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- Local Script --
- debounce = false
- v3 =
- cn =
- ca2 = CFrame.Angles
- mf = math.floor
- mran = math.random
- mrad = math.rad
- mdeg = math.deg
- ca = function(x,y,z) return ca2(mrad(x),mrad(y),mrad(z)) end
- v32=function(x,y,z) return v3(mdeg(x),mdeg(y),mdeg(z)) end
- mran2 = function(a,b) return mran(a*1000,b*1000)/1000 end
- bn =
- c3 =
- nov3=v3(0,0,0)
- maxv3=v3(1,1,1)/0
- -----
- Player = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
- Char = Player.Character
- Torso = Char.Torso
- Head = Char.Head
- Humanoid = Char.Humanoid
- Root=Char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint
- LA=Char['Left Arm']
- RA=Char['Right Arm']
- LL=Char['Left Leg']
- RL=Char['Right Leg']
- LAM=Torso:findFirstChild'Left Shoulder' or _G.LAM
- RAM=Torso:findFirstChild'Right Shoulder' or _G.RAM
- LLM=Torso:findFirstChild'Left Hip' or _G.LLM
- RLM=Torso:findFirstChild'Right Hip' or _G.RLM
- Neck=Torso.Neck
- Neck.C0=cn(0,1.5,0)
- Neck.C1=cn(0,0,0)
- as,so={},{'metal','Block','Slash','Slash2','Hit','Kick'}
- as.corner='11294911'
- as.cone='1033714'
- as.ring="3270017"
- as.Chakram='47260990'
- as.ring2='18430887'
- as.blast='20329976'
- as.missile='10207677'
- as.boom='3264793'
- as.slash='10209645'
- as.abscond='2767090'
- as.firelaser='13775494'
- as.diamond='9756362'
- as.metal='rbxasset://sounds\\unsheath.wav'
- as.Block = 'rbxasset://sounds\\metal.ogg'
- as.Slash = '10209645'
- as.Slash2 = '46760716'
- as.Hit='10209583'
- as.Kick='46153268'
- as.cast='2101137'
- for i,v in pairs(as) do
- if type(tonumber(v:sub(1,3)))=="number" then
- as[i]=""..v
- end
- end
- game:service"ControllerService":ClearAllChildren()
- LastMade=nil
- iNew=function(tab)
- local[1])
- for Ind,Val in pairs(tab) do
- if Ind~=1 and Ind~=2 then
- v[Ind] = Val
- end
- end
- v.Parent=tab[2]==0 and LastMade or tab[2]
- LastMade=v
- return v
- end
- iPart=function(tab)
- local or 'Part')
- if tab.type~='CornerWedgePart' then v.formFactor='Custom' end
- v.TopSurface=0 v.BottomSurface=0
- if then
- v.Size=v3(tab[2]*,tab[3]*,tab[4]*
- else
- v.Size=v3(tab[2],tab[3],tab[4])
- end
- if then v.BrickColor=bn( end
- if then end
- if tab.rf then v.Reflectance=tab.rf end
- v.CanCollide=false --if tab.can then v.CanCollide=tab.can end
- if then end
- if then end
- if then end
- if then end
- v.Parent=tab[1]
- v:BreakJoints()
- LastMade=v
- return v
- end
- ray = function(Pos, Dir,tab,length) -- ray cast
- return workspace:FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit *(length or 999)),tab)
- end
- function getoutline(x,z,i)
- return math.sqrt(x^2+z^2)+(i or 0.05),mdeg(math.atan2(x,z))
- end
- function v3a(cf)
- local x,y,z=cf:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- return v3(mdeg(x),mdeg(y),mdeg(z))
- end
- function TweenV3(i, loops,origpos,nextpos,smooth)
- loops=math.floor(loops)
- smooth = smooth or 1
- local tox2,toy2,toz2 = 0,0,0
- local perc =smooth==1 and math.sin((math.pi/2)/loops*i) or i/loops
- tox2= origpos.x > nextpos.x and -math.abs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc or math.abs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc
- toy2= origpos.y > nextpos.y and -math.abs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc or math.abs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc
