.w -$600
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index)
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallRing2:
- dc.w 4
- dc.w $8D
- dc.w -$400
- dc.w -$600
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.w -$200
- dc.w -$600
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.w 0
- dc.w -$600
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.w $200
- dc.w -$600
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.w $400
- dc.w -$600
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes-BossCircularRing_Index)
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallCircularRing:
- dc.w 7
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes2-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.b $8D,0
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikShotRing:
- dc.w 9
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes3-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.b $8D,0
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikChaseBallCircularRadius:
- dc.w $F
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_CircularRing_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(BossCircularRing_Index_SetUpAttributes4-BossCircularRing_Index)
- dc.b $8D,0
- ChildObjDat_Targetting_Sensor3:
- dc.w 3
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_Targetting_Sensor_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),(Targetting_Sensor3_Init-Targetting_Sensor_ShipIndex)
- dc.b $8D
- dc.w $F000
- dc.b $8D
- dc.w $1000
- dc.b $8D
- dc.w $F0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.w $10
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikShipCrane:
- dc.w 1
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_RobotnikShipCrane_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.w $FF2C
- dc.b $8D
- dc.w $FF2C
- ChildObjDat_RobotnikRun:
- dc.w 0
- dc.b $8D
- dc.b (BossGreenHill_RobotnikRun_Index-BossGreenHill_Index),0,0
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