
Admin books v2

Feb 17th, 2015
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  1. Admins = {
  2. ["chucky4523"] = 3,
  3. [""] = 3,
  4. [""] = 3,
  5. [""] = 3
  6. }
  7. local Levels = {
  8. [3] = {"Peasant","Really blue")};
  9. [1] = {"Knight","Bright green")};
  10. [2] = {"Lord","Dark green")};
  11. [0] = {"King","Dark green")}
  12. }
  13. Players = Game:GetService("Players")
  14. Workspace = Game:GetService("Workspace")
  15. Debris = Game:GetService("Debris")
  16. Lighting = Game:GetService("Lighting")
  17. Teams = Game:GetService("Teams")
  18. MR = math.rad
  19. MD = math.deg
  20. IPStore = {""}
  21. IPBans = {"iLordVex"}
  22. Banned = {"iLordVex"}
  23. PrivateServer = {"chucky4523", "GuestOfChaos"}
  24. PrivateServerWarnings = {}
  25. function IncommingConnection(IPAddress, Replicator)
  26. local IP = IPAddress:sub(1, IPAddress:find(":")-1)
  27. local ThePlayer
  28. Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(NewPlayer)
  29. if not ThePlayer then
  30. ThePlayer = NewPlayer
  31. end
  32. end)
  33. repeat wait() until ThePlayer
  34. IPStore[ThePlayer.Name] = IP
  35. for i=1, #IPBans do
  36. if IPBans[i] == IP then
  37. ThePlayer:Remove()
  38. end
  39. end
  40. end
  41. function Round(Number, ToWhatExtent)
  42. if ToWhatExtent then
  43. return math.floor(Number/ToWhatExtent+0.5)*ToWhatExtent
  44. else
  45. return math.floor(Number + 0.5)
  46. end
  47. end
  48. Settings = {
  49. Bet = '^';
  50. Color ="Navy Blue"), --Its bright red...
  51. Name = "ProLevi27 Scythe Admin",
  52. Version = "0.0.8"
  53. }
  54. function ShowInCircle(Prompter,...)
  55. local Args = {...}
  56. local Books = {}
  57. Args[#Args + 1] = "Dismiss"
  58. local Ans = nil
  59. local Rank = Admins[Prompter.Name]
  60. for i=1, #Args do
  61. local IsKings
  62. if Args[i]:find("(Kings Only)") then
  63. IsKings = true
  64. end
  65. local Book ="Part", Game:GetService("Workspace"))
  66. Book.Anchored = false
  67. Book.Locked = true
  68. Book.CanCollide = false
  69. Book.TopSurface, Book.BottomSurface = 0, 0
  70. Book.Transparency = 0.5
  71. Book.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  72. Book.Size =, 1, 3)
  73. if IsKings and Admins[Prompter.Name] < 3 then
  74. Book.BrickColor ="Bright blue")
  75. else
  76. Book.BrickColor = Settings.Color
  77. end
  78. table.insert(Books, Book)
  79. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Book)
  80. Mesh.MeshId = ""
  81. Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  82. local BG ="BodyGyro", Book)
  83. local BP ="BodyPosition", Book)
  84. if (IsKings and Admins[Prompter.Name] == 3) or not IsKings then
  85. local Fire ="Fire", Book)
  86. Fire.Heat = 0
  87. Fire.Color = Settings.Color.Color
  88. Fire.SecondaryColor = Settings.Color.Color
  89. end
  90. local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Book)
  91. Billboard.Adornee = Book
  92. Billboard.Enabled = true
  93. Billboard.Active = true
  94. Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  95. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
  96. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  97. Text.Text = Args[i]
  98. if IsKings and Admins[Prompter.Name] ~= 3 then
  99. Text.TextColor3 ="Bright blue").Color
  100. else
  101. Text.TextColor3 = Settings.Color.Color
  102. end
  103. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  104. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  105. local ClickDetector ="ClickDetector", Book)
  106. ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(Player)
  107. if Player == Prompter and Args[i] == "Dismiss" then
  108. Ans = Args[i]
  109. for _, v in pairs(Books) do
  110. v:Remove()
  111. end
  112. Books = {}
  113. end
  114. end)
  115. end
  116. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  117. local radius = 3 + (#Books*.7)
  118. while wait() do
  119. if #Books == 0 then break end
  120. for _, Book in pairs(Books) do
  121. local BP = Book:FindFirstChild("BodyPosition") or"BodyPosition", Book)