- toz2= origpos.z > nextpos.z and -math.abs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc or math.abs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc
- return v3(origpos.x + tox2,origpos.y + toy2,origpos.z + toz2)
- end
- function TweenCF(i, loops,origpos,nextpos,smooth)
- loops=math.floor(loops)
- smooth = smooth or 1
- local x0,y0,z0=origpos:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- local x1,y1,z1=nextpos:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- origangle=v32(x0,y0,z0)
- nextangle=v32(x1,y1,z1)
- local perc =smooth==1 and math.sin((math.pi/2)/loops*i) or i/loops
- local tox,toy,toz = 0,0,0
- tox = origangle.x > nextangle.x and -math.abs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) *perc or math.abs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) *perc
- toy = origangle.y > nextangle.y and -math.abs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) *perc or math.abs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) *perc
- toz = origangle.z > nextangle.z and -math.abs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) *perc or math.abs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) *perc
- local tox2,toy2,toz2 = 0,0,0
- tox2= origpos.x > nextpos.x and -math.abs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc or math.abs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc
- toy2= origpos.y > nextpos.y and -math.abs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc or math.abs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc
- toz2= origpos.z > nextpos.z and -math.abs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc or math.abs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc
- return cn(origpos.x + tox2,origpos.y + toy2,origpos.z + toz2)*ca(origangle.x + tox,origangle.y + toy,origangle.z + toz)
- end
- WeldLib={}
- function GetWeld(weld,CO)
- if not WeldLib[weld] then
- local x0,y0,z0=weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- local x1,y1,z1=weld.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- WeldLib[weld]={[0]=v3(mdeg(x0),mdeg(y0),mdeg(z0)),[1]=v3(mdeg(x1),mdeg(y1),mdeg(z1))}
- end
- return weld['C'..CO].p,WeldLib[weld][CO]
- end
- function ClearWeld(weld)
- if WeldLib[weld] then WeldLib[weld]=nil end
- end
- function SetWeld(weld,CO,i, loops, origpos,origangle, nextpos,nextangle,smooth)
- loops=math.floor(loops)
- smooth = smooth or 1
- if not WeldLib[weld] then
- local x0,y0,z0=weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- local x1,y1,z1=weld.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- WeldLib[weld]={[0]=v3(mdeg(x0),mdeg(y0),mdeg(z0)),[1]=v3(mdeg(x1),mdeg(y1),mdeg(z1))}
- end
- local perc =smooth==1 and math.sin((math.pi/2)/loops*i) or i/loops
- --print(weld.Part1)
- local tox,toy,toz = 0,0,0
- tox = origangle.x > nextangle.x and -math.abs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) *perc or math.abs(origangle.x - nextangle.x) *perc
- toy = origangle.y > nextangle.y and -math.abs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) *perc or math.abs(origangle.y - nextangle.y) *perc
- toz = origangle.z > nextangle.z and -math.abs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) *perc or math.abs(origangle.z - nextangle.z) *perc
