

Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. local Item = "item"
  2. local amount = math.pi
  3. local price = math.huge
  4. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.SubmitTrade:FireServer(Item, amount, price)
  8. -- Pick an item
  9. -- Make sure you have a amount of (3) of that item (3 god bags)
  10. -- Craft a Market and place it
  11. -- Craft a Chest and place it close to market
  12. -- Go in Market
  13. -- On script where it says "item" Replace it with name (God Bag)
  14. -- Press execute - It'll put the stuff in the market
  15. -- exit the market (C)
  16. -- Go to chest and drop the remaining inventory of the item in it to get a set value
  17. -- Cancel the market item (GOD BAG)
  18. -- drop it in the chest
  19. -- Pick it all up
  20. -- PROFIT
  21. WHY does THIS work?
  22. What is happening is that the script puts 4 items on sale in the marketplace, But it doesn't put its full value so what it does
  23. sets it to a decimal 3.1-3.3 meaning there is 3 and a bit items, the game does not recognize that and thinks it's 4 items, but you still have 0.7-9 item in your inventory?
  24. This means that when you drop it the 0.7 it's still an item meaning it will drop the full item because there is something still there!
  25. Once you dropped it in the chest, it won't add onto the old value for example 3.1 in the store 0.9 inventory making 4 but what will happen is 3.1 when you are dropping it you will end up at the last one with 0.1 even though it's not a full value it will still give you the bag since there is still something there.. meaning it will drop 4 items from marketplace even though you put 3.1 and 1 items from 0.7 = 5 items :D
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