
BWR - Changelog 06/07/24

Jul 6th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Soda Popper
  2. + Reduced air jump cost to 20% Hype (was 25%)
  3. - Removed reload speed bonus
  4. The burst damage on the weapon was seen as potentially too strong for how spammable, so it was nerfed to increase downtime between bursts and require more care to use. Hype jumps were made cheaper to compensate for dealing less damage.
  6. Flying Guillotine
  7. - Increased long distance hit for minicrit to 1 second of airtime (was 0.5 second)
  8. Minicrits appeared to occur far too soon, this change ought to make it more of a reward for longer range skill shots that enemies have more time to react to.
  10. The Sandman
  11. + Mark for Death starts at 3 seconds in duration
  12. - Increased minimum distance to mark target to 256 HU (was 200 HU)
  13. - Mark for Death no longer increases in duration with distance
  14. A mix of issues was that the Sandman's debuff was seen as not useful enough in distances the Scout can better capitalize on it, while being probably too punishing for longer range where it's safer to use. This change making it uniform should give scouts in mid-range more ease in making use of it's bonus while still being in more danger from their squishiness.
  16. Thermal Thruster
  17. - Mini-Boost's air strafe controls were reduced
  18. A big concern of the mini-boost was how much maneuverability it provided the pyro, particularly when paired with airblast jumps. By forcing the Pyro have reduced control during it, it becomes more of a commitment to use and easier for enemies to predict the pyro's movement.
  20. Iron Bomber
  21. - Increased roller proximity detonation time to 0.5 second (was 0.33 second)
  22. A mix of buff and nerf technically. The bombs are easier to trip safely for enemies aware of them, however they also become easier to jump with for the demo using it.
  24. Shields
  25. ~ The following changes are used a base for all shields:
  26. + Added: Press SPECIAL ATTACK to perform a LEAP
  27. ~ Consumes 50% charge meter, requires demoman to be grounded
  28. - Leap has reduced air strafe controls
  29. There was a discussion over how demoknight generally has limited options mechanically making him feel too simplistic. Rather than simply waiting at the sidelines to charge, a new movement mechanic was added to provide demoman more ways to use his charge meter. This leap should allow the demoknight to reach more flank routes, as well as jump over or away from enemies to throw off their aim.
  31. Chargin' Targe
  32. - Removed push forced resistance
  33. In ways, the resistance was a mix of bad to use and bad to fight. It removed some counterplay versus demoknight by making him less capable of being stopped with strategic knockback, however he similarly had less opportunity to strategically surf damage for his benefit.
  35. Jarate
  36. - Reduced splash radius by -25%
  37. The effect was seen as particularly powerful despite the nerf to how often it could be used. Splash radius was nerfed to make it require more accuracy and better limit how many enemies can be affected. It might be nerfed further if it's not impactful enough.
  39. The Vaccinator
  40. + Increased uber duration to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds)
  41. - Decreased uber resistance to 40% (was 45%)
  42. The window for the bubbles was seen as not long enough to enable the multitasking it was meant to provide. The strength was decreased in compensation to make it a little easier to fight.
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