- local tox2,toy2,toz2 = 0,0,0
- tox2= origpos.x > nextpos.x and -math.abs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc or math.abs(origpos.x - nextpos.x) *perc
- toy2= origpos.y > nextpos.y and -math.abs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc or math.abs(origpos.y - nextpos.y) *perc
- toz2= origpos.z > nextpos.z and -math.abs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc or math.abs(origpos.z - nextpos.z) *perc
- WeldLib[weld][CO] = v3(origangle.x + tox,origangle.y + toy,origangle.z + toz)
- weld['C'..CO] = cn(origpos.x + tox2,origpos.y + toy2,origpos.z + toz2)*ca(origangle.x + tox,origangle.y + toy,origangle.z + toz)
- end
- function FindSurface(part, position)
- local obj = part.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(position)
- local siz = part.Size/2
- for i,v in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do
- local vec = Vector3.FromNormalId(v)
- local wvec = part.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(vec)
- local vz = (obj)/(siz*vec)
- if (math.abs(vz.X-1) < 0.01 or math.abs(vz.Y-1) < 0.01 or math.abs(vz.Z-1) < 0.01) then
- return wvec,vec
- end
- end
- if part.className == "WedgePart" then
- return part.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(,0.707,-0.707)),,0.707,-0.707)
- end
- end
- LoopFunctions={}
- function DoLoop(times,func)
- LoopFunctions[#LoopFunctions+1]={times,0,func}
- end
- pcall(function() Torso.LAW:Remove() Torso.RAW:Remove() Torso.LLW:Remove() Torso.RLW:Remove() end)
- LAW=iNew{'Weld',Torso,Name='LAW',Part0=Torso,C0=cn(-1.5,0.5,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- RAW=iNew{'Weld',Torso,Name='RAW',Part0=Torso,C0=cn( 1.5,0.5,0),C1=cn(0,0.5,0)}
- LLW=iNew{'Weld',Torso,Name='LLW',Part0=Torso,C0=cn(-0.5, -1,0),C1=cn(0, 1,0)}
- RLW=iNew{'Weld',Torso,Name='RLW',Part0=Torso,C0=cn( 0.5, -1,0),C1=cn(0, 1,0)}
- function Arms(on)
- LAM.Parent=Torso LAM.Part0=Torso
- RAM.Parent=Torso RAM.Part0=Torso
- LAM.Part1=on and nil or LA
- RAM.Part1=on and nil or RA
- LAW.Part1=on and LA or nil
- RAW.Part1=on and RA or nil
- end
- function Legs(on)
- LLM.Part1=on and nil or LL
- RLM.Part1=on and nil or RL
- LLW.Part1=on and LL or nil
- RLW.Part1=on and RL or nil
- end
- _G.MGear=getfenv()
- pcall(function() _G.MGearS.Disabled=true end)
- _G.MGearS=script
- pcall(function() Char.Gear:Remove() end)
- Gear=iNew{'Model',Char,Name='Gear'}
- Gt={[-1]={},[1]={}}
- for x=-1,1,2 do
- local base=iPart{Gear,0.6,3,0.8} iNew{'Weld',LastMade,Part0=x==-1 and LL or RL,Part1=LastMade,C0=cn(0.8*x,0.05,0.45)*ca(-80,0,6*x)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.5,2.5,0.5,co='Light stone grey'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=base,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,-0.24,0.6)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.5,0.5,0.5,co='Light stone grey'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=base,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,1.01,0.6)} iNew{'SpecialMesh',v,MeshType='Sphere'}
- for z=-1.2,0.81,1 do
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.65,0.22,1.35,co='Dark stone grey'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=base,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,z,0.22)}
- end