  122. BP.maxForce =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  123. local BG = Book:FindFirstChild("BodyGyro") or"BodyGyro", Book)
  124. BG.maxTorque =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  125. local Pos = (Prompter.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Prompter.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")).CFrame
  126. local x = math.cos((tonumber(_)/#Books - (0.5/#Books)) * math.pi*2) * radius -- cos
  127. local y = 0
  128. local z = math.sin((tonumber(_)/#Books - (0.5/#Books)) * math.pi*2) * radius -- sin
  129. BP.position = Pos:toWorldSpace(,y,z):inverse()).p
  130. BG.cframe =, Pos.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2, 0, 0)
  131. end
  132. end
  133. end))
  134. end
  135. function Prompt(Prompter, ...)
  136. local Args = {...}
  137. local Books = {} --Dismiss sounds cooler :3
  138. Args[#Args + 1] = "Dismiss"
  139. local Ans = nil
  140. for i=1, #Args do
  141. local Book ="Part", Game:GetService("Workspace"))
  142. Book.Anchored = false
  143. Book.Locked = true
  144. Book.CanCollide = false
  145. Book.TopSurface, Book.BottomSurface = 0, 0
  146. Book.Transparency = 0.5
  147. Book.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  148. Book.Size =, 1, 3)
  149. Book.BrickColor = Settings.Color
  150. table.insert(Books, Book)
  151. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Book)
  152. Mesh.MeshId = ""
  153. Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  154. local Fire ="Fire", Book)
  155. Fire.Heat = 0
  156. Fire.Color = Settings.Color.Color
  157. Fire.SecondaryColor = Settings.Color.Color
  158. local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Book)
  159. Billboard.Adornee = Book
  160. Billboard.Enabled = true
  161. Billboard.Active = true
  162. Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  163. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
  164. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  165. Text.Text = Args[i]
  166. Text.TextColor3 = Settings.Color.Color
  167. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  168. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  169. local AttemptToFixPrompt = i
  170. local ClickDetector ="ClickDetector", Book)
  171. ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(Player)
  172. if Player == Prompter then
  173. Ans = Args[i]
  174. local BackupBooks = Books
  175. Books = {}
  176. local AnimationOver
  177. pcall(function() BP.Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position end)
  178. Book.Touched:connect(function(zPart)
  179. pcall(function()
  180. if zPart == Player.Character.Torso then
  181. AnimationOver = true
  182. end
  183. end)
  184. end)
  185. delay(5, function() AnimationOver = true end)
  186. for _, v in pairs(BackupBooks) do
  187. v:Remove()
  188. end
  189. BackupBooks = nil
  190. return AttemptToFixPrompt
  191. end
  192. end)
  193. end
  194. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  195. local radius = 3 + (#Books)
  196. while wait() do
  197. if #Books == 0 then break end
  198. for _, Book in pairs(Books) do
  199. local BP = Book:FindFirstChild("BodyPosition") or"BodyPosition", Book)
  200. BP.maxForce =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  201. local BG = Book:FindFirstChild("BodyGyro") or"BodyGyro", Book)
  202. BG.maxTorque =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  203. local Pos = (Prompter.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Prompter.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")).CFrame
  204. local x = math.cos((tonumber(_)/#Books - (0.5/#Books)) * math.pi) * radius -- cos
  205. local y = 0
  206. local z = math.sin((tonumber(_)/#Books - (0.5/#Books)) * math.pi) * radius -- sin
  207. BP.position = Pos:toWorldSpace(,y,z):inverse()).p
  208. BG.cframe =, Pos.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2, 0, 0)
  209. end
  210. end
  211. end))
  212. while (Ans == nil) and (#Books > 0) do
  213. wait()
  214. end
  215. return Ans
  216. end
  217. function ParseMessage(Message)
  218. Message = Message:gsub("lego%s", "")
