
2019 Speedrun Thoughts

Apr 5th, 2019
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  1. I've been thinking a lot lately about how can I work on my speedrun ideals. A lot of you can describe me as a speedrunner that doesn't like to stay on the same game too long, and try to beat his own goals, instead of WRs. Luckily, since I started, that's one of the things that remained the same.
  3. But I was thinking that is contradictory for my approach to just jump from game to game just because I like it, because not only I'm promoting my comfort zone (a thing that is not as good as it sounds), but also I justifying changing games constantly just because I achieved some kind of goal. I needed something in-between that I can call a real victory in terms of achieving something for myself, and to being honest, I think I haven't been that strict with my previous goals.
  5. On that context, is important to add that my mindset approaching speedruns has evolved a lot since I started in this community. When I ran my first game: Mega Man 5, back then, I didn't have patience to deal with mistakes, or the discipline to practice certain strats or even to do full runs, to the point that I prefered to run shorter games most because of the sensation of not dealing with that much failure stress. Luckily, all those things are a thing from the past today, as my mindset is totally different, more mature and more "Professional".
  7. On that matter, looking back to some games that I ran, is impossible to not feel that I could do better. Specially with a mindset like the one I have right now. And that mostly applies to every speedrun that I have done. So, I have decided that this year, when I jump back on speedruns (hopefully soon), I will be more focused on coming back to my old games and categories, but trying to improve my times, with this new mindset.
  9. This may come as a surprise but, I want to go back to games like Pac-Man World or Adventure Island 3; games that most of people know made my life as a speedrunner a living hell for different reasons. But, that's exactly the point. Those reason doesn't exist anymore, or, better said, I have another way of thinking that kind of things now, so there's no problem about that.
  11. Since I thought about this, a new feeling arised. Trying the same things that I did before, as a "grown-up" speedrunner, has made me feel renew and motivated me to come back to speedrun. That's all I need to know to say that this line of thinking is a good one. And of course, having fun will be always the number 1 priority on this hobbie of mine.
  13. So, if you know me from the speedrun community, I hope we can share a little more in the future, when I try to come back to my speedrunning roots, trying to find a way to improve myself as a player ^^
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