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.25,0.5,0.25,co='Dark stone grey'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=base,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,1.25,0.6)*ca(0,0,90)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.3,0.3,0.3,co='Black'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=base,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,1.25,0.6)*ca(0,0,90)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local st,en=-0.3,0.3 local co=(st*-1+en)/4
- for xx=st,en,co do --sheath holes
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.2,0.7,co='Really black'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=base,Part1=v,C0=cn(xx+co/2,1.5,0)} iNew{'BlockMesh',v,Scale=v3(0.4,0.1,1)}
- end
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.75,0.2,0.75} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=Torso,Part1=v,C0=cn(0.6*x,-0.65,1.1)*ca(45,0,-45*x)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.6,0.22,0.6,co='Dark stone grey'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=Torso,Part1=v,C0=cn(0.6*x,-0.65,1.1)*ca(45,0,-45*x)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local v2=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.2,0.2} iNew{'Weld',v2,Part0=v,Part1=v2,C0=cn(0,-0.35,0)*ca(180,0,0)} iNew{'SpecialMesh',v2,Scale=v3(0.3,0.65,0.3),MeshId=as.cone}
- local v2=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.2,0.3} iNew{'Weld',v2,Part0=v,Part1=v2,C0=ca(0,200*x,0)*cn(0,0,-0.5)}
- --sword handle
- local h=iPart{Gear,0.3,1.05,0.3} local hw=iNew{'Weld',h,Part0=x==-1 and LA or RA,Part1=h,C0=cn(0,-1,0)*ca(-90,0,0)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',h}
- Gt[x].h=hw
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.32,0.2,0.32,co='Black'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,-0.35,0)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.5,0.25} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,0.25,-0.15)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.21,0.2,0.25,co='Black'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,0.25+0.12,-0.125)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.21,0.2,0.25,co='Black'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,0.25-0.12,-0.125)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.3,0.2,0.3} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,0.6,0)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.3,0.2,0.3,type='WedgePart'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,0.6,-0.3)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.3,0.2,0.3,type='WedgePart'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,0.6, 0.3)*ca(180,0,0)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.5,0.2} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0, 0.3,-0.4)*ca( 14,0,0)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v,Scale=v3(0.6,1,0.6)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.2,0.2} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,-0.25,-0.35)*ca(-20+180,0,0)} iNew{'SpecialMesh',v,MeshId=as.cone,Scale=v3(0.06,1,0.06)}
- --sword blade
- local bladelength=4
- local blade=iPart{Gear,0.2,bladelength,0.4} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=h,Part1=blade,C0=cn(0,0.7+bladelength/2,0.05)} iNew{'BlockMesh',blade,Scale=v3(0.4,1,1)}