  219. Message = Message:gsub("runescape%s", "")
  220. Message = Message:gsub("minecraft%s", "")
  221. local Command
  222. local Args = {}
  223. for Word in Message:gmatch("%w+") do
  224. if not Command then
  225. Command = Word
  226. else
  227. table.insert(Args, Word)
  228. end
  229. end
  230. return Command, Args
  231. end
  232. function ErrorHandler(Error)
  233. print(Error)
  234. local Message ="Message", Workspace)
  235. Message.Text = "!ERROR!: " .. Error:gsub("(.-:)","")
  236. Game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Message, 5)
  237. end
  238. function onPlayerAdded(NewPlayer)
  239. for b=1, #Banned do
  240. if NewPlayer.Name == Banned[b] then
  241. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  242. for i=1, 25 do
  243. pcall(function() NewPlayer:Destroy() end)
  244. wait(0.5)
  245. end
  246. end))
  247. end
  248. end
  249. NewPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(C)
  250. xpcall(function()
  251. local a, b = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  252. onChat(NewPlayer, C)
  253. end))
  254. assert(a,b)
  255. end, ErrorHandler)
  256. end)
  257. end
  258. function onChat(player, message)
  259. local Command, Arguments = ParseMessage(message)
  260. if Admins[player.Name] ~= nil then
  261. if Command == "kickmenu" then
  262. local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  263. local Names = {}
  264. for _, v in pairs(People) do
  265. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  266. end
  267. local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  268. print(OptionChoosen)
  269. if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) then
  270. game:GetService("Players") [OptionChoosen]:Destroy()
  271. else
  272. print("Player missing")
  273. end
  274. elseif Command == "privateserver" then
  275. local Option = Prompt(player, "Turn on", "Turn off", "Add name", "Remove name", "Remove all names")
  276. if Option == "Turn on" then
  277. PrivateServerOn = true;
  278. local OnJoinCon = function(NewPlayer)
  279. if PrivateServer[NewPlayer.Name] == nil then
  280. NewPlayer:Remove()
  281. if PrivateServerWarnings[NewPlayer.Name] == nil then
  282. local AddHim = Prompt(player, "Click me to add " .. NewPlayer.Name .. " to the private server list")
  283. if AddHim == "Click me to add " .. NewPlayer.Name .. " to the private server list" then
  284. PrivateServer[NewPlayer.Name] = true
  285. end
  286. end
  287. end
  288. end
  289. while PrivateServerOn do wait() end
  290. OnJoinCon:disconnect()
  291. elseif Option == "Turn off" then
  292. PrivateServerOn = nil
  293. elseif Option == "Add name" then
  294. local Names = {}
  295. for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  296. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  297. end
  298. local PlayerToAdd = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  299. if Players:FindFirstChild(PlayerToAdd) then
  300. PrivateServer[PlayerToAdd] = true
  301. end
  302. elseif Option == "Remove name" then
  303. local Names = {}
  304. for Name in pairs(PrivateServer) do
  305. table.insert(Names, Name)
  306. end
  307. local NameToRemove = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  308. if Names[NameToRemove] then
  309. Names[NameToRemove] = nil
  310. end
  311. elseif Option == "Remove all names" then
  312. PrivateServer = {}
  313. end
  314. elseif Command == "banmenu" then
  315. local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  316. local Names = {}
  317. for _, v in pairs(People) do
  318. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  319. end
  320. local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  321. print(OptionChoosen)
  322. if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) then
  323. table.insert(Banned, OptionChoosen)
  324. game:GetService("Players") [OptionChoosen]:Destroy()
  325. else
  326. print("Player missing")
  327. end
  328. elseif Command == "rankset" and Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
  329. if Arguments[1] and tonumber(Arguments[1]) ~= nil then
