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- канал с музыкой от начинающего программиста.
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <map>
- #include <set>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- template <typename First, typename Second>
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const pair<First, Second>& p) {
- return out << p.first << ": "s << p.second;
- }
- template <typename Container>
- void Print(ostream& out, const Container& container) {
- bool is_first = true;
- for (const auto& element : container) {
- if (!is_first) {
- out << ", "s;
- }
- is_first = false;
- out << element;
- }
- }
- template <typename Element>
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const vector<Element>& container) {
- out << '[';
- Print(out, container);
- out << ']';
- return out;
- }
- template <typename Element>
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const set<Element>& container) {
- out << '{';
- Print(out, container);
- out << '}';
- return out;
- }
- template <typename Key, typename Value>
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const map<Key, Value>& container) {
- out << '{';
- Print(out, container);
- out << '}';
- return out;
- }
- template <typename T, typename U>
- void AssertEqualImpl(const T& t, const U& u, const string& t_str, const string& u_str, const string& file,
- const string& func, unsigned line, const string& hint) {
- if (t != u) {
- cout << boolalpha;
- cout << file << "("s << line << "): "s << func << ": "s;
- cout << "ASSERT_EQUAL("s << t_str << ", "s << u_str << ") failed: "s;
- cout << t << " != "s << u << "."s;
- if (!hint.empty()) {
- cout << " Hint: "s << hint;
- }
- cout << endl;
- abort();
- }
- }
- #define ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b) AssertEqualImpl((a), (b), #a, #b, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ""s)
- #define ASSERT_EQUAL_HINT(a, b, hint) AssertEqualImpl((a), (b), #a, #b, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (hint))
- void AssertImpl(bool value, const string& expr_str, const string& file, const string& func, unsigned line,
- const string& hint) {
- if (!value) {
- cout << file << "("s << line << "): "s << func << ": "s;
- cout << "ASSERT("s << expr_str << ") failed."s;
- if (!hint.empty()) {
- cout << " Hint: "s << hint;
- }
- cout << endl;
- abort();
- }
- }
- #define ASSERT(expr) AssertImpl(!!(expr), #expr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ""s)
- #define ASSERT_HINT(expr, hint) AssertImpl(!!(expr), #expr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (hint))
- vector<int> TakeEvens(const vector<int>& numbers) {
- vector<int> evens;
- for (int x : numbers) {
- if (x % 2 == 0) {
- evens.push_back(x);
- }
- }
- return evens;
- }
- map<string, int> TakeAdults(const map<string, int>& people) {
- map<string, int> adults;
- for (const auto& [name, age] : people) {
- if (age >= 18) {
- adults[name] = age;
- }
- }
- return adults;
- }
- bool IsPrime(int n) {
- if (n < 2) {
- return false;
- }
- int i = 2;
- while (i * i <= n) {
- if (n % i == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return true;
- }
- set<int> TakePrimes(const set<int>& numbers) {
- set<int> primes;
- for (int number : numbers) {
- if (IsPrime(number)) {
- primes.insert(number);
- }
- }
- return primes;
- }
- int main() {
- {
- const set<int> numbers = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};
- const set<int> expected_primes = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13};
- ASSERT_EQUAL(TakePrimes(numbers), expected_primes);
- }
- {
- const map<string, int> people = {{"Ivan"s, 19}, {"Sergey"s, 16}, {"Alexey"s, 18}};
- const map<string, int> expected_adults = {{"Alexey"s, 18}, {"Ivan"s, 19}};
- ASSERT_EQUAL(TakeAdults(people), expected_adults);
- }
- {
- const vector<int> numbers = {3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 6};
- const vector<int> expected_evens = {2, 0, 6};
- ASSERT_EQUAL(TakeEvens(numbers), expected_evens);
- }
- }
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