- local tip=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.5,0.4,type='WedgePart'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=blade,Part1=tip,C0=cn(0,bladelength/2+0.25,0)*ca(0,180,0)} iNew{'SpecialMesh',tip,MeshType='Wedge',Scale=v3(0.4,1,1)}
- for i=-1.6,1.4,0.6 do
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.2,0,0.52,co='White'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=blade,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,i+0.1,0)*ca(40,0,0)} iNew{'BlockMesh',v,Scale=v3(0.42,0.3,1)}
- end
- blade.Touched:connect(function(hit)
- if debounce == false then
- debounce = true
- isPlayer = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if isPlayer then
- isPlayer:TakeDamage(50)
- wait(0.5)
- end
- debounce = false
- end
- end)
- end
- --Middle
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.2,0.2} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=Torso,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,-1,1.1)*ca(90,0,0)} iNew{'SpecialMesh',v,Scale=v3(0.4,1.6,0.16),MeshId=as.cone}
- Gas=iNew{'Smoke',v,Opacity=0.4,RiseVelocity=25,Size=3,Enabled=false}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.6,0.3,0.6} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=Torso,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,-0.85,0.8)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.3,0.3,0.35,co='Dark stone grey',type='WedgePart'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=Torso,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,-0.9,1.2)*ca(0,180,0)}
- local belt=iPart{Gear,2.01,0.3,1.01,co='Black'} iNew{'Weld',belt,Part0=Torso,Part1=belt,C0=cn(0,-0.7,0)}
- for x=-1,1,2 do --continuesides
- local of=iPart{Gear,0.3,1.2,0.3} iNew{'Weld',belt,Part0=belt,Part1=of,C0=cn(1.15*x,-0.1,0)*ca(-80,0,0)}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.3,1.2,0.3} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=of,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,0,0.15)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- local v=iPart{Gear,0.2,0.2,0.2,co='Really black'} iNew{'Weld',v,Part0=of,Part1=v,C0=cn(0,0.51,0.15)} iNew{'CylinderMesh',v}
- Gt[x].grap=v
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Torso:children()) do
- if v:IsA'Sound' then v:Remove() end
- end
- for i,n in pairs(so) do
- if as[n] then
- local v=iNew{'Sound',Torso,Volume=0.5,Pitch=1,Looped=false,Name=n,SoundId=as[n]}
- so[n]=v
- end
- end
- key={}
- print(#Gear:children())
- Root.C0=cn(0,0,0)*ca(0,0,0)
- Root.C1=cn(0,0,0)*ca(0,0,0)
- WalkAnim=0
- Walking=false
- WalkM=8
- Humanoid.Running:connect(function(Walk)
- Walking=Walk>20 and true or false
- end)
- --LL.Touched:connect(function() if Torso.Velocity.magnitude>30 then Torso.Velocity=nov3 end end)
- --RL.Touched:connect(function() if Torso.Velocity.magnitude>30 then Torso.Velocity=nov3 end end)
- _G.Torso=Torso
- wait()
- Arms(true)
- Legs()
- GetCurrent=function()
- cLA,cLA2=GetWeld(LAW,0)
- cRA,cRA2=GetWeld(RAW,0)
- cLL,cLL2=GetWeld(LLW,0)
- cRL,cRL2=GetWeld(RLW,0)
- cRO,cRO2=GetWeld(Root,0)
- cNE,cNE2=GetWeld(Neck,0)
- end
- ReturnAnim=function()
- GetCurrent()
- local ogt={[-1]={},[1]={}}
- for x=-1,1,2 do ogt[x][1],ogt[x][2]=GetWeld(Gt[x].h,0) end
- local walk=WalkAnim~=0