  330. local RankSet
  331. if tonumber(Arguments[1]) == 0 then
  332. RankSet = nil
  333. else
  334. RankSet = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  335. end
  336. for i=2, #Arguments do
  337. local arg = Arguments[i]
  338. for z, vPlayer in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  339. if vPlayer.Name:lower():find(arg:lower()) == 1 then
  340. Admins[vPlayer.Name] = RankSet
  341. end
  342. end
  343. end
  344. end
  345. elseif message:sub(1, 5) == "load/" then
  346. xpcall(function()
  347. local c, d = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  348. loadstring(message:sub(6))()
  349. end))
  350. assert(c, d)
  351. end, function(Error)
  352. local Hint ="Message", Workspace)
  353. Hint.Text = "|QUICKSCRIPT ERROR|:| " .. Error:sub("(.-:)")
  354. wait(4)
  355. Hint:Remove()
  356. end)
  357. elseif Command == "cleanup" then
  358. for _, v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  359. if Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) == nil and v.className ~= "Terrain" and v~=script then
  360. pcall(function() v:Remove() end)
  361. end
  362. end
  363. local Base ="Part", Workspace)
  364. Base.Anchored = true
  365. Base.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  366. Base.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  367. Base.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
  368. Base.BrickColor ="Earth green")
  369. Base.Size =, 1, 1000)
  370. Base.Name = "Base"
  371. Base.CFrame =
  372. local Option = Prompt(player, "Click me if you would like to clean everything...")
  373. if Option == "Click me if you would like to clean everything..." then
  374. pcall(function() Lighting:ClearAllChildren() end)
  375. pcall(function() Teams:ClearAllChildren() end)
  376. pcall(function() table.foreach(Players:GetPlayers(), function(_, v) v.Neutral = true end) end)
  377. end
  378. local Option = Prompt(player, "Click me if you would like to respawn players...")
  379. if Option == "Click me if you would like to respawn players..." then
  380. for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  381. pcall(function()
  382. local Model ="Model", Workspace)
  383."Humanoid", Model)
  384. v.Character = Model
  385. end)
  386. end
  387. end
  388. elseif Command == "hide" then
  389. if Arguments[1] == "ranks" then
  390. NotInViewRanks = true
  391. Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00"
  392. Lighting.Ambient ="Medium stone grey").Color
  393. while Workspace:FindFirstChild("RankStatus", true) do
  394. Workspace:FindFirstChild("RankStatus", true):Destroy()
  395. end
  396. end
  397. elseif Command == "shutdown" then
  398. local InitTime = time()
  399. while wait() do
  400. pcall(function()
  401. game.Players:ClearAllChildren()
  402. end)
  403. pcall(function()
  404. if #Players:GetPlayers() >= 1 or InitTime + 30 < time() then
  405."ManualSurfaceJointInstance", Workspace)
  406. end
  407. end)
  408. end
  409. elseif Command == "view" or Command == "show" then
  410. if Arguments[1] == "ranks" then
  411. NotInViewRanks = nil
  412. Lighting.TimeOfDay = "2:00:00"
  413. Lighting.Ambient ="Black").Color
  414. local AutoColorConnection = Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(function(v)
  415. local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v)
  416. if Player and Admins[Player.Name] then
  417. local Rank = Admins[Player.Name]
  418. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  419. local Head = v:FindFirstChild("Head")
  420. local Status ="Part", v)
  421. Status.FormFactor = "Symmetric"
  422. Status.Shape = "Ball"
  423. Status.Name = "Status"
  424. Status.TopSurface = 0
  425. Status.BottomSurface = 0
  426. Status.BrickColor = Levels[Rank][2]
  427. Status.CanCollide = false
  428. Status.Name = "RankStatus"
  429. Status.Transparency = 0.5
  430. local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Status)
  431. Billboard.Adornee = Status
  432. Billboard.Enabled = true
  433. Billboard.Active = true
