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- //#########################################################
- /// this is not my work , i just saved to use in the future
- /// this is the author profile link
- ///
- /// and his youtube channel
- ///
- /// Description: Draws text scrolling from the first to last character in a string.
- /// Usage: draw_text_scrolling(0, 0, "Hello World", 0.5, 20, undefined)
- /// @param text x
- /// The x position of the text being drawn.
- /// @param text y
- /// The x position of the text being drawn.
- /// @param text string
- /// The text string to be scrolled across the screen.
- /// @param text speed
- /// The speed of the text scrolling. (Range: [0.0] to [1.0])
- /// @param text sleep
- /// The time in frames to sleep on pausing characters. (Ex. [.] [,] [!] [?])
- /// @param text sound
- /// The sound to play after each character scroll. (Ex. [undefined] [sound_talk])
- //########################################################
- function draw_text_scrolling(text_x, text_y, text_str, text_spd, text_slp, text_snd){
- #region SOURCE CODE
- //Checks if the index counter has been defined.
- if !variable_instance_exists(, "_text_char"){
- //Defines the counter variables.
- _text_char = 0;
- _text_prev = 0;
- _text_sleep = 0;
- }
- //Gets the current character index.
- var text_ind = floor(_text_char);
- var text_chr = string_char_at(text_str, text_ind);
- //Checks if the text index isn't the final char.
- if (text_ind != string_length(text_str)){
- //Checks if the text is not sleeping.
- if (_text_sleep == 0){
- //Checks if the following character is a sleep identifier.
- if !((text_chr == ".") || (text_chr == ",") || (text_chr == "?") || (text_chr == "!")){
- //Increments the character counter.
- _text_char += text_spd;
- //Maxes out the character counter at the string length.
- _text_char = min(_text_char, string_length(text_str));
- //Checks if the character has been fully incremented.
- if (text_ind > _text_prev) && (text_snd != undefined) && audio_exists(text_snd){
- //Plays the text sound.
- audio_stop_sound(text_snd);
- audio_play_sound(text_snd, 0, false);
- }
- //Sets the previous value to the char index.
- _text_prev = text_ind;
- }else{
- //Starts the sleeping process.
- _text_sleep = text_slp;
- }
- }else{
- //Checks if the final frame of waiting.
- if (_text_sleep == 1){
- //Increments the character past the sleep identifier.
- _text_char = text_ind + 1;
- }
- //Decrements the text sleep.
- _text_sleep--;
- }
- }
- //Draws the scrolling text.
- draw_text(text_x, text_y, string_copy(text_str, 1, text_ind));
- #endregion
- }
- //########################################################
- ///
- /// Created by Kupoapo
- ///
- //########################################################
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