- for x=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,x,ASpeed,cLA,cLA2,OrigLA,walk and Walk1*WAPerc or OrigLA2,1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,x,ASpeed,cRA,cRA2,OrigRA,walk and Walk2*WAPerc or OrigRA2,1)
- if Hooks[-1] or Hooks[1] then else
- SetWeld(LLW,0,x,ASpeed,cLL,cLL2,OrigLL,OrigLL2,1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,x,ASpeed,cRL,cRL2,OrigRL,OrigRL2,1) end
- SetWeld(Root,0,x,ASpeed,cRO,cRO2,OrigRO,walk and Walk3*WAPerc or OrigRO2,1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,x,ASpeed,cNE,cNE2,OrigNE,walk and Walk4*WAPerc or OrigNE2,1)
- for h=-1,1,2 do SetWeld(Gt[h].h,0,x,ASpeed,ogt[h][1],ogt[h][2],v3(0,-1,0),v3(-90,0,0),1) end
- wait()
- end
- end
- SpecialAttack=function(TYPE)
- if TYPE==1 then
- GetCurrent()
- if Controls.Parent then Humanoid.Jump=true end
- local legwas=LLW.Part1==LL and true or false
- Legs(true)
- for x=1,ASpeed/2 do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,x,ASpeed/2,cLA,cLA2,OrigLA+v3(0,0.8,-0.2),v3(190,0, 10,1),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,x,ASpeed/2,cRA,cRA2,OrigRA+v3(0,0.8,-0.2),v3(190,0,-10,1),1)
- for h=-1,1,2 do SetWeld(Gt[h].h,0,x,ASpeed/2,v3(0,-1,0),v3(-90,0,0),v3(0,-1.25,0),v3(-135,0,0),1) end
- SetWeld(LLW,0,x,ASpeed/2,cLL,cLL2,OrigLL+v3(0,0.6,-0.7),v3(-30,0,-10,1),1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,x,ASpeed/2,cRL,cRL2,OrigRL+v3(0,0.6,-0.7),v3(-30,0,10,1),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,x,ASpeed/2,cRO,cRO2,OrigRO,v3(90,0,0,1),1)
- wait()
- end
- local spin,ii=360,3
- for i=0,spin,spin/12 do
- ii=ii+1 if ii%4==0 then so.Slash:Play() end
- Root.C0=ca(90-i,0,0)
- wait()
- end
- ClearWeld(Root)
- ReturnAnim() Legs(legwas)
- elseif TYPE==2 then
- end
- end
- pcall(function() Torso.BG:Remove() Torso.RP:Remove() end)
- BG=iNew{'BodyGyro',Torso,Name='BG',maxTorque=nov3}
- BP=iNew{'RocketPropulsion',Torso,Name='RP'}
- local rocketprop=iPart{Gear,1,1,1,an=true,cf=cn(0,-100,0),tr=1}
- rocketprop.CanCollide=false
- BP.Target=rocketprop
- BP.ThrustP=5
- BP.MaxTorque=nov3 --v3(400000,400000,0)
- BP.MaxThrust=4000
- BP.MaxSpeed=30
- --BP.CartoonFactor=1
- BP.TurnP,BP.TurnD=0,0
- BP.ThrustD=0.03 --BP.ThrustD*30
- BP.ThrustP=BP.ThrustP/1.5
- BP.TargetRadius=0
- pcall(function() workspace.Camera.Inv:Remove() end)
- Inv=iNew{'Model',workspace.Camera,Name='Inv'}
- Hooks={}
- HookP={[-1]={},[1]={}}
- Hit=nil
- Grapple={}
- key={}
- mouse=Player:GetMouse()
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- key[k]=true
- local gp={['q']=-1,['e']=1}
- if k=='2' then
- elseif (k==' ') and Controls.Parent==nil then
- if WallWalk then WallWalk=false return end
- WallWalk=false
- Controls.Parent=game:service'ControllerService'
- Humanoid.Sit=false
- Legs(false)
- OrigRO=v3(0,0,0)
- Root.C0=cn(OrigRO)
- ---
- elseif k=='0' and Controls.Parent==nil and not Gas.Enabled and not WallWalking then
- local bv=iNew{'BodyVelocity',Torso}
- Gas.Enabled=true
- repeat
- local ss=(Hooks[1] or Hooks[-1]) and 5000 or 2000
- bv.maxForce=v3(ss,2000,ss)
- bv.velocity=Torso.CFrame.lookVector*125
- wait()
- until not key[k] or Controls.Parent
- Gas.Enabled=false
- bv:Remove()
- elseif (k=='q' or k=='e') and not Grapple[k] then
- so.Slash:Play()
- Grapple[k]=true
- local x=gp[k]
- local ob1=Gt[x].grap