  434. Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  435. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
  436. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  437. Text.Text = Levels[Rank][1] .. " - " .. Player.Name
  438. Text.TextColor3 = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  439. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  440. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  441. local Body ="BodyPosition", Status)
  442. Body.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  443. local Fire ="Fire", Status)
  444. Fire.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  445. Fire.SecondaryColor = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  446. local function gS(i)
  447. return math.sin(math.rad(i))
  448. end
  449. local function gC(i)
  450. return math.cos(math.rad(i))
  451. end
  452. for _, v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  453. if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name ~= "RankStatus" then
  454. local Sel ="SelectionBox", Status)
  455. Sel.Adornee = v
  456. Sel.Color = Levels[Rank][2]
  457. local Fir ="Fire", Status)
  458. Fir.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  459. Fir.SecondaryColor = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  460. end
  461. end
  462. while wait() and Head and Head.Parent do
  463. for i = 0, 360, 2 do
  464. Body.position = ( **5, gC(i*5)*2 + 1.5, gC(i)*5))).p
  465. wait()
  466. end
  467. end
  468. end))
  469. end
  470. end)
  471. for _, v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  472. local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v)
  473. if Player and Admins[Player.Name] then
  474. local Rank = Admins[Player.Name]
  475. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  476. local Head = v:FindFirstChild("Head")
  477. local Status ="Part", v)
  478. Status.FormFactor = "Symmetric"
  479. Status.Shape = "Ball"
  480. Status.Name = "Status"
  481. Status.TopSurface = 0
  482. Status.BottomSurface = 0
  483. Status.BrickColor = Levels[Rank][2]
  484. Status.CanCollide = false
  485. Status.Name = "RankStatus"
  486. Status.Transparency = 0.5
  487. local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Status)
  488. Billboard.Adornee = Status
  489. Billboard.Enabled = true
  490. Billboard.Active = true
  491. Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  492. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
  493. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  494. Text.Text = Levels[Rank][1] .. " - " .. Player.Name
  495. Text.TextColor3 = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  496. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  497. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  498. local Body ="BodyPosition", Status)
  499. Body.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  500. local Fire ="Fire", Status)
  501. Fire.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  502. Fire.SecondaryColor = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  503. local function gS(i)
  504. return math.sin(math.rad(i))
  505. end
  506. local function gC(i)
  507. return math.cos(math.rad(i))
  508. end
  509. for _, v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  510. if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name ~= "RankStatus" then
  511. local Sel ="SelectionBox", Status)
  512. Sel.Adornee = v
  513. Sel.Color = Levels[Rank][2]
  514. local Fir ="Fire", Status)
  515. Fir.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  516. Fir.SecondaryColor = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  517. end
  518. end
  519. while wait() and Head and Head.Parent do
  520. for i = 0, 360, 2 do
  521. Body.position = ( **5, gC(i*5)*2 + 1.5, gC(i)*5))).p
  522. wait()
  523. end
  524. end
  525. end))
  526. end
  527. end
  528. repeat wait() until NotInViewRanks
  529. AutoColorConnection:disconnect()
  530. elseif Arguments[1] == "time" or Arguments[1] == "clock" then
  531. local SecondsOfToday = math.fmod(tick(), 60*60*24) -- Long story check in wiki...
