
One Piece Open Seas

Oct 25th, 2019
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  1. getgenv().ChestFarm=true
  2. getgenv().EXPFarm=true
  3. getgenv().ChestTPSpeed=1.5 --Maximum 8, Minimum .5 (Higher=Faster.)
  4. getgenv().TeleportWhenNoChests=true --Chest farm has to be on, Teleports you to a different server when there are no chests (Use with autoexecute.)
  5. getgenv().InstantTPDistance=350 --Amount of studs to be close to a chest before you instantly teleport to it. Minimum 0 (Off), Maximum 1000.
  6. loadstring(game:HttpGet'https://pastebin.com/raw/FV85K8dX')()
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