- local speed=26
- local hook=iPart{Gear,1,1,1,co='Black',an=true,cf=cn(ob1.Position,mouse.Hit.p)*ca(-90,0,0)} iNew{'SpecialMesh',hook,Scale=v3(0.4,2,0.4),MeshId=as.cone}
- local rope=iPart{Gear,1,1,1,co='Black',an=true,cf=cf} local ropem=iNew{'CylinderMesh',rope}
- hook.CanCollide=false
- rope.CanCollide=false
- local con=game:GetService'RunService'.RenderStepped:connect(function()
- local mag=(ob1.Position-hook.Position).magnitude
- ropem.Scale=v3(0.2,mag,0.2)
- rope.CFrame=cn(ob1.Position,hook.Position)*cn(0,0,-mag/2)*ca(90,0,0)
- if not rope or not rope.Parent then con:disconnect() end
- end)
- for i=1,200 do
- if not key[k] then break end
- local hit,pos=ray(hook.Position,hook.Position-hook.CFrame*cn(0,-speed,0).p,Char,speed+1)
- if not hit then
- hook.CFrame=hook.CFrame*cn(0,speed,0)*ca(-0.1,0,0)
- else
- hook.CFrame=hook.CFrame*cn(0,(hook.Position-pos).magnitude,0)
- end
- local mag=(ob1.Position-hook.Position).magnitude
- if hit and hit.Transparency<1 and hit.CanCollide then
- Hit=hit
- HookP[x]={Hit,Hit.CFrame:toObjectSpace(hook.CFrame),pos}
- so.Block:Play()
- Hooks[x]=hook
- Humanoid.Sit=true
- Legs(true)
- OrigRO=v3(0,1,0)
- Root.C0=cn(OrigRO)
- Controls.Parent=nil
- break
- end
- wait()
- end
- ---
- if Hit then
- --hook.Reflectance=0.1
- end
- repeat wait()
- until not key[k] or Controls.Parent --relase
- Hooks[x]=nil
- hook:Remove()
- rope:Remove()
- Grapple[k]=false
- elseif k=='f' and LegAnim=='None' and TorsoAnim=='None' and LegAnim=='None' then
- ArmAnim,LegAnim,TorsoAnim='','',''
- SpecialAttack(1)
- ArmAnim,LegAnim,TorsoAnim='None','None','None'
- elseif k=='p' then
- local mpos=mouse.Hit.p
- local wall=iPart{Char,1,1,1,an=true}
- repeat
- local mag=(mpos-mouse.Hit.p).magnitude
- wall.Size=v3(not key.l and 4 or 0.5,200,mag)
- wall.CFrame=cn(mpos,mouse.Hit.p)*cn(0,100,-mag/2)
- wait() until not key.p
- local cf=wall.CFrame wall.Parent=workspace wall.CFrame=cf wall.CanCollide=true
- elseif k=='l' then
- wotm8=wotm8 and wotm8+150 or 75
- iPart{workspace,120,30,120,an=true,cf=cn(0,180,wotm8+100)*ca(0,mran(-40,40),0)}.CanCollide=true
- iPart{workspace,146,4,120,an=true,cf=cn(0,1,wotm8+100)}.CanCollide=true
- --elseif k=='w' and (not Hooks[-1] and not Hooks[1]) then
- --Humanoid.PlatformStand=false
- end
- end)) end)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(k)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- key[k]=false
- end)) end)
- mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- Button1=true
- if ArmAnim=='None' then
- ArmAnim,TorsoAnim='Attack','Attack'
- thesteerclick=thesteerclick==1 and -1 or 1
- local y=thesteerclick
- GetCurrent()
- local ASpeed=ASpeed/1.5
- for x=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,x,ASpeed,cLA,cLA2,OrigLA,v3(0,-135*y,(-90-LookAngle/2)*y),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,x,ASpeed,cRA,cRA2,OrigRA,v3(0,-135*y,(-90-LookAngle/2)*y),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,x,ASpeed,cRO,cRO2,OrigRO,v3(0,-90*y,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,x,ASpeed,cNE,cNE2,OrigNE,v3(0,90*y/3,0),1)
- for h=-1,1,2 do SetWeld(Gt[h].h,0,x,ASpeed,v3(0,-1,0),v3(-90,0,0),v3(0,-1.25,0),v3(-180,0,0),1) end
- wait()
- end
- GetCurrent()
- so.Slash:Play()
- for x=1,ASpeed do
- SetWeld(LAW,0,x,ASpeed,cLA,cLA2,OrigLA+v3(0,0,-0.8),v3(0,-30*y,(-90-LookAngle/2)*y),1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,x,ASpeed,cRA,cRA2,OrigRA+v3(0,0,-0.8),v3(0,-30*y,(-90-LookAngle/2)*y),1)
- SetWeld(Root,0,x,ASpeed,cRO,cRO2,OrigRO,v3(0,80*y,0),1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,x,ASpeed,cNE,cNE2,OrigNE,v3(0,-80*y/3,0),1)
- wait()
- end
- ReturnAnim()
- ArmAnim,TorsoAnim='None','None'
- end
- end)
- mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
- Button1=false
- end)
- LegAnim='None'
- ArmAnim='None'
- TorsoAnim='None'
- WalkSpeed={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}
- ASpeed=8
- OrigLA=v3(-1.5,0.5,0) OrigLA2=v3(5,0,-30)
- OrigRA=v3( 1.5,0.5,0) OrigRA2=v3(5,0,30)
- OrigLL=v3(-0.5,-1,0) OrigLL2=v3(0,0,0)
- OrigRL=v3( 0.5,-1,0) OrigRL2=v3(0,0,0)
- OrigRO=v3(0,0,0) OrigRO2=v3(0,0,0)
- OrigNE=v3(0,1.5,0) OrigNE2=v3(0,0,0)
- -----
- --c/local x,y,z=workspace.RobroxMasterDX.Torso["Left Hip"].C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ() print(math.deg(y))
- rocketfired=false
- local spi,spix,span=0,0.5,1
- while Gear.Parent do
- local headpos,mousepos=Head.Position,mouse.Hit.p
- XAngle=math.floor(cn(headpos,mousepos).lookVector.y*180)
- LookAngle=XAngle<-20 and -20 or (XAngle>45 and 45 or XAngle)
- WalkAnim=WalkAnim+(ArmAnim=='None' and (Walking and 1 or -1) or 0)
- if WalkAnim<0 then WalkAnim=0 elseif WalkAnim>WalkM then WalkAnim=WalkM end
- WAPerc=WalkAnim/WalkM
- spi=spi+spix
- local adj=spi*8
- if math.abs(spi)>=span then spix=spix*-1 end
- Walk1,Walk2,Walk3,Walk4=v3(0,90,-90+25+adj),v3(0,-90,90-25-adj),v3(-18-adj,0,spi*1.5),v3(18+adj,0,-spi*1.5)
- if ArmAnim=='None' then
- SetWeld(LAW,0,WalkAnim,WalkM,OrigLA,OrigLA2,OrigLA,Walk1,1)
- SetWeld(RAW,0,WalkAnim,WalkM,OrigRA,OrigRA2,OrigRA,Walk2,1)
- end
- if TorsoAnim=='None' then
- SetWeld(Root,0,WalkAnim,WalkM,OrigRO,OrigRO2,OrigRO,Walk3,1)
- SetWeld(Neck,0,WalkAnim,WalkM,OrigNE,OrigNE2,OrigNE,Walk4,1)
- end
- local ws=28 for i=1,#WalkSpeed do ws=ws*WalkSpeed[i] end Humanoid.WalkSpeed=ws
- --DoLoop Package
- for i,v in pairs(LoopFunctions) do
- v[2]=v[2]+1
- v[3](v[2]/v[1])
- if v[1]<=v[2] then LoopFunctions[i]=nil end
- end
- for x=-1,1,2 do
- if Hooks[x] then Hooks[x].CFrame=HookP[x][1].CFrame*HookP[x][2] end
- end
- if Hooks[-1] or Hooks[1] then
- local hook=(Hooks[1] and Hooks[-1]) and 0 or Hooks[1] or Hooks[-1]
- HookPos=hook==0 and Hooks[1].Position+(Hooks[-1].Position-Hooks[1].Position)/2 or hook.CFrame.p
- BP.MaxTorque=v3(0,0,0) BP.MaxSpeed=200 BP.MaxThrust=10*10000
- rocketprop.CFrame=cn(HookPos+v3(0,4,0))
- if not rocketfired then BP:Fire() rocketfired=true end
- else BP.MaxTorque=nov3
- if rocketfired then BP:Abort() rocketfired=false end
- end
- if Humanoid.Sit and not WallWalking then
- SetWeld(LLW,0,1,1,OrigLL,OrigLL2,OrigLL+v3(0,0.6,-0.7),v3(-30,0,-14,1),1)
- SetWeld(RLW,0,1,1,OrigRL,OrigRL2,OrigRL+v3(0,0.6,-0.7),v3(-30,0, 14,1),1)
- if not WallWalking then BG.cframe=cn(Torso.Position,mouse.Hit.p)*cn(0,0,-1) end --TweenCF(3,9,bg.CFrame,cn(Torso.Position,mouse.Hit.p))*cn(0,0,-1)
- BG.maxTorque=maxv3 --workspace.Camera.CoordinateFrame*cn(0,0,-1000).p
- else
- if not WallWalking then BG.maxTorque=nov3 end
- end
- wait()
- end --TweenV3(0.5,1,Hooks[1].Position,Hooks[-1].Position)
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