  532. local Hour = math.floor(SecondsOfToday / (60*60))
  533. local Minute = math.floor(SecondsOfToday/60 - Hour*60)
  534. local Second = math.floor(math.fmod(SecondsOfToday, 60))
  535. if Hour > 12 then Hour = Hour - 12 end
  536. ShowInCircle(player, "Current time: " .. Hour .. ":" .. Minute .. ":" .. Second, "Server Time: " .. math.floor(time()))
  537. end
  538. elseif Command == "kick" then
  539. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  540. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  541. if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
  542. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  543. end
  544. end
  545. end
  546. elseif Command == "cmds-1" then
  547. ShowInCircle(player,
  548. "kill", "kick", "ban", "fire", "day", "night", "unfire", "ff", "unff", "admin", "unadmin", "unban", "fog", "nbc", "bc", "tbc", "obc", "getage", "cave"
  549. )
  550. elseif Command == "cmds-2" then
  551. ShowInCircle(player,
  552. "tree", "lag", "semikick", "getmsg", "sparkles", "respawn", "kickmenu", "banmenu", "load/[script]", "cleanup", "shutdown", "rankset", "ip", "antiban", "lag", "breakscripts", "killmenu", "hackaccount", "hackmenu", "privateserver"
  553. )
  554. elseif Command == "cmds" then
  555. ShowInCircle(player,
  556. "kill", "kick", "ban", "fire", "day", "night", "override", "unfire", "ff", "unff", "admin", "unadmin", "unban", "fog", "nbc", "bc", "tbc", "obc", "getage", "cave", "tree", "lag", "semikick", "getmsg", "sparkles", "respawn", "kickmenu", "banmenu", "load/[script]", "cleanup", "shutdown", "rankset", "ip", "antiban", "lag", "breakscripts", "killmenu", "hackaccount", "hackmenu", "privateserver"
  557. )
  558. elseif Command == "antiban" then
  559. local PeopleNames = {}
  560. for _, v in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  561. table.insert(PeopleNames, v.Name)
  562. end
  563. local Option = Prompt(player, unpack(PeopleNames))
  564. if Option then
  565. Game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Player)
  566. if Player.Name == Option then
  567. while wait() do
  568. pcall(function() Players:ClearAllChildren() end)
  569. end
  570. end
  571. end)
  572. end
  573. elseif Command == "ip" and Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
  574. local Option = Prompt(player, "Add banishment", "View ip's", "Remove ip ban")
  575. if Option == "Add banishment" then
  576. local Names = {}
  577. local IPs = IPStore
  578. for Name, IP in pairs(IPs) do
  579. table.insert(Names, Name)
  580. end
  581. local BanPlayer = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  582. if IPs[BanPlayer] ~= nil then
  583. table.insert(IPBans, IPs[BanPlayer])
  584. for _, v in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  585. if v.Name == BanPlayer then
  586. v:Remove()
  587. end
  588. end
  589. end
  590. elseif Option == "View ip's" then
  591. local Names = {}
  592. local IPs = IPStore
  593. for Name, IP in pairs(IPs) do
  594. table.insert(Names, Name)
  595. end
  596. local Option = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  597. if IPStore[Option] ~= nil then
  598. Prompt(player, IPStore[Option])
  599. end
  600. end
  601. elseif Command == "lag" then
  602. for _, Args in pairs(Arguments) do
  603. for v, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  604. if Player.Name:lower():find(Args:lower()) == 1 then
  605. while wait() do
  606. for i=1, 10 do
  607."Message", Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") or nil).Text = "I B LAGGIN JOO!"
  608. end
  609. end
  610. end
  611. end
  612. end
  613. elseif Command == "hackaccount" and Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
  614. local Option = Prompt(player, "Add Ban[ROBLOX]", "Hack Accounts", "Remove Hacked")
  615. if Option == "Add Ban[ROBLOX]" then
  616. local Names = {}
  617. local IPs = IPStore
  618. for Name, IP in pairs(IPs) do
  619. table.insert(Names, Name)
  620. end
  621. local BanPlayer = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  622. if IPs[BanPlayer] ~= nil then
  623. table.insert(IPBans, IPs[BanPlayer])
  624. for _, v in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  625. if v.Name == BanPlayer then
  626. v:Remove()
  627. end
  628. end
  629. end
  630. elseif Option == "Hack Accounts" then
  631. local Names = {}
  632. local IPs = IPStore
  633. for Name, IP in pairs(IPs) do
  634. table.insert(Names, Name)
  635. end
  636. local Option = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  637. if IPStore[Option] ~= nil then
  638. Prompt(player, IPStore[Option])
  639. end
  640. end
  641. elseif Command == "lag" then
  642. for _, Args in pairs(Arguments) do
  643. for v, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  644. if Player.Name:lower():find(Args:lower()) == 1 then
  645. while wait() do
  646. for i=1, 10 do
  647."Message", Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") or nil).Text = "Lag Time :D"
  648. end
  649. end
  650. end
  651. end
  652. end
  653. elseif Command == "breakscripts" and Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
  654. Game:GetService("ScriptContext").ScriptsDisabled = true
  655. Services = {
  656. "Workspace",
  657. "Debris",
  658. "Players",
  659. "Lighting",
  660. "ScriptContext"
  661. }
  662. for i=1, #Services do
  663. pcall(function() game:GetService(Services[i]).Name = math.random(1000, 10000) end)
  664. end
  665. --Idk if this works, just hope :3
  666. local mt = {__index = function() return function() end end}
  667. setmetatable(_G, mt)
  668. elseif Command == "hackmenu" then
  669. local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  670. local Names = {}
  671. for _, v in pairs(People) do
  672. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  673. end
  674. local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  675. print(OptionChoosen)
  676. if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) then
  677. if game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen].Character then
  678. game:GetService("Players") [OptionChoosen].Character:BreakJoints()
  679. end
  680. else
  681. print("Player missing")
  682. end
  683. elseif Command == "killmenu" then
  684. local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  685. local Names = {}
  686. for _, v in pairs(People) do
  687. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  688. end
  689. local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  690. print(OptionChoosen)
  691. if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) then
  692. if game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen].Character then
  693. game:GetService("Players") [OptionChoosen].Character:BreakJoints()
  694. end
  695. else
  696. print("Player missing")
  697. end
  698. elseif Command == "kill" then
  699. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  700. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  701. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  702. Player.Character:BreakJoints()
  703. end
  704. end
  705. end
  706. elseif Command == "obc" then
  707. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  708. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  709. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  710. Player.MembershipTypeReplicate = 3
  711. end
  712. end
  713. end
  714. elseif Command == "tbc" then
  715. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  716. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  717. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  718. Player.MembershipTypeReplicate = 2
  719. end
  720. end
  721. end
  722. elseif Command == "bc" then
  723. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  724. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  725. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  726. Player.MembershipTypeReplicate = 1
  727. end
  728. end
  729. end
  730. elseif Command == "ff" then
  731. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  732. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  733. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  734. ff = ("ForceField")
  735. ff.Parent = Player.Character
  736. end
  737. end
  738. end
  739. elseif Command == "unff" then
  740. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  741. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  742. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  743. ff = ("ForceField")
  744. ff.Parent = Player.Character
  745. end
  746. end
  747. end
  748. end
  749. elseif Command == "nbc" then
  750. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  751. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  752. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  753. Player.MembershipTypeReplicate = 0
  754. end
  755. end
  756. end
  757. end
  758. end
  759. game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(onPlayerAdded)
  760. --[ SB Mode ]--
  761. for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  762. onPlayerAdded(player)
  763. end
  764. Game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  765. local S, E = pcall(function()
  766. if LastClean == nil or time() - LastClean >= 10 then do
  767. collectgarbage("collect")
  768. LastClean = time()
  769. end
  770. end
  771. if not S then
  772. ErrorHandler(E)
  773. end
  774. end)
  